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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Judging by your exceptional spelling - you are showing us who the retard is.

Charming. Are you in the habit of mocking handicapped people as well ?

As for the spelling , i always thought it was more important what you say than how you say it , but i guess you know better.


The missing context for what's happening in Gaza is that Israel has been working night and day to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian people from their homeland since even before Israel become a state – when it was known as the Zionist movement.Israel didn't just cleanse Palestinians in 1948, when it was founded as a Western colonial project, and again under cover of a regional war in 1967. It also worked to ethnically cleanse Palestinians every day between those dates and afterwards. The aim was to move them off their historic lands, and either expel them beyond Israel’s new, expanded borders or concentrate them into small ghettoes inside those borders – as a holding measure until they could be expelled outside the borders.The 'settler' project, as we call it, is a misnomer. It's really Israel's ethnic cleansing programme. Israel even has a special word for it in Hebrew: 'Judaisation', or making the land Jewish. It is official government policy.Gaza was the largest of the Palestinian reservations created by Israel's ethnic cleansing programme, and the most overcrowded. To stop the inhabitants spilling out, Israel built a fence-barrier in the early 1990s to pen them in. Then when policing became too hard from within the prison, Israel pulled back in 2005 to the outer perimeter barrier. New technology allowed Israel to besiege Gaza remotely by land, sea and air in 2007, limiting the entry of food and vital items like medicine and cement for construction. Automated gun towers shot anyone who came near the fence. The navy patrolled the sea, stopping boats straying more than a kilometre or two off shore. And drones watched 24 hours a day from the sky. The people of Gaza were sealed in and largely forgotten, except when they lobbed a few rockets over the fence – to international indignation. If they fired too many rockets, Israel bombed them mercilessly and occasionally launched a ground invasion. The rocket threat was increasingly neutralised by a rocket interception system, paid for by the US, called Iron Dome.Palestinians tried to be more inventive in finding ways to break out of their prison. They built tunnels. But Israel found ways to identify those that ran close to the fence and destroyed them. Palestinians tried to get attention by protesting en masse at the fence. Israeli snipers were ordered to shoot them in the legs, leading to thousands of amputees. The 'deterrence' seemed to work.Israel could once again sit back and let the Palestinians rot in Gaza. 'Quiet' had been restored.Until, that is, last weekend when Hamas broke out briefly and ran amok, killing civilians and soldiers alike. So Israel now needs a new policy.It looks like the ethnic cleansing programme is being applied to Gaza anew. The half of the population in the enclave's north is being herded south, where there are not the resources to cope with them. And even if there were, Israel has cut off food, water and power to everyone in Gaza. The enclave is quickly becoming a pressure cooker. The pressure is meant to build on Egypt to allow the Palestinians entry into Sinai on 'humanitarian' grounds. Whatever the media are telling you, the 'conflict' – that is, Israel's cleansing programme – started long before Hamas appeared on the scene. In fact, Hamas emerged very late, as the predictable response to Israel's violent colonisation project. And no turning point was reached a week ago. This has all been playing out in slow motion for more than 100 years. Ignore the fake news. Israel isn't defending itself. It's enforcing its right to continue ethnically cleansing Palestinians.
You're forgetting that the reason that the US is the military superpower is for one reason- their logistical capability to supply to any military asset across the globe within 24 hours. Do not underestimate the US ability to supply their battlegroup, as they are not overextended in the slightest

No, we won't see anything. Syria is in civil war, Hezbollah hasn't done much military buildup, Jordan is an Israeli Lapdog, Iran is miles out
ah yes, so why those carriers weren't that useful in 1973 war?
USA literally had to use portugal as a transit point to deliver its supplies to israel.
1. Times have changed.
2. Technology has improved a lot since 1973.
not really, we were basically fighting with mig-21 and some shitty ballistic missiles with bad guidance (al-Qaher and Al-zafer) . on the other hand, israel had the f-4 phantoom and high tech air defense.

probably the USA were afraid of the same fate of the destroyer Eilat?


In some cases it did, in other not. You simply can't uparmor the whole top part of tanks to the level of the main armor at the frontal arc.
Ya, true.
not really, we were basically fighting with mig-21 and some shitty ballistic missiles with bad guidance (al-Qaher and Al-zafer) . on the other hand, israel had the f-4 phantoom and high tech air defense.

probably the USA were afraid of the same fate of the destroyer Eilat?


Ya, true.
Israeli navy is nothing in comparison to American.

High tech defenses in the 1970s? Such as? Doubtful.
Hezbollah also has kamikaze boats.

not even close
please dont compare their primitive technologies with high-tech Turkish technologies

Hezbollah is a well-equipped militia from any perspective.

Turkish UCAV + guided missile/munition technology was enough to kick Hezbol + IRGC + SAA in Idlib/Syria in a couple of days

Turkish Armed Forces killed 3.322 Assad Regime militia including 6 generals and Iran backed terrorists

also Turkish Armed Forces destroyed

8 Air Defense Systems
155 Tanks
51 Howitzers
29 AFVs
68 Military Vehicles
15 Anti Tank Weapons
36 Pick-up mounted anti aircraft guns
49 Ammunition Trucks
10 Ammunition Storage
2 Missile Systems

TB-2 UCAVs found and illuminated enemy targets , then TRLG-230 laser guided missiles destroyed even moving targets

nowhere to hide ... nowhere to run

Israel doesnt know how to fight against asymmetric hybrid war
We have seen Israel against HEZBOLLAH in 2006

But anything approaching a US fleet will be blown up from a distance.

silent and unexpected strikes against Warships
thanks to submersible unmanned kamikaze USV which is stealth and manoeuvre both on the surface and underwater
Warhead of 200 kg high explosive

already in production .......... not a future project
and Warships can not detect and destroy even Turkish small kamikaze USVs
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Shut up autistic moron, what are you even talk about? Munafeeq and big thick munafeeq you are. I was fighting in Bosnia you donkey. You little autistic idiot, why do you publish your photos here? Tayfun missile and Turkish arsenal has something to with this topic? What ? On Turkish forum no one watching your autistic psychotic episodes? Shut the F donkey
Let’s be discussing without swearing at eathother please be civil

US is admitting that Palestinian issue must be addressed. Two state solution?

Really, a 'path to' Two State Solution? 30 years after OSLO Accords still talking about a 'path'? Who are the Americans kidding? Their Masters in Israel would only allow a Bantustan at most.
But it is my prediction that prolonged regional war will bring Israel to a meaningful compromise. Only through violence will Israel seek reasonable compromise. I don't think this latest conflict should end like the previous ones--this time the conflict needs to lead to a regional war and eventual peace, otherwise we will be watching another, perhaps even bloodier conflict in just a few years. But not my call to make sitting at a safe distance.
Israeli navy is nothing in comparison to American.

High tech defenses in the 1970s? Such as? Doubtful.
Americans couldn't send their carriers to the region because of the incident of the destroyer Eilat, however, On October 12, 1973, President Nixon ordered an airlift of supplies and materiel to Israel to resupply Israeli losses. This would be the largest airlift in American history, larger than the Berlin Airlift.

the hawk system was superior in 70s
You can lie all you want but it would not change the fact the more than 1000 of my people where murdered in cold blood the most brutal ways imaginable , woman ,elderly and children encluded.

It would not change the fact that we have 200 hostages held by Haqmas , many of them woman children and elderly.

Chist , there are pictures of them paraded in Gaza and still people like you and that idiot Falcon29 keeps denying it . Sure " picking on him " the man posted 560 posts in a week.

As for you other lies seems i need to repeat again and again what happened till people stop lying about it.

I will briefly describe it because this pattern repeated itself in all towns and settlements that Hamas entered. :

It started with a bombing all along the border. The people of those towns are used to that and they all went into their bombs shelter. Shortly after Hamas arrived.

Now all those bomb shelters have Iron doors for protection, Unfortunaltly those Iron doors can be opened both from the inside and outside , so people can be rescued of the shelter is hit.

This is important cause shortly after there was a struggle in each house. when those terorists tried to get into the shelters and people inside where trying to hold the doors.

They moved from house to house , in many cases placed burned wheel tires next to the doors and tried to smoke people out. Some people choked to death , some burned alive , some got out and shot amd some taken hostage.

Now this is not something i read online , we all heard the cries of those inside the shelters live , calling for help on their cell phones describing how there are locked in , how smoke is coming in and than the lines went dead.

As Secratery of state Blinken described it :

" Any - no country - no country - can accept the proposition that terrorists can come in, slaughter - and I use the word very advisedly - slaughter thousands of its citizens, riddling babies with bullets, burning people alive, decapitating soldiers, executing children in front of their parents, executing parents in front of their children - no country can tolerate this. "

You reap what you sow….except
So Hamas is a terrorist group ?

Strange some here say they are the legitimate Palestinain goverment and Israel have no right to remove them.

They are as legitimite as stern, irgun and hagganah who committed far worse atrocities than Hammas. Founding leaders ben gurion, begin, dayan were terrorists through and through. Do you deny that too?
Austic Donkey = Iran and HAMAS who started this war and hidding behind civilians

First Iran and HAMAS , then Israel is responsible for the deaths of thousands of civilians in Gaza
I don't think turkey is against Israel.

So i can understand your comment.
not even close
please dont compare their primitive technologies with high-tech Turkish technologies

Turkish UCAV + guided missile/munition technology was enough to kick Hezbol + IRGC + SAA in Idlib/Syria in a couple of days

Turkish Armed Forces killed 3.322 Assad Regime militia including 6 generals and Iran backed terrorists

also Turkish Armed Forces destroyed

8 Air Defense Systems
155 Tanks
51 Howitzers
29 AFVs
68 Military Vehicles
15 Anti Tank Weapons
36 Pick-up mounted anti aircraft guns
49 Ammunition Trucks
10 Ammunition Storage
2 Missile Systems

TB-2 UCAVs found and illuminated enemy targets , then TRLG-230 laser guided missiles destroyed even moving targets

nowhere to hide ... nowhere to run

Israel dont know how to fight against asymmetric hybrid war
We have seen Israel against HEZBOLLAH in 2008

silent and unexpected strikes against Warships

thanks to submersible unmanned kamikaze USV which is stealth and manoeuvre both on the surface and underwater
Warhead of 200 kg high explosive
View attachment 962575

already in production .......... not a future project
I am not claiming that Hezbollah has technology at par with Turkish solutions but Hezbollah has a variety of low-cost alternatives. You might want to take a look.


American ships are equipped with powerful sensor systems to detect submerged and airborne threats. US continue to prepare for current and emerging conventional threats.
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