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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Hamas fires rockets at Haifa from Gaza using R160 rockets

You know that those rockets target civilains , you felt well the results when you fired one of those at your hospital last week.

There is no denying that what happens in Gaza is terrible.

But cheering while our civilains where being slaughtered , and shouting Allahu Akbar when missiles hit our cities , does little. for what is otherwise , just sympathy.

What you are proposing . can only end with tears on both sides ,

See here :

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Hypocrite trashes like @Foinikas that try to whitewash crimes of Zionists against humanity only unveil their true faces. No hard feelings at all.
Muhammad,where did you see me "whitewashing" crimes of zionists? Go and take a screenshot. I never said they are acceptable or righteous. On the contrary,you are the one excusing Hamas' massacre of civilians.
You spend your days focusing on one Israeli dead baby who died in some incident and say nothing and never condemn a single atrocity by the other side. You very very low.
I've spent 10 years focusing on Palestinian casualties. I was frustrated at Israel's oppression of Palestinians. I was angry at their arrogance and impudence. I've condemned them numerous times,where the heck have you been to see that? Not just on this thread. And it's not about "one dead Israeli baby in some incident",it's about this incident that many of you will not condemn.

You are probably here to see good people mourn innocents and laugh at them.
That's disgusting and the thought of it offends me.

you also focus on some POW executed in Bosnia instead of 1,200 kids killed in Sarajevo during the serb siege. To you these people dont matter and I dont know why you are not banned, I guess the website needs traffic and if they were to ban every scumbag there would be no one to contribute to the discussion.
Your war had many dead on both sides. ArBiH were by no means angels or benevolent brave warriors themselves.

You people are the lowest of the low.
We people,who? The ones who don't applaud for Hamas' brutality when we know it hurts both yahood and falastini sides?

Armies do that as well. How many members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad did this? All of them? Did their actions kill more baby's, women and elderly? How can we measure who is "more" terrorist?
So what do you suggest as a solution to the problem?
Let's not fool ourselves, even if Hamas was not there Israel will still be doing what it's doing, Hamas just made it a more convenient excuse to do what they are doing.

My point is the people should keep quiet on Hamas when they can't even admit Israel and
IDF wrongdoings, forget about condemnation.
Sure,but not at that intensity and Netanyahu's government might have resigned and they might have gone for new elections.
There might have been a more moderate government come to power.

I've always spoken against Israel and IDF wrongdoings and condemned them. The problem is people see everything Hamas does as good and never criticize. Hamas would have been doing the same if they had all of Palestine,they would have tried to export their jihadist views like a typical MB branch.
You talk big because UK wasn't subjected to invasion and occupied for many years with its cities destroyed and many killed in the process. Your country should leave NATO and fight Russians in Ukraine for a change. Let's see.

Germany came close to teaching UK a lesson but daddy US arrived to save UK.

There is a limit to tolerating senseless posts but you keep pushing it.

RAF won the Battle of Britain and the invasion was put off

Battle of Britain 31st October 1940
US enter 7th Dec 1941

So your out by 14 months

and it’s your job to moderate not dictate
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The vicious blood thirsty hypocrisy of the west..

On the plus side,the more the west shows its true face,as it is doing now.The more people will see it.and quite rightly despise it.

Look at the hypocresy, i say you if war escalates and Iran involved with missiles they would not talk so cold about human loses anymore.

"so, it s war, it will turn ugly..." pathetic rant.

They and Israel have considered Gaza lives as beasts, and US supports that vision.Have you see a condemnation of US about Israell calling Gaza lives as beasts???

Anyone is getting rid of their mask these days.
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