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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

And Allah(SWT) said one who professes other than Islam,

Where In Islam does it say you can do that ?

How is Hamas different from ISIS.?

Hamas Beheading Thai fram worker.

How can those Hamas suporters here claim some Islamic religious justification to this ?

Where in Islam does it say that something like that is allowed ? Why are they not denounced same as ISIS. ?

Thoes Thai farm workers do the most hard agricatural works , they are hard workers that send the little they make , home to their families.

How does it serves Palestnian freedom to behead and degrade him ?

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Where In Islam does it say you can do that ?

How is Hamas different from ISIS.?

Hamas Beheading Thai fram worker.

How can those Hamas suporters here claim some Islamic religious justification to this ?

Where in Islam does it say that something like that is allowed ? Why are they not denounced same as ISIS. ?

Thoes Thai farm workers do the most hard agricatural works , they are hard workers that send the little they make , home to their fanilies.

How does it serves Palestnian freedom to behead and degrade him ?

How is Israel different to ISIS?

No amount of Israeli BS is going to change thye facts that Israel is a genocidal cowardly state commiting atrocities on the back of US tax payers.

‘No law, no norms, no fear’: Anger and sorrow as Al Jazeera journalist’s family killed in Israeli strike in Gaza

“This is criminal and barbaric,” says British journalist Sameh Habeeb.
Dawn.com | Reuters Published October 26, 2023 Updated about 22 hours ago
The family of an Al Jazeera correspondent was killed in Gaza on Wednesday night after an Israeli strike, which the health ministry said killed at least 25 people.
The network said the strike hit the area where journalist Wael Al-Dahdouh’s family had fled to following an Israeli warning as it plans a Gaza ground incursion.
“Their home was targeted in the Nuseirat camp in the centre of Gaza, where they had sought refuge after being displaced by the initial bombardment in their neighborhood, following Prime Minister Netanyahu’s call for all civilians to move south,” Al Jazeera said in a statement.
The news drew a strong reaction from journalists, with some of them highlighting that it comes after reports said the US had asked the network to “tone down” its coverage of the situation in Gaza.

Trigger warning: Distressing visuals below

“Heartbreaking,” said Thomson Reuters Foundation Deputy Editor-in-Chief Barry Malone.
“Horrible for a network that has already been through so much in its relatively short history,” he said.

“This is criminal and barbaric,” said British journalist Sameh Habeeb.

Ashok Swain, a professor of peace and conflict research at Sweden’s Uppsala University, said, “There is no rule, no law, no norms, no fear, forget morals!”

Ryan Grim, the DC bureau chief at The Intercept, asked whether Israel knew that the area of the strike was a safe house for the journalist’s family.
“The number of investigations needed continues to stack up,” he said. He said that the fact that the incident comes after US State Secretary Antony Blinken’s “complaint” about Al Jazeera’s coverage was “deeply disturbing”.

Rania Zabaneh, a producer at Al Jazeera English, said, “There is no safe place in Gaza”.

“Had this happened to an Israeli journalist, the ‘civilised’ world would now be shedding tears condemning the ‘barbaric’ Palestinians,” said Qatari state minister Lolwah Alkhater.

“It’s beyond words,” said Zeba Warsi, a journalist with PBS NewsHour. She also shared the video of another journalist based in Gaza breaking down after learning that his family had been killed.

American author Max Blumenthal said the “tyrannical ethnosupremacist regime of Israel has killed the family of Al Jazeera’s Wael Dahdouh while he was on air covering its missile strikes”.
“The targeted murder comes a day after Tony Blinken demanded Qatar suppress Al Jazeera’s coverage of Gaza,” he said.

Presenter at AJ+ Dena Takruri said, “There is no safe place in Gaza. I’m so sorry Wael, our hearts are shattered.”

Dima Khatib, managing director of AJ+ channels, shared a video of a news anchor on Al Jazeera being moved to tears while announcing the news of the death of Dahdouh’s family.

Palestinian ambassador to UN: 70% of 7,000 civilian deaths are women and children​

Friday, 27 October 2023 12:05 AM [ Last Update: Friday, 27 October 2023 12:12 AM ]

Palestinian Ambassador to the United Nations Riyad Mansour on Thursday told a special session of the UN General Assembly that more than 7,000 civilians have been killed by Israeli bombs since October 7th.
Palestinian Ambassador to the United Nations Riyad Mansour has told a special session of the UN General Assembly that more than 7,000 civilians have been killed by Israel’s ferocious bombardment since October 7th, with 3,000 children among the casualties.
"Seven thousand Palestinians have been killed by Israel in the last almost three weeks. Seventy percent of all those killed are women and children. Almost all killed are civilians,” he said on Thursday.
“Is this the war some of you are defending? Let me repeat, is this the war that some of you are defending?" Mansour asked Western states.
"Three thousand children in Gaza were killed by Israel in the last almost three weeks. I repeat, 3,000 children. Innocent children. Angels killed in Gaza during the last three weeks," he stated.
"Nothing can justify the killing of a single Palestinian child. Nothing. Nothing at all. Why not feel a sense of urgency to end our killing? Nothing can, as I said, justify war crimes. You are setting us back 80 years by trying to justify what Israel is doing now," the Palestinian ambassador said.
Child casualties by Israeli war on Gaza a ‘stain on our conscience’: UNICEF
Child casualties by Israeli war on Gaza a ‘stain on our conscience’: UNICEF
The United Nations Children’s Agency (UNICEF) has decried the “staggering” number of children casualties in Gaza.
"People are ordered to evacuate. They look at their children. Should we head south? Will we be bombed on the way or once there? Should we go to a hospital courtyard? A UN school? A church? A mosque? Sleep in our car in the streets? But bombs are everywhere," he continued.
"Israel has destroyed over 40% of all homes, making an entire population homeless and displaced," he noted.
"We don't need you to offer us semantic reassurances about IHL (international humanitarian law) and protection of civilians,” he said.
“We need you to honor these norms under these norms, not recall them only to justify their breach seconds later. This selective outrage is outrageous and needs to stop and need to stop now," the Palestinian ambassador stated.
Mansour's comments follow an Israeli ground offensive into northern Gaza overnight ahead of a possible ground invasion.
Gaza's doctors refuse to abandon patients as Israel bombs hospitals
Gaza's doctors refuse to abandon patients as Israel bombs hospitals
Gaza Medical staff describe apocalyptic scenes where they have to make life-or-death decisions to rescue those wounded by air strikes.
On October 7, Hamas launched its biggest operation against Israel in years in a surprise offensive, dubbed Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, in response to the occupying regime’s intensified crimes against the Palestinian people.
Since then, Israel has pressed ahead with a relentless bombardment of Gaza. The death toll in Gaza since the start of Israeli aggression has reached over 7,000 with more than 18,000 wounded.
Tel Aviv has also blocked water, food, and electricity to Gaza, plunging the besieged territory into a humanitarian crisis.
I would go further than that. Let's not just condemn it, let's set up a court system in Palestine that can put them on trial as soon as Palestine is independent and free. Then Israeli innocents can seek justice. After all the Israeli criminals are put on trial first.
Let's slow down here for a second. I see Muslims trying to take credit or act like they were part of Hamas's courageous commando raid, just because they're Muslim. They were not part of it. And they shouldn't even try to lecture us on morals. Hamas is the most moral army in the world. Muslims outside of Gaza need to look inward for the insane moral corruption and oppression and crimes that happen within their nations.

Nobody is gonna touch our men. If Palestine is independent. We will butcher any hater jealous Jew lover animal that tries to lecture us or violate our sovereignty. If anything, Muslims need to learn from Hamas, how to implement Islam in society and how to be courageous.
Not too many defensive equipment is transferred to Syria from Hmeimim base as of now. Usa can use these kinds of excuses to detect and strike the defense items sent by Iran to Syria and Labennon.These should be concealed or in terms of air defense items first deployed close to Russian ones then transferred to other areas and gradually deploy there.

For a while eventhough Usa cooperates with israel it is not wise to strike their bases especially not enough deterrant equipment is sent to Syria and Labennon. Iraqi and Syrian resistance fighters need to pause any planned attacks and any fake news should be denied by these groups. As deterrance builds up by transferring arms from Hmeimim base it will eventually push israel to ceasefire and negotiations as another front on Labennon-Syria will become very costly for them and their supporters.
Every single Israeli 'target' is a civilian home of a specific family. Family members of Hamas or PIJ members are being targeted. Despite those soldiers being in the battlefield and away from their homes. Israel is targeting and wiping out their families. In many cases it's random civilian families that have no family members in Hamas. Literally thousands of war crimes being committed in this mass murder campaign. Another reason why Israel needs to be wiped out. And it's residents shouldn't be allowed to leave and should be executed for every execution and mass murder of a whole family in Gaza. This Jewish terrorist organization can no longer exist after 2024.

Shehab correspondent: 12 martyrs in an Israeli bombing that targeted a house in the Shaboura camp in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

These are pathetic attempts to portray that they have the situation under control. They don't. They're horrified because God's soldiers walked all over them and turned the Gaza Envelope into a ghost region. They know they can't fight or do any successful ground combat. And they know, as soon as their air force toys are rendered to nothing, that the will be run over and obliterated very fast. These are pathetic attempts to portray a confident army. It's far from confident. Only reason they even make videos like this is because the pyschological campaign against other nations in the region and their people that have them scared and make them have low morale.

Look go the fcuk somewhere else and cry like a pussey there,,

Any and every Muslim worthy of the name understands the basics of our faith and the concept of brotherhood

Any clown who places nationalism above their faith will inevitably be ethnocentric that may be Arab, Iranian, Pakistani, Egyptian it doesn't matter

As muslims when we die your nationalism and nationality won't count for shit, so any Muslim that places his nationality or ethnicity above his faith will find out the hard way why that was a mistake

A "pajeet" pretending to be Iranian, right:

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