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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Hey guys, can you please post the picture of the list of US senates who are Jewish with dual citizens?

It has been posted multiple times but cannot go back to 400 pages.

govt stuff.png
Look go the fcuk somewhere else and cry like a pussey there,,

Any and every Muslim worthy of the name understands the basics of our faith and the concept of brotherhood

Any clown who places nationalism above their faith will inevitably be ethnocentric that may be Arab, Iranian, Pakistani, Egyptian it doesn't matter

As muslims when we die your nationalism and nationality won't count for shit, so any Muslim that places his nationality or ethnicity above his faith will find out the hard way why that was a mistake

This "ummah" is a joke. Live with it. If you want to live and die for Arabs because Khuda made them sacred to you, just go and see how they treat you.

Case closed.

Listen you human trash, man child called thunder cat that hasn't grown. You're doing race baiting and politics over the blood of an oppressed people. And as far as I can see, there ain't much of your kind here anyways... people of all nations and backgrounds... but it burns your dark soul.
You don't care, I get it... best thing to do is, Get Lost!

this ain't the place or time for childish tantrums. Now do your emoji and on your way, daddy calling.

Why? Am I not on a Pakistani forum? I am where I belong. If you care for them so much, you'd go live with them but they don't want you. This isn't about "Muslim brotherhood" but you trying to cope with an inferiority complex.

you're hindu, it hard to understand since no one shares faith with you maybe nepalese lol

No such religion as "Hindu" sorry. It's a misnomer.
I've seen parts of it. I don't know about "40 beheaded babies",but apparently babies were killed by Hamas. And kids generally. I know that Israel has a history of using propaganda,but I also know that groups like Hamas are proud of such atrocities. Just like their friends in Syria,Chechnya,Iraq and Bosnia,where they would film massacres and executions of POWs.

Many of the videos from the compilation are circulating on the internet,I don't know about all of them,but I've seen many of them already on Youtube.
You spend your days focusing on one Israeli dead baby who died in some incident and say nothing and never condemn a single atrocity by the other side. You very very low.

You are probably here to see good people mourn innocents and laugh at them.

you also focus on some POW executed in Bosnia instead of 1,200 kids killed in Sarajevo during the serb siege. To you these people dont matter and I dont know why you are not banned, I guess the website needs traffic and if they were to ban every scumbag there would be no one to contribute to the discussion.

You people are the lowest of the low.
This was one attack from yesterday October 25, 2023 and they admitted 18 injuries. Fyi, Israeli hardly announce their deaths. It is part of their doctrine to hide their true casualties in order to deny the resistance groups knowing the true effects of their missile and rocket attacks.

Very much so. And doing it for 40 years at least. Gunman on rampage injures 2 elderly holocaust survivors. lol, I'd believe it if he rampaged with a wooden spoon. With a gun? just look at USA. if you are shooting blind you would take out 5 people at least.

So it's all lies, they are masters of lies.

If, and big IF - Hamas really killed children, then Muslims must condemn that action. It is never acceptable. In fact many scholars have said it right off the bat.
I would go further than that. Let's not just condemn it, let's set up a court system in Palestine that can put them on trial as soon as Palestine is independent and free. Then Israeli innocents can seek justice. After all the Israeli criminals are put on trial first.

Just don't cry when gaza becomes Dresden 🤣
I will remember this post
your religion teaches you to glorify genocide. You celebrate genocide of ancient Egypt with an annual holiday. Shameful.
Something I've noticed at the emergency UN speech earlier today. I time stamped the events below:

When the Israeli ambassador finished his speech, he asked for a moment of silence, took a few seconds for that silence, and then left the podium without any applause. As below:

Afterwards, the Jordanian representative who was speaking for the Arab group also asked for a moment of silence, he received a full applause from the audience and that too without taking the moment of silence. As below:

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