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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Urgent: Israeli occupation aircraft bombed towers targeting their residents in the northern Gaza Strip

Urgent: Gaza Now correspondent: More than 120 people are still under the rubble of the Taj Tower in central Gaza City, 8 entire families.
Plenty of images online as at is if you want to look for it.

This was shown to dozens of foreign journalists from all over the world , lets see what they will report.


Israel shows footage of Hamas killings ‘to counter denial of atrocities’

Video from security cameras, mobile phones and body cameras screened to journalist

Israeli authorities have shown harrowing footage of killings and mutilations during Hamas’s rampage in southern Israel on 7 October.

The government showed the 43-minute compilation in a private screening for dozens of foreign journalists at a military base in Tel Aviv on Monday to counter what it said were attempts to deny or downplay the extent of the atrocities.

The footage, captured by security cameras, body cameras worn by the Hamas attackers, vehicle dashboard cameras, social media accounts and videos from mobile phones, left some reporters in tears. The material included the killing of children and decapitation of some victims.

The audience was not allowed to record the compilation but one excerpt, approximately one minute long, was released to the public: it showed Hamas militants flagging down a car as it drove slowly along a rural road. The gunmen open fire, hitting the vehicle, which swerved and halted, revealing two people slumped in the front seats.

In another scene Hamas attackers entered a house and spoke to a girl hiding under a table. “After some talking back and forth they shoot and kill her,” tweeted Jotam Confino, one of the correspondents at the screening. “Hard to say how old she is but looks like 7-9 years old.”

Another scene showed a father and his two sons, aged approximately seven and nine, running in their underwear to what appeared to be a bomb shelter. A Hamas attacker threw a grenade, killing the man. The boys emerge bloodied and run. “Dad’s dead, it wasn’t a prank,” one shouts. “I know, I saw it,” replies his brother, later screaming: “Why am I alive?”

Other sequences showed a militant with an agricultural tool hacking at the head of a man lying on the ground, gunmen killing wounded female Israeli soldiers and a jubilant Hamas fighter calling his family: “I killed 10 Jews with my own hands. I’m using the dead Jewish woman’s phone to call you now.”

Another clip showed an Israeli woman inspecting a partially burned woman’s corpse to see if it was a family member. The victim’s dress was pulled up to her waist and her underpants had been removed. Maj Gen Mickey Edelstein, who briefed reporters after the viewing, said authorities had evidence of rape.

Urgent: Israeli occupation aircraft bombed towers targeting their residents in the northern Gaza Strip

Urgent: Gaza Now correspondent: More than 120 people are still under the rubble of the Taj Tower in central Gaza City, 8 entire families.

They are exclusively targeting civilians with intent to kill as many as possible. It's genocide.
Do we really know whether Hamas did that? Fog of war or blatant propaganda from Israel. Just like the 40 babies beheaded claim. The western media BBC, CNN FOx all have admitted to peddling Izra lies but damage is done (or maybe not).

GRAPHIC RAW FOOTAGE: Massacre Across Israel From the Eyes of Hamas

They would have to literally obliterate Gaza and commit genocide. Besides, the US were never able to defeat militants in urban warfare in Iraq (they had to strike deals with them) nor the Taliban after almost 20 years. You ignore historical precedent.
If this was the case then Saddam regime would have won the war in 2003 because urban warfare was central to its combat strategy due to lack of options in open landscapes.

It is not possible to topple a regime/establishment/state and occupy a country if its cities cannot be taken (or captured) in war. But American tanks could survive in Iraqi urban spaces. This dynamic coupled with excellent precision strike capability and good intel was a winning combination. US-led forces defeated Saddam regime in a matter of days in 2003.

Compare the above to the situation when Iraq was up against a regional adversary in the 1980s. Iraqi forces managed to capture Khorramshahr in 1980 but lost it to Iranian forces in 1982. Iranian forces could not capture a single Iraqi city in war that lasted 8 years on the other hand - not even Basra (1986 - 1987). Much of the war could be fought in open landscapes and ballistic missiles were used to attack different cities.

This was the situation between adversaries that were evenly matched on the whole.

Iraq presented considerable challenge to US-led forces as well. Saddam regime was toppled in 2003 but Iraq produced a significant level of insurgency that claimed many lives through the years. US-led forces were moved to former Iraqi military bases but had to fight to recapture some of the Iraqi cities that were lost to various insurgent groups through the years.

Ramadi, Husaybah, Najaf, Samarra, Mosul, and Fallujah in 2004. Fighting was most violent and intense in Fallujah and the city was recaptured in second attempt but much of it was reduced to rubble in the process (Operation Phantom Fury).

Tal Afar in 2005
Ramadi in 2006

Karbala in 2007, and Basra and Sadr City in 2008. These battles were fought with Iran-backed Mehdi Army. This was a large and powerful insurgent group that claimed 600 American lives in the war but was defeated in 2008 and its leader Muqtada al-Sadr fled to Iran to avoid attempts on his life.

Iraqi insurgency was a very violent and destructive development on the whole with Syria and Iran providing arms and guidance to different insurgent groups in Iraq, but US-led forces defeated all insurgent groups and stabilized the country in 2008 and Obama administration withdrew US-led forces from Iraq in 2011. Muqtada al-Sadr returned to Iraq in 2011.

But another wave of insurgency hit Iraq in 2013 in the shape of ISIL movement in the region. ISIL created its stronghold in Mosul in Iraq and another in Raqqa in Syria.

Iran attempted to counter ISIL movement across Iraq and Syria to limited effect because it was composed of battle-hardened elements including Iraqi veterans who had served Saddam regime back in the day. ISIL had created its own economy and could draw recruits from many countries. This was a shocking development on many counts.

Iraqi establishment called on the US to help liberate Iraqi lands and cities from ISIL forces in 2014. US troops returned to Iraq in 2014 to restructure localized resistance fronts and US-led forces liberated Mosul and Raqqa in 2017.

ISIL is defeated in Iraq but the war has continued in Syria where US is supporting Kurdish elements to counter ISIL remnants but this development has led to tensions with Turkey in the process due to PKK factor. It remains to be seen how this matter will be settled with Turkey.

You mentioned Afghanistan as well. Afghan Taliban setup was toppled in 2001 and Afghan Taliban fled to mountains and neighboring countries to regroup and attack US-backed Afghan setup in response. But Pakistan put pressure on the US to respect Pakistani interests and US and Afghan Taliban reached an understanding in Doha Accords in 2020 on the issue of Al-Qaeda Network in the region. US had worked to dismantle Al-Qaeda Network in the region in response to 9/11 and other incidents and convinced Afghan Taliban to not support Al-Qaeda Network and similar elements in the region. Related information in here, here, here, and here.

Some of you do not seem to understand how capable US is in the art of war because US have shown restraint in some fronts. US have fought and defeated Empires and modern countries in different conflicts since its independence and American military officers have come up with strategies, battle tactics, and redefined warfare trends from time to time as well. But look at those who are talking big here.

Israel is but a student in comparison to the US in the art of war. US provides strategic depth to Israel in fact.

Talks are involved in war. If talks can help diffuse tensions and settle a war, why not? This is better or oblivion?

You can see how distasteful Israeli bombing of Gaza looks. Humanitarian concerns come into play therefore. This becomes a pressure group in itself.
The Israeli army: We will assassinate Hamas leaders wherever they are

Hezbollah red lines are gonna be crossed. Because Hezbollah failed to enforce the previous red lines. It's now time for everyone , Hezbollah, Iran, Turkey , Saudi Arabia, Egypt, West and East - to choose - are they with Allah and his Prophet and Islam or are they with comfort in this life and submission to Jews and Satan?

This is nonsense. Egyptian army definitely poses a big threat to them.

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