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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Pakistan must help in dismantling this apartheid regime and with the denazification. Time to test the ballistic and cruise missiles.

Brother you must wake up from dreams, Pakistan has sold there souls long ago and Pakistani is nothing but chasky maar nation. Pakistani has weird emotion and feelings towards every incident which last long for few hours and then they go back to normal life.
Generals and politicians has fked up the whole nation!
I don't understand, how are they supposed to evacuate a hospital full of people who aren't fully mobile, in need of equipment to stay alive?

It's a major war crime and the white bastards of the west are approving it because Arabs are dying. The white man understands only violence.

They cannot. They will be murdered in another Israeli massacre. Israel bombs a hospital after medical aid gets in. They are targeting the civilian population. It's a war on children. This is terrorism to the highest degree.

Kurds, have always been annoying. The solution is Arabization. As is the solution in Israel, is to Arabize it till it is no more. Arabize by force, through warfare, expulsion, and assigned marriage.

I don't think that should be the solution. There should be a peaceful solution through dialogue and negotiation.

The problem is that these troublesome Kurds are mostly not practicing Muslim or outright atheists, hence they join hands with Kuffar and become proxies of US and Israel.

Too bad given one of the greatest heros of Islamic history was a Kurd, we have access to Al Aqsa because Salahdin led the Muslims to victory by the will of Allah.

Anyway this is a discussion for a different thread.

Americans don't want the Jews. Ships of Jewish refugees fleeing Hitler were turned back by Americans and the same 'Eugenics' that Hitler has been singled out for was being researched in America too. And it was not just Hitler who acted against the Jews--every European country provided either tacit or open support to the pogroms against the Jews in Europe. ONLY the Soviet Union was the place which provided significant refuge to the Jews!! And that was an ideological support because the Soviet's ideology was based on high principles of 'humanism'. That they failed as a system is a different story.
PS. I can't help but start thinking: There is something terribly wrong in the European and their satellite countries for the lust for wars!! I mean, just look at the most terrible wars in human history!!
Speaking candidly, whilst there are crises globally that deserve peoples money and attention, the scale and pace of the humanitarian crisis in Palestine is so vast, unless you work in this field you cannot fathom it. And now we have reports of cholera and G.I. diseases breaking out... The health care epidemic will be a catastrophic.
I own pharmacies. Already with Brexit - global screw ups like Ukraine - we have a shortage of certain drugs. As soon as allow I’m sure we will send.
Btw - until this regime is forced into submission - we should all do our bit and avoid Israeli products. We will start tomorrow by not ordering anything from TEVA brand.
Every little bit helps I guess
I own pharmacies. Already with Brexit - global screw ups like Ukraine - we have a shortage of certain drugs. As soon as allow I’m sure we will send.
Btw - until this regime is forced into submission - we should all do our bit and avoid Israeli products. We will start tomorrow by not ordering anything from TEVA brand.
Every little bit helps I guess
God bless you.
Just my obs: but Israel is looking to drag this out for months if it has to.

Interestingly, just after you wrote this, I read on CNN the IDF spokesperson saying this will continue for months that much is confirmed. But as mentioned before, ab ya pagal ho kar hamla kar ya, out of bounds in the nature of warfare.
Urgent: The occupation army: We attacked two Hezbollah groups a short while ago on the Lebanese border
Americans don't want the Jews. Ships of Jewish refugees fleeing Hitler were turned back by Americans and the same 'Eugenics' that Hitler has been singled out for was being researched in America too. And it was not just Hitler who acted against the Jews--every European country provided either tacit or open support to the pogroms against the Jews in Europe. ONLY the Soviet Union was the place which provided significant refuge to the Jews!! And that was an ideological support because the Soviet's ideology was based on high principles of 'humanism'. That they failed as a system is a different story.
PS. I can't help but start thinking: There is something terribly wrong in the European and their satellite countries for the lust for wars!! I mean, just look at the most terrible wars in human history!!
There was a very good book I read a long time ago it was called the rise and fall of the European Aristocracy, it followed pretty much the same line as War and Peace but dealt with issues pertaining to the 12 famous houses of Europe and their dabbling in production of weapons of war. In the end its all about the $$
There are women currently giving birth at this hospital too. This is major war crimes and highest form of terrorism by Israel if it bombs the hospital. There must be a massive response to this.

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