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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Whoever was running the UN account when this happened... 💕
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Not any more, No more rules and order, no more prisoners of war.

95-year-old Israeli army reservist, Ezra Yachin tells a journalist the only solution for peace and to be alive is "to defeat them [Hamas] in a way that will hurt them so much." Channel 4 uses the word "Hamas" to qualify this statement, but we all know their objective is to [Delete] Palestine.
Israeli terrorists are gonna commit another massacre against the Al-Quds hospital in Gaza. Thanks to western media covering up their previous massacre against the Baptist hospital.

Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza was warned to evacuate immediately for the second time in just half an hour

And/or ISIS

Kurds, have always been annoying. The solution is Arabization. As is the solution in Israel, is to Arabize it till it is no more. Arabize by force, through warfare, expulsion, and assigned marriage.
Even Karl Marx said " The aristocracy and church was shielding people of the excesses of the brutal capitalism" , better the bastereds we know then bastereds we don't. Anyway the point of my massage wasn't to talk how modern democracy should work in theory but how it works in practice.
Here is the problem...

With Marxism, the political and the economics are inextricable, meaning you cannot talk about one without the other. And if you somehow managed to separate them, you no longer have a Marxist system. See China.

But if you never engaged in Marxism, you can have the economy apart from the political, whether the political is from a dictatorship (see China), a monarchy which is also a dictatorship, or a democracy. Excesses in capitalism? See China. Does it mean excesses in capitalism does not exist in the US/West? Of course there is, but at least we do not deny it.

The point, going back to what Saddam Hussein said about US, is that sharing authority and power is unwanted to the point that it is unknown. Or %99 unknown. The idea that one branch of government can veto the desires of another is ancient like the Roman consuls who can challenge each other and the institutions approved it. Saddam Hussein simply cannot envision it.
ZEGerman but the issue is, after the holocaust there was a massive migration to Palestine.
Palestinians were muslims, christians, and jews living side by side as equal citizens. Then an influx of europeans came by cruise ships propping up their own government and stealing the land of the Palestinians. It’s like saying the Ukraine invasion is justifiable and that the land belongs to the Russians because in past history the Russians occupied it. So that doesn't make it ok for Russians to mass migrate to Ukraine.
Of course the Ukraines will resist, just like how the palestinians did with terror attack, zionist stole their land and homes. Theres two options, either Israel goes back to 1967 border, which it will not. Or 2nd option allow the Palestinians full israel citizen ship even the refugees that are stateless.
Many misunderstand me.
I am simply saying this is not a black and white history/story.

Mizraki Jews lived there, some jews legally migrated. those are entitled to a nation as the british rulers had promised (same to the arabs).

Now the amount of migration and the division of land was skewed yes.
So i understand the arabs having issues….however…these were migrants seeking a safe haven after the holocaust.

My point is that those calling for the erasion of israel have a completely one sided approach which is not just. Just as how it is not fair for the Palestinians to not have a viable state.

I agree with your two options.
We are all seeing this in live time. The threats to the hospitals then the massacre. Then we will have Israeli members here and MSM media blame it on a Hamas rocket. This is a war crime.

I don't understand, how are they supposed to evacuate a hospital full of people who aren't fully mobile, in need of equipment to stay alive?

It's a major war crime and the white bastards of the west are approving it because Arabs are dying. The white man understands only violence.
We are all seeing this in live time. The threats to the hospitals then the massacre. Then we will have Israeli members here and MSM media blame it on a Hamas rocket. This is a war crime.

Everyone focus on the Al-Quds hospital right now. They may commit a massacre any second and blame others for it.

Occupied Palestine: Al-Mayadeen correspondent: Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza was warned to evacuate immediately for the second time in just half an hour

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