There is a huge misunderstanding... that Saud, Jordanian or rest of gcc monarchies behave or act like a state. They are not, can't!
Their primary objective is self preservation and it is shadow they cannot look beyond. Yes, individually there are indeed some who think for the welfare of the collective but in this case, for them especially, it is not possible. Talibs in Afghanistan or Iranians, Turks and perhaps down the road even Iraqis but not the sheikhdoms!
It is this misplaced honor, prestige and pedestal that fools masses elsewhere and Palestinians that they in fact will think or behave above their immediate self interest.
These are the demons of yore... when they sold their own to get what they got... they know exactly... they face the same destiny. A replacement by the most opportune!
And their behavior reflects as such... it is evident in their collusions, subversions and finally denouement. Their matters are their private affairs/deeds... only it's consequences are collective and it is evident in all concurrent snags.
They don't hold nation, their possession is a fiefdom!