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Gaza fighters now using tank-piercing missiles

Pakistan should stop being stooge of Arabs and Islamist Jihadist and start thinking about itself.

True, but Pakistan never have thought of itself, simply because of hostile neighbour, and trying to gain support from other nations.

Pakistan should stick with China only, a non-muslim nation and use them to protect they nation from India while having good economic growth.
And what do Hamas believe they are going to do with "tank-piercing missiles", do they seriously believe if they start destroying Israeli tanks IDF will sit and watch as somebody said earlier it will just mean more misery and suffering for ordinary people

Unless Palestinians read Arabs can do something about Israel's Air-force, they can very well forget about taking on Israel militarily
You really r lucky not to have Pakistan as neighbour. Otherwise this planted terrorist entity called Israel would have known the difference between spineless arabs and proud pushtoons.

Well at least someone who is proud of the fine top quality terrorists and terror that your country produces. Well done.

BTW if the Arabs are spineless whats stopping you guys....You know where we are why not try to liberate Gaza with your great Army, Missiles etc..... we are waiting
Rumporum, We Pakistanis generally are selfless ans Sincere people. You can see, All we need is Justice for All. We are not concerned of ''Our Interests'' Instead are concerned of Justice and Equality for All, Even if it makes us pay the price for it.

So basically does it mean that solve everyones problems or at least try too but never your own...so never try to look inwards and fix your own problems and let your own house burn down?
It’s their home land and they have to defeat it. No matter what they are using. Gandhi days gone long before.
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