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Gaza fighters now using tank-piercing missiles

They are terrorists to me and will remain terrorists. Targeting Israel civilians in unacceptable. Just like what the IDF does. Lets not play double standards here. Both sides have caused enough death and destruction. I guess it is the eye for an eye mentality that some people have which allows them to justify what some terror orgs do.
They are terrorists to me and will remain terrorists. Targeting Israel civilians in unacceptable. Just like what the IDF does. Lets not play double standards here. Both sides have caused enough death and destruction. I guess it is the eye for an eye mentality that some people have which allows them to justify what some terror orgs do.

Hamas Mujahideen are terrorists ? Okay? Have you even seen the figure of Israeli civilians killed by the terrorist attacks and the Palestinian children killed by the Terrorist raids of Terrorist IDF ?

Wake Up Dude! Palestinians have no help today, I curse myself to not to be able to help them physically, it doesn't mean we start calling them terrorists..
Hamas Mujahideen are terrorists ? Okay? Have you even seen the figure of Israeli civilians killed by the terrorist attacks and the Palestinian children killed by the Terrorist raids of Terrorist IDF ?

Wake Up Dude! Palestinians have no help today, I curse myself to not to be able to help them physically, it doesn't mean we start calling them terrorists..

When you target civilians and use suicide bombings you are a terrorist. It is simple to understand. You have also committed warcrimes. Even the Goldstone report said they targeted civilians on purpose and that report was extremely critical of the IDF. So yes they are terrorists because your not doing yourself any good when rockets you fire hit kindergartens. When something like that happens you lose credibility in matters of protecting civilians.
=Veeru;1356853]Why pakistani members are breaking rules of PDF:

1.) Supporting terrorism

If fighting for ones land is terrorisim than i m terrorist as well
When you target civilians and use suicide bombings you are a terrorist. It is simple to understand. You have also committed warcrimes. Even the Goldstone report said they targeted civilians on purpose and that report was extremely critical of the IDF. So yes they are terrorists because your not doing yourself any good when rockets you fire hit kindergartens. When something like that happens you lose credibility in matters of protecting civilians.

There is NO suicide attack against civilians from many years I guess, still IDF drop bombs on civilians.. Hamas is NOT a terrorist organisation, atleast Pakistanis and other Muslims have consensus on this issue..

We do't recognise Israel so obviously it doesn't have any right to exist, the cities where those civilians are killed ARE occupied.
For me............

1) Americans are terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq.
2) Bharties are terrorists in Occupied Kashmir.
3) Israel is terrorist since its existance.

Mods pls take action against me for saying the "TRUTH". :cheers:

wat about pakistan who trained jihadis ?
to kill in afghanistan to get depth:undecided:
For me............

1) Americans are terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq.
2) Bharties are terrorists in Occupied Kashmir.
3) Israel is terrorist since its existance.

Mods pls take action against me for saying the "TRUTH". :cheers:

Israel doesn't even exist Bro, Remember we Pakistanis does not recognize the illegal state of Israel :yahoo:

Shukkar Alhumdulillah :pakistan:
Israel doesn't even exist Bro, Remember we Pakistanis does not recognize the illegal state of Israel :yahoo:

Lol who cares, Bro, whether Pakistan recognizes Israel or not? KSA, Jordan, Egypt all recognize and have good diplomatic relations with Israel. All those are Muslim nations, Bro. Pakistan is NOT the torchbearer of Islam. Your point is lame, Bro!
Lol who cares, Bro, whether Pakistan recognizes Israel or not? KSA, Jordan, Egypt all recognize and have good diplomatic relations with Israel. All those are Muslim nations, Bro. Pakistan is NOT the torchbearer of Islam. Your point is lame, Bro!

Lack of knowledge AGAIN!

KSA have no diplomatic relations with Illegal state of Israel. Pakistan is the only Nuclear power in the Muslim world and Iran and Pakistan have consensus to not to recognize the terrorist state. :pakistan:
They were elected in the beginning to a majority in the parliament. However they did not control the executive branch where their style of Government has the true power. When Hamas tried to hold Abbas hostage to their demands he called new elections as was his right under their law. Hamas didn't like this and overthrew the Government at gunpoint.

Now Hamas will not allow any resemblance of a fair election. They know that the people who voted them in as a protest against Palestinian Authority corruption. Now would most likely vote them out. why? Because of the destruction and suffering they have brought to the people.

Hamas may have anti-tank missiles from Iran now. But using them will simply bring even more misery to the people in any Israeli counter response.

There is another Gaza war coming, it is simply a matter of when. And this time I think the last one will pale in comparison. Israel does have the ability to completely take over Gaza again. Would the cost be high? Yes! But at this point it might be better for them to do to Hamas what they did to the Palestinian Authority fighters in Lebanon back in 1982. They can then allow the Palestinian Authority back into Gaza and rebuild the infrastructure.

If and ever electinos r help hamas will come out as a winner IN GAZA. Now threatening of an assualt by israelies is not new ppl r accustomed to that but r they gonna eliminate hamas we dont know. Since about 40 years israelies tried to fight plo they got hamas and jihad and if they r elimnated someone else will takeover resistence is gonna gonna be there till the illegal occupation is there.

I m old enough when yasser arafat was called a terrorist and then i saw him as a man of peace.
Did he receive the noble prize?

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