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Gaza fighters now using tank-piercing missiles

that is great for Gaza Mujahiddin....

Insha Allah this terrorist State of Israel will be no more on the map of the world one day..... And thats very near Insha Allah....

Keep dreaming and try to save your own country first which is in a complete mess... chances fairly high are that that the mess gets worse and in the future who know maybe wont exists.

Its ironic that you call Israel a terrorist state while Pakistan has a distinctive world recognition in the fine art of building,propagating and peddling in international terror. It was very very close to being declared a state sponsor of terrorism not too far back ago.

As far as Israel is concerned we will always be there, have been and will be. We are very capable of taking on any terrorist Hamas or any Pak backed group
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Pakistan people always want to become foot-soldier for Islamist Arab cause.

Other Muslim country make smart policy for self-interest. Only Pakistan jump in fire and self-sacrifice.
For me............

1) Americans are terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq.
2) Bharties are terrorists in Occupied Kashmir.
3) Israel is terrorist since its existance.

Mods pls take action against me for saying the "TRUTH". :cheers:

Oh Yeah.... So do you want to have that Taliban regime back in Afghanistan which your Govt. supported and backed.

This is what I dont get on this forum is that Iraq was a big mess they way the US handled it, however Afghanistan the world is trying to fix a messed up country and many people think (at least Pakistanis) that US or NATO are occupiers of Afghanistan. Guys don't you want them to progress I guess as far as Pakistan is concerned they would be more than happy to have a backward Taliban controlled Afghanistan which they can control/dominate as opposed to progressive & democratic Afghanistan which the they wont be able to dominate

As far as calling India and Israel a terrorists state, lest you forget that its Pakistan that has a world wide reputation for producing the finest of the finest Jihad's ever seen and that too extensively used by the State of Pakistan as a extension of their Foreign policy.

We dont have hostile neighbours except Uncle Hassan and Syria but believe me having Egypt,Lebanon,Syria and Jordan as neighbours seems like a piece of cake . If we had a state similar to Pakistan as our neighbour that would have been like hell.

As having Pakistan as a neighbour is everybody's nightmare come true as its a major headache.
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israel recently tested - their new ucav ethan , The most sophesticated ucav in world.

these anti tank junk from - ussr state, will do no harm to the israeli tank.

the gap is too wide, and its getting bigger.... these steps are only giving hamas bad name in front of west.

only way for them to gain a piece of land is by GANDHI FORMULA.
Its really funny that in the past couple of days ago I met 2 young Pakistani guys in Doha/Qatar and ironically I met them in a Bar while having a couple of drinks. In the subsequent conversations with these 2 which was quite pleasant I must say the conversation turned to politics among other things

What struck me as surprising is how these 2 young guys were more concerned as to what's happening in Israel etc...Muslim Ummah....How we broke the Soviet Union.......etc...how US is creating a mess in Pakistan...how RAW/CIA and of course Mossad is operating in Pakistan to destabilise it.

Basically all the internal problems where blamed on someone else and these two were more bothered about the Ummah than the mess religious extremism has brought to Pakistan. I mean more bothered about others issue's especially when ones own house is on fire..

This has seriously left me perplexed on the state of young peoples minds in Pakistan...BTW these two were some business men on a business trip.
They are rich business men. Probably have family ties to Pakistan establishment - politician, army, landlord etc.

So they don't want to blame themself for problem of Pakistan. Only blame outsider so that poor Pakistani peasant not revolt against them.

Also rich landlord Pakistani are wannabe Arab and Persian. They think they are descendant of Conquerers who bring Islam to Pakistan. So they concerned about Arab and Persian brothers more than poor "hindu descendant" Pakistani.
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Rumporum, We Pakistanis generally are selfless ans Sincere people. You can see, All we need is Justice for All. We are not concerned of ''Our Interests'' Instead are concerned of Justice and Equality for All, Even if it makes us pay the price for it.
Oh Yeah.... So do you want to have that Taliban regime back in Afghanistan which your Govt. supported and backed.

This is what I dont get on this forum is that Iraq was a big mess they way the US handled it, however Afghanistan the world is trying to fix a messed up country and many people think (at least Pakistanis) that US or NATO are occupiers of Afghanistan. Guys don't you want them to progress I guess as far as Pakistan is concerned they would be more than happy to have a backward Taliban controlled Afghanistan which they can control/dominate as opposed to progressive & democratic Afghanistan which the they wont be able to dominate

As far as calling India and Israel a terrorists state, lest you forget that its Pakistan that has a world wide reputation for producing the finest of the finest Jihad's ever seen and that too extensively used by the State of Pakistan as a extension of their Foreign policy.

We dont have hostile neighbours except Uncle Hassan and Syria but believe me having Egypt,Lebanon,Syria and Jordan as neighbours seems like a piece of cake . If we had a state similar to Pakistan as our neighbour that would have been like hell.

As having Pakistan as a neighbour is everybody's nightmare come true as its a major headache.

You really r lucky not to have Pakistan as neighbour. Otherwise this planted terrorist entity called Israel would have known the difference between spineless arabs and proud pushtoons.
Go israel! Kill the Terrorists!!

How can someone kill his own self?
Israel are the terrorists.
They have snatched the properties and plots of peoples.
They are the ones to repe-murder the women of gaza (It even comes in newpapers) and they are the ones who kill someone for fighting for his rights.

Now leave the fights here, no one is gonna get anything from here and have a mature talk
How can someone kill his own self?
Israel are the terrorists.
They have snatched the properties and plots of peoples.
They are the ones to repe-murder the women of gaza (It even comes in newpapers) and they are the ones who kill someone for fighting for his rights.
Did you actually learn this in school or mosque? No wonder Pakistani diplomats are so depressed; they know their country's young are fed a diet full of falsehoods - and I suppose they grew up with the same, and eventually, through their career, learned the truth themselves.

Better to start un-learning now, the pain of betrayal will be less. You can start by considering this: in every effort to learn the truth, in every trial, there are arguments for both prosecution and defense, followed by responses to such arguments. Only then does jury or judge decide. You have heard the plea of the Arabs. Have you ever heard the plea of Israel's Jews? You haven't, have you? That's how you know someone is trying to indoctrinate you to regurgitate what you are told, not trying to teach you to reason and think.
Have you ever heard the plea of Israel's Jews? You haven't, have you? That's how you know someone is trying to indoctrinate you to regurgitate what you are told, not trying to teach you to reason and think.

Yeah i heard the Israeli plea.. in 1945.. when nazi were mass murdering them, killing them, looting them..

2010, what is the difference between you Zionists Israelis and Nazi of 45?

If you think your acts of genocides are justifiable because you faced the same, let me remind you we muslims didnt kill you, go and nuke christians, hitler and his nazi regime were mostly christians.

Honestly you Zionist should recieve the same fate and Nazi hitler did, no difference at all.

---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:53 PM ----------

Go israel! Kill the Terrorists!!

Go Kashmiries! Kill the Terrorists!!
Yeah i heard the Israeli plea.. in 1945.. when nazi were mass murdering them, killing them, looting them..
2010, what is the difference between you Zionists Israelis and Nazi of 45?
So you haven't heard, either -

If you think your acts of genocides are justifiable because you faced the same, let me remind you we muslims didnt kill you...
- and you have a poor grasp of the facts. I think your minds are being bent by this indoctrination and the result is terror both in Pakistan and abroad.
Pakistan should stop being stooge of Arabs and Islamist Jihadist and start thinking about itself.
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