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Gaza fighters now using tank-piercing missiles

There is NO suicide attack against civilians from many years I guess, still IDF drop bombs on civilians.. Hamas is NOT a terrorist organisation, atleast Pakistanis and other Muslims have consensus on this issue..

We do't recognise Israel so obviously it doesn't have any right to exist, the cities where those civilians are killed ARE occupied.

Never said the IDF was not at fault. Only that Hamas is a Islamic terror org that targets civilians. Turkey was one of the first countries in the world to recognize them so to us they do have a right to exist.

Lack of knowledge AGAIN!

KSA have no diplomatic relations with Illegal state of Israel. Pakistan is the only Nuclear power in the Muslim world and Iran and Pakistan have consensus to not to recognize the terrorist state. :pakistan:

KSA might not have diplomatic relations with Israel, but do not call for its destruction. There were even reports that KSA might open their skies to give IDAF fighters a corridor to bomb Iran.

As for Pakistani nukes - really? Is that all you are proud of? Anyhow, none of the fundamentalists will ever get their rotten dirty hands on Pakistan's nukes, hopefully! That nullifies the Islamic Bomb theory.

As for Iran, read the news, if you can.
LOL we are speaking about Gaza not Nigerian
Weapons seizured could be for Sahara'(s conflict game

and about wikileaks > Turkey supports Al Qaida as they say
agree with that?

If you actually read it you would see that Iran ships its arms through Africa. Of course it may not be Iran but maybe Syria. It is usually one or the other. As far as Turkey supporting AQ you can make a topic about it and discuss it. I am not informed on that matter of us supporting them since they accuse us of massacring Muslims.
If you actually read it you would see that Iran ships its arms through Africa. Of course it may not be Iran but maybe Syria. It is usually one or the other. As far as Turkey supporting AQ you can make a topic about it and discuss it. I am not informed on that matter of us supporting them since they accuse us of massacring Muslims.

Can you take a little distance with what says wikileaks
is everything wikileaks sayw is truth? they are just diplomats and so who discuss
i ask proofs not people who speak. they are a lot to say weapons are for Gaza and so. but never been a proof of it.
and as i said above there is another conflict which Iran is involved in it.
And as so many west countries as well selling weapons to Africa .
The only matter there is because of sanctions, Iran is not allowed to sell weapons.
the blabla about Gaza is blabla until time there is a proof.

About Al Qaida it was from a cable we already spoke about
in this forum. this was to say that if you trust all cables then you trust the fact Turkey is accused to help Al Qaida. understand?
Stay on topic!!
Have a healthy and mature talk, and be formal!
Never said the IDF was not at fault. Only that Hamas is a Islamic terror org that targets civilians. Turkey was one of the first countries in the world to recognize them so to us they do have a right to exist.

My question to you, what should Hamas do ?

P.S Yassir Arafat always accused Hamas as an organization patronized by the Israeli to create conflict between the Palestinians. He even accused the Israelis of supplying weapons to Hamas.
Good, its their right to do any thing for their defence.
Palestines people are right, if one look at from their point of view. what else can you expect from them when there houses were snatched?

srry, but i can't blame palastines, no matter how close Israeli get to india.

And I can definitely blame them both.
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