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Gang rape in India, routine and invisible

IQ can be fudged, but your retardation is REAL. YOu are still quoting from the forum/blog. The 25% who admitted rape refers to Marital rape. There was no Gang rape in the survey. READ the original source

That must be you in your avatar... THERE IS GANG RAPE in the survey, specific to China too.

At least try not to come across as a Zero IQ person- i.e. try to claim something after you bothered checking the study tp avoid looking stupid.

The link you provided ( http://www.partners4prevention.org/node/515), got to page 40, 41 , 42, 43... , even a simple " gang rape" search on that PDF would have shown you that it was studied.

25% does not refer to martial rape exclusively as much as you want it to. even your state run chinadaily ran a piece expressing shock
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Indian men have issues. They are not men, but uncivilized animals. The same goes for Pakistanis that indulge in rape. We Muslim punish these people accordingly, but secular Indian Hindus do not. They don't know how to. When Mughals/Muslims ruled them, they knew how. However these days, they lick the western scrotum too much, and forget that justice must be delivered to the victim.

Indians need to answer for themselves. They should let the world know that journeying India is not paramount to being raped.
Indian men have issues. They are not men, but uncivilized animals. The same goes for Pakistanis that indulge in rape. We Muslim punish these people accordingly, but secular Indian Hindus do not. They don't know how to. When Mughals/Muslims ruled them, they knew how. However these days, they lick the western scrotum too much, and forget that justice must be delivered to the victim.

Indians need to answer for themselves. They should let the world know that journeying India is not paramount to being raped.

Calling Indian men 'uncivilised animals' is being nice to Indian men. They are worse than that.

The saddest part is Indians always defend the rapists. I wonder how many Indians on this forum have sexually abused women. You just have to wonder.

I really hope they can civilize themselves or Indians are going to drag down the entire human population. The international community really need to assist the Indian regime in tackling this rape problem. It affects the whole world.
The reality is that rapes are reported in India because of a transparent media and democratic institutions like human rights groups, unlike an autocratic China where the media is totally controlled by the CCP.

Thus, not even .0001 % rapes in China are reported in the Chinese media for fear of getting hung by the balls or incarcerated in jail till the cows come home.
The reality is that rapes are reported in India because of a transparent media and democratic institutions like human rights groups, unlike an autocratic China where the media is totally controlled by the CCP.

Thus, not even .0001 % rapes in China are reported in the Chinese media for fear of getting hung by the balls or incarcerated in jail till the cows come home.

The reality is rape in under-reported in India because of your shame and blame culture on the victims. We do not have this culture of blaming victims and
CCP has more credibility than your corrupted govt. China tops the world in foreign investment, China has one of the largest expat community, China is closely watched by international organization. Otherwise how the hell do you so many negative news about China??? From Bo Xilai to the general's son who committed rape....all made international news.
That must be you in your avatar... THERE IS GANG RAPE in the survey, specific to China too.

At least try not to come across as a Zero IQ person- i.e. try to claim something after you bothered checking the study tp avoid looking stupid.

The link you provided ( http://www.partners4prevention.org/node/515), got to page 40, 41 , 42, 43... , even a simple " gang rape" search on that PDF would have shown you that it was studied.

25% does not refer to martial rape exclusively as much as you want it to. even your state run chinadaily ran a piece expressing shock

After I totally owned you in the argument, now you can only resort to personal attack? LOL. Typical Indian.

Which rapist would admit his crime?? This 25% admitted it because they didn't think marital rape is rape. You are truly intellectually disabled!!!!! Gang rape is not part of this 25% either!!!

Troll based on facts. Troll intelligently.
Muhammad Kasim Sheikh and his friends are in jail. True, our system is in bad condition and the mentality is poor. The 16 year old Sheikh's mother said that the girl was responsible totally. Once this sickular Government goes, it might be possible to go for summary executions.
The general perception worldwide is that India is not safe for women. Just Google any travel sites + discussions and see how most people worldwide talk about their difficult experiences in India, especially for women. Next, Google for safety of travel in China and see the difference.
Would I travel to India oneday? It would be a shame not to.
Would I bring any female companions? Hell no.
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