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Gang rape in India, routine and invisible

you IQ is a fudged number as evident from what you guys do ( inferior results)when outside the great Fudged wall of China. go eat you cats and dogs..

additional 25% said it was outside marraige " More shockingly, 25 percent of respondents said they had raped a woman, and one in 25 admitted to taking part in a gang rape"

seriously, you really have to ask your mon and dad, how they illegally travelled to the States so your life wont be as bad as the rest untouchables in India where most of them don't even know where their real dad is.
btw, eating animals are better than excrement eating Indians, I saw quite few when in India, those kids picked up foul things from garbage field (the whole city is a garbage anyway) and ate them, and not far away people are dumping there too``!
I cant find a place in the world as disgusting as India
I don't understand why Indian rapes so much. What is the reason for this?
that feudal society don't treat women as equal as men, and even worst, men perceive them as some sort of dispensable objects, do what ever they want for their own amusement. and their ruling class wont do anything about it, well as much as how often they bragged that they are 'democracy' which only a half-wit would believe that is the case``as in that backward place, justice and basic human rights are just cant prevail there
After I totally owned you in the argument, now you can only resort to personal attack? LOL. Typical Indian.

Which rapist would admit his crime?? This 25% admitted it because they didn't think marital rape is rape. You are truly intellectually disabled!!!!! Gang rape is not part of this 25% either!!!

Troll based on facts. Troll intelligently.
after you call me retarded you whine about me identifying you with your avatar? lol

if it wasn't funny it would be sad how you have made a mockery of yourself here. Now you are not only changing your claims like a chameleon, but are also playing your own version of conclusions from the study. A study where I showed you had not bothered to read after you even linked to it. You Chinese are infamous in seeing stats presented and then spinning it due to the servitude attitude you have grown up with, to protect your image.

now you are even backtracking after saying gang rape was not a part of the study to now gang rape is not part of 25%. This when 25% claim was about having committed rape both with partners and non partners and gang rape findings were "one in 25 admitted to taking part in a gang rape".

facts are troll based when the Chinese are busted... aha
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The reality is rape in under-reported in India because of your shame and blame culture on the victims. We do not have this culture of blaming victims and
CCP has more credibility than your corrupted govt. China tops the world in foreign investment, China has one of the largest expat community, China is closely watched by international organization. Otherwise how the hell do you so many negative news about China??? From Bo Xilai to the general's son who committed rape....all made international news.

are you claiming China is a free press open society? LOL

speaking of culture, Chinese actually come up with laws to accept rape.

China's 'Child Rape Isn't Rape' Law Is Sparking Outrage

Rape Case Is a Rarity in Chinese Justice System

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seriously, you really have to ask your mon and dad, how they illegally travelled to the States so your life wont be as bad as the rest untouchables in India where most of them don't even know where their real dad is.
btw, eating animals are better than excrement eating Indians, I saw quite few when in India, those kids picked up foul things from garbage field (the whole city is a garbage anyway) and ate them, and not far away people are dumping there too``!
I cant find a place in the world as disgusting as India

You have to do better than that to rile me up kid. you Chinese are fraught with illegal immigration into the US. all just to build massage parlors and hourly special relief for miners and rail workers. That history continues in this country. I seen quite a few garbage eaters in your country too, what is worse unlike a poor country like India, you are supposedly a superior race and 2nd highest GDP in the world. so what is your excuse?
that feudal society don't treat women as equal as men, and even worst, men perceive them as some sort of dispensable objects, do what ever they want for their own amusement. and their ruling class wont do anything about it, well as much as how often they bragged that they are 'democracy' which only a half-wit would believe that is the case``as in that backward place, justice and basic human rights are just cant prevail there

speaking of Chinese society , 25 percent of respondents said they had raped a woman, and one in 25 admitted to taking part in a gang rape in a study done.
The biggest problem is that Indians do not want to admit that there is a problem. They pull out nonsense statistics, accuse other countries, personal attacks etc.
The ground realities cannot be denied, yet Indians manage it every time. Delusions overrule sensible thoughts in India, the self proclaimed aspiring superpower with an army of white slaves (only after 2030 of course).
The biggest problem is that Indians do not want to admit that there is a problem. They pull out nonsense statistics, accuse other countries, personal attacks etc.
The ground realities cannot be denied, yet Indians manage it every time. Delusions overrule sensible thoughts in India, the self proclaimed aspiring superpower with an army of white slaves (only after 2030 of course).

everything that is non Chinese study is nonsense... got it.
after you call me retarded you whine about me identifying you with our avatar? lol

if it wasn't funny it would be sad how you have made a mockery of yourself here. Now you are not only changing your claims like a chameleon, but are also playing your own version of conclusions from the study. A study where I showed you had not bothered to read after you even linked to it. You Chinese are infamous in seeing stats presented and then spinning it due to the servitude attitude you have grown up with, to protect your image.

now you are even backtracking after saying gang rape was not a part of the study to now gang rape is not part of 25%. This when 25% claim was about having committed rape both with partners and non partners and gang rape findings were "one in 25 admitted to taking part in a gang rape".

facts are troll based when the Chinese are busted... aha

Only a retard would repeatedly post the same article without reading the actual source, even though I provided it.
And it is indeed funny that after reading it, he continued to make a mockery of himself by misinterpreting it. Then he even sidestepped to making more personal attack on Chinese on non-related subject, LOL.
Your stupidity truly knows no boundaries.
The reality is rape in under-reported in India because of your shame and blame culture on the victims. We do not have this culture of blaming victims and
CCP has more credibility than your corrupted govt. China tops the world in foreign investment, China has one of the largest expat community, China is closely watched by international organization. Otherwise how the hell do you so many negative news about China??? From Bo Xilai to the general's son who committed rape....all made international news.
According to the report you have quoted across asia 77 to 97% of all rapes are not reported and in China alone 30,000 are reported annually which according to the survey is a very small percentage of actual crimes. You are partially right regarding the survey which says that 22% admitted rape which includes marital rape. That is 1 in 4 yet only 30000 are reported annually.

If you start bashing all Indian for these kind of crimes that are committed by few bad people then expect to receive same treatment from us. We understand that these are being highlighted in our media more prominently because of the public outrage that was witnessed after the Delhi case recently. What ever happened to this girl is really sad and we are highlighting these cases so as educate our public that these crimes will not be tolerated and we will hunt down the culprits.
Blame the traditionnal culture that forbids all pleasure.
Frustrating people leads to this.
are you claiming China is a free press open society? LOL

speaking of culture, Chinese actually come up with laws to accept rape.

China's 'Child Rape Isn't Rape' Law Is Sparking Outrage

Rape Case Is a Rarity in Chinese Justice System

Yes, China is free and open. We don't have caste, our literacy rate is 95%. We are open to the world, we have the largest foreign investment in the world, we have the largest expat community in China.

Speaking of culture and IQ, ave Indian IQ is 82 but your is probably lower. Not only you have reading and comprehension problem, you don't know what is Statutory rape.
This bias 3rd-rate article is essentially saying CHina lacks Statutory rape law if anyone is smart to grasp it.
But no statutory law rape does NOT mean Child rape is not rape.

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Only a retard would repeatedly post the same article without reading the actual source, even though I provided it.
And it is indeed funny that after reading it, he continued to make a mockery of himself by misinterpreting it. Then he even sidestepped to making more personal attack on Chinese on non-related subject, LOL.
Your stupidity truly knows no boundaries.

You are a poster child of your own avatar
According to the report you have quoted across asia 77 to 97% of all rapes are not reported and in China alone 30,000 are reported annually which according to the survey is a very small percentage of actual crimes. You are partially right regarding the survey which says that 22% admitted rape which includes marital rape. That is 1 in 4 yet only 30000 are reported annually.

If you start bashing all Indian for these kind of crimes that are committed by few bad people then expect to receive same treatment from us. We understand that these are being highlighted in our media more prominently because of the public outrage that was witnessed after the Delhi case recently. What ever happened to this girl is really sad and we are highlighting these cases so as educate our public that these crimes will not be tolerated and we will hunt down the culprits.

It is your fellow indian Jayatl that goes around the forum posting inaccurate, smear articles about Chinese. And he keeps repeating the same post again and again, like a retard. I'm only responding to his smearing. If the article posted about China is accurate, I've no problem accepting it.
Yes, China is free and open. We don't have caste, our literacy rate is 95%. We are open to the world, we have the largest foreign investment in the world, we have the largest expat community in China.

Speaking of culture and IQ, ave Indian IQ is 82 but your is probably lower. Not only you have reading and comprehension problem, you don't know what is Statutory rape.
This bias 3rd-rate article is essentially saying CHina lacks Statutory rape law if anyone is smart to grasp it.
But No statutory law rape does not mean Child rape is not rape.


china is free and open...study is bias. a study you never bothered to read. It's all lies ... ROFL
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