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Gang rape in India, routine and invisible

Yet.. many Indian in here do not like to hear from a Chinese/Pakistani view but when they throw exaggeration and fabrication against China/Pakistan, it is consider okay by the Indian crowds. Let be honest here, double standard is throw on both sides. We are just a reactionary force.

Just one line...two wrongs don't make it right...i can talk about myself...irrespective of the fact that Pakistani and Chinese members do make fun of my country even though they may suffer from same issues i don't do the same...see if you can follow as well!!

We need to break down each society in term of strict, moderate, or light patriarch to really understand who has respect for women.
1. From my experience, yes the Western world is a light patriarch so they definitely have respect for women.
2. Japanese have respect for women but they are a moderate-strict patriarchal society.
3. Chinese is a light-moderate patriarchal society.
If western culture has more respect for women which as per you is a prime factor in the number of rapes...then how come New York statistics defeats that of so called Rape Capital of India i.e Delhi(refer to my earlier reply)??

You are also ignoring that as per statistics 90% rapes are happening within family and acquittance...they have nothing to do with caste system which as per you is another reason of high rapes in India...
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Pakistani woman, 20, gang-raped, killed and hanged from a tree, say police | Daily Mail Online

You want more take this too....

Rape in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

maan bhar gaya rapes ke news padh ke or do u want more...?

i can undrestand u digging 1 yr old defence threads, but seriously rapes too now...

defaming another country is fine but dont go low for rapes and stuff,have some standard dude...
His standard is quite clear by his comments on various threads. Don't waste precious bandwidth arguing with him.
17-year-old girl raped on pretext of marriage in Surajkund Tourist Complex

A 17-year-old girl was allegedly raped by her boyfriend for two days in Surajkund Tourist Complex here on pretext of marriage, police said on Sunday.

According to the police, accused Rishi Nagar and the girl were in relationship and had agreed to get married on January 27.

Nagar reportedly took the minor to the New Industrial Township (NIT) market in Faridabad to get married but failed to do so, police said.

Later, he lured the girl to head to Surajkund Tourist Complex where Nagar had booked a room and raped the minor repeatedly after holding her captive for two days, they said.

The victim narrated the incident to her parents after she was released. A complaint was filed under section 366A of IPC and section 4 of POSCO act to the Saran police station in Faridabad.

A case has also been registered on January 31. The medical examination confirmed rape, police said.

Accused Nagar has been arrested, police said, adding further investigation is underway.
How about in China and Pakistan and the Arab world and Africa is it routine there as well? I hate threads like this when people just point the finger without thinking, I have no love for Indians and they caste system and treatment of women but if you are going to point the finger then you have to point it at everyone.
Modi's India is shinning...This is the world's largest Democracy. :)

the caste system, rapistan and oppression of minorities is a bigger threat for India..Shining India still lives in 1715 while rest of the world have moved to 2015.

And then Hindus dare talk and Compare about Pakistan with so much zeal, stats and facts.

Indian village council orders rape of two sisters for brother's elopement


An unofficial, all-male village council in India's Uttar Pradesh state has ordered the rape of two young sisters after their brother eloped with a woman of a higher caste, a report published on the Hindustan Times said.

The 'sentence' was handed down after the brother of 23-year-old Meenakshi Kumari and her 15-year-old sister ran off with a married girl belonging to the dominant Jat community.

The tribunal — locally known as a panchayat — also ordered for the sisters to be paraded naked with their faces blackened.

Read: Indian woman gang-raped on kangaroo court orders

After receiving threats, Kumari and her family — who belong to the Dalitcaste, also referred to as 'untouchables' — fled their village in UP's Bhagpat district for New Delhi, some 50 kilometres away.

The appalling punishment was brought to light after rights group Amnesty International launched a petition calling for local authorities to intervene immediately and save the girls from being raped.

Amnesty says in the petition: "Nothing could justify this abhorrent punishment. It's not fair. It's not right. And it's against the law."

According to the Hindustan Times report, Kumari filed a petition in India's Supreme Court, seeking protection for herself and her family.

She alleged that local police filed a false narcotics case against her brother, under pressure from the Jat girl's family. Even though he was granted bail by a local court, the family was too afraid to go back to the village to arrange surety documents to get him released.

A Supreme Court bench issued a notice to authorities, asking for a probe into the incident.

Kumari said in the petition that her brother and the girl were in love for the past three years. However, the girl was married off to boy from the Jatcommunity against her wishes.

A month after her marriage, the girl escaped her husband's home and eloped with Kumari's brother. The couple surrendered after alleged torture by the girl's family and UP police.

The girl, who claimed she was pregnant with her lover's child, was sent back to her parents while the boy was detained under a false drug case.

After Kumari's family moved to Delhi, fearing for their lives, their house was allegedly ransacked and taken over by members of the Jat community.

Hindu scriptures separate people into Brahmin priests, warriors, farmers and labourers, while the rest are beyond definition - called Dalits.

These low-caste Hindus were once considered "untouchables", performing the most menial and degrading jobs.

The ancient caste system has persisted in India - mostly in villages — despite the country's economic success and exposure to Western culture which has re-moulded social paradigms in the nation.

Indian village council orders rape of two sisters for brother's elopement - World - DAWN.COM

It is very sad. Is India a safe place for women?
I m confused...
although dalits are un touchables...
But they are still rape able??
I m confused...
although dalits are un touchables...
But they are still rape able??

yes brother if it moves on two or four legs it doable.

:D =/

All is well in Rape India...An untouchable Dalit or four leg animal, a Hindu Brahmin's 2 inch whiny will rise at the very first sight of it...in need of instant quick relief. :D
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