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Gang rape in India, routine and invisible

Well i don't mind discussing about it but my only condition...i want you to put forward some smart and sensible arguments and i will try to do the same.

So are you saying that Indians have high hormone?? Do you have any study to back-up your claim or just shooting in the dark(which is what you are doing, no?). if you have nothing to show then kindly never put this argument again.
I'm speaking generically. Do Indians have high hormone? That you need to research yourself.

Don't give me blanket statements. Please put forward your supporting arguments. I also want to understand how religion and caste system influence rape(i would suggest you debunk religion part and only concentrate on caste, anyhow its up to you..)
Everyone knows the caste system lead superior tribe treating inferior tribe like a sub-human, and mistreat of low caste girls. As a matter of fact, a lot of rape happens to lower caste girls because they are considered "sub-human" and worthless. As for religion, Hindu don't have respect for women.

India has a patriarchal system but so does in almost all her neighbours...so that doesn't justify that Indians are biologically rapists...no??
Yes most society in the world have patriarchal system but India takes it to another level. Male in India dominates all walk of life. Because of that, mistreatment of women is happen a lot. Rape is just a result of that.

You are wrong and i will repeat my same point....Rape has nothing to do with country/region/religion etc...it is a universal issue and basically "law and order" problem during peace time. We all know that it is an instrument of war....and have heard/seen horrific stories during conflict zones. Just ot give you an example your country was brutally raped by Japanese forces during World War II...now does that prove Japanese have high hormones or religion/lack of exposure to women was the key there?
I did not said it was just one simple reason but a multitude of reasons. The question is why India has such horrific rape in the modern, peaceful time? You see, there are multiple reasons. I'm just providing a few to explain it.
Look my only point of debate is "Rape is a taboo in the entire world"...It has nothing to do with only India or Indians!!

I'm speaking generically. Do Indians have high hormone? That you need to research yourself.
Well that is my entire issue...as long as you are not singling out Indians i am fine...let me revert to rest of your post...

Everyone knows the caste system lead superior tribe treating inferior tribe like a sub-human, and mistreat of low caste girls. As a matter of fact, a lot of rape happens to lower caste girls because they are considered "sub-human" and worthless.
Look this particular reason of yours has nothing to do with caste system...it is a point of powerful vs the feeble...In short a person who has the power irrespective of his caste has high probability of misusing it...and rape is one of the form of subjugating feeble...b/w just an FYI...almost 80-90% of rapes are done by the family members or someone who is known to the victim...so your point of high caste raping low caste is not valid enough....also keep in mind division due to caste was at peek decades back whereas we are getting to hear about so many rapes especially gang-rapes recently....

As for religion, Hindu don't have respect for women.
I specifically suggested you to keep religion out..because you might not have enough insight into it...This particular claim of yours is absolute rubbish(this is me being very polite here!!!)...it is the hindu dharam(religion) where goddesses(females) are worshiped like demi god...so unless you know something specific and want to share, please take back your comments.

Yes most society in the world have patriarchal system but India takes it to another level. Male in India dominates all walk of life. Because of that, mistreatment of women is happen a lot. Rape is just a result of that.
Ummm now again you are being unfair...you are making statements without any substance....In short what do you know about special rules that are being followed in Indian patriarchal system which are not being followed in others that has transformed us into vultures waiting to rape the next available target??

Patriarchal system by definition means women is second class citizen and it is the men who will decide their actions, no?? So once again how is the patriarchal system of Pakistan/bangladesh or for that matter China different than ours??

I did not said it was just one simple reason but a multitude of reasons. The question is why India has such horrific rape in the modern, peaceful time? You see, there are multiple reasons. I'm just providing a few to explain it.
One of the reasons that i can think of is "Law and Order"...Do you know how big of an issue is Rape in a city like "New York"?? Now this city has none of the problems mentioned by you...here is a link just in case..


Anyhow i will share my thoughts on to this one...Our Police system as well Judicial system is obsolete and that's why there is no deterrence in the minds of these daemons(rapists)...Patriarchal system complemented by obsolete police as well as judicial system emboldens these perverts to carry on their acts without an iota of fear..In fact studies reveal that there is a high probability that gang rapes convicts would have committed this crime on more that 3 victims before getting booked(booked doesn't mean convicted)!!

Now it has its drawbacks as well but our hyper-active media has helped in bringing this taboo to lime-light...You must have heard about a brutal gand-rape in december last year which resulted in massive protests through-out India...Such un-equivocal condemnation of rape boldens other victims as well and they come forward...In short more and more rapes are being reported which otherwise would have gone unnoticed and victim would have kept quiet unfortunately further emboldening the perpetrators of crime :(...

To conclude - what i am trying to say is that this sudden surge in rapes being reported doesn't mean that Indians have suddenly turned into rapist...however it does exposes our weakness and how unsafe a women is in our world(no denying the fact)...having said that just because rapes are not being reported in Chinese media or bangladeshi media or Pakistani media it doesn't mean that mens of these countries have some special respect for women which are missing in Indian genes... I hope you get the message!!
Personal attacks reflects that you run out of arguments and logic. And it shows ur upbringing and personality that you calls a Rape thread as a Nice Thread.

Like your pathetic post was really worthy of a reply. Calling it a nice thread because of all the India bashing on it. Your country deserves this. Or even worst.
These kinds of disgusting threads bring the level of quality down. Even if these kind of threads are to be allowed, they should be heavily moderated! Though I am against the creation of rape threads
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Here take this award for the most disgusting post ever :mps:. We have all seen how obsessed with rape you are.
Like your pathetic post was really worthy of a reply. Calling it a nice thread because of all the India bashing on it. Your country deserves this. Or even worst.
Look my only point of debate is "Rape is a taboo in the entire world"...It has nothing to do with only India or Indians!!

Well that is my entire issue...as long as you are not singling out Indians i am fine...let me revert to rest of your post...
My friend, India was the focus in the article, so I am here only to "help" Indian society to bring more awareness and also to save the girls and bring more woman equality.

Look this particular reason of yours has nothing to do with caste system...it is a point of powerful vs the feeble...In short a person who has the power irrespective of his caste has high probability of misusing it...and rape is one of the form of subjugating feeble...b/w just an FYI...almost 80-90% of rapes are done by the family members or someone who is known to the victim...so your point of high caste raping low caste is not valid enough....also keep in mind division due to caste was at peek decades back whereas we are getting to hear about so many rapes especially gang-rapes recently....
You cannot try to hide the social systematic flaw of the Caste System. When you have a system that favored the upper class and look down upon the lower class, there was bound to be mistreatment. Rape is just a form of that. Many cases of rape happen to the lowest-caste girls because they are deem unworthy to be protected by society that believe in the Caste System. Your assertion that Powerful vs the feeble makes no sense because unlike other developing society, India brain is deeply ingrain with the caste system. And FYI, many cases of rape are unreported by the victims because of the stigma facing them from religious and cultural pressure. The reason you hear more today is due to more liberal women speaking out, global awareness of women rights, and the worldwide public outcry. If not for this reason, these rapes will continue to be hidden by your Indian government in order to save "face".

I specifically suggested you to keep religion out..because you might not have enough insight into it...This particular claim of yours is absolute rubbish(this is me being very polite here!!!)...it is the hindu dharam(religion) where goddesses(females) are worshiped like demi god...so unless you know something specific and want to share, please take back your comments.
I will obligated, but not because I admit to losing this discussion but because of sensitive reasons that may offend the religious community in here.

Ummm now again you are being unfair...you are making statements without any substance....In short what do you know about special rules that are being followed in Indian patriarchal system which are not being followed in others that has transformed us into vultures waiting to rape the next available target??

Patriarchal system by definition means women is second class citizen and it is the men who will decide their actions, no?? So once again how is the patriarchal system of Pakistan/bangladesh or for that matter China different than ours??
I already give you the logic behinds a strict patriarchal system. In a strict patriarchal system like India where women enjoy little freedom from movement, marriage, jobs, and the expectation of a typical maternal Indian family, women are deem an object to be satisfied by men. Rape occurs in society more when women rights are not up to civilize standard.

One of the reasons that i can think of is "Law and Order"...Do you know how big of an issue is Rape in a city like "New York"?? Now this city has none of the problems mentioned by you...here is a link just in case..


Anyhow i will share my thoughts on to this one...Our Police system as well Judicial system is obsolete and that's why there is no deterrence in the minds of these daemons(rapists)...Patriarchal system complemented by obsolete police as well as judicial system emboldens these perverts to carry on their acts without an iota of fear..In fact studies reveal that there is a high probability that gang rapes convicts would have committed this crime on more that 3 victims before getting booked(booked doesn't mean convicted)!!

Now it has its drawbacks as well but our hyper-active media has helped in bringing this taboo to lime-light...You must have heard about a brutal gand-rape in december last year which resulted in massive protests through-out India...Such un-equivocal condemnation of rape boldens other victims as well and they come forward...In short more and more rapes are being reported which otherwise would have gone unnoticed and victim would have kept quiet unfortunately further emboldening the perpetrators of crime :(...

To conclude - what i am trying to say is that this sudden surge in rapes being reported doesn't mean that Indians have suddenly turned into rapist...however it does exposes our weakness and how unsafe a women is in our world(no denying the fact)...having said that just because rapes are not being reported in Chinese media or bangladeshi media or Pakistani media it doesn't mean that mens of these countries have some special respect for women which are missing in Indian genes... I hope you get the message!!
My friend, we all know about the generalization of individual action. It's nothing new that people like to generalize, such as the Indians in here like to fabricate about my country. We are only reacting to these Indians. However, the rape in India is more serious than elsewhere for the reasons I have mentioned to you. Multitude of reasons, non-existent law, caste, culture, etc... It is hard to pinpoint just one reason but India is a mess of a society that will required a few generation of reform and education to improve. Don't kid yourself if you believe we can hide any rape in China. The West Media hate us to their gut and would report any small social unrest to badmouth our system. We have been playing with them very long. Now I believe in our society, we have more respect for women than Indian society as evidenced by our women success in all aspects of modern life. In fact, historically there are many powerful women in our society. I bet you heard of the names like Lu Zhi, Wu Zetian, and Cixi.

Trust me, my friend. Rape in China is not acceptable and can get you executed.
My friend, India was the focus in the article, so I am here only to "help" Indian society to bring more awareness and also to save the girls and bring more woman equality.
Your help is appreciated...I don't mind India being in focus because it is only going to help however just want to highlight the point that Indian's don't have any special "genes"(as is made out to sound) which make them rapist any more than their counterparts across the world...

You cannot try to hide the social systematic flaw of the Caste System. When you have a system that favored the upper class and look down upon the lower class, there was bound to be mistreatment. Rape is just a form of that. Many cases of rape happen to the lowest-caste girls because they are deem unworthy to be protected by society that believe in the Caste System. Your assertion that Powerful vs the feeble makes no sense because unlike other developing society, India brain is deeply ingrain with the caste system.
No not at all...I am just trying to abstract out the reason which leads to rapes in "caste System"...think again what is it if not feeble vs the mighty?? Your assertion that indian brain is deeply ingrain with Caste System is not right....Please don't tell me that you know about Indians more then Indians themselves..Look i am not denying the problem at all...however caste system is only among Hindus(that too is dwindling down..check it out..http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meira_Kumar)...there are many religions that we practice in India and rapes are common across....Not sure why you missed my important point that 80-90% of rapes happen within family or known people....Caste system has no role to play there!!

And FYI, many cases of rape are unreported by the victims because of the stigma facing them from religious and cultural pressure. The reason you hear more today is due to more liberal women speaking out, global awareness of women rights, and the worldwide public outcry. If not for this reason, these rapes will continue to be hidden by your Indian government in order to save "face".
Bold part is absolute rubbish....Government be it chinese/indian don't go with boardings about how many rapes have happened in their countries...It is the media which highlights the issue....We have free media which govt. can't control much...rest i agree with your point...

I will obligated, but not because I admit to losing this discussion but because of sensitive reasons that may offend the religious community in here.
Don't bother about sensitivity...if you have points please go ahead and share them...I would be stupid to get offended in case you have valid points...

I already give you the logic behinds a strict patriarchal system. In a strict patriarchal system like India where women enjoy little freedom from movement, marriage, jobs, and the expectation of a typical maternal Indian family, women are deem an object to be satisfied by men. Rape occurs in society more when women rights are not up to civilize standard.
Again you are not making sense...now you are saying India has strict patriarchal system whereas our neighbours have some sort of lenient system....this is absurd!!

My friend, we all know about the generalization of individual action. It's nothing new that people like to generalize, such as the Indians in here like to fabricate about my country. We are only reacting to these Indians. However, the rape in India is more serious than elsewhere for the reasons I have mentioned to you. Multitude of reasons, non-existent law, caste, culture, etc... It is hard to pinpoint just one reason but India is a mess of a society that will required a few generation of reform and education to improve. Don't kid yourself if you believe we can hide any rape in China. The West Media hate us to their gut and would report any small social unrest to badmouth our system. We have been playing with them very long. Now I believe in our society, we have more respect for women than Indian society as evidenced by our women success in all aspects of modern life. In fact, historically there are many powerful women in our society. I bet you heard of the names like Lu Zhi, Wu Zetian, and Cixi.
Trust me, my friend. Rape in China is not acceptable and can get you executed.
Look you have missed the boat...You are saying that China has more respect for women which Indians lack and that's why they rape...now let me ask you some direct questions...

Do you think western world respect their women?
Do you think Japanese culture respect women?
or is that respecting a women is only in Chinese genes?
These kinds of disgusting threads bring the level of quality down. Even if these kind of threads are to be allowed, they should be heavily moderated! Though I am against the creation of rape threads

See, crime against women is a problem in most countries in the world, be it India, or USA, or China, or Pakistan, and it is not that India has higher rate of such crimes, data doesn't say so. Only difference is that we are highlighting this issue through protests and media as we want a solution for that. But here some people with questionable ethics use it to bad mouth against India. If I want I can post hundreds of such news from China, but I am still keeping my patience.

Your tag is "Research and Dev", why don't you take up the issue and do something about it to stop this nonsense? Some people are making this forum a garbage dump.
See, crime against women is a problem in most countries in the world, be it India, or USA, or China, or Pakistan, and it is not that India has higher rate of such crimes, data doesn't say so. Only difference is that we are highlighting this issue through protests and media as we want a solution for that. But here some people with questionable ethics use it to bad mouth against India. If I want I can post hundreds of such news from China, but I am still keeping my patience.
Your tag is "Research and Dev", why don't you take up the issue and do something about it to stop this nonsense? Some people are making this forum a garbage dump.
I am against this crap, I am trying to rally support from the rank holders to either Ban these rape threads altogether or atleast limit them to a single thread and Moderate them heavily. Some of the comments made by some fellow Pakistanis and chinese are disgusting beyond belief, this also reveals the real intention behind opening these threads .
Your help is appreciated...I don't mind India being in focus because it is only going to help however just want to highlight the point that Indian's don't have any special "genes"(as is made out to sound) which make them rapist any more than their counterparts across the world...
Yet.. many Indian in here do not like to hear from a Chinese/Pakistani view but when they throw exaggeration and fabrication against China/Pakistan, it is consider okay by the Indian crowds. Let be honest here, double standard is throw on both sides. We are just a reactionary force.

No not at all...I am just trying to abstract out the reason which leads to rapes in "caste System"...think again what is it if not feeble vs the mighty?? Your assertion that indian brain is deeply ingrain with Caste System is not right....Please don't tell me that you know about Indians more then Indians themselves..Look i am not denying the problem at all...however caste system is only among Hindus(that too is dwindling down..check it out..http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meira_Kumar)...there are many religions that we practice in India and rapes are common across....Not sure why you missed my important point that 80-90% of rapes happen within family or known people....Caste system has no role to play there!!
Hindu is the main religion of India and majorities are Hindu in India. Caste system had been a part of Indian Hindu, so it only make logical sense that it has a negative effect on social inequality. As far as I'm concern, the effect of caste system playing a role in rape from India is significant although there is no way to prove it because of the difficulty in surveying and the non-transparent data due to the religious stigma that dealt with it.

Bold part is absolute rubbish....Government be it chinese/indian don't go with boardings about how many rapes have happened in their countries...It is the media which highlights the issue....We have free media which govt. can't control much...rest i agree with your point...
An example of a government trying to hide rape statistics is by carefully crafting the questions and encourage the victims to stay quiet. Although, most rape victims in India chose to stay quiet, it is essential to know the reason why they choose to do so.

Don't bother about sensitivity...if you have points please go ahead and share them...I would be stupid to get offended in case you have valid points...
I cannot speak for religion because religion is part of the most difficult thing to talk about. It's best if we keep religion out.

Again you are not making sense...now you are saying India has strict patriarchal system whereas our neighbours have some sort of lenient system....this is absurd!!
I let others judge the Indian patriarchal system as strict, moderate, or light. You get a better idea just from the statistical on women.

Look you have missed the boat...You are saying that China has more respect for women which Indians lack and that's why they rape...now let me ask you some direct questions...

Do you think western world respect their women?
Do you think Japanese culture respect women?
or is that respecting a women is only in Chinese genes?
We need to break down each society in term of strict, moderate, or light patriarch to really understand who has respect for women.

1. From my experience, yes the Western world is a light patriarch so they definitely have respect for women.

2. Japanese have respect for women but they are a moderate-strict patriarchal society.

3. Chinese is a light-moderate patriarchal society.
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