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French policemen violently beaten; Brussels pompiers and police attacked


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New Year’s celebrations spoiled by riots in Brussels
Mon 01/01/2018 - 12:48 MB

Last night’s New Year’s Celebrations in were marred by a number of acts of wanton vandalism and violence. In the Brussels district of Haren arsonists tried to burn down the local police station. Four cars were burned out by vandals at a car park in Anderlecht and youths pelted police cars and a fire engine with stones in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek.
A total of 37 people were detained by the police, 23 of whom for breaches of the peace.

The arson attack on the police station in Haren happed at the front door of the building. Police officers were able to put out the blaze quickly, limiting the damage. Two suspect were detained at the scene.
There were other incidents elsewhere in the City of Brussels.

Four cars were set alight a various locations across the city. Rubbish was set alight and a children’s play area vandalised in the Modelwijk social housing complex in the Laken district of the city.

Elsewhere in Laken youths set fire to benches on the Prince Leopoldplein.

More trouble in Molenbeek and Anderlecht
In Sint-Jans-Molenbeek groups of youths set fire to tyres around the Leopold II-laan and the Zwarte Vijvers metro station. The also pelted police and a fire engine with stones.

Three vehicle were slightly damaged. Elsewhere a car was set alight near to the West Station metro station. No one has yet been detained.

In Anderlecht 4 cars were burned at three different locations across the municipality.


Frank Eeckhout


@Vergennes Seems to be a good start of 2018... I hope those policemen didn't get hurt too bad :tsk:
@Cell_DbZ Everyone was disgusted by this act. Men and women,probably fathers,mothers,sisters etc. who would rather be with their families are savagely attacked while deployed to protect the community. Once again I see the courage of those people (always the same you may ask....) at 40 vs 1,then fleeing like literal p*ssies. The same who would cry why they are always controlled in the streets,always complaining about "police brutality",the same spitting on them,but the first to call them when they are in troubles,the first to be happy to see the blue lights coming......

What would be their reactions if their mothers were literally lynched on the ground at 40 vs 1 ?

I don't have any words for this. I'll tell you a story,just for the "irony". In one of those "difficult areas",an officer was literally lynched by dozens of the same kind of savages (Note how they always attack in hordes). He was injured and used his firearm to make them flee. He injured one of them in the stomach. The same guy,exactly went to the officer's police station to sue him....... Just for the story.

You know what's going to happen if emergency services are always attacked ? (Note how even firefighters aren't even spared...) They're going to abandon those areas and not respond there. Only probably under heavy police protection. Because of the acts of few bastards,an entire community is affected. Then they are the first one to cry that there's no public services,that they are abandoned.


New Year’s celebrations spoiled by riots in Brussels
Mon 01/01/2018 - 12:48 MB

Last night’s New Year’s Celebrations in were marred by a number of acts of wanton vandalism and violence. In the Brussels district of Haren arsonists tried to burn down the local police station. Four cars were burned out by vandals at a car park in Anderlecht and youths pelted police cars and a fire engine with stones in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek.
A total of 37 people were detained by the police, 23 of whom for breaches of the peace.

The arson attack on the police station in Haren happed at the front door of the building. Police officers were able to put out the blaze quickly, limiting the damage. Two suspect were detained at the scene.
There were other incidents elsewhere in the City of Brussels.

Four cars were set alight a various locations across the city. Rubbish was set alight and a children’s play area vandalised in the Modelwijk social housing complex in the Laken district of the city.

Elsewhere in Laken youths set fire to benches on the Prince Leopoldplein.

More trouble in Molenbeek and Anderlecht
In Sint-Jans-Molenbeek groups of youths set fire to tyres around the Leopold II-laan and the Zwarte Vijvers metro station. The also pelted police and a fire engine with stones.

Three vehicle were slightly damaged. Elsewhere a car was set alight near to the West Station metro station. No one has yet been detained.

In Anderlecht 4 cars were burned at three different locations across the municipality.


Frank Eeckhout


@Vergennes Seems to be a good start of 2018... I hope those policemen didn't get hurt too bad :tsk:

@Cell_DbZ Everyone was disgusted by this act. Men and women,probably fathers,mothers,sisters etc. who would rather be with their families are savagely attacked while deployed to protect the community. Once again I see the courage of those people (always the same you may ask....) at 40 vs 1,then fleeing like literal p*ssies. The same who would cry why they are always controlled in the streets,always complaining about "police brutality",the same spitting on them,but the first to call them when they are in troubles,the first to be happy to see the blue lights coming......

What would be their reactions if their mothers were literally lynched on the ground at 40 vs 1 ?

I don't have any words for this. I'll tell you a story,just for the "irony". In one of those "difficult areas",an officer was literally lynched by dozens of the same kind of savages (Note how they always attack in hordes). He was injured and used his firearm to make them flee. He injured one of them in the stomach. The same guy,exactly went to the officer's police station to sue him....... Just for the story.

You know what's going to happen if emergency services are always attacked ? (Note how even firefighters aren't even spared...) They're going to abandon those areas and not respond there. Only probably under heavy police protection. Because of the acts of few bastards,an entire community is affected. Then they are the first one to cry that there's no public services,that they are abandoned.

I hope you don't paint us all Muslims with same brush just because of these fanatics...Deal with these jerks accordingly.

I hope you don't paint us all Muslims with same brush just because of these fanatics...Deal with these jerks accordingly.

No one said they are muslims...
Thing like that happened bc of few retards ... incident worse than that happen, during prevvius events were "anarchists" tried to burn 2 policeman alive in their cars... they were not muslims...
It has nothing to do with religion...only worthless pricks...with no education
No one said they are muslims...
Thing like that happened bc of few retards ... incident worse than that happen, during prevvius events were "anarchists" tried to burn 2 policeman alive in their cars... they were not muslims...
It has nothing to do with religion...only worthless pricks...with no education

@Vergennes Seems to be a good start of 2018... I hope those policemen didn't get hurt too bad :tsk:

The interior minister and the president have vowed crackdown on urban violence and violence against the police..... let's see if this will be like always just words or real actions. It's time for Macron to show that he isn't weak on security matters especially that major security reforms will take place this year,including the creation of "community police forces".

One word...Jail... with big stick inmates...

Qu'ils essaient ça dans leur bled...... là bas ils vont se faire 'rafaler' leurs grand-mères.....
Qu'ils essaient ça dans leur bled...... là bas ils vont se faire 'rafaler' leurs grand-mères.....

Leur bled est la France, puisqu'ils sont nées en France pour 95% d'entre eux... si tu parle au sujet d'enfants d'immigrés... ce qui est possible... mais nous ne le savons pas... ainsi l'insinuation n'a pas lieu d'être... et même si cela était le cas... je reviens à mon point de départ...ils sont nées en France... et Éduquer dans des Ecoles de la République...
En Conclusion... ces délinquants recevrons une réponse adéquate de leur acte par notre justice.

Ainsi si ils ne sont pas Français, je suis 100% avec toi... si ils ne le sont pas bien-sur...


Ps: Concernant "Le Bled"...Les policiers des pays du Maghreb se font tabasser aussi... les agresseurs reçoivent la même réponse lors de leur interpellation, mais rien en Prison...
En ce qui concerne la Tunisie...ce temps est quasi révolu... si cas arrive, rien ne leur est fait, ni à l'interpellation, ni en prison, ils écopent de leur peine et voila... (95% des cas...)
@HannibalBarca Je parle bien des descendants d'immigrés qui font honte à leurs parents/grand-parents avec de tels comportements. Une sauvagerie gratuite carrément qui n'a pas lieu d'être. Et puis je suis désolé,mais c'est facile de blâmer l'éducation de l'état (Qui n'est pas parfaite certes) quand l'éducation des parents fait apparemment défaut......

Maintenant j'espère que les auteurs seront interpellés et qu'ils recevront une peine exemplaire..... ce qui n'arrivera sans doute pas avec la justice actuelle..... qui par ailleurs est dans un état aussi pitoyable que les forces de police.....
@Cell_DbZ Everyone was disgusted by this act. Men and women,probably fathers,mothers,sisters etc. who would rather be with their families are savagely attacked while deployed to protect the community. Once again I see the courage of those people (always the same you may ask....) at 40 vs 1,then fleeing like literal p*ssies. The same who would cry why they are always controlled in the streets,always complaining about "police brutality",the same spitting on them,but the first to call them when they are in troubles,the first to be happy to see the blue lights coming......

What would be their reactions if their mothers were literally lynched on the ground at 40 vs 1 ?

I don't have any words for this. I'll tell you a story,just for the "irony". In one of those "difficult areas",an officer was literally lynched by dozens of the same kind of savages (Note how they always attack in hordes). He was injured and used his firearm to make them flee. He injured one of them in the stomach. The same guy,exactly went to the officer's police station to sue him....... Just for the story.

You know what's going to happen if emergency services are always attacked ? (Note how even firefighters aren't even spared...) They're going to abandon those areas and not respond there. Only probably under heavy police protection. Because of the acts of few bastards,an entire community is affected. Then they are the first one to cry that there's no public services,that they are abandoned.

This kinda thing happens here every once in a while. You'll see an occasional beat-down of a cop by one or two guys but I don't think I've seen a horde of people. That was despicable. Too bad she didn't pull out her 9mm and blasted 3 or 4 of those lowlifes and ended their presence on this earth. Or had the backup she should've had so she didn't face this kind of thing alone.

Now watch them change the rules and always patrol in pairs so they don't get ambushed like that.
This kinda thing happens here every once in a while. You'll see an occasional beat-down of a cop by one or two guys but I don't think I've seen a horde of people. That was despicable. Too bad she didn't pull out her 9mm and blasted 3 or 4 of those lowlifes and ended their presence on this earth. Or had the backup she should've had so she didn't face this kind of thing alone.

Now watch them change the rules and always patrol in pairs so they don't get ambushed like that.

Unlike in the US,it's very rare for officers to patrol alone,in fact I've never seen this. They are generally 2 per vehicles,sometimes even 3 or 4. The policewoman was paired with a man,who BTW got also beaten.

Everyone ran after being chased by anti riot police forces when they came across those 2 officers ("who came out of nowhere") who ended up in the middle of the crowd and were beaten. According to some accounts,some even tried to take the woman's firearm. They were 2,at the wrong place,at the wrong moment between hundreds of savages,they had no chance at all. That's why the attack shocked everyone.
Sounds like the work of drugs gangs who try to claim areas as thier own. They will make them unsafe and stretched police forces will eventually reduce patrols.
Unlike in the US,it's very rare for officers to patrol alone,in fact I've never seen this. They are generally 2 per vehicles,sometimes even 3 or 4. The policewoman was paired with a man,who BTW got also beaten.

Oh, I did not know that. Shame.

Everyone ran after being chased by anti riot police forces when they came across those 2 officers ("who came out of nowhere") who ended up in the middle of the crowd and were beaten. According to some accounts,some even tried to take the woman's firearm. They were 2,at the wrong place,at the wrong moment between hundreds of savages,they had no chance at all. That's why the attack shocked everyone.

Hopefully there's a security camera somewhere or someone has cellphone video and faces of the lowlives that were involved and they nail each and every one of them.

Do these police wear any type of body cams, Vergennes?
Oh, I did not know that. Shame.

Hopefully there's a security camera somewhere or someone has cellphone video and faces of the lowlives that were involved and they nail each and every one of them.

Do these police wear any type of body cams, Vergennes?

Possibly not. Body cams are in the process of being generalized (for now only among some units) but if they had them,that would have helped for sure.
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