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French policemen violently beaten; Brussels pompiers and police attacked

@HannibalBarca Je parle bien des descendants d'immigrés qui font honte à leurs parents/grand-parents avec de tels comportements. Une sauvagerie gratuite carrément qui n'a pas lieu d'être. Et puis je suis désolé,mais c'est facile de blâmer l'éducation de l'état (Qui n'est pas parfaite certes) quand l'éducation des parents fait apparemment défaut......

Maintenant j'espère que les auteurs seront interpellés et qu'ils recevront une peine exemplaire..... ce qui n'arrivera sans doute pas avec la justice actuelle..... qui par ailleurs est dans un état aussi pitoyable que les forces de police.....
Et comment tu sais que se sont des Enfants d'immigrés? Car jusqu'a maintenant... ya rien..; ou par deduction de la délinquance?
Car pour Noël, dans mon patlin de L'est Français... 5 jeunes ivres ont caillassé une voiture de la police municipale... et le lendemain... 3 idiots du boulot m'ont interpellé sur ce cas... on me disant" Tu as vu ce que "TES" amis ont fait l'autre nuit..." je t'épargnerai ma réponse... une chose est sur... ils y réfléchiront à deux fois la prochaine fois...
Et donc, le 28 Decembre... 3 jeunes sur les 5 sont interpellés... et devine quoi? c'était des gosses... de la zone... qui n'ont rien d'"étranger"...

Dont oui... ton insinuation me pose problème... mais tu es libre de le dire... c'est pas comme si j'y pouvais grand chose...
En ce qui concerne..ma phrase sur l’école de la République, c'était pour te montrer qu'ils sont FRANCAIS comme n'importe qui... ainsi la remarque du Bled...est déplacée et honteuse... Personne ne dit ça pour les Chtis/Corse/ Basque ou X Français lorsque cela arrive... donc je ne vois pas pourquoi cela doit s'appliquer pour des FRANCAIS qui ont des parents issu de L'immigration...

Mais, après tous... cela n'est pas nouveau en France... à l'époque les Italiens et Espagnoles avaient le même traitement et les mêmes remarques lors de leur arrivé en France... Mon père est Italien... et ses souvenirs sur les français de l'époque ne sont pas flatteur... les mêmes remarques que l'on voit maintenant... Bled/ spaghetti/voleur/racaille etc... familier n'est ce pas...

Le tapage sur Les "Arabes et co"... commence à partir... maintenant c'est les Roms... et pour te montrer que ces Français issu de parents de l’immigration sont intégrés et bien FRANCAIS... ils utilisent aussi les même stéréotypes/préjugés utilisé sur eux sur ces "nouveaux venus"... :)
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This is one of those times where opening fire on an "unarmed" crowd would have been justified in my books. Utter scum.
I hope you don't paint us all Muslims with same brush just because of these fanatics...
Sorry for the late respond.
I don't think that anything was said about of them beign muslim, although it is widely assumed the rioters in Brussels were ineed of foreign origins. If those people would be muslim, then indeed no one sane would make the assumption that all muslims are the same, we (I) know better than that, so no need to worry. :-) It is just sad to see these things from happening, it does make us angry :angry:

Deal with these jerks accordingly.
I do hope so, however in the past I think thugs like that came of easily; sometimes they didn't. Let's hope they get punished good. I also think the authorities should work to prevent these things from happening ever again; just intervening repressingly isn't enough I believe.

Whenever a white person would do such a horrible thing, I assume you won't paint us 'whites' with the same brush either.
Sorry for the late respond.
I don't think that anything was said about of them beign muslim, although it is widely assumed the rioters in Brussels were ineed of foreign origins. If those people would be muslim, then indeed no one sane would make the assumption that all muslims are the same, we (I) know better than that, so no need to worry. :-) It is just sad to see these things from happening, it does make us angry :angry:

I do hope so, however in the past I think thugs like that came of easily; sometimes they didn't. Let's hope they get punished good. I also think the authorities should work to prevent these things from happening ever again; just intervening repressingly isn't enough I believe.

Whenever a white person would do such a horrible thing, I assume you won't paint us 'whites' with the same brush either.

Thanks. :tup: :agree:
C'est vrai? Alors tu et plus Italien que Tunisien?

Et comment ils pensez que tu et amis avec les merdes?

I'm from TN and IT parents...

Why did they think so? well that what you get when retards get birth to other retards... you get yourselfs retards running free who will give birth to other retards...
And combined with a good part of Jealousy... A kid from Immigrant parents doing better than all of his ancestors+ him reunited...

I understand their frustrations... and I let them know about it... and they quite hate it... but I love it... :)
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Why did they think so? well that what you get when retards get birth to other retards... you get yourselfs retards running free who will give birth to other retards...

I suppose you can call it racism, and unfortunately it exists everywhere, much more prevalent in some countries than others but I always had the impression that the overwhelming majority of French people are very tolerant and very friendly. This new generation that has grown up in this age of these frequent incidents are developing a very sharp attitude towards other nationalities. It's unfortunate, but it's a hard reality and a consequence of what has been happening on a disturbingly consistent basis in this world we live in. The tougher question to answer is who's responsible for this outlook?
I suppose you can call it racism, and unfortunately it exists everywhere, much more prevalent in some countries than others but I always had the impression that the overwhelming majority of French people are very tolerant and very friendly. This new generation that has grown up in this age of these frequent incidents are developing a very sharp attitude towards other nationalities. It's unfortunate, but it's a hard reality and a consequence of what has been happening on a disturbingly consistent basis in this world we live in. The tougher question to answer is who's responsible for this outlook?
Racism is a form of discrimination that" those" types of ppl don't even understand... they are just plain butthurt... therefore will do anything to make their frustration disappear... I know their past and their family situation... they are used by their own wife/kids as simple banks... with no respect... they are losers in their own home...so when
They are at work...they will use any opportunity to show off...thinking no one knows about their "real" life...
But I do... therefore...When I speak... it's the last time they do so...
Work place is their opportunity to create a new face... a personality that they "think" is strong...

I don't have such behavior from workers... it happen to new ones... who doesn't know in advance my position... so they get the consequences they deserve...

I work in a field where workers are difficult ones... so their social interaction are unfiltered...
So I do not have problems so to speak... only sometimes with those "seasonal ones" who happened to be ppl from difficult backgrounds... appear.
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i don't have worlds to discribe what i feel, but as a Pakistani living in France, I can only tell to politicians (past and present), this is your hardwork result.

I wish that from now there will be no more "softness" for the deliquants.

J'espere qu'a partir de maintenant Macron va appliquer la meme sauvagerie aux déliquants qu'il applique aux travailleurs et retraités.

Toutes mes pensées aux agents des forces de l'ordre.
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Having travelled to Paris recently. I can only say that I am saddened to see this once beautiful city have parts that look more like ghettos and less like the romantic, vibrant bustling metropolis of Europe.

Stricter sentencing and penalties including deportation of serial offenders should be placed on the table.
Having travelled to Paris recently. I can only say that I am saddened to see this once beautiful city have parts that look more like ghettos and less like the romantic, vibrant bustling metropolis of Europe.

Stricter sentencing and penalties including deportation of serial offenders should be placed on the table.

I don't think this is anything new, and certainly not relegated to Paris only. Every big and well known city in the world (and especially very large metro-cities) have not so great areas. Paris isn't excluded from that concept.
I don't think this is anything new, and certainly not relegated to Paris only. Every big and well known city in the world (and especially very large metro-cities) have not so great areas. Paris isn't excluded from that concept.

Compare Berlin to parts of Paris like Canal Saint Martin. But I agree with what you are saying in principle, I just remember Paris being cleaner. :(
Compare Berlin to parts of Paris like Canal Saint Martin. But I agree with what you are saying in principle, I just remember Paris being cleaner. :(

It seems like the general feeling of these things, such as more areas getting crappier-looking and also this particular type of violence towards the police force is related to immigration, and not just any immigration but a specific group of immigrants. Do you think that's the case?
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