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French Muslim girl banned from class for wearing long skirt

you guys banned veil and religious symbols haha dont blame us that is not a religious freedom
and now this
So what happened to freedom of choice? She can dress as she wishes, as long as she is not a muslim. Yeah a girl wearing long skirt had the whole french education system at risk. Just because they are muslims, its bound to be their mistake.

See I do not deny that the French have a serious problem with you guys. And I doubt it was the skirt. I think it was her headscarf more likely (in the photo). And that they have pretty clearly officially banned right?

Again my question. Why always try to look different from those you live with? Why not blend and assimilate?
Really! So only muslims are the ones doing it. The reality is in every country the majority tries to enforce their believes on minority, just look in Mahrashtra eating of beef was banned because one particular majority didn't like it. Your bigotry is not even surprising.
No, its not "only the Muslims" doing it. But the absolute vast majority of Muslims doing it.

Lets take a count - take up all the Muslim majority countries in the world - and you will find that over 90% of them have massive discriminatory laws against non-Muslims.

Take up all the Christian majority countries in the world - and you will find that over 90% of them do not have discriminatory laws against non-Christians.

Take up all the Hindu/Budhist majority countries in the world - and you will find that the majority of them don't have discriminatory laws against non-Hindus/non-Budhists.

This here is the point. While outliers and exceptions can be found everywhere, discrimination against non-Muslims is the norm rather than the exception in almost every Muslim country in the world.

Thus, Muslims complaining about discrimination should be the last people on earth to complain on this, since they as a whole perform the most discrimination on people of other religions in their home countries.
So what happened to freedom of choice? She can dress as she wishes, as long as she is not a muslim. Yeah a girl wearing long skirt had the whole french education system at risk. Just because they are muslims, its bound to be their mistake.

Really! So only muslims are the ones doing it. The reality is in every country the majority tries to enforce their believes on minority, just look in Mahrashtra eating of beef was banned because one particular majority didn't like it. Your bigotry is not even surprising.

I will join French Navy and wear Dhoti... -- Freedom of choice..
Secularism starts from beef and ends at pork.. -- Hail Secularism

See I do not deny that the French have a serious problem with you guys. And I doubt it was the skirt. I think it was her headscarf more likely (in the photo). And that they have pretty clearly officially banned right?

Again my question. Why always try to look different from those you live with? Why not blend and assimilate?

hmmm... Good Question, see if follower of Arabic religion answer this properly..

Why Beard?
Why ankle high Pajama?
Why Burka?
Why Sharia?

Why why why??

No religious stupidity please..
hmmm... Good Question, see if follower of Arabic religion answer this properly..

Why Beard?
Why ankle high Pajama?
Why Burka?
Why Sharia?

Why why why??

No religious stupidity please..

I was asking exactly the same question.

It comes across as trying to look different.

A beard will not do. A beard without the moocch has to be it. Get my point?
What a load of nonsense. Is this the petty issues a paranoid people obsess about these days?

Paranoia about Muslims stems from acts of stupidity and barbarism from disaffected Muslims, and also then feeds into the minds of said Muslims, only creating a sort of paranoia of their own. Such a vicious cycle.

Europe is brilliant on many levels, but on paranoia like this, it goes full retard every few years with the right wing suddenly becoming appealing and somehow reasonable, the European left look on in shock and amazement.
See I do not deny that the French have a serious problem with you guys. And I doubt it was the skirt. I think it was her headscarf more likely (in the photo). And that they have pretty clearly officially banned right?

Again my question. Why always try to look different from those you live with? Why not blend and assimilate?

Assimilation? Every culture have the right to protect and preserve it self, both the immigrant and the host culture. Its something known as keeping their cultural identity, again it directly relates to freedom of choice. Aren't you not suppose to judge people by the way they look or dress? But since they are muslims, its ok to discriminate against them.
Assimilation? Every culture have the right to protect and preserve it self, both the immigrant and the host culture. Its something known as keeping their cultural identity, again it directly relates to freedom of choice. Aren't you not suppose to judge people by the way they look or dress? But since they are muslims, its ok to discriminate against them.

This is nothing to do with cultural identity.

In France, there are Muslims from all over the world.

On the one hand they do all they can to look different and keep themselves aloof from the society they live in.

And then they turn around and cry about being discriminated against?
yea I always wonder the same when i see these wonderful folks too


Don't do that, it's a grievous sin to talk logic to certain European extremists, especially when challenged with this dilemma.

Whether it is acceptable or not to bash Muslims, a great deal of guilt and political correctness will stop you from applying the same logic here.

This is what separates the European right from the centre or centre-right. The right has no issue barking at anything and everything for whatever reason, valid or imaginary. The centre right can be sympathetic to some causes, but rarely gets them muddled with the more mainstream views and limits of what is common European decency.

I say to Europeans, for the love of God and that is Holy, sorry, for the love of your own culture and all that is secular.

The right criticises Islam and Muslims and wishes to have restrictions placed upon them, for what they call 'defence of native values'. But the irony here is, the restrictions and rhetoric completely defy their own values of freedom and civil liberties. It's the equivalent of someone trying to tell you that in order to cheat death, you should shoot yourself.
I will join French Navy and wear Dhoti... -- Freedom of choice..
Secularism starts from beef and ends at pork.. -- Hail Secularism

hmmm... Good Question, see if follower of Arabic religion answer this properly..
Why Beard?
Why ankle high Pajama?
Why Burka?
Why Sharia?

Why why why??
No religious stupidity please..

Military isn't exactly known for freedom of choice, but feel free to use a lopsided example to justify your believes. One wants to eat beef go ahead or pork, its their choice.

What is an Arabic religion? Please enlighten.
What is a Muslim ghetto mentality? I have seen plenty of Sikh and Hindu ghettos in London. Why do you guys need to wear the funny turbans and big beards and put funny dots on your head?

See how easy it is to generalise and be an ***?
There's a special school of thought and reasoning that is now being formed for Muslims, I've no doubt, it is subconsciously in some people's minds that a certain standard needs to be expected of us and not others.

It is never openly said. But it's there, and it's sad and greatly damaging.
This is nothing to do with cultural identity.

In France, there are Muslims from all over the world.

On the one hand they do all they can to look different and keep themselves aloof from the society they live in.

And then they turn around and cry about being discriminated against?

Are you a french citizen or you have lived in France. All you're doing is regurgitating sound bites you heard over the media. Why simply because it coincides with your own believes.
Muslims need to assimilate.

Do not take the example of minority religious sects to make an argument, because your numbers are nowhere comparable.

So what gets ignored or missed for a few in a large crowd, creates ripples of unease and concern and even fear when a large group stand out as completely different in a crowd.

Different by faith, culture, dress, values, beliefs, everything.

Your numbers ensure you cannot be missed. Its a human trait to fear the different, the alien. Nothing to do with you being Muslim.

Good suggestions, and all those who I know advise this. But for someone who does not follow such as advise, such is their right! ... It does not warrant others to dictate what then should be done.

If a person chooses to dress some way unless it somehow affects others, why is there an issue? Women and men can walk around in swimsuits, it is not out of the ordinary, but go any further and it's indecent. On the opposite end of the spectrum, wearing a scarf is fine, or dressing more extensively is fine, but covering your face might be a security risk to some.

But, all others in between that have no logical reason for their targeting, save the vulture that they belong to, it makes no sense whatsoever to oppose someone choosing what they wear. Such behaviour completely defies the civil liberties and freedom Europe prides itself for believing in, it's hypocritical and a betrayal of one's own values.

The exception for this is what where formal dress is required, uniform or otherwise, by an employer, school, or other institution, you should comply or go seek work elsewhere. No BS.

I think I answered you in my post just above.

The French (in particular) are making up the rules as they go along. A Charlie Hebdo does little to help.

Have you considered the possibility that their sensibilities as a people and a nation might actually be offended by the burqa and what it stands for in their eyes, and a lot of the non Muslim world?

Why should their societal sensibilities be of no consequence or be hostage to their other beliefs. Both can exist equally and fight for an upper hand.

And the facts seem to be that their belief in liberty and free choice has lost out to their abhorrence of the burqa and what it represents. Perfectly ok in my book. Because they have the right like something less than what they hate another.

P.S. PDF is misbehaving. I don't know how a post which quotes another can comes before the post it quotes. Sorry man.
Again my question. Why always try to look different from those you live with? Why not blend and assimilate?

Good suggestions, and all those who I know advise this. But for someone who does not follow such as advise, such is their right! ... It does not warrant others to dictate what then should be done.

If a person chooses to dress some way unless it somehow affects others, why is there an issue? Women and men can walk around in swimsuits, it is not out of the ordinary, but go any further and it's indecent. On the opposite end of the spectrum, wearing a scarf is fine, or dressing more extensively is fine, but covering your face might be a security risk to some.

But, all others in between that have no logical reason for their targeting, save the vulture that they belong to, it makes no sense whatsoever to oppose someone choosing what they wear. Such behaviour completely defies the civil liberties and freedom Europe prides itself for believing in, it's hypocritical and a betrayal of one's own values.

The exception for this is what where formal dress is required, uniform or otherwise, by an employer, school, or other institution, you should comply or go seek work elsewhere. No BS.
Why should you worry about what they call themselves. Just like you don't worry whether Saudi Arabia calls itself a fascist state or not.

At the end why does France's actions bother you when Saudi Arabia's doesn't?

While you are correct, the funny thing here is the Muslims pouting over 'discrimination'.

They are the most discriminatory people around - their countries and rules are most discriminatory against everyone else be it in any form - religious or otherwise.

Yes, it does matter because unlike french, saudis arent proud of their non existent) secular culture nor they display it like french, who does it with pride saying they respect secular values and individual rights.

A so called modern society that does not interfere with individual rights

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