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Saudi student may have been murdered in UK because she was wearing a hijab.

Doubt it has anything to do with her wearing a Hijab, just trying to get headlines. Chances are the person she was attacked by was a muslim/minority anyway.
i support the Muslim's right to carry arms in Saudi Arabia .. the most savage country in the world ;)

Muslims already have the right to carry all kind of firearms in KSA my street urinating friend :)

I want to make this my status message, obviously I will give you due credit.

Go ahead....
Muslims already have the right to carry all kind of firearms in KSA my street urinating friend :)

Go ahead....
Are you serious or it is some kind of joke I mean weapons ?
What kind of a fcuking psycho kills a young defenseless girl ! As the article stated, the killing has similar traits to the murder of that young boy. Most probably a serial killer loose in that area
Yar, gun-violence America mein bhtttt bara masla hai..Do you know k abhi pichlay hi week America mein chaar (4) wakiyat huaye hain mass shootings k? They funny thing is, if a Muslim does some mass shooting..American white media..specially Fox...calls it "Islamic terrorism" and days and nights telling audience how Islam is the "problem" etc..but when whites do the same thing..they barely even mention it..or just say "Oh, he had mental issues"...such blatant discrimination and racism...

More Americans have died in just last two years from mass shootings than Americans killed on 9/11.

So there needs to be smarter laws about gun-ownership in the U.S

But Muslim girls must carry protective-accessories with them..

In our university...many Muslim girls carry pepper spray with them..and their are other gadgets too. One of the guy in our MSA (Muslim Student Association) has hook-ups with a company that makes the most dangerous "non-lethal" weapons. Those weapons are easily useable even by girls..very easy to carry in handbags etc..but they can do lethal damage to even 'big guys'...but they won't kill anybody nor harm somebody beyond the point of no-return. So they are legal and safe to use if under threat.

If anything bad like this happened here to our sisters---God forbid---then we already have plans laid out on how to increase the level of personal security/protection. lol lol lol

But our university is VERY VERY VERY SAFE (statistically, one of THE safest place in the U.S)....Nothing to that sort has ever happened here in history Mashallah..Just some stupid racist idiots yelling stuff etc and running away hiding their face...but nothing physical.

Muslim girls must not feel unsafe while wearing Hijabs, expressing their independent, unique Islamic identity etc.

I hope the perpetrator of this case gets hanged to death!

I think Anders Brevik was declared insane

Anders Behring Brevik, Norway mass murderer, declared insane - NY Daily News
Mass killer Anders Breivik threatens hunger strike for better video games, end of “torture” | euronews, world news
Colchester police arrest man over Muslim student murder
Officers investigating death of Nahid Almanea detain man initially arrested after attempted assault of female jogger

Police search Salary Brook trail in Colchester, Essex, after Nahid Almanea was stabbed to death. Photograph: Ben Kendall/PA
Detectives investigating the murder of a Saudi Arabian student who was stabbed 16 times as she walked to Essex University have arrested a 19-year-old man.

The teenager, from Colchester, was initially arrested overnight on Thursday after a woman reported that a man had attempted to grab her as she jogged in the town.

He was then arrested shortly after 4pm on Friday in connection with the investigation into the murder of Nahid Almanea, who was knifed to death on Tuesday.

Essex police said the man was initially arrested just after midnight on Friday over a separate assault. "His arrest followed a report from a woman that while she was jogging near Peache Road, Colchester, at around 10pm on Thursday June 19, a man had approached her and tried to grab her," police said in a statement.

CCTV footage of Nahid Almanea shortly before being stabbed to death. Photograph: Essex police/PA
"She was able to fight him off and made her way home and then immediately contacted police. Police searched the area and a man was subsequently arrested and taken into police custody. Following further enquiries he was then further arrested shortly after 4pm today in connection with the murder investigation. He remains in custody for questioning."

Earlier on Friday, detectives warned against concluding that the murder was a hate crime.

In an attempt to calm tensions over the unexplained attack, Essex police chief constable Stephen Kavanagh and Nick Alston, the Essex police and crime commissioner, said jumping to conclusions was "deeply unhelpful, wrong and dangerous".

The statement came a day after police confirmed that they were investigating whether Almanea was targeted because her full-length robe and hijab headscarf marked her out as a Muslim.

Almanea, a 31-year-old PhD student who arrived in Britain at the beginning of the year, had been walking alone to the Essex University campus at about 11am on Tuesday when she was attacked.

Detectives have not ruled out a link between the student's murder and that of James Attfield, who was stabbed more than 100 times in an unexplained attack in nearby Colchester Castle park on 29 March.

The killing has sparked threats of violent revenge on social media websites, which police officers are monitoring as part of the murder investigation. One of the threats came from a jihadist purportedly fighting in Syria.

The Twitter account of Abu Rashash Britani, which has been suspended, called for a "revenge attack in the UK against those enemies of Islam n [sic] Muslims" and added: "These kuffar [non-Muslims] getting out of hand, dare they touch a #Muslimah. I call upon any brother to take up a knife and kill as they did #colchester".

Sara Khan, director of the British Muslim women's rights organisation Inspire, expressed surprise at police for saying within hours of the murder that it may have been religiously motivated. "I think it was slightly premature to say that until they have concrete evidence to prove that was the case."

Khan said she had been contacted by British Muslim women concerned about being abused in the street in the wake of the murder. "We get a lot of women telling us on a daily basis how they fear doing ordinary things like standing at a bus stop. Especially when anything anti-Muslim is in the media, you see this spike of abuse. It's incredibly worrying," she said.

"I've had social media contact [from British Muslim women] saying: 'We are fearful. It's going to make us extra anxious for the next couple of weeks while the story is in the press.' It's a real fear that they have."

May she rest in peace, I feel awful for the poor victim and her family. I have been to Colchester and it is a relatively deprived, working class area but weirdly seems to have a high number of Arabs (i'm not really sure why).

Lets be fair, the UK is one of the most open and tolerant places in the world - and of course racism and Islamophobia exist - but a few incidents shouldn't be used to demonize this country. It seems that it might not have been an anti-Islamic incident now but if it is, we should count it as the criminal act of some individual nutjob, because you can rest assured that the authorities, the police and the people will treat this incident with utmost seriousness (as they always do).
Good that an arrest has been made. Justice is best served swiftly.

It also seems like it may have just been a nutjob, who found victims of opportunity, not selecting them based on race or religion. Usually if someone is an extremist, they know immediately when they search their home and see racist literature, or interview people that knew them.

That doesn't make the death any less disgusting or less painful for the victims family, but may prevent further violence out of perceived retaliation.
It also seems like it may have just been a nutjob, who found victims of opportunity, not selecting them based on race or religion. Usually if someone is an extremist, they know immediately when they search their home and see racist literature, or interview people that knew them.

That doesn't make the death any less disgusting or less painful for the victims family, but may prevent further violence out of perceived retaliation.

As I mentioned before, it is best to wait for the investigation to complete before making any conclusions. The title of the thread remains erroneously inflammatory, in the best PDF tradition, of course.

I've said it once and i'll say it again, there should be a law exclusively for Muslims that allows them to carry firearms for protection in these savage and barbaric countries.

If these countries are so savage and barbaric, why are these Muslims trying to got here? Leave and be safer elsewhere!
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