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Saudi student may have been murdered in UK because she was wearing a hijab.

I've said it once and i'll say it again, there should be a law exclusively for Muslims that allows them to carry firearms for protection in these savage and barbaric countries.
can we start from home first
exclusive law for non muslim for their rights
RIP to to Student
The murder is under investigation and the criminal will likely be caught soon. It would be best to wait for the process to run its course without speculation. Kim Kardashian and the World Cup have nothing to do with this story.
not with this story but awareness!
not with this story but awareness!

Awareness of what exactly? The murder and its investigation are in the news as a story already. Trying to put a speculative spin such as hijab as a cause will be totally self-defeating, unless it is concluded by the investigation.
Awareness of what exactly? The murder and its investigation are in the news as a story already. Trying to put a speculative spin such as hijab as a cause will be totally self-defeating, unless it is concluded by the investigation.
Well even if they didnt put he news as a hijab...a Muslim woman being stabbed 18x no one heard of it! so please dont try to act as a mediator for ignorance!
Well even if they didnt put he news as a hijab...a Muslim woman being stabbed 18x no one heard of it! so please dont try to act as a mediator for ignorance!

No one heard of it? Just The Independent, whose story is linked in the OP, has a circulation of about 100,000, plus other outlets have covered the story too. It would be reasonable to conclude that hundreds of thousands, at the very least, know about the story, and probably several million. Pretty wide coverage.
No one heard of it? Just The Independent, whose story is linked in the OP, has a circulation of about 100,000, plus other outlets have covered the story too. It would be reasonable to conclude that hundreds of thousands, at the very least, know about the story, and probably several million. Pretty wide coverage.
Well no random person at the police station heard of it...surprise surprise!

Just coz Independent has a large coverage how many read each and every news until its front cover? Unless of course it had it in big and bold written like Muslim man slaughtered a jogger!
lovely bold letters and not to mention how much coverage was given!

Do you think that both murders deserve the same coverage? One is under investigation as a crime, and the other was carried out for maximum shock value by beheading a soldier in public and then brandishing the knife while unleashing a tirade.
Do you think that both murders deserve the same coverage? One is under investigation as a crime, and the other was carried out for maximum shock value by beheading a soldier in public and then brandishing the knife while unleashing a tirade.
Not this one but similar one....there was a murder of a man and everyone assumed he was Muslim and media was all hyped up with everything they had then it turned out he was a Christian and out came the mentally challenged card and all news disappeared!
Not this one but similar one....there was a murder of a man and everyone assumed he was Muslim and media was all hyped up with everything they had then it turned out he was a Christian and out came the mentally challenged card and all news disappeared!

Any links?
Any links?
I had posted it on PDF when the news came out now I am too busy with other threads...am sure a little google search can help it was an old article I cant seem to find it...if I fall upon it I will mention you :enjoy:
I had posted it on PDF when the news came out now I am too busy with other threads...am sure a little google search can help it was an old article I cant seem to find it...if I fall upon it I will mention you :enjoy:

So until then you can be hoped to not indulge in inflammatory speculation regarding this murder?
Very sad if true but we will bring the depraved murderer to justice. We wont rule out DNA evidence or ask her for 4 witnesses of her being raped.
What rubbish and you call yourself always neutral! Talk about shit is not neutral...reported for rubbish content!
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