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French Muslim girl banned from class for wearing long skirt

Its a freaking school. And when you talk about a school uniform, means every student is equal. One cannot allow a faggoty girl to roam around differently.
well, surma in the eyes is okay, i think, but the others are not.

there is a slight difference in why dressing changes happened in indian muslims and those in the west... also the ladies in socialist/socialistic muslim societies dressed differently than those in "muslim" nations allied to the western bloc.

below is asma al-assad, wife of bashar, the president of syria, which is a society guided by socialism...


compare that to the wife of turkey's president...


in case of indian muslims, all this "looking different" has come in the last 20 years... if i can show you family photographs of mine, there is no burqa or much beard visible... same will be case for others.

four things happened to change the dressage and psyche of many indian muslims...

1. influence of khomenei, the iran mullah who ordered death on salman rushdie in 1989... since most indian muslims were not politically aware, they looked khomenei's strict face ( i would say, strange ) and thought that is how a muslim leader dresses... even though khomenei is shia and india muslims are majorly not, this "death fatwa" encouraged the deoband/tableeghi-jamaat mullahs to spread their regressive reactionary ideas in india, including about dressing.

even though saddam hussain became a hero in india in 1990-91, his dressing and the atmosphere of iraq did not permeate among indian muslims because of them being not politically aware.

2. the babri masjid demolition of 1992 again led to more "closing of the ranks".

3. it was in the late 90's or early 2000's when the burqa really became adopted in a major way... the workers from kerala who returned from the gulf were bringing ideas of dressing, especially female dressing... even though burqa is from iran region it had been adopted by the gulf wahabi movement in a big way... in india, in places like bangalore and kerala, burqa became to become more and more visible... the tableeghi jamaat began having many members from kerala and the reactionary ideas of tableegh were forced upon indian muslims, because not many muslims in the world bother to actually read quran ( in arabi or in english ), leaving this to the professional priest ( the mullah ).

4. "peace tv" of zakir naik, funded by gulf money, was the last nail in the coffin... you can see from below picture the extent of the changed mentality...


in case of most european countries, in preceding decades, there were many muslim political emigrants from socialist muslim nations... these emigrants went there because they either ran away or were exiled... this happened because the emigrants were deemed reactionary and regressive in their societies by the socialist/socialistic governments so the west was a safe place for them ( capitalist western bloc versus socialist eastern bloc ).

in france, much of the muslim emigrants are from north africa... algeria fought a war in the 90's with the reactionary terrorists of fis and gia groups, which are derivations of the ikhwaan movement.

it is worth nothing that the ikhwaan movement, original to british-time egypt, was influenced by the indian tableeghi jamaat in the 1940's or thereabouts... many of the "muslim" reactionary groups in the world are influenced either by ikhwaan or directly by tableeghi jamaat... so even thought indian muslims don't generally participate in terrorism, they certainly create the atmosphere and brainwashing for others.

below two pics are of algerian ladies in algeria... compare them to many algerian females in france...



what is wrote made a rough sketch... you can extend that to any muslim society, be it pakistan or be it somalia.

@Ceylal you want to add anything here??
That is a Frances biggest problem due to her difficulties to integrate in her society the immigrants, as for example the US does. France like to assimilate them, which means they have to abandon their culture, mores and religion to french one ie embracing Catholicism. in the story this little girl, is another way French discriminate against anything that that is not of European origin, despite that girl is French, which pushed that frange of the population to find solace in radical Islam .
Islam in Algeria for the the large part of the country is not radical. A minority of salafists does exist, and encouraged and used by the Bouteflika's government as a tool to control the population. Algerian are not religious, and the only religious fervor they show is just in the month of ramadhan, the rest of the year, pubs and bars share gold medal.
A minority of salafists does exist, and encouraged and used by the Bouteflika's government as a tool to control the population.

that is a bad move really, example being pakistan.
that is a bad move really, example being pakistan.
Saddly to say, but it Bouteflika's own. But unlike Pakistani salafis, Algeria's salafi are a government tool, paid and controlled by the government, they can get their pink slip anytime or eliminated when their useful life is over.
Saddly to say, but it Bouteflika's own. But unlike Pakistani salafis, Algeria's salafi are a government tool, paid and controlled by the government, they can get their pink slip anytime or eliminated when their useful life is over.

good then... so there is no chance of them initiating a big war like in the 90's.

but what do these fellows do ( since they are controlled )?? what are their actions??
good then... so there is no chance of them initiating a big war like in the 90's.

but what do these fellows do ( since they are controlled )?? what are their actions??
Islamists have been laminated in the early 90's by the army. The one that still operating are with the government ok...the one that deviate from a set of given rules are eliminated. And too, like every country, combating terrorism and creating some of your own is a trend that sells and makes you friends ...
For example Junud el khalifa that killed the french photographer last year, were created by the French secret service, those were eliminated and they finished off the remanants two months ago. Just like the AH craft that crashed in Mali, it has a different story than the one given by the newspapers and media.
Just like the AH craft that crashed in Mali, it has a different story than the one given by the newspapers and media.

sorry, i don't know that story... can you explain??
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