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French Muslim girl banned from class for wearing long skirt


Yes, it does matter because unlike french, saudis arent proud of their non existent) secular culture nor they display it like french, who does it with pride saying they respect secular values and individual rights.

A so called modern society that does not interfere with individual rights

Why does their banning of the burqa clash with their secular values?

If India insists that all Muslims must comply with a Uniform Civil Code, would you say the same thing about India's secular ideals?

Simply put, the French have drawn a line in the sand. Muslims need to come back to the French side of the line if they want to live in France.

Otherwise they are free to leave and crib about French double standards from another country.
Military isn't exactly known for freedom of choice, but feel free to use a lopsided example to justify your believes. One wants to eat beef go ahead or pork, its their choice.

What is an Arabic religion? Please enlighten.

Self explanatory...
I think I answered you in my post just above.

The French (in particular) are making up the rules as they go along. A Charlie Hebdo does little to help.

Have you considered the possibility that their sensibilities as a people and a nation might actually be offended by the burqa and what it stands for in their eyes, and a lot of the non Muslim world?

Why should their societal sensibilities be of no consequence or be hostage to their other beliefs. Both can exist equally and fight for an upper hand.

And the facts seem to be that their belief in liberty and free choice has lost out to their abhorrence of the burqa and what it represents. Perfectly ok in my book. Because they have the right like something less than what they hate another.

P.S. PDF is misbehaving. I don't know how a post which quotes another can comes before the post it quotes. Sorry man.

The paranoia is the source. I had no quarrel about banning the burqa and niqab ban. They cite a valid reason for it, it's fine.
The paranoia since has only increased, Charlie Hebdo as you say, but that's not a lone turning point, the paranoia against Muslims in Europe is long in the making, each country Britain, France, Germany has seen a rise in their fringe -right movements, far right, and a art of the right wing not considered extreme but far from the norm.

Here are some examples.

Britain: UKIP, went from being a nobody, to somehow now looking to become one of the biggest parties, bagging 10% of the vote as forecast. More fringe and far right organizations on the rise such as the EDL, Britain First.

France: Jean-Marine Le Pen Front National is now one of France's most powerful parties, went from being a mere protest vote.

Germany: PEDIGA rallies bring people out in their thousands.

These changes did not occur overnight or because of Charlie Hebdo alone, or because some wore the full face veil.
The paranoia is long in the making and it's so strong now that it is no longer a blip on the national political spectrum, it is so strong that it is making it's mark on policy and governance.

Now I outright refuse to believe that somehow, a headscarf or covered woman is somehow so offensive to the French that they'd wish to ban it without the concious or subconscious effort on their part to needlessly target a specific group of people.

If that is case, ban anyone fashions a beard, Muslim or Sikh, or non-Muslim, or any white folk that grow beards. If dressing decently is a crime, please strip your wives and daughters before kicking them out of your doorways, otherwise we'd be deeply offended. Also, ban any other head gear, Turbans gone, skull caps gone Muslim or Jewish. Anyone wearing anything remotely traditional that isn't French-traditional should be gone.

And by far the funniest part is, the world we live in, doesn't give a shyt about tradition, we live in hedonistic, paganistic times, our culture here in Europe is capitalism as much as it is anything else. It's odd that this sort of hypocrisy still has some standing among 21st century Europeans.
Why does their banning of the burqa clash with their secular values?

If India insists that all Muslims must comply with a Uniform Civil Code, would you say the same thing about India's secular ideals?

Simply put, the French have drawn a line in the sand. Muslims need to come back to the French side of the line if they want to live in France.

Otherwise they are free to leave and crib about French double standards from another country.

It does says a lot about French mindset and so does for bigots like you who are trying to justify such discrimination.
The right criticises Islam and Muslims and wishes to have restrictions placed upon them, for what they call 'defence of native values'. But the irony here is, the restrictions and rhetoric completely defy their own values of freedom and civil liberties. It's the equivalent of someone trying to tell you that in order to cheat death, you should shoot yourself.
Your logic is flawless.

That said,should Muslims have a moral right to complain about this?
After all, one expects that if Muslims want to be treated equally in other societies, they would treat other's equally in their home countries ?
Why does their banning of the burqa clash with their secular values?

If India insists that all Muslims must comply with a Uniform Civil Code, would you say the same thing about India's secular ideals?

Simply put, the French have drawn a line in the sand. Muslims need to come back to the French side of the line if they want to live in France.

Otherwise they are free to leave and crib about French double standards from another country.
Hi ,
their secular values claims that they don't interfere with individual rights, they recognize it as a freedom of expression as a civil society.

I am not here to question a change regarding their laws, what i wonder however is the fact that they are contradicting their very own values in which they take a lot of pride.

fair enough, the muslims their are not obliged to live their, if they dont like it, they can always leave.

But then attack on individual rights, How is that different fromm any backward society for that matter , which they claim to be not part of if it

Please don't bring INdia or Pakistan in this notion, as both societies are light years behind when it comes to providing support to individual rights and respecting it.

our societies are still largely influenced by religious conservatism, we are not as godless as europeans are (I m not debating which model is right or wrong). Hence our laws will reflect it
It's a school not a whorehouse, everybody should wear proper clothes.
Its a school in France not a whorehouse in Bangladesh.

Pathetic is a person who tries to impose his meinung on some other culture.

Its a school in France not a whorehouse in Bangladesh.

Pathetic is a person who tries to impose his meinung on some other culture.

That's rich coming from a person whose country's rapists say that "Girls shouldn't fightback for rape". Also, your country accepts pornstars into society but not rape victims.
The paranoia is the source. I had no quarrel about banning the burqa and niqab ban. They cite a valid reason for it, it's fine.
The paranoia since has only increased, Charlie Hebdo as you say, but that's not a lone turning point, the paranoia against Muslims in Europe is long in the making, each country Britain, France, Germany has seen a rise in their fringe -right movements, far right, and a art of the right wing not considered extreme but far from the norm.

Here are some examples.

Britain: UKIP, went from being a nobody, to somehow now looking to become one of the biggest parties, bagging 10% of the vote as forecast. More fringe and far right organizations on the rise such as the EDL, Britain First.

France: Jean-Marine Le Pen Front National is now one of France's most powerful parties, went from being a mere protest vote.

Germany: PEDIGA rallies bring people out in their thousands.

These changes did not occur overnight or because of Charlie Hebdo alone, or because some wore the full face veil.
The paranoia is long in the making and it's so strong now that it is no longer a blip on the national political spectrum, it is so strong that it is making it's mark on policy and governance.

Now I outright refuse to believe that somehow, a headscarf or covered woman is somehow so offensive to the French that they'd wish to ban it without the concious or subconscious effort on their part to needlessly target a specific group of people.

If that is case, ban anyone fashions a beard, Muslim or Sikh, or non-Muslim, or any white folk that grow beards. If dressing decently is a crime, please strip your wives and daughters before kicking them out of your doorways, otherwise we'd be deeply offended. Also, ban any other head gear, Turbans gone, skull caps gone Muslim or Jewish. Anyone wearing anything remotely traditional that isn't French-traditional should be gone.

And by far the funniest part is, the world we live in, doesn't give a shyt about tradition, we live in hedonistic, paganistic times, our culture here in Europe is capitalism as much as it is anything else. It's odd that this sort of hypocrisy still has some standing among 21st century Europeans.

I agree that the resentment against Muslims has been building up. 9/11 was another epochal timeline. There have been many since then.

But the fact that Muslims do not assimilate and are extremely rigid is another very important factor. As well as intolerant and given to violence.

The distaste about the burqa for a non Muslim has never been about modesty. Its been about dominance and chattelization. I think you do realize that. The debate about free choice for a woman becomes academic in a society where she has virtually no rights. And bucking the norm would lead to a very difficult life from there on. So what then is the barometer of free choice? Because the woman says she is doing it freely?

I would disagree with that.
What was she wearing prior to this incident?

Or is it a sudden decision?

Most schools clearly states the color , length, design of their school uniforms.

All has to look uniform hence its called a uniform.
It does says a lot about French mindset and so does for bigots like you who are trying to justify such discrimination.

I have reported you for calling me a bigot. There is a mod here I am having a debate with. Without name calling. Maybe you could observe and learn?

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