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France public debt will explode all records at end of 2014

I did not see any white nationalist or neo-nazi or racial based posts of Audio.... If I am wrong,please correct me with the appropriate references.

Who the hell are you?

You have an account that was created this month and this is the first time that I have seen you post here.

Please stay out of this "debate" till we can verify you are legitimate.:lol:
Okay ,here was your comment....

Fixed it for you.Don't throw stones on others if you live in a glass house. You claimed that pakistanis are better than europeans as you don't sell girls to others.... isn't that right? But your own media sources disagree with you.

that was a random response to a random rhetoric ...don't take it too seriously.. You know better.

Almost all your posts seem like a diatribe against the west. Why are you spitting on the hand that feeds you?You can migrate to Saudi Arabia or Pakistan if you hate the West so much.

lol, there is no 'hatred' of West..just plain facts. Offcourse my tone is condescending b/c I originally replied to a dumb poster who made his post in a condescending manner...
lol, what? First, your source is even more worthless than Wikipedia...

The Oxford Handbook of Engineering and Technology in the Classical World, Oxford University Press, some are articles published in Science magazine.


Second thing, comparing selective measures to prove some how that Romans were ahead of Han Chinese by any magnitude is a joke only an insecure European would pull...

What selective measures, you were talking about economical superiority of the ancient Chinese, i proved you wrong. All the while you scream in the background how insecure i am, while all you do is display insecurity by not acknowledging known facts.

Only an illiterate European would try to put Rome miles ahead of Han China... Both had advantages over the other and vice versa.

Only an illiterate Pakistani, blinded by his bigtry and religion would spew such garbage on the net with a straight face. Anyhow, at least in the economy department Oxford disagrees with your assesment that Rome wasn't miles ahead.

And we all know, you're AUz, and that's Oxford.

lol, EVERY new civilizations arises after "crushing" previous civilization...Are you that retard? :lol:

Ottomans crushed Roman empire at the end (oh well, Byzantine if you like)...What does that prove? PS, 'lasting' is no measure to judge a civilization. Ottoman Empire last 700+ years or so..but it was a weak, sick empire at the end..Powerless. Same goes for Byzantines towards their end...Arabs routed Byzantines out from major provinces/states with smaller, ill equipped forces as early as in 7th century..so much for "lasting centuries" ...lol...
No retardo, they "lasted" 1300 years BUT remained "super powers" for 1000 years...see, I am not a retard to count mere "lasting" as some sort of achievement...Ottoman Empire remained the undisputed superpower of Europe till say mid 17th century...After that, they declined w.r.t European powers such as French etc...even though Ottomans "lasted" another 250 years or so...Also, Islam is there for merely 1400 years...if you take Islam as a historical force which formed the basis of a new civilization (as some historians argue) then,
Islamic Civilization arguably holds the best success ratio among ALL human civilizations in recorded history...Lets look at last 2000 years..Out of 1400 years of its history, Islam remained global dominant civilization for 1000+ years...that is, 70%+ time of its entire existence! NO other civilization even comes close to this! Only close contender is West...In last 2000 years, Christian West remained dominant civilization for barely 600 years (1st to 3rd century AD, 1600s onwards)...this is merely 30% time of its existence in last 2000 years...Islamic Superpowers/Islamic people remained global leaders of humanity from 7th to 18th century. Islamic Superpowers and Great powers like Early Islamic Caliphate, Ummayad Empire, Abbasid Empire, Ottoman Empire,Mughal Empire, Timurid Empire, Safavid Empire etc dominated much of known globe during this time era in terms of total wealth, economic output, industrial production, military power, and scientific production for centuries..just like British, Germans, French dominated much of globe after 18th century..

:omghaha: lol, you're comical. Your version of history starts in 0 AD. So weak.

But again, Romans were physical people like Sumerians, Assyrians, IVC people etc and they died out...Islam is one of the, if not THE, greatest socio-political-religious historical force..which can't be compared to Romans...

Yes, that's why you are driving a taxi or preparing a tandoori in a kuffar land, because Islam is the greatest thing that ever happened. What a joke. :lol:

At one point, Mughal Empire in India alone held 25% of TOTAL global GDP output, and I'm not even counting Ottoman Empire, and Islamic Persian Empires during the same era.....

Unless your insecure soul wants to argue that Romans held 50%+ of total GDP output of humanity, Romans were a no match to the wealth of Islamic World at its height...but then again, only a retard like you will compare things like that..Romans were a great power of their era...Ottomans, Mughals, Abbasids etc were great powers of theirs...stop comparing things like a kid.
What is the source of this quote? Can I get the book and page number? Wikipedia doesn't mention much...

Also, its funny to see retardness like this from you...So comparing Rome at its height to Caliphate in its rising stages? :lol:

Leave aside greatest Islamic powers, how about comparing wealth of Rome at its height to wealth of Mughal Empire at its height?! Guess what kid? Forget silver coins of rome, Mughals had control of the ONLY diamond minds in the world at that time...As I said, romans were no way near as wealthy as Muslim great powers..

Do you see the vastness of the court? The wealth? Hint: ALOT of the things you see in this black and white picture were made of pure gold embroidered with precious stones/marbles etc...

Btw, the largest percentage share of total GDP output of world ever held by a European power was British Empire which held 25% of global GDP at its height...Thats what I have read. I'll be willing to evolve my perspective though...

Those links i quoted, you know, the ones from Oxford and Science magazine, say the level of production and pollution the Romans achieved wasn't surpassed till the Industrial revolution. So, busted again. :lol:

Also, the same sources mention the population of both, which were roughly equal, destroying another one of your theories that people in the east had to be dominant because there was so many more of them.

Wikipedia doesn't mention much probably because you're too biased to look in the sources section.

You speak of wealth, i can giver you accounts of Roman historians:

Pliny the Elder wrote about the large value of the trade between Rome and Eastern countries:
"By the lowest reckoning, India, Seres and the Arabian peninsula take from our Empire 100 millions of sesterces every year: that is how much our luxuries and women cost us."
—Pliny the Elder, Natural History 12.84.

Sino-Roman relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Busted again. LOL!

Proved wrong? on what thing? :omghaha:

Everything you say is some sort of distorted fact and easily disprovable, hence i proved you wrong on everything. You can observe more of the same above and below this line in this post.

Who gives a sh!t if it was founded by Romans? Romans were Mediterranean people anyways....Please don't say now that you are a direct descendant of Roman emperor Caesar :lol:

His son Cezarion was killed in the first years of his life. I couldn't be his offspring. More of not knowing anything from your side.

No kido, you didn't understand the point from the beginning. The concept of modern standing armies was passed to Europe by Ottomans..that was the whole point! Remember, the dumb kid was blabbering about how others only copy west..my post was in response educating him how Westerners also copied others' success. Simple.

You are not in a position to educate anyone. It is harmful and counterproductive to read your delusions and engage in a debate with you, however i like to humiliate pretentious people like you.

I don't know about taxi drivers...ask your dad if he went to college or not? :D

Oh sorry then, tandoori kitchen fits you better i suppose.

What does this 'millenia' thingy has to do with super power status? Average age of a super power is 200 years...Educate yourself, dumbo. British did not last millenia either...PS, Empires of Islamic World remained superpowers/greatpowers for 1000+ years...unless you believe Spain was a stronger power than the Ottoman Empire in early 16th century or so

It was merely an illustration of the insignificance of the smaller Muslim empires in the grand scheme of things. Similarly, if i put it even more in perspective, egyptians had a state for 3000 years making them the most succesful entity on earth. not that i'm claiming their achievements as a western thing, only putting things into perspective for you, since obviously you know so little and even that is so skewed one has to spoon feed you facts.

Dumbo, even 'Western world' isn't one kingdom...similarly, Islamic Empires like Abbasids, Ummayads, Ottomans, Mughals, Safavids, Timurids etc were superpowers/great powers arising from Islamic World and often competed with eachother too...Same as western powers in their prime era (19th-20th century)..
Also, Europeans only arrived at the shores of Islamic World when they had already surpassed them (in 19th century onwards)...Before that, it were powers of Islamic World "arriving" the shores of Constantinople, Spain, E.Europe, etc etc...what a tool...

By the time you are talking about, Moors were expelled from Spain for centuries, similarly Constantinople happened centuries ago....but this is just like you, taking some facts, twisting them and presenting them as gospel truth.

Ottomans were a power in Europe, E.Mediterranean..and yes, strongest superpower on the planet for centuries..but they were not the 'only' power...but then again, you aint a bright cookie...

I never suggested Ottomans werent powerful. In one of my posts i even said they were the only true power, everyone else you quote are just your delusions.
We can be thankful to them for being an impassable barrier in the east that made us go west and colonize 4 out of 5 continents.

Ummayad Empire, stretching from Spain to borders of India, with its rule stretching over 15,000,000 km of land area and about 30% of total humanity at its height wasn't a "power" off course LOL...

Who cares dude, Romans had a similar sized empire if size is your thing, i wonder if you must compensate for something :lol:
What has remained from the Ummayad's? Any excess in literature, architecture and alike? Or just the legacy of favoritizing their own families against newly converted ones. Like true bigots. No wonder you're giving them as an example.
You're so stupid lol. You give me ammo with which i can knock you down. For example, i wouldn't know about the bigotry in the Ummayad era if i wouldn't go check on their achievements.

Despite some notable exceptions, the Umayyads tended to favor the rights of the old Arab families, and in particular their own, over those of newly converted Muslims (mawali). Therefore they held to a less universalist conception of Islam than did many of their rivals.


Notice the above link says, historical significance and nothing much of any value is written. How much you wanna bet that wouldn't be the case if we check the historical significance of the ancient Romans.

We aren't europeans who sell their souls and girls to others....

That's why i saw a thread made by a Pakistani talking about Pakistan's mercenary mentality. :lol:

Yeah, i'll get to sleep around alot..since girls in these nations are known for prostitution...I mean..cheap and easy prostitution...

I'll attribute this to you knowing you're out of valid arguments and you're just lashing out. Oh, and extreme jealousy of the things you don't have in your own country is in there somewhere as well.

Sourceless? lmao!! Challenge any of my information...and I'll give you sources...duhhh..dummy.

What quotes will you give lol, why haven't you done it so far? Oh, wait, maybe because for the 80% of what you wrote there are no sources because it's BS you make up to comfort yourself in your sorry slave wage life?

To summarize, you're a bullshitter. I await in eager anticipation another one of your distortions of history, giving me a chance to humiliate you even further. I just hope it won't show on my karma. I do this kind of thing too often.
What selective measures, you were talking about economical superiority of the ancient Chinese, i proved you wrong.

When did I say that? o_O

All I said was that Rome wasn't the only power of its era..Han Chinese were there too...

Anyways whatever...

:omghaha: lol, you're comical. Your version of history starts in 0 AD. So weak.

Dumbass, its not about 'my version' of history starts at blah blah...

Intelligent people break down history into compartments, and then discuss. But then again, you won't know anything about that...

Discussing different, specific time periods, are a better way of going forward rather than bullsh!ting about "history" on general level...Should have taken some college classes. It would have taught you about the importance of specificity.

Yes, that's why you are driving a taxi or preparing a tandoori in a kuffar land, because Islam is the greatest thing that ever happened. What a joke. :lol:


Another straw man argument. No one claimed Islam to be some awesome 'thing'...I claimed it to be a 'historical force'...which is accurate by all accounts.

Those links i quoted, you know, the ones from Oxford and Science magazine, say the level of production and pollution the Romans achieved wasn't surpassed till the Industrial revolution. So, busted again. :lol:

lol, what a joke. Your source barely talks about copper,lead etc...

I talked about over-all wealth of empires!

You tried to pull off the stunt of how wealthy romans were...I just showed you how even Mughal Empire was much, much wealthier than the Romans...

Also, your source tries to estimate the level of copper production in Rome by evaluating the smelting pollution present in Greenland Ice from that era....not a very convincing method...Previous people used inferior methods, techniques, and instruments for smelting which caused less efficiency and more pollution...Later, human beings became more efficient..So judging the level of production through 'pollution' isn't a very good way of going forward. I don't know if researchers had taken this into account...Romans might have produced same amount of copper with MORE pollution than say other people who came after them and produced similar amounts of copper with less pollution? But since pollution of Romans is more, they are thought to have produced more copper...

Well, just my thought..Even if Romans produced most copper...doesn't matter much.

As I said, they were easily surpassed by wealthy Muslim empires like Mughals etc..

Also, the same sources mention the population of both, which were roughly equal, destroying another one of your theories that people in the east had to be dominant because there was so many more of them.

I talked about medieval era, dumbass! Atleast read my posts with open eyes...

Wikipedia doesn't mention much probably because you're too biased to look in the sources section.

I did. Why don't YOU look at the source section and help me out? The source isn't quoted accurately there..

You speak of wealth, i can giver you accounts of Roman historians:

lol, spare me exaggerated bs of ancient historians....Rome was wealthy, not doubt...but later Muslim empires were much, much wealthier in comparison....

Mughal Empire at its height had more than 170 million people (almost 1/4th of total humanity!) and a GDP of approximately $ 90 billion! i.e about 4 times larger than Roman Empire at its peak! and remember, this is pre-industrial era...not like later where the GDPs just sky-rocketed due to industrialization...

The Mughal Empire. The New Cambridge history of India: 1.5. I. The Mughals and their Contemporaries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1, 190.

They even mention this in the documentary on Mughal empire...

Youtube "Warrior Empire: The Mughals" ....

It was merely an illustration of the insignificance of the smaller Muslim empires in the grand scheme of things.

Smaller? in time? Well yeah dumbo, thats cuz Islam is only 1400 years old...so "Muslim Empires" could not have been possibly longer than that....

British empire was smaller than many Muslim empires in terms of 'age'

If you are talking about size, then I don't understand your point in the place...Islamic Empires like Ummayad Empire was the largest empire that any civilization had ever created till that time...

Who cares dude, Romans had a bigger empire if size is your thing, i wonder if you must compensate for something :lol:

Roman Empire was bigger than Ummayad Empire? :lol:

BASIC geography fail dude...you are boring me with your ignorance and useless rants..

What quotes will you give lol, why haven't you done it so far? Oh, wait, maybe because for the 80% of what you wrote there are no sources because it's BS you make up to comfort yourself in your sorry slave wage life?

Again, you never asked for sources. Why would I give them? and slave wage life? LOL! dude, I'm not your European sister working in sex industry...and heck! I'm not even a europe who would be a slave to U.S and fight its wars :omghaha:

To summarize, you're a bullshitter. I await in eager anticipation another one of your distortions of history, giving me a chance to humiliate you even further. I just hope it won't show on my karma. I do this kind of thing too often.

If saying that makes your injured ego feel any better :D
@AUz : Have fun with Audio. He is so frustrated that Western Civilisation will become irrelevant soon that he would make up anything and insult anyone to try to make himself feel better.

Just China, by 2030, could easily create a military and economic machine more powerful than the whole of this laughable EU put together.

Let us see what this "EU" really is:

1/ UK does not care much for the EU and we have only one pro-EU party and they get no more than 15-20% of the votes in election. One of the two major parties is actually hostile(Conservatives) and the other one(Labour) is apathetic. The major party in the coalition, Conservatives, actually may set a referendum to leave the EU in a few years:lol:

2/ Only Germany has any sort of bright future and we can see themselves "selling-out" to Russia/China. One of Germany's largest companies, Volkswagen, sells 25% of it's vehicles in China. China is pulling Germany into it's economic orbit and the Germans will realise who their paymasters are soon. US is a peer to China but Germany is nothing to the Chinese, and when China is strong enough it will show the Germans who is boss:tup:

3/ France is a country whose current edge in some areas of technology like nuclear and aircraft will be wiped out by China within the next 10 years. While China builds 5th generation fighters like J-20/J-31, France is busy trying to flog off the out-dated Rafale that would be wiped out of the skies by the upcoming Chinese fighters. Of course the French cannot afford a 5th generation fighter program so future fighter-aircraft sales are very bleak for them.

4/ The less said about countries like Spain and Italy the better:lol:

It is not surprising that the only supporters of the EU in this forum are people from small,insignificant countries who fantasise about this grand "EU" alliance to keep Europeans relevant in the future. Even their fellow Europeans from larger EU countries will become insignificant, so even less hope for them.
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You don't need to know. Just talk on my posts and leave aside your bullsh!ttery.

lol... you were claiming to be studying in top american university ,weren't you in one of the threads?You sound more like a mullah from madrassa with your rants and insults rather than from american elite university...
@Audio, didn't know you are from switzerland ? You have the largest civil defense capability per capita.114% coverage.Congrats. I guess you are a luckier chap.
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Lol at the third worlders cheering the death of ze evil white man .:))))
@AUz : Have fun with Audio. He is so frustrated that Western Civilisation will become irrelevant soon that he would make up anything and insult anyone to try to make himself feel better.

Just China, by 2030, could easily create a military and economic machine more powerful than the whole of this laughable EU put together.

Let us see what this "EU" really is:

1/ UK does not care much for the EU and we have only one pro-EU party and they get no more than 15-20% of the votes in election. One of the two major parties is actually hostile(Conservatives) and the other one(Labour) is apathetic. The major party in the coalition, Conservatives, actually may set a referendum to leave the EU in a few years:lol:

2/ Only Germany has any sort of bright future and we can see themselves "selling-out" to Russia/China. One of Germany's largest companies, Volkswagen, sells 25% of it's vehicles in China. China is pulling Germany into it's economic orbit and the Germans will realise who their paymasters are soon. US is a peer to China but Germany is nothing to the Chinese, and when China is strong enough it will show the Germans who is boss:tup:

3/ France is a country whose current edge in some areas of technology like nuclear and aircraft will be wiped out by China within the next 10 years. While China builds 5th generation fighters like J-20/J-31, France is busy trying to flog off the out-dated Rafale that would be wiped out of the skies by the upcoming Chinese fighters. Of course the French cannot afford a 5th generation fighter program so future fighter-aircraft sales are very bleak for them.

4/ The less said about countries like Spain and Italy the better:lol:

It is not surprising that the only supporters of the EU in this forum are people from small,insignificant countries who fantasise about this grand "EU" alliance to keep Europeans relevant in the future. Even their fellow Europeans from larger EU countries will become insignificant, so even less hope for them.

The people in small ,insignificant countries live like kings compared to your 3rd word toilette beggar country you frustrated retard.

show where I am cheering? Use the right term 'Islamic third worlders'

I apologise,it wasn't meant for you anyway,i would like not to use the term 3rd world but these retards really go overboard.
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@AUz : Have fun with Audio. He is so frustrated that Western Civilisation will become irrelevant soon that he would make up anything and insult anyone to try to make himself feel better.

Just China, by 2030, could easily create a military and economic machine more powerful than the whole of this laughable EU put together.

Let us see what this "EU" really is:

1/ UK does not care much for the EU and we have only one pro-EU party and they get no more than 15-20% of the votes in election. One of the two major parties is actually hostile(Conservatives) and the other one(Labour) is apathetic. The major party in the coalition, Conservatives, actually may set a referendum to leave the EU in a few years:lol:

2/ Only Germany has any sort of bright future and we can see themselves "selling-out" to Russia/China. One of Germany's largest companies, Volkswagen, sells 25% of it's vehicles in China. China is pulling Germany into it's economic orbit and the Germans will realise who their paymasters are soon. US is a peer to China but Germany is nothing to the Chinese, and when China is strong enough it will show the Germans who is boss:tup:

3/ France is a country whose current edge in some areas of technology like nuclear and aircraft will be wiped out by China within the next 10 years. While China builds 5th generation fighters like J-20/J-31, France is busy trying to flog off the out-dated Rafale that would be wiped out of the skies by the upcoming Chinese fighters. Of course the French cannot afford a 5th generation fighter program so future fighter-aircraft sales are very bleak for them.

4/ The less said about countries like Spain and Italy the better:lol:

It is not surprising that the only supporters of the EU in this forum are people from small,insignificant countries who fantasise about this grand "EU" alliance to keep Europeans relevant in the future. Even their fellow Europeans from larger EU countries will become insignificant, so even less hope for them.

Of course China could, its population is vastly greater than that of the EU's.
I am not sure about the EU, the CAP is a joke for starters. Their constant meddling in our affairs also pisses me right off. Giving the vote to prisoners? No thankyou.
But there are certainly advantages to staying in. A referendum is in order.

It depends what you consider significant.
If you only believe in the economy and military might then MAYBE Europe will become redundant. However this is very questionable. I would say that the top 20 or so countries in the world are all significant. I cannot see the likes of the UK, France and Germany slipping out of that.

China I am sure will also have tough times ahead, people will demand greater freedom and obviously this will conflict with their current philosophy.
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When did I say that? o_O

All I said was that Rome wasn't the only power of its era..Han Chinese were there too...

For past 300 years, the 'natural' balance of world has been disturbed in favor of West....

Historically, that balance was always in East....

As I said, East will always be ahead of west in raw industrial production, raw GDP production, raw wealth, raw population, raw resources, raw land etc...It is just natural since East's population is more than West's...

What's this then? LOL! You sure don't know what it measn you say. How old are you anyway? Maybe a visit to the doctor would be good and a prescription for anti senility pills would prove useful? Another example of the ammenities you enjoy in kuffar lands which you wouldn't back home.

Dumbass, its not about 'my version' of history starts at blah blah...

Intelligent people break down history into compartments, and then discuss. But then again, you won't know anything about that...

Discussing different, specific time periods, are a better way of going forward rather than bullsh!ting about "history" on general level...Should have taken some college classes. It would have taught you about the importance of specificity.

In what college programme they taught you to compartmentalize and emphasize only those parts that speak in your favor? Mullah university of bias and bigotry? You sound like Baghdad Bob. :lol:


Another straw man argument. No one claimed Islam to be some awesome 'thing'...I claimed it to be a 'historical force'...which is accurate by all accounts.

Yes, it was a historical force, but not of the magnitude you are trying to present here. If it was such a historical force you would not be writing this as an immigrant.

lol, what a joke. Your source barely talks about copper,lead etc...

I talked about over-all wealth of empires!

You tried to pull off the stunt of how wealthy romans were...I just showed you how even Mughal Empire was much, much wealthier than the Romans...

lol, you showed nothing kid. Only a litography picture while i quoted you Oxford university published material. Your weakness is evident in the fact you think Roman's didn't have golden embroidered textiles and similar.
The crying that it does not talk about resources is just another lie of your. There's a whole chart there.

Also, your source tries to estimate the level of copper production in Rome by evaluating the smelting pollution present in Greenland Ice from that era....not a very convincing method...Previous people used inferior methods, techniques, and instruments for smelting which caused less efficiency and more pollution...Later, human beings became more efficient..So judging the level of production through 'pollution' isn't a very good way of going forward. I don't know if researchers had taken this into account...Romans might have produced same amount of copper with MORE pollution than say other people who came after them and produced similar amounts of copper with less pollution? But since pollution of Romans is more, they are thought to have produced more copper...

Well, just my thought..Even if Romans produced most copper...doesn't matter much.

As I said, they were easily surpassed by wealthy Muslim empires like Mughals etc..

Excavations at a few sites have produced tiles of the Classis Britannica, suggesting that they were actually run by, or were supplying iron to this Roman fleet. Total iron production has been estimated at 750 tons per year, but under 200 tons per year after 250 AD.

H. Cleere & D. Crossley, Iron industry of the Weald (2nd edn, Merton Priory Press, Cardiff, 1995), 79-84; based on work by H. F. Cleere, including 'Some operating parameters for Roman ironworks' Inst Archaeol. Bull. 13 (1976), 233-46.

LOL! Another lie destroyed. Also, you know you're position is weak and you expose copper alone, while i specifically quoted more metals production in my earlier posts. Dishonest much?

Again, you never asked for sources. Why would I give them? and slave wage life? LOL! dude, I'm not your European sister working in sex industry...and heck! I'm not even a europe who would be a slave to U.S and fight its wars :omghaha:

You should give sources because that is the custom in an online debate. But then again, you're stupid. There's also a problem of no reputable sources that will say Chinese or any other empire was so far ahead of dumb westerners in Rome that you claim.

Roman Empire was bigger than Ummayad Empire?

BASIC geography fail dude...you are boring me with your ignorance and useless rants..

Who cares about a few hundred square kilometers of barren desert. Ummayad's left nothing of value, Romans left their footprint in arts, literature, law, war technology, civilian engineering etc etc etc....

Then again Ummayad's lasted a mere 400 years..! Another failure on the measure of success.

You loose bigot.

If saying that makes your injured ego feel any better :D

There's no injured ego buddy, this is another fabrication of yours to make your existence seem easier and you try to hide your lack of knowledge and overexageration of the knowledge you have behind it.

You're sad dude. if you wouldn't be such a liar and cherry picker of facts i'd feel sorry for you, but since you are, you need to be put down.
That was Epic !!!!:nana::omghaha:

Best statement of the year....:omghaha:

In a nutshell this sums it up,contrary to the popular saying beggars are begining to be choosers.It boggles the mind how they spread their hate while living in the West biting the hand that feeds them.Shameless bastards.
In a nutshell this sums it up,contrary to the popular saying beggars are begining to be choosers.It boggles the mind how they spread their hate while living in the West biting the hand that feeds them.Shameless bastards.

He is just frustrated and scared that this van will transform into a cattle wagon on a one way trip to the shithole he crawled from.

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