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Fourteen Iranian security forces kidnapped on border with Pakistan

the border guards were "abducted between 4 am and 5 am in the Lulakdan area of the border by a terrorist group," the official IRNA news agency said.

Lulakdan is a small village 150 kilometres (about 90 miles) southeast of Zahedan, capital of the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchistan.
This happened long time back you idiot and our security agencies had made sure that this does not happened at regular intervals unlike Iranian case where we see such incidents every now and than.

So you are saying Pakistani security forces were incompetent when these incidents happened in 2012 and 2014?
So you are saying Pakistani security forces were incompetent when these incidents happened in 2012 and 2014?

That time Pakistan was facing major insurgency attacks in Waziristan and Baluchistan. We launched grand slam operation against them in the form of operation zarb e Azm and from that day such incidents has stopped. And mind you what we were facing was nothing lesser than Iraq, SYRIA and Afghanistan. Point is, not for the first time Iranian guards has been abducted or killed. This is happening at regular patterns. Just a month back their own army parade came under attack where 20 odd Iranian soldiers were killed. That was a major security lapse as well and I am even not talking about suicide attacks which Pakistani soldiers has directly faced. Iranian armed forces are perhaps expert in fighting guerrilla wars in other countries but not in their own.
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That time Pakistan was facing major insurgency attacks in Waziristan and Balochistan. We launched grand slam operation against them in the form of operation zarb e Azm and from that day such incidents has stopped. And mind you what we were facing was nothing lesser than Iraq, SYRIA and Afghanistan. Point is, not for the first time Iranian guards has been abducted or killed. This is happening on regular patterns. Just a month back their own army parade came under attack where 20 odd Iranian soliders were killed. That was a major security lapse as well and I am even not talking about suicide attacks which Pakistani soliders has directly faced. Iranian armed forces are perhaps expert in fighting guerilla wars in other countries but not in their own.

Well maybe this time Iran is facing a concerted attack from its enemies just like Pakistan did from 2010-2014, but it doesn't make their armed forces incompetent.

Soldiers are not superhuman. They can get outnumbered, overwhelmed or caught off guard. Terrorists are known to attack soft spots and they are well trained.
Iranians are Not well trained and that is the reason they always take big hits and losses. Their human waves can't beat enemies now.

Secondly, Iran's structure seems penetrated and fragile.

without inside support, abductions are not possible. This is not the first time that Iran's soldiers are abducted. It is now a phenomenon. Iran has to work hard to clean its own ranks.
They got poisoned before they kidnapped.

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Iran and Pakistan should obliterate these terrorist groups inside Pakistan once and for all.

These terrorist attacks at our borders with Pak are too fishy.
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Be careful, This Time is not like past kidnapping case.

so what can you do against pakistan? 14 armed men are kidnapped like unarmed civilians.it's pathetic.remember one thing.iranian are in large number inside pakistan.we can send all iranians back to iran if you threaten us.you should better take care of your border.
so what can you do against pakistan? 14 armed men are kidnapped like unarmed civilians.it's pathetic.remember one thing.iranian are in large number inside pakistan.we can send all iranians back to iran if you threaten us.you should better take care of your border.
How many Iranians are in Pakistan?

Iran and Pakistan should obliterate these terrorist groups inside Pakistan once and for all.

These terrorist attacks at our borders with Pak are too fishy.
Iran is partly responsible for allowing Hindus to destabilize Baluchistan and Frontier. The only lasting solution would be to ban Hindus from Sistan-Baluchistan province. They will forever destabilize Balochistan and these incidents will keep happening.
They got poisoned before they kidnapped.

Use Translator:

Iran and Pakistan should obliterate these terrorist groups inside Pakistan once and for all.

These terrorist attacks at our borders with Pak are too fishy.
i read that there must have been some infiltrator that was paid, wouldnt surprise me, this is iranian corruption mentality
You're threats won't work here mate,Instead of all this drama build a Fuc*ing fence with all that wealth you got,develop a proper monitoring system with drones and posts after every 1KM,Our soldiers get raided and attacked from terrorists from Afghanistan regularly do we cry like you guys ? NO, instead we spend 500 million $ on a Fence+Monitoring system,result ? we are much safer and attacks can easily be repulsed due to the extensive checkpost network.
They just don't respect the life of their soldiers
If these 5 Basij volunteers and 6 border guards are harmed, then Iran will retaliate.

It is highly likely it was done by CIA/Mossad/RAW. This Iran/Pakistan area is huge and very hard to control, and thus the best strategy is to work with Pakistan and eliminate these cia/indian terrorists instead of foolishly instigating a nuclear response.
Also this might be tit for tat abduction in response to 14 Afghani soldiers kidnapping. May be Afghans think that Iranians are also protecting Talibans.
.....or tit for tat for ISIS losses after retaliation from Iran.
Iran does host some AQ and taliban in the country.
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