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For all the Muslims and some Indians!

My friend from Egypt, you don't know what has happened on this side of the world and even your pre-Islamic ancestors. This is why Muslim community has so much tension with different countries around the world. Even if you ignore the West's disputes, you will see a large part of this world as well having issues.

It is something that has to be solved through acceptance, dialogue and understanding. Only then can islamic countries blend in with rest of the world. It will be good for all including Muslims.

Please don't get emotional.
my friend i am a muslim egyptian and i dont need to defend my self like i have made a crime this is my religion if you dont accept this then i wont convince you to accept that i am a muslim and if anyone has problame with my relgion or my country i dont have to tell him that i am not religious extremism i respect other relgions like i was i told to in islam and from personal experance christan egyptians are like my family they are my brothers and sisters just like they have always been
There are two aspects here.

1- The link of the book in the OP post seems to be some naive person writing from some mythical Khilafa.com website. In any case, Adnan Khan the author of the book should focus on improving Pakistan first and forget about Muslims because the best way he can help is by reforming Pakistan, shutting down the extremism there and improving its economy.

2 - You also have to differentiate between various Muslim majority countries rather than putting a blanket opinion because only naive people would do so. Particularly between Arab countries who are Muslim majority and non-Arab Muslim countries. For example, Turkey & Indonesia are almost trillion dollar economies. Then you also have compare what the situation is now based on facts. Literacy rates have been going up including female literacy. HDI figures have been going up as well. Some of these countries became independent from colonialist only 3-4 decades ago and have been able

I suggest people to pull up figures like Literacy, Female Literacy, female higher education rates, per capita incomes, HDI, % GDP spending on education, % spending on R&D and Fertility rates for large Muslim countries like Turkey, Indonesia, Iran, Bangladesh, Malaysia even Muslims in India as well as Arab countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and UAE and compare the figured for 1980 and 2010 and see the difference. And also compare with similar countries like India, China, Brazil, South Africa and other countries and see the difference.
my friend i am a muslim egyptian and i dont need to defend my self like i have made a crime this is my religion if you dont accept this then i wont convince you to accept that i am a muslim and if anyone has problame with my relgion or my country i dont have to tell him that i am not religious extremism i respect other relgions like i was i told to in islam and from personal experance christan egyptians are like my family they are my brothers and sisters just like they have always been
I think you took the intention of the thread starter in a wrong manner.
The OP is only asking for a constructive debate about how condition of Muslims can be improved and there negative stereotype be removed.

I read that Hindu comment that you made then understand this dear India has 3rd largest muslim population. I dont know what negative perception you have about Indians but we do respect Muslim who are an asset to our society.
I think you took the intention of the thread starter in a wrong manner.
The OP is only asking for a constructive debate about how condition of Muslims can be improved and there negative stereotype be removed.

I read that Hindu comment that you made then understand this dear India has 3rd largest muslim population. I dont know what negative perception you have about Indians but we do respect Muslim who are an asset to our society.
well my opinion is that in every religon there is good and bad and in every country you can find good people and bad people even in egypt and i dont hate hindus i just wanted to say anyone say anything about someone else rilgion becouse of some terreorist actions who dont represent all muslims
Technically, Muslim world needs a Mustafa Kemal Pasha in every Islamic nation. He was the only one who brought Turkey out of the quicksand and made it a developed and intelligent country.

Please don't get emotional.

Egypt already had someone like Kemal Mustafa his name was Nasser and under him egypt was the most advance arab country during his time.

My friend from Egypt, you don't know what has happened on this side of the world and even your pre-Islamic ancestors. This is why Muslim community has so much tension with different countries around the world. Even if you ignore the West's disputes, you will see a large part of this world as well having issues.

It is something that has to be solved through acceptance, dialogue and understanding. Only then can islamic countries blend in with rest of the world. It will be good for all including Muslims. :)

Please don't get emotional.

Don't know about this part but like Iranians egyptians respect their pre-islamic history otherwise you would have seen the pyramids blown up.
How can the Muslim World come out of the Mess it is in?

How can a Muslim Gain Respect?

How can Islam Gain Respect?

Only Answer is Industrialization.

Poverty, Famine, Corruption and all BS will be Permanently Eradicated.

Applicable to Mostly North Indians and Pakistani Punjabis Specially!

Just Put Aside One Hour of your Life and Read this to Understand.

Constructing an Industrialised Muslim World

Muslims and Islam already have respect...how much more one can need? In the West , do you think "Hinduism , Sikhism" have 'respect'? Do you think Hindus , Sikhs 'have respect' ? Do you think 'India' or 'Indians' have respect? :lol::lol: I LIVE here , I know how it is...Many 'Westerners' don't even respect Chinese culture/values ...They just admire their economic strength..By the way , how much "respect" Indians have for Western 'culture' ? Yes , we all respect Western scientific advance , economic power and democratic discipline... Like EVERY OTHER CULTURE , West also "respects" its OWN culture and sees it as "best" .... Now everyone can be politically correct ;) ...

But yeah , you are right...Industrialized Muslim world is good for Muslims....
I think muslims need to wake up and smell the s h i t that is our present reality.

Every morning, I feel blessed that I was born and live in a western country.
Here I can practice my faith without fear or favour. My rights as a muslim are protected and my family is safe.

I feel compelled to write as after looking at the mess we have become, I just need to vent:

Lets do a country by country review

1) Pakistan
- It is a US colony.
- Cant even protect its territorial integrity.
- Its like a house where the father and sons cannot protect the womenfolk from being molested by strangers who just barge in.
- What use is its nukes, everyone knows deep in their hearts that pakistan cannot ever trump its giant neighbour and so unfortunately has to be reliant on chinese tech of dubious quality and posturing. Empty vessels make the most noise.
- pakistan keeps saying it is the guarantor with the 'muslim bomb'..but is it for real when US can bomb it with impunity, does it even have the authority to do anything in its own country?
- no one expects the pak military to prevail against a superpower..but it does not even put up a fight..none whatsoever..at least some resistance will show we are all not total wankers
eg: osama came to pak for refuge..he is a muslim..to some he is a evil maniac..to others he displayed leadership something lacking in the ummah...but whatever the case...as a muslim..he came to a muslim country for refuge..but look what happened..it borders on the fantastique like a hollywood movie that a US team can infiltrate into pak territory and exfiltrate with impunity after killing a muslim who came to a muslim country for protection and shelter.

Saudi Arabia and the other gulf countries
Their leaders are the great devils...vast quantities of arms purchased and nothing done for our brethren in palestine..whats the use? everyone knows that the saudis and other gulf arabs are only good at throwing money away but when it comes to the crunch..I think a platoon of IDF women soldiers can take them down.

Why is it so?
- Repressed societies which are there to keep their leaders in power and not for any other reasons.
- Oil has become a curse
- Just lazy
- Too much inter-marrying of cousins that they have become dull?
Too many reasons

Man to man they are not even half the standard of an israeli woman

Overthrow all this gulf devil rulers in their gilded chairs...and wake up cos reality stinks

My wish:
israel takes over another arab country, maybe that will make the arabs and other muslims wake up

But not all are as bad
Has taken baby steps to become self sufficient and because of that it is suffering..
Does it matter so much that they are shia? they are muslims too with some semblance of discipline and enterprise and brains in society

Chechnya, Afghanistan and Palestine
They have balls of steel and fight back even though both hands and legs are tied up.

So think...what is the use of crowing about this false prowess when pakistan gets pummelled all the time by india that its become embarrasing and the gulf arabs just lie on their backs and accept it like common prostitutes?

Hopefully Israel can further humiliate us so we finally wake up.

Ok rant over..happy spring everyone
realitystinks, I think you need to wake up and smell the $hit. You should be ashamed to call yourself Muslim. Post reported.
Muslims and Islam already have respect...how much more one can need?

And then they cry about Islamophobia in west. Strange people.

BTW there is on Hinduphobia or Sikhophobia in West...
You are entitled to your view..but why?
Come on substantiate it..say why..have I said any falsehoods or said anything utterly stupid or without any basis?

Please elaborate..come on

realitystinks, I think you need to wake up and smell the $hit. You should be ashamed to call yourself Muslim. Post reported.
Muslims and Islam already have respect...how much more one can need? In the West , do you think "Hinduism , Sikhism" have 'respect'? Do you think Hindus , Sikhs 'have respect' ? Do you think 'India' or 'Indians' have respect? :lol::lol: I LIVE here , I know how it is...Many 'Westerners' don't even respect Chinese culture/values ...They just admire their economic strength..By the way , how much "respect" Indians have for Western 'culture' ? Yes , we all respect Western scientific advance , economic power and democratic discipline... Like EVERY OTHER CULTURE , West also "respects" its OWN culture and sees it as "best" .... Now everyone can be politically correct ;) ...

But yeah , you are right...Industrialized Muslim world is good for Muslims....
Dude why are you draging Hindus and Sikhs into this and talking about respect some people have a habit to troll.

@topic:I agree with the OP the only way to lift your economic condition is going through Industrialization when it comes to developing country's.
Look at Europe which was exposed to Industrialization in 19th century, China has also been able to gain quite a bit due to rapid Industrialization.
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