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Fire breaks out at Iranian nuclear facility, no damage occurred, say officials

On the topic at hand, In these images there's an impact crater visible on the road passing above the building, So this is likely an external explosion most likely caused by a cruise missile that hit that part of the road.

I find that sort of theory rather unlikely,I mean if you`re going to go to the trouble of using a cruise missile then it doesnt matter at that point if its one or ten,also why not just directly target the center of the structure for maximum effect.I think that if it were that sort of attack then you wouldnt see the sort of damage that you see here.
Its clear that most of the stronger parts of the building ie the brick walls have handled the blast fairly well with limited damage,by comparison the roof cladding has clearly been blown off and is concentrated in one area on the left hand side of the building indicating that the blast was in the center or perhaps right hand side.
It has many of the hallmarks of a bleve type explosion[boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion]especially the large amount of scorching and heat damage that is clearly visible inside the structure,this is in fact exactly what you often see with gas bottles or canisters exploding,its actually quite similar to an fae [fuel-air explosive] except that it occurred inside the building.
Now this isnt to say that this might not actually be the result of sabotage,but personally I still remain unconvinced of theories involving atgms,drones,nlos or pgm type attacks as not only would some of these lack the power necessary to do this level of damage but that these would also at a minimum leave very obvious traces that would make any attempt at plausible deniability impossible and would invite direct iranian retaliation which for something that brazen would not be long in coming,not to mention that all of the previous israeli and us attempts at sabotage involved nothing on that sort of level.
One thing people need to understand is this is a declared nuclear site under U.N. charter. A physical attack on a declared (ie not covert) nuclear site is against U.N. charter and Geneva conventions as the site carries nuclear material.

What do you think US or Israel would have done if someone attacked their nuclear site? A nuclear site is a whole another ball game from a military base, oil facility, etc

If Iran did a covert attack on A nuclear site you can be damn sure it would be on the receiving hand of some serious firepower and costly response.
One thing people need to understand is this is a declared nuclear site under U.N. charter. A physical attack on a declared (ie not covert) nuclear site is against U.N. charter and Geneva conventions as the site carries nuclear material.

What do you think US or Israel would have done if someone attacked their nuclear site? A nuclear site is a whole another ball game from a military base, oil facility, etc

If Iran did a covert attack on A nuclear site you can be damn sure it would be on the receiving hand of some serious firepower and costly response.
That's how the world is. What can you do about it ? But Iran has plenty of options on how to respond. Believe me, Iranian secret services are among the best and there is plenty of men and money and resources. I don't know why there is such a silence from our side, its fking weird. What the hell is going on ?
When the enemy strikes you at your own home, you HAVE to strike back. No if's and buts its a MUST. Atleast do something, directly or indirectly, this inaction is literally killing us. What you are saying is to give signal to the enemy that they can strike us many times as they wish without any retaliation. This is totally unacceptable.

Your argument could be applied to bombing of Iranian assets and personel in Syria but not at our own home. They are striking inside Iran and with this mindset will just encourage the enemy to continue. The government must draw a red line.
I understand that feeling, bro. It is valid.

There are things which both USA and India have done which make (our) blood boil, but a good leader has to think about the lives of millions of people under his/her watch.

It is painful to see all that blown to dust. God forbid.

Islamic countries need to come together in these trying times. A bloc is more effective in addressing external threats then a single country unless it is a superpower. Even a superpower needs allies at times.

Unfortunately, Muslims vs. Muslims dynamic whereever you look. Talk about utter decay.

WE are not united and focused - our greatest weakness that is easily exploited by others.
I understand that feeling, bro. It is valid.

There are things which both USA and India have done which make (our) blood boil, but a good leader has to think about the lives of millions of people under his/her watch.

It is painful to see all that blown to dust. God forbid.

Islamic countries need to come together in these trying times. A bloc is more effective in addressing external threats then a single country unless it is a superpower. Even a superpower needs allies at times.

Unfortunately, Muslims vs. Muslims dynamic whereever you look. Talk about utter decay.

WE are not united and focused - our greatest weakness that is easily exploited by others.

Fully agree on this.

I've been a supporter for the creation of a multinational Islamic country alliance that aims to protect itself from outside actors wishing to harm the general integrity of respective member-states.

Idk though, the entire prospect of such a bloc is dubious at best for all intents and purposes. Maybe one day there will be such a formation but you pretty much hit-the-nail on the head with how divided muslims are in general, especially when it comes to Muslim State-to-Muslim State interactions.
I understand that feeling, bro. It is valid.

There are things which both USA and India have done which make (our) blood boil, but a good leader has to think about the lives of millions of people under his/her watch.

It is painful to see all that blown to dust. God forbid.

Islamic countries need to come together in these trying times. A bloc is more effective in addressing external threats then a single country unless it is a superpower. Even a superpower needs allies at times.

Unfortunately, Muslims vs. Muslims dynamic whereever you look. Talk about utter decay.

WE are not united and focused - our greatest weakness that is easily exploited by others.
In the case of Iran millions of lives have been disrupted just because of this nuclear issue and the fight against the zionist state. There needs to be some sort of accountability when it becomes clear that all the tough talks and statements from the past are in reality nothing but hot air. You just can't play with peoples lives and the future of a country like that if you are going to remain quiet and let them hit you even at home. This is totally disgusting, beyond words. Either they are going to hit them hard or the many nationalist Iranians who are siding with this estabilishment just for the sake of the country are going to change their mind. They need to draw a red line for gods sake.
In the case of Iran millions of lives have been disrupted just because of this nuclear issue and the fight against the zionist state. There needs to be some sort of accountability when it becomes clear that all the tough talks and statements from the past are in reality nothing but hot air. You just can't play with peoples lives and the future of a country like that if you are going to remain quiet and let them hit you even at home. This is totally disgusting, beyond words.

Wallah mah hagh darim ah (lol I don't know if I said this right)..... We deserve some sort of damn answer, even if it sucks or we don't like. We have to get some sort of reason for all this pragmatism coming from Tehran.

I mean what is it? Is Iran that afraid of Israel's nukes, is it their air-force or military that scares them? Just what in the hell is it?!?
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Vaghe'en mah hagh darim ah..... We deserve some sort of damn answer, even if it sucks or we don't like. We have to get some sort of reason for all this pragmatism coming from Tehran.

I mean what is it? Is Iran that afraid of Israel's nukes, is it their air-force or military that scares them? Just what in the hell is it?!?
I added last part to my post. Really, the Iranian regime despite many propaganda by the US or Israel enjoys widespread support among the Iranian masses. Many Iranians support the nuclear program just because it is only in Iran's name. But when the regime is unwilling to even retaliate in ANY WAY it becomes clear to millions of Iranians that this was all some kind of joke. Now before some accuse me of being too fast with judging, remember this all happened with the assasination of our top nuclear scientists, which we gave half assed response by targeting their diplomats, bordering on warnings,threats (as they never got really killed as revenge) and then the imam ali base explosion happened, then tehrani moghaddam, and then syria and finally where we are now, at our own home.
This is fked up. They better going to act quickly or the Iranians themselves will sort them out.
I added last part to my post. Really, the Iranian regime despite many propaganda by the US or Israel enjoys widespread support among the Iranian masses. Many Iranians support the nuclear program just because it is only in Iran's name. But when the regime is unwilling to even retaliate in ANY WAY it becomes clear to millions of Iranians that this was all some kind of joke. Now before some accuse me of being too fast with judging, remember this all happened with the assasination of our top nuclear scientists, which we gave half assed response by targeting their diplomats, bordering on warnings,threats (as they never got really killed as revenge) and then the imam ali base explosion happened, then tehrani moghaddam, and then syria and finally where we are now, at our own home.
This is fked up. They better going to act quickly or the Iranians themselves will sort them out.

Dariush...man mikham ye chizi begam, vaghe'an nemidoonam aghe harfam rusteh ya na vali migam chunkeh ru fekram boot.

Shomah fekr mikooni Iran az Esrael tarseedeh?
Iran if wants to take revenge that is its right but before doing that they seriously need to come clean on how this attack on their sights took place. Was it Cruise missile or a drone or a cyber attack.
Dariush...man mikham ye chizi begam, vaghe'an nemidoonam aghe harfam rusteh ya na vali migam chunkeh ru fekram boot.

Shomah fekr mikooni Iran az Esrael tarseedeh?
baleh, rahbaraye iran az esrail mitarsan. chonke pool parast hastan. mitarsan ke pulha ke dozdide shode block beshe kharej az keshvar. mitarsan ke aghazade ha natunan dige beran kharej villa bekharan. @mangekyo rast goft. rahbaramoon mesle sheykha khalije fars shodan.

khak bar sareshoon.

Iran if wants to take revenge that is its right but before doing that they seriously need to come clean on how this attack on their sights took place. Was it Cruise missile or a drone or a cyber attack.
Does it matter how ? What matters is that the attack took place and there needs to be a proper reply.
baleh, rahbaraye iran az esrail mitarsan. chonke pool parast hastan. mitarsan ke pulha ke dozdide shode block beshe kharej az keshvar. mitarsan ke aghazade ha natunan dige beran kharej villa bekharan. @mangekyo rast goft. rahbaramoon mesle sheykha khalije fars shodan.

khak bar sareshoon.

Does it matter how ? What matters is that the attack took place and there needs to be a proper reply.
If you reply a cyber attack with ballistic Missiles, it could turn against you on international level.
baleh, rahbaraye iran az esrail mitarsan. chonke pool parast hastan. mitarsan ke pulha ke dozdide shode block beshe kharej az keshvar. mitarsan ke aghazade ha natunan dige beran kharej villa bekharan. @mangekyo rast goft. rahbaramoon mesle sheykha khalije fars shodan.

khak bar sareshoon.

Does it matter how ? What matters is that the attack took place and there needs to be a proper reply.

Ey khodah.....che balahyeh bad ruu sareh Iraniha oomad, hopefully things will get better. Een hagheh mah nadbood, aslanam nabood.

Rust migeh Dariush, khak bar sareshoon......

I'm done for today, I can't take anymore embarrassment.
If you reply a cyber attack with ballistic Missiles, it could turn against you on international level.
I am not advocating launching Ballistic Missiles from Kermanshah to Telaviv and Haifa. I am saying there needs to be some kind of response. Atleast a response, in any way. Could be continuation of cyber attacks or gunning down a Israeli nuclear scientist.
Ey khodah.....che balahyeh bad ruu sareh Iraniha oomad, hopefully things will get better. Een hagheh mah nadbood, aslanam nabood.

Rust migeh Dariush, khak bar sareshoon......

I'm done for today, I can't take anymore embarrassment.

Dadash. Iran enghad khak bar sar, bigheyrat o biliaghat shode ke vakhtike esrail o amrika be saremoon mizane, bejainke javabe unaro pas bedim, zooremoon faghat be Zarif o Rouhani mirese, darim mizanim sare una.

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