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Fire breaks out at Iranian nuclear facility, no damage occurred, say officials


The blatant contradiction is separated by merely 9 postings...

Why are my Iranian brothers letting themselves get played in such an obvious manner?

No brother, they are not "mad" at "what's happening". I can post many screenshots which will prove beyond a doubt that they do not talk nor behave like a patriot loving their country would. When challenged, they counter by arguing that theirs is a "constructive" type of "criticism", meant to heighten their "compatriots'" realism and thus efficiency. However, you do not, on this sort of interactive platform, pursue that kind of a goal. The goal here is to support your side no matter what, and to minimize your perception of any shortcomings, factual or fictive. That's what everyone else does, so why would our Iranian brothers of all people feel an urge to self-flagellate and lower their own morale, under the guidance of a dubious member with two American flags under their username, who refers to Netanyahu by the affectionate diminutive "Bibi" and, when intending to provide an example of an unsuspected case of mass murder, cites the "Holocaust" instead of the genocide of 10 million Iranians at the hands of the zionist-/Rothschild-/Sassoon-controlled British Empire during WWI?

Furthermore, there are certain semantic red lines a actual patriot would never cross, no matter how disappointed or alienated.

Your understanding of patriotism must be rather bizarre if you consider a person who regularly pokes fun and ridicule at your country's armed forces and at individual soldiers as a well-meaning, passionate enthusiast of the homeland. Again, the tone gives it away. Constructive criticism is one thing, ridicule and deriding those who put their lives on the line to defend your borders a totally different one. When your reaction to the picture of a special forces unit of your country is to laugh and claim the person is "skinnier" than your average "Iranian girl", no amount of word twisting will fool an alert observer as to your true feelings.

If you are a patriot and wish to criticize certain aspects of social life prevalent amongst specific sectors of your nation, say, a perceivedly unjustified sense of grandeur that may appear unproductive, will you then blatantly and brazenly resort to the generic adjective pertaining to your nation in order to qualify said perception? In other terms, what Iranian "patriot" would even talk of an "Iranian delusion of grandeur", and, by adding the preposition "another case of", go on to portray this as an inherent, typical and undesirable trait characteristic of his country? A globalist or an antifa / ultra-liberal Iranian may resort such semantics. Or a foreigner filled with more or less dissimulated resentment for Iran would talk that way. Not an Iranian patriot in the actual sense of the word.

This is only one example. I have many more in store.
You are 100% right brother. I fully agree with you.

The blatant contradiction is separated by merely 9 postings...

Why are my Iranian brothers letting themselves get played in such an obvious manner?

No brother, they are not "mad" at "what's happening". I can post many screenshots which will prove beyond a doubt that they do not talk nor behave like a patriot loving their country would. When challenged, they counter by arguing that theirs is a "constructive" type of "criticism", meant to heighten their "compatriots'" realism and thus efficiency. However, you do not, on this sort of interactive platform, pursue that kind of a goal. The goal here is to support your side no matter what, and to minimize your perception of any shortcomings, factual or fictive. That's what everyone else does, so why would our Iranian brothers of all people feel an urge to self-flagellate and lower their own morale, under the guidance of a dubious member with two American flags under their username, who refers to Netanyahu by the affectionate diminutive "Bibi" and, when intending to provide an example of an unsuspected case of mass murder, cites the "Holocaust" instead of the genocide of 10 million Iranians at the hands of the zionist-/Rothschild-/Sassoon-controlled British Empire during WWI?

Furthermore, there are certain semantic red lines a actual patriot would never cross, no matter how disappointed or alienated.

Your understanding of patriotism must be rather bizarre if you consider a person who regularly pokes fun and ridicule at your country's armed forces and at individual soldiers as a well-meaning, passionate enthusiast of the homeland. Again, the tone gives it away. Constructive criticism is one thing, ridicule and deriding those who put their lives on the line to defend your borders a totally different one. When your reaction to the picture of a special forces unit of your country is to laugh and claim the person is "skinnier" than your average "Iranian girl", no amount of word twisting will fool an alert observer as to your true feelings.

If you are a patriot and wish to criticize certain aspects of social life prevalent amongst specific sectors of your nation, say, a perceivedly unjustified sense of grandeur that may appear unproductive, will you then blatantly and brazenly resort to the generic adjective pertaining to your nation in order to qualify said perception? In other terms, what Iranian "patriot" would even talk of an "Iranian delusion of grandeur", and, by adding the preposition "another case of", go on to portray this as an inherent, typical and undesirable trait characteristic of his country? A globalist or an antifa / ultra-liberal Iranian may resort such semantics. Or a foreigner filled with more or less dissimulated resentment for Iran would talk that way. Not an Iranian patriot in the actual sense of the word.

This is only one example. I have many more in store.

Another fake account with 6 posts coming in here to spread trouble and resort to the good old “omg he has American flags he is a super Zionist here to corrupt our minds and fool our souls”.

Why? Because he doesn’t like my opinions because he wants it to be suppressed. He doesn’t like hear “negative” comments all he wants to hear about is how everything is wonderful and Iran will dominate the world. Much like the book 1984, these types of individuals want to brainwash society in order to not be of different opinion.

Seriously what is your IQ level? Why would Zionists be on some random forum trying to convince a handful of you morons to go astray? None of you guys are important. You act like you run the pillars of government or are some VIP that you would be targeted by “Zionists” and “Western Spies”.

Seriously this propaganda technique is old and overused on this forum.

Be gone.

but as long as people like me will be around, no free pass will be granted to gutter antics.

Now where have I heard this “I’m the policeman of this forum ” propaganda before?

Oh that’s right it must be that other fake account you post under Shawnee.
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Another fake account with 6 posts coming in here to spread trouble and resort to the good old “omg he has American flags he is a super Zionist here to corrupt our minds and fool our souls”.

Why? Because he doesn’t like my opinions because he wants it to be suppressed. He doesn’t like hear “negative” comments all he wants to hear about is how everything is wonderful and Iran will dominate the world. Much like the book 1984, these types of individuals want to brainwash society in order to not be of different opinion.

Seriously what is your IQ level? Why would Zionists be on some random forum trying to convince a handful of you morons to go astray? None of you guys are important. You act like you run the pillars of government or are some VIP that you would be targeted by “Zionists” and “Western Spies”

Seriously this propaganda technique is old and overused on this forum.

Be gone.

I'll be present or not according to the possibilities offering themselves to me. Random injunctions by this subject will evidently play no role in my decision.

Secondly, that tired old "muh, they want to censor opposing views" mantra will no longer cut it. Who talked of censorship? All we're doing is opening the eyes of some of our Iranian brothers falling prey to wolves in (prerty transparent) sheep clothing. They may garner support from some antifa / liberal Iranians amateurishly trying to pass themselves off as "patriotic", however actual patriotic Iranians are starting to see through such third rate attempts at manipulation.

Concerning the US flags, I clearly mentioned these in combination with several other, highly revealing posting habits of the account in question. Sure, merely sporting US flags in a forum does not immediately make one a zionist. However, doing so while affectionately referring to Netanyahu as "Bibi", and while treating the "Holocaust" as the moral compass of History tells a different story.

Doing so while spreading totally undocumented disinformation, as in the case of Iran's Fateh submarine having encountered "structural problems" during its development phase, or Iran's Sejjil BM not being able to be mass produced, tells us a different story.

Doing so while regularly insulting co-members, including their mothers - and reserving such insults exclusively for Iranian members, tells a different story.

Doing so while directing some token diatribe at users from nations other than Iran, but only in a calculated way aiming to fan animosity between Iranians and their neighbours, aiming to strengthen fictitious Shia/Sunni splits (way to cloak oneself as a "patriot" while striving for opposite goals), and at the same time as good as never uttering anything against the zionist entity or users hailing from that illegal settler regime, whose poisonous propaganda against Iran on this forum is a well known fact, tells a different story.

Doing so while applying obvious, clear-as-day double standards in their commenting about respective theoretical capabilities of Iran and the zionist regime, like when they were arguing that the US would never go on the offensive against Tel Aviv for fear of having one of their major cities "such as Chicago" wiped out by Israeli nuclear weapons, while elsewhere applying a completely opposite logic to Iran when claiming that a nuclear-armed Iran would never be able to deter the US regime from launching a military aggression against it, notwithstanding the fact that under such circumstances, Iran would be just as capable to punish the aggressor, tells a different story.

As I previously explained, what this account has been practicing here has nothing to do with honest "criticism". It is an all out, systematic endeavour in pursuit of the self-confessed goal to lower the morale of Iranians. Now ask yourself, why would anyone set himself such a goal and spend several hours each day working towards that end on this website? Again, why would anyone assign themself such a "mission", a supposed "patriot" no less? Why would they not, if they want "what is best for Iran", as they claim, spend even half the time they take to write up morale-lowering content and family insults against Iranians, on countering the filth spread by the zionist regime operators on this website, filth that is by all means infinitely more dangerous for Iran than some Iranian users supposedly blowiong out of proportion Iran's prowess. The reply to this ought to be clear.

No amount of binary caricatures distinguishing between a supposed jingoistic vision of Iran on its way to dominating the world soon - which no Iranian user here ever professed, by the way, and a supposed "realistic" one that requires Iranians to consider their mothers, sisters and women as "kharaab", to consider themselves as an "incompetent people" full of "delusions of grandeur", will suffice to fool those of us with the required amount of intelligence and honesty.

And they dare suggest we are taking things too seriously and that we are extrapolating - if lowering the morale of Iranian forum users, insulting Iranian women, mothers and armed forces members, directing ad hominems at Iranian forum users on a regular basis didn't mean a lot to them, then they simply would not waste their time engaging in these activities 24/7. If the subject considered the discussions here to be without any consequence whatsoever, they would not be a regular contributor, simple as that; but even more importantly, and revealingly, they would not cast their activity under the banner of an openly announced goal or should we say, self-styled mission statement ("Iranians need to be less delusional about their capacities"). So the ridiculous assertion aimed at us here instantly falls flat considering the subject's own statements.

Beyond our present case study, only a naive person would fail to identify the colossal efforts put in by the global zionist mafia to coercively control every inch and parcel of public opinion worldwide, with a a zero tolerance policy for dissenting views, these being alternately suppressed by a mix of brute force, mass-murder, genocide, but then also censorship, and last but not least, social engineering and psy-ops in those tiny pockets of superficial "free speech" serving as alibis for a totalitarian, anti-human system of governance. And Iran is their number one target. Hence the literally millions of anti-Iran channels, accounts and sites all over the media and internet landscape. Hence the fact that the BBC's Persian language service is the most active of that corporation's foreign language services on social media, by a margin of no less than one to ten or more, compared to their second most prolific foreign service. Those brainwashed by the global, zionist-controlled media corporations may fail to recognize this, not us though.

There are reports aplenty in the public domain about the more or less sophisticated ways in which intelligence agencies as well as interest groups but also volunteers, including those hostile to Iran, massively invest internet sites, from social media to forums, including through infiltration tactics (the "I'm on your side guys, but your soldiers look like girls, you are a nation of incompetents, you should not unconditionally cheer for your country, but I'm a patriot, believe me, bla bla" approach), so as to impose a monopoly of thought favorable to the zio-American empire's bloody murderous designs. One merely needs to search for them (although these too might become harder to find with time, as the criminal global empire keeps extending its death grip on nations).

If any society is nearing the dystopian reality portrayed by the likes of Orwell or Huxley, it is the forsaken, mass-murdering masonic mafia construct going by the designation "USA", as well as the global order of nations subjugated to it. In that sense, the dubious account is practicing what Sigmund Freud tried to sell us as universal anthropological truth, but which in fact chiefly applied to Freud himself as well as to people of his ilk, that is cognitive dissonance i. e. psychological projection (along with a host of further mental perversions subsumed under the Oedipus complex notion, which no ordinary person ever suffered from, but which a swindler like Freud nonetheless sought to paint as a universal trait pertaining to human psyche).

Now the worst part is that these same individuals, when under fire by their audience, push the gall so far as to claim "patriotic" credentials. They go as far as trying to pass off insult, ridicule, constant self-contradiction, and blatant double-standards in favor of Iran's existential enemies, which only a blind or a confused person will miss, as the "constructive criticisms of a caring patriot". Give us a break already.

There is a clear distinction between the kind of criticism a patriot would formulate and what this account here is spreading. The gap is more than obvious in tone, vocabulary, and content of their posts. Want to spend your time here on a self-declared mission to "limit and restrain the blind patriotism of Iranians", while specifically targetting users with a history of interesting, original and competent input as well as a pristine, unquestionable record in terms of loyalty to their homeland (PeeD, yavar, Soheil), while routinely insulting Iranian users, while referring to the Iranian military as a "kabob army" (sic! Those MacDonaldized, uncultured American transliterations, I swear...), while ridiculing Iranian rangers as "skinny" and effeminate, while referring to Iranian women as prostitutes, go ahead, but by exposing their tricks, I will not allow the authors of such toxicity to have it easy when trying to sell this off as "healthy" criticism, nor will I allow them to hide behind some inane code words ("evil conspiracy theorists seeking to curtail my freedom of speech") intended to stifle any sort of reaction. As far as Iranian patriots are concerned, these types can "criticize" all they want, the more the merrier, but it will not affect an Iranian patriot nor will this have a iota of an impact on an Iranian patriot's unrelenting loyalty and faith in their beloved homeland and its armed forces. It's all in vain.

User Shawnee was mentionned. Actually, Shawnee has been repeatedly critical of various things going on in Iran. However, that which Shawnee posts pretty much qualifies as constructive criticism, as opposed to what certain subjects produce. There are more of us who will not fall for this individual's oh so transparent antics.
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Keep throwing my name in different threads. I will catch you over time with your false comments on military issues. Dig your own grave like 500 and Gambit did. I am a patient guy :)
I'll be present or not according to the possibilities offering themselves to me. Random injunctions by this subject will evidently play no role in my decision.

Secondly, that tired old "muh, they want to censor opposing views" mantra will no longer cut it. Who talked of censorship? All we're doing is opening the eyes of some of our Iranian brothers falling prey to wolves in (prerty transparent) sheep clothing. They may garner support from some antifa / liberal Iranians amateurishly trying to pass themselves off as "patriotic", however actual patriotic Iranians are starting to see through such third rate attempts at manipulation.

Concerning the US flags, I clearly mentioned these in combination with several other, highly revealing posting habits of the account in question. Sure, merely sporting US flags in a forum does not immediately make one a zionist. However, doing so while affectionately referring to Netanyahu as "Bibi", and while treating the "Holocaust" as the moral compass of History tells a different story.

Doing so while spreading totally undocumented disinformation, as in the case of Iran's Fateh submarine having encountered "structural problems" during its development phase, or Iran's Sejjil BM not being able to be mass produced, tells us a different story.

Doing so while regularly insulting co-members, including their mothers - and reserving such insults exclusively for Iranian members, tells a different story.

Doing so while directing some token diatribe at users from nations other than Iran, but only in a calculated way aiming to fan animosity between Iranians and their neighbours, aiming to strengthen fictitious Shia/Sunni splits (way to cloak oneself as a "patriot" while striving for opposite goals), and at the same time as good as never uttering anything against the zionist entity or users hailing from that illegal settler regime, whose poisonous propaganda against Iran on this forum is a well known fact, tells a different story.

Doing so while applying obvious, clear-as-day double standards in their commenting about respective theoretical capabilities of Iran and the zionist regime, like when they were arguing that the US would never go on the offensive against Tel Aviv for fear of having one of their major cities "such as Chicago" wiped out by Israeli nuclear weapons, while elsewhere applying a completely opposite logic to Iran when claiming that a nuclear-armed Iran would never be able to deter the US regime from launching a military aggression against it, notwithstanding the fact that under such circumstances, Iran would be just as capable to punish the aggressor, tells a different story.

As I previously explained, what this account has been practicing here has nothing to do with honest "criticism". It is an all out, systematic endeavour in pursuit of the self-confessed goal to lower the morale of Iranians. Now ask yourself, why would anyone set himself such a goal and spend several hours each day working towards that end on this website? Again, why would anyone assign themself such a "mission", a supposed "patriot" no less? Why would they not, if they want "what is best for Iran", as they claim, spend even half the time they take to write up morale-lowering content and family insults against Iranians, on countering the filth spread by the zionist regime operators on this website, filth that is by all means infinitely more dangerous for Iran than some Iranian users supposedly blowiong out of proportion Iran's prowess. The reply to this ought to be clear.

No amount of binary caricatures distinguishing between a supposed jingoistic vision of Iran on its way to dominating the world soon - which no Iranian user here ever professed, by the way, and a supposed "realistic" one that requires Iranians to consider their mothers, sisters and women as "kharaab", to consider themselves as an "incompetent people" full of "delusions of grandeur", will suffice to fool those of us with the required amount of intelligence and honesty.

And they dare suggest we are taking things too seriously and that we are extrapolating - if lowering the morale of Iranian forum users, insulting Iranian women, mothers and armed forces members, directing ad hominems at Iranian forum users on a regular basis didn't mean a lot to them, then they simply would not waste their time engaging in these activities 24/7. If the subject considered the discussions here to be without any consequence whatsoever, they would not be a regular contributor, simple as that; but even more importantly, and revealingly, they would not cast their activity under the banner of an openly announced goal or should we say, self-styled mission statement ("Iranians need to be less delusional about their capacities"). So the ridiculous assertion aimed at us here instantly falls flat considering the subject's own statements.

Beyond our present case study, only a naive person would fail to identify the colossal efforts put in by the global zionist mafia to coercively control every inch and parcel of public opinion worldwide, with a a zero tolerance policy for dissenting views, these being alternately suppressed by a mix of brute force, mass-murder, genocide, but then also censorship, and last but not least, social engineering and psy-ops in those tiny pockets of superficial "free speech" serving as alibis for a totalitarian, anti-human system of governance. And Iran is their number one target. Hence the literally millions of anti-Iran channels, accounts and sites all over the media and internet landscape. Hence the fact that the BBC's Persian language service is the most active of that corporation's foreign language services on social media, by a margin of no less than one to ten or more, compared to their second most prolific foreign service. Those brainwashed by the global, zionist-controlled media corporations may fail to recognize this, not us though.

There are reports aplenty in the public domain about the more or less sophisticated ways in which intelligence agencies as well as interest groups but also volunteers, including those hostile to Iran, massively invest internet sites, from social media to forums, including through infiltration tactics (the "I'm on your side guys, but your soldiers look like girls, you are a nation of incompetents, you should not unconditionally cheer for your country, but I'm a patriot, believe me, bla bla" approach), so as to impose a monopoly of thought favorable to the zio-American empire's bloody murderous designs. One merely needs to search for them (although these too might become harder to find with time, as the criminal global empire keeps extending its death grip on nations).

If any society is nearing the dystopian reality portrayed by the likes of Orwell or Huxley, it is the forsaken, mass-murdering masonic mafia construct going by the designation "USA", as well as the global order of nations subjugated to it. In that sense, the dubious account is practicing what Sigmund Freud tried to sell us as universal anthropological truth, but which in fact chiefly applied to Freud himself as well as to people of his ilk, that is cognitive dissonance i. e. psychological projection (along with a host of further mental perversions subsumed under the Oedipus complex notion, which no ordinary person ever suffered from, but which a swindler like Freud nonetheless sought to paint as a universal trait pertaining to human psyche).

Now the worst part is that these same individuals, when under fire by their audience, push the gall so far as to claim "patriotic" credentials. They go as far as trying to pass off insult, ridicule, constant self-contradiction, and blatant double-standards in favor of Iran's existential enemies, which only a blind or a confused person will miss, as the "constructive criticisms of a caring patriot". Give us a break already.

There is a clear distinction between the kind of criticism a patriot would formulate and what this account here is spreading. The gap is more than obvious in tone, vocabulary, and content of their posts. Want to spend your time here on a self-declared mission to "limit and restrain the blind patriotism of Iranians", while specifically targetting users with a history of interesting, original and competent input as well as a pristine, unquestionable record in terms of loyalty to their homeland (PeeD, yavar, Soheil), while routinely insulting Iranian users, while referring to the Iranian military as a "kabob army" (sic! Those MacDonaldized, uncultured American transliterations, I swear...), while ridiculing Iranian rangers as "skinny" and effeminate, while referring to Iranian women as prostitutes, go ahead, but by exposing their tricks, I will not allow the authors of such toxicity to have it easy when trying to sell this off as "healthy" criticism, nor will I allow them to hide behind some inane code words ("evil conspiracy theorists seeking to curtail my freedom of speech") intended to stifle any sort of reaction. As far as Iranian patriots are concerned, these types can "criticize" all they want, the more the merrier, but it will not affect an Iranian patriot nor will this have a iota of an impact on an Iranian patriot's unrelenting loyalty and faith in their beloved homeland and its armed forces. It's all in vain.

User Shawnee was mentionned. Actually, Shawnee has been repeatedly critical of various things going on in Iran. However, that which Shawnee posts pretty much qualifies as constructive criticism, as opposed to what certain subjects produce. There are more of us who will not fall for this individual's oh so transparent antics.

Hahaha I’m looking forward to Immortals response to this.
I'll be present or not according to the possibilities offering themselves to me. Random injunctions by this subject will evidently play no role in my decision.

Secondly, that tired old "muh, they want to censor opposing views" mantra will no longer cut it. Who talked of censorship? All we're doing is opening the eyes of some of our Iranian brothers falling prey to wolves in (prerty transparent) sheep clothing. They may garner support from some antifa / liberal Iranians amateurishly trying to pass themselves off as "patriotic", however actual patriotic Iranians are starting to see through such third rate attempts at manipulation.

Concerning the US flags, I clearly mentioned these in combination with several other, highly revealing posting habits of the account in question. Sure, merely sporting US flags in a forum does not immediately make one a zionist. However, doing so while affectionately referring to Netanyahu as "Bibi", and while treating the "Holocaust" as the moral compass of History tells a different story.

Doing so while spreading totally undocumented disinformation, as in the case of Iran's Fateh submarine having encountered "structural problems" during its development phase, or Iran's Sejjil BM not being able to be mass produced, tells us a different story.

Doing so while regularly insulting co-members, including their mothers - and reserving such insults exclusively for Iranian members, tells a different story.

Doing so while directing some token diatribe at users from nations other than Iran, but only in a calculated way aiming to fan animosity between Iranians and their neighbours, aiming to strengthen fictitious Shia/Sunni splits (way to cloak oneself as a "patriot" while striving for opposite goals), and at the same time as good as never uttering anything against the zionist entity or users hailing from that illegal settler regime, whose poisonous propaganda against Iran on this forum is a well known fact, tells a different story.

Doing so while applying obvious, clear-as-day double standards in their commenting about respective theoretical capabilities of Iran and the zionist regime, like when they were arguing that the US would never go on the offensive against Tel Aviv for fear of having one of their major cities "such as Chicago" wiped out by Israeli nuclear weapons, while elsewhere applying a completely opposite logic to Iran when claiming that a nuclear-armed Iran would never be able to deter the US regime from launching a military aggression against it, notwithstanding the fact that under such circumstances, Iran would be just as capable to punish the aggressor, tells a different story.

As I previously explained, what this account has been practicing here has nothing to do with honest "criticism". It is an all out, systematic endeavour in pursuit of the self-confessed goal to lower the morale of Iranians. Now ask yourself, why would anyone set himself such a goal and spend several hours each day working towards that end on this website? Again, why would anyone assign themself such a "mission", a supposed "patriot" no less? Why would they not, if they want "what is best for Iran", as they claim, spend even half the time they take to write up morale-lowering content and family insults against Iranians, on countering the filth spread by the zionist regime operators on this website, filth that is by all means infinitely more dangerous for Iran than some Iranian users supposedly blowiong out of proportion Iran's prowess. The reply to this ought to be clear.

No amount of binary caricatures distinguishing between a supposed jingoistic vision of Iran on its way to dominating the world soon - which no Iranian user here ever professed, by the way, and a supposed "realistic" one that requires Iranians to consider their mothers, sisters and women as "kharaab", to consider themselves as an "incompetent people" full of "delusions of grandeur", will suffice to fool those of us with the required amount of intelligence and honesty.

And they dare suggest we are taking things too seriously and that we are extrapolating - if lowering the morale of Iranian forum users, insulting Iranian women, mothers and armed forces members, directing ad hominems at Iranian forum users on a regular basis didn't mean a lot to them, then they simply would not waste their time engaging in these activities 24/7. If the subject considered the discussions here to be without any consequence whatsoever, they would not be a regular contributor, simple as that; but even more importantly, and revealingly, they would not cast their activity under the banner of an openly announced goal or should we say, self-styled mission statement ("Iranians need to be less delusional about their capacities"). So the ridiculous assertion aimed at us here instantly falls flat considering the subject's own statements.

Beyond our present case study, only a naive person would fail to identify the colossal efforts put in by the global zionist mafia to coercively control every inch and parcel of public opinion worldwide, with a a zero tolerance policy for dissenting views, these being alternately suppressed by a mix of brute force, mass-murder, genocide, but then also censorship, and last but not least, social engineering and psy-ops in those tiny pockets of superficial "free speech" serving as alibis for a totalitarian, anti-human system of governance. And Iran is their number one target. Hence the literally millions of anti-Iran channels, accounts and sites all over the media and internet landscape. Hence the fact that the BBC's Persian language service is the most active of that corporation's foreign language services on social media, by a margin of no less than one to ten or more, compared to their second most prolific foreign service. Those brainwashed by the global, zionist-controlled media corporations may fail to recognize this, not us though.

There are reports aplenty in the public domain about the more or less sophisticated ways in which intelligence agencies as well as interest groups but also volunteers, including those hostile to Iran, massively invest internet sites, from social media to forums, including through infiltration tactics (the "I'm on your side guys, but your soldiers look like girls, you are a nation of incompetents, you should not unconditionally cheer for your country, but I'm a patriot, believe me, bla bla" approach), so as to impose a monopoly of thought favorable to the zio-American empire's bloody murderous designs. One merely needs to search for them (although these too might become harder to find with time, as the criminal global empire keeps extending its death grip on nations).

If any society is nearing the dystopian reality portrayed by the likes of Orwell or Huxley, it is the forsaken, mass-murdering masonic mafia construct going by the designation "USA", as well as the global order of nations subjugated to it. In that sense, the dubious account is practicing what Sigmund Freud tried to sell us as universal anthropological truth, but which in fact chiefly applied to Freud himself as well as to people of his ilk, that is cognitive dissonance i. e. psychological projection (along with a host of further mental perversions subsumed under the Oedipus complex notion, which no ordinary person ever suffered from, but which a swindler like Freud nonetheless sought to paint as a universal trait pertaining to human psyche).

Now the worst part is that these same individuals, when under fire by their audience, push the gall so far as to claim "patriotic" credentials. They go as far as trying to pass off insult, ridicule, constant self-contradiction, and blatant double-standards in favor of Iran's existential enemies, which only a blind or a confused person will miss, as the "constructive criticisms of a caring patriot". Give us a break already.

There is a clear distinction between the kind of criticism a patriot would formulate and what this account here is spreading. The gap is more than obvious in tone, vocabulary, and content of their posts. Want to spend your time here on a self-declared mission to "limit and restrain the blind patriotism of Iranians", while specifically targetting users with a history of interesting, original and competent input as well as a pristine, unquestionable record in terms of loyalty to their homeland (PeeD, yavar, Soheil), while routinely insulting Iranian users, while referring to the Iranian military as a "kabob army" (sic! Those MacDonaldized, uncultured American transliterations, I swear...), while ridiculing Iranian rangers as "skinny" and effeminate, while referring to Iranian women as prostitutes, go ahead, but by exposing their tricks, I will not allow the authors of such toxicity to have it easy when trying to sell this off as "healthy" criticism, nor will I allow them to hide behind some inane code words ("evil conspiracy theorists seeking to curtail my freedom of speech") intended to stifle any sort of reaction. As far as Iranian patriots are concerned, these types can "criticize" all they want, the more the merrier, but it will not affect an Iranian patriot nor will this have a iota of an impact on an Iranian patriot's unrelenting loyalty and faith in their beloved homeland and its armed forces. It's all in vain.

User Shawnee was mentionned. Actually, Shawnee has been repeatedly critical of various things going on in Iran. However, that which Shawnee posts pretty much qualifies as constructive criticism, as opposed to what certain subjects produce. There are more of us who will not fall for this individual's oh so transparent antics.

Wont even give two mins of my time to read this. Who knows what you wrote, but I guarantee it’s grade A propaganda. You need help, lots of mental help.

Be gone you aren’t worth my time or my effort for me to waste my breath on.

Whoever wants to read my posts can read it whoever doesn’t can ignore it, very simple basis.

If someone gets swayed by my thoughts then they aren’t a sound individual much like your unstable self. So sit behind your monitor with your Zionist and Hollywood Iranian tinfoil hat on.
Wont even give two mins of my time to read this. Who knows what you wrote, but I guarantee it’s grade A propaganda. You need help, lots of mental help.

Be gone you aren’t worth my time or my effort for me to waste my breath on.

Whoever wants to read my posts can read it whoever doesn’t can ignore it, very simple basis.

If someone gets swayed by my thoughts then they aren’t a sound individual much like your unstable self. So sit behind your monitor with your Zionist and Hollywood Iranian tinfoil hat on.
You the One need Mental aid buddy.

Don't insult someone that beatd you up with Logic and honesty. You are desperately stating BS
I'll be present or not according to the possibilities offering themselves to me. Random injunctions by this subject will evidently play no role in my decision.

Secondly, that tired old "muh, they want to censor opposing views" mantra will no longer cut it. Who talked of censorship? All we're doing is opening the eyes of some of our Iranian brothers falling prey to wolves in (prerty transparent) sheep clothing. They may garner support from some antifa / liberal Iranians amateurishly trying to pass themselves off as "patriotic", however actual patriotic Iranians are starting to see through such third rate attempts at manipulation.

Concerning the US flags, I clearly mentioned these in combination with several other, highly revealing posting habits of the account in question. Sure, merely sporting US flags in a forum does not immediately make one a zionist. However, doing so while affectionately referring to Netanyahu as "Bibi", and while treating the "Holocaust" as the moral compass of History tells a different story.

Doing so while spreading totally undocumented disinformation, as in the case of Iran's Fateh submarine having encountered "structural problems" during its development phase, or Iran's Sejjil BM not being able to be mass produced, tells us a different story.

Doing so while regularly insulting co-members, including their mothers - and reserving such insults exclusively for Iranian members, tells a different story.

Doing so while directing some token diatribe at users from nations other than Iran, but only in a calculated way aiming to fan animosity between Iranians and their neighbours, aiming to strengthen fictitious Shia/Sunni splits (way to cloak oneself as a "patriot" while striving for opposite goals), and at the same time as good as never uttering anything against the zionist entity or users hailing from that illegal settler regime, whose poisonous propaganda against Iran on this forum is a well known fact, tells a different story.

Doing so while applying obvious, clear-as-day double standards in their commenting about respective theoretical capabilities of Iran and the zionist regime, like when they were arguing that the US would never go on the offensive against Tel Aviv for fear of having one of their major cities "such as Chicago" wiped out by Israeli nuclear weapons, while elsewhere applying a completely opposite logic to Iran when claiming that a nuclear-armed Iran would never be able to deter the US regime from launching a military aggression against it, notwithstanding the fact that under such circumstances, Iran would be just as capable to punish the aggressor, tells a different story.

As I previously explained, what this account has been practicing here has nothing to do with honest "criticism". It is an all out, systematic endeavour in pursuit of the self-confessed goal to lower the morale of Iranians. Now ask yourself, why would anyone set himself such a goal and spend several hours each day working towards that end on this website? Again, why would anyone assign themself such a "mission", a supposed "patriot" no less? Why would they not, if they want "what is best for Iran", as they claim, spend even half the time they take to write up morale-lowering content and family insults against Iranians, on countering the filth spread by the zionist regime operators on this website, filth that is by all means infinitely more dangerous for Iran than some Iranian users supposedly blowiong out of proportion Iran's prowess. The reply to this ought to be clear.

No amount of binary caricatures distinguishing between a supposed jingoistic vision of Iran on its way to dominating the world soon - which no Iranian user here ever professed, by the way, and a supposed "realistic" one that requires Iranians to consider their mothers, sisters and women as "kharaab", to consider themselves as an "incompetent people" full of "delusions of grandeur", will suffice to fool those of us with the required amount of intelligence and honesty.

And they dare suggest we are taking things too seriously and that we are extrapolating - if lowering the morale of Iranian forum users, insulting Iranian women, mothers and armed forces members, directing ad hominems at Iranian forum users on a regular basis didn't mean a lot to them, then they simply would not waste their time engaging in these activities 24/7. If the subject considered the discussions here to be without any consequence whatsoever, they would not be a regular contributor, simple as that; but even more importantly, and revealingly, they would not cast their activity under the banner of an openly announced goal or should we say, self-styled mission statement ("Iranians need to be less delusional about their capacities"). So the ridiculous assertion aimed at us here instantly falls flat considering the subject's own statements.

Beyond our present case study, only a naive person would fail to identify the colossal efforts put in by the global zionist mafia to coercively control every inch and parcel of public opinion worldwide, with a a zero tolerance policy for dissenting views, these being alternately suppressed by a mix of brute force, mass-murder, genocide, but then also censorship, and last but not least, social engineering and psy-ops in those tiny pockets of superficial "free speech" serving as alibis for a totalitarian, anti-human system of governance. And Iran is their number one target. Hence the literally millions of anti-Iran channels, accounts and sites all over the media and internet landscape. Hence the fact that the BBC's Persian language service is the most active of that corporation's foreign language services on social media, by a margin of no less than one to ten or more, compared to their second most prolific foreign service. Those brainwashed by the global, zionist-controlled media corporations may fail to recognize this, not us though.

There are reports aplenty in the public domain about the more or less sophisticated ways in which intelligence agencies as well as interest groups but also volunteers, including those hostile to Iran, massively invest internet sites, from social media to forums, including through infiltration tactics (the "I'm on your side guys, but your soldiers look like girls, you are a nation of incompetents, you should not unconditionally cheer for your country, but I'm a patriot, believe me, bla bla" approach), so as to impose a monopoly of thought favorable to the zio-American empire's bloody murderous designs. One merely needs to search for them (although these too might become harder to find with time, as the criminal global empire keeps extending its death grip on nations).

If any society is nearing the dystopian reality portrayed by the likes of Orwell or Huxley, it is the forsaken, mass-murdering masonic mafia construct going by the designation "USA", as well as the global order of nations subjugated to it. In that sense, the dubious account is practicing what Sigmund Freud tried to sell us as universal anthropological truth, but which in fact chiefly applied to Freud himself as well as to people of his ilk, that is cognitive dissonance i. e. psychological projection (along with a host of further mental perversions subsumed under the Oedipus complex notion, which no ordinary person ever suffered from, but which a swindler like Freud nonetheless sought to paint as a universal trait pertaining to human psyche).

Now the worst part is that these same individuals, when under fire by their audience, push the gall so far as to claim "patriotic" credentials. They go as far as trying to pass off insult, ridicule, constant self-contradiction, and blatant double-standards in favor of Iran's existential enemies, which only a blind or a confused person will miss, as the "constructive criticisms of a caring patriot". Give us a break already.

There is a clear distinction between the kind of criticism a patriot would formulate and what this account here is spreading. The gap is more than obvious in tone, vocabulary, and content of their posts. Want to spend your time here on a self-declared mission to "limit and restrain the blind patriotism of Iranians", while specifically targetting users with a history of interesting, original and competent input as well as a pristine, unquestionable record in terms of loyalty to their homeland (PeeD, yavar, Soheil), while routinely insulting Iranian users, while referring to the Iranian military as a "kabob army" (sic! Those MacDonaldized, uncultured American transliterations, I swear...), while ridiculing Iranian rangers as "skinny" and effeminate, while referring to Iranian women as prostitutes, go ahead, but by exposing their tricks, I will not allow the authors of such toxicity to have it easy when trying to sell this off as "healthy" criticism, nor will I allow them to hide behind some inane code words ("evil conspiracy theorists seeking to curtail my freedom of speech") intended to stifle any sort of reaction. As far as Iranian patriots are concerned, these types can "criticize" all they want, the more the merrier, but it will not affect an Iranian patriot nor will this have a iota of an impact on an Iranian patriot's unrelenting loyalty and faith in their beloved homeland and its armed forces. It's all in vain.

User Shawnee was mentionned. Actually, Shawnee has been repeatedly critical of various things going on in Iran. However, that which Shawnee posts pretty much qualifies as constructive criticism, as opposed to what certain subjects produce. There are more of us who will not fall for this individual's oh so transparent antics.

Given the highly detailed and well thought-out nature of your rebuttal (you're exceptionally thorough when it comes to explaining yourself, very strong grasp of the English language I have to commend you for it since that is in rare-abundance here on PDF imo). I had wanted to ask what you think about the current atmosphere here in the Iranian-PDF section in general? Obviously recent events will have had an affect of some sort on the morale of certain members (me included) but I do think that the general tone is still "optimistic" if not just positive at least when it comes to the bigger-picture (geopolitics, long-term strategic goals etc...).

Also, lol, this last request is selfish on my part but I was curious. What do you think of me? Your highly-perceptive nature and knowledge of past posts and general trends regarding the tone/content of what users here post has got me interested in what it is you have to say on topics/issues as well as what certain users here are like according to what you see.

Posted on 10/07/2020 by Elijah J Magnier


By Elijah J. Magnier: @ejmalrai

Iran has postponed announcement of those it has concluded were responsible for the sabotage at the Natanz nuclear centrifuge facility and probably other sites. However, high ranking personnel in Tehran say that “investigations have concluded and the latest explosions may well have been related; indications are that Israel, plus another Middle Eastern country, are involved. Iran is studying its suitable and inevitable retaliation”.

According to the source, “this has been confirmed beyond any doubt as an act of sabotage. The explosion at Natanz was destructive but security forces managed to thwart further attacks before the planned actions could succeed. We have carried out several arrests”.

The spokesperson of Iran’s parliamentary national security committee Abul’FazlAmoudi said Iran was investigating all possible scenarios related to the Natanz explosion. Security and intelligence officers are looking carefully into the matter and will release the results of the investigation in due course.

“More advanced centrifuges with maximum performance will be built. The Islamic Republic will retaliate against those responsible, wherever they are in the Middle East, so that they learn not to repeat similar attacks in the future. The nuclear deal with the US and Europe proved useless because the Americans revoked it and the Europeans did nothing to honour their commitment “for fear of Washington’s retaliation”. The West can no longer be considered a viable partner. Iran has decided a strategic way forward, looking East rather than West”, said the source.

The facts: in recent weeks, several explosions occurred in different locations in Iran. An explosion took place at a medical centre north of Tehran causing 19 deaths and 14 wounded. Iran arrested those involved in the explosion that killed mainly medical personnel. A power plant in the southwestern Iranian city of Ahwaz’s al-Zirqan district caught fire last Saturday following an explosion. A chlorine gas leak occurred at a unit of the Karoom petrochemicals plant near the port of Bandar Imam Khomeini in the Persian Gulf injuring dozens. Also, an explosion occurred east of Tehran near the Parchin military and weapons development base caused by a leak in gas storage, as initially reported. “Not all explosions are related to the saboteurs”, said the source.

“We shall not remain silent, because the Rule of Engagement has been violated. That gives Iran the right of retaliation with similar or greater strikes. The sabotage actions were carried out by the Israelis with US approval and the help of a Gulf country. This is a direct threat to Iran’s national security—but we are not in a hurry to retaliate immediately. All options are on the table and we certainly don’t want to support (US President Donald) Trump by giving him the pretext for any retaliation he could benefit from, or by diverting attention from his multiple domestic crises”, said the source.

Iran is present in more than one country and one Middle Eastern platform. It has many options for retaliation against those Tehran considers responsible for one, or for several, acts of sabotage. Iran believes these actions were intended to divert attention from the Natanz explosion that was the main target. Iran will take the case to the International Atomic Energy Agency that has access to Natanz in order to prove that it was an act of sabotage against an officially recognized nuclear site.

According to the high-ranking official, the Iranian-Syrian meeting in Damascus between Major General Mohammad Bagheri and his counterpart General Ali Ayyoub and the agreement signed to strengthen the Syrian air defense system is also a message to Israel for its action in Natanz.

According to officials in Iran, Israel – whose responsibility for the Natanz sabotage Avigdor Lieberman has already avowed – has “directly overseen the attack to slow down Iran’s unchanged path towards peaceful nuclear capability. Moreover, Israel – according to officials – wants Iran to end its support to its allies in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen. These unlawful sabotage acts are not new to Iran. Therefore, the road towards nuclear capability will not cease, and support for Iranian allies will obviously increase.”

Israel seems to be trying hard to drag the US into a war situation with Iran because it can’t accept Iran’s growing strength in the Middle East, notwithstanding endless attempts to block Iran’s development during 40 years of sanctions. Israel carried out multiple assassinations against Iranian scientists and high-ranking figures to no avail. Iran has indeed been forced to rely upon itself, build a chain of powerful allies, and find ways to grow independently from the support of the Western countries due to their unfriendly attitude and disregard for signed agreements.

Israel is trying to stimulate the many Gulf countries who are anxious to run into Israel’s arms and establish overt relationships with Israel. These Gulf countries, led by Saudi Arabia, want Israeli support “to break Iran’s back”. That is nothing new; the Israeli-Saudi relationship dates back to the 80s. Bahrein, Qatar, and the Emirates all have established relations with Israel. However, Israel and Saudi Arabia cannot predict the Iranian reaction. Retaliation will come from the Axis of the Resistance. And it will come in an unexpected way."
History disagrees with your false claims.

Nearly every intelligence report incorrectly predicted the progress of the nuclear weapons programs of Israel, Pakistan, India, China, North Korea.

In the case of Israel their nuclear weapons program was UNDERneath their nuclear reactor. Yet US intelligence didn’t detect it.

Utter bollocks.

The US regime knew about the zionist nuclear weapons program at least since 1960 - and that's just the official version that the mafia oligarchy ruling over the US, itself zionist to the bone, is willing to admit:


The US Discovery of Israel's Secret Nuclear Project

  • Israeli Cover Stories about the Dimona Reactor Dismayed Top Level Officials Who Saw a "Clearly Apparent Lack of Candor"
  • U.S. Embassy Telegram Quotes Ben-Gurion Aide That It Was a "Stupid Mistake" by Israel to Cloak the Nuclear Project in Secrecy
  • To Prevent Military Uses of the Facility, U.S. Officials Believed the International Atomic Energy Agency Should Monitor Dimona (It Never Has)



Now the whole truth is much rather that America's deep state and its mafiosi oligarchy were not only involved in assisting the terrorist zionist entity in obtaining nuclear weapons, but one of the reasons (among others) they had their own president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy assassinated, is because he opposed just that.


Kennedy, the Lobby and the Bomb
by Laurent Guyénot

Exactly fifty years ago a crucial episode took place in the history of “U.S. democracy”; an epic struggle whose outcome would influence the future of the entire world. Guyénot Laurent revisits those events and recalls what was at stake at that critical historical juncture.

Voltaire Network | 2 May 2013
Deutsch Español français

Kennedy and the AIPAC
In May 1963, the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations opened an investigation into the covert activities of foreign agents on U.S. soil, focusing in particular on the American Zionist Council and the Jewish Agency for Israel. [1] The investigation was prompted by a report from the Chairman of that standing Committee, Senator J. William Fulbright, written in March 1961 (declassified in 2010), stating: "In recent years there has been an increasing number of incidents involving attempts by foreign governments, or their agents, to influence the conduct of American foreign policy by techniques outside normal diplomatic channels." By covert activities, including "within the United States and elsewhere," Fulbright was referring to the 1953 "Lavon Affair" [2], where a group of Egyptian Jews was recruited by Israel to carry out bomb attacks against British targets, which were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood so as to discredit Nasser in the eyes of the British and Americans.

The Senate investigation brought to light a money laundering racket through which the Jewish Agency (indivisible from the State of Israel and a precursor to the Israeli Government) was channelling tens of millions of dollars to the American Zionist Council, the main Israeli lobby in the United States. Following this investigation, the Department of Justice, under the authority of Attorney General Robert Kennedy, ordered the American Zionist Council to register as "agents of a foreign government," subject to the requirements of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, involving the close monitoring of its activities.

This attempt to counter Israel’s growing interference in U.S. politics undoubtedly enjoyed the support of the President. At the time when he was still a young journalist covering the United Nations inaugural conference, John Kennedy was troubled by Israel’s ability to buy politicians, up to and including the President himself. By recognizing the State of Israel on May 15, 1948, (just ten minutes after its official proclamation) despite the unanimous disapproval of his government, President Harry Truman not only gained a place in biblical history ("Truman’s historic act of recognition will remain forever inscribed in golden letters in the 4000-year history of the Jewish people”, declared the Israeli ambassador), he also pocketed two million dollars to revitalize his re-election campaign. "That’s why our recognition of Israel was rushed through so fast,” Kennedy told his friend novelist and essayist Gore Vidal [3].

In 1960, John Kennedy himself received a financial aid offer from the Israeli lobby for his presidential campaign. He decoded Abraham Feinberg’s proposal for his journalist friend Charles Bartlett in the following terms: "We know your campaign is in trouble. We’re willing to pay your bills if you’ll let us have control of your Middle East policy." Bartlett recalls Kennedy’s promise that "if he ever did get to be President, he was going to do something about it [4]." Between 1962 and 1963, he submitted seven campaign finance reform bills but all were defeated by the influential groups they sought to restrain.

All government efforts to stymie the corruption of American democracy by Israeli agents were stopped short by Kennedy’s assassination and his brother’s replacement at the Department of Justice by Nicholas Katzenbach. The American Zionist Council evaded foreign agent status by dissolving and renaming itself American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Ten years later (April 15, 1973), Fulbright commented on CBS: "Israel controls the U.S. Senate. [...] The great majority of the Senate of the U.S. – somewhere around 80 percent – are completely in support of Israel; anything Israel wants Israel gets." AIPAC continued the same practices, dodging any sanction even when its members were caught red-handed in acts of espionage and high treason. In 2005, two AIPAC officials, Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman, were acquitted after having received from a member of the Pentagon Office of Special Plans, Larry Franklin, documents classified as Secret-Defense which they transmitted to a senior Israeli official.

In 2007, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt demonstrated in their book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy that AIPAC and less prominent pro-Israel lobbies were the main cause of the war in Iraq and, more broadly, the determining factor in the foreign policy of the U.S. in the Middle East. Considering that nothing has changed, there is no reason to believe that the government of Benjamin Netanyahu will not also obtain from the United States the destruction of Iran that it consistently clamors for.


On October 3, 2001, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was reported by Kol Yisrael radio to have said to his Foreign Minister Shimon Peres that "We, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it." His successor Benjamin Netanyahu gave a demonstration of that on May 24, 2011, before the U.S. Congress, when members of both houses stood up to cheer him 29 times, in particular after each of the following remarks: "In Judea and Samaria, the Jewish people are not foreign occupiers"; "No distortion of history could deny the 4000- year-old bond between the Jewish people and the Jewish land"; "Israel will not return to the indefensible boundaries of 1967”; "Jerusalem must never again be divided. Jerusalem must remain the united capital of Israel.”

Kennedy, the bomb and Dimona
Had Kennedy lived, Israel’s influence would most certainly have been curbed on yet another front, that of nuclear weapons. By the early 1950s, David Ben Gurion, who combined the functions of prime minister and defense minister, had engaged his country in the secret manufacturing of nuclear weapons, diverting the Atoms for Peace cooperation program, naively launched by Eisenhower, from its intended goals. Briefed by the CIA about the real purpose of the Dimona facility as soon as he moved into the White House, Kennedy put heavy pressure on the Israelis not to pursue it. He demanded that Ben Gurion open up Dimona for regular inspections, at first in person in New York in 1961, then through formal and increasingly insistent letters. In the last one, dated June 15, 1963, Kennedy urged that a first visit should take place immediately, followed by regular visits every six months, otherwise "This Government’s commitment to and support of Israel could be seriously jeopardized [5]." The reaction to this message was astonishing: Ben Gurion resigned on June 16, thus avoiding receipt of the letter. As soon as the new Prime Minister Levi Eshkol took office, Kennedy sent him a similar letter, dated July 5, 1963.

Kennedy’s intention was not to deprive Israel of a power which was reserved to the United States and its NATO allies. The President’s approach was part of a much more ambitious project, which he had announced on September 25, 1961, nine months after taking office, before the General Assembly of the United Nations: "Today, every inhabitant of this planet must contemplate the day when this planet may no longer be inhabitable. Every man, woman and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment by accident or miscalculation or by madness. The weapons of war must be abolished before they abolish us. [...] It is therefore our intention to challenge the Soviet Union, not to an arms race, but to a peace race - to advance together step by step, stage by stage, until general and complete disarmament has been achieved [6]." The message was well received by Nikita Khrushchev, who responded favorably in a 26-page confidential letter dated September 29, 1961, delivered through secret channels. After the October 1962 Cuban missile crisis, the nuclear war that was narrowly avoided thanks to their composure brought the two heads of State even closer to the awareness of their shared responsibility to liberate humanity from the nuclear threat. Khrushchev sent Kennedy a second private letter in which he expressed the hope that at the end of Kennedy’s eight years of presidency, "we could create good conditions for peaceful coexistence on earth and this would be highly appreciated by the peoples of our country as well as by all other peoples [7]." Despite other crises, Kennedy and Khrushchev continued this secret correspondence, now declassified, comprising a total of 21 letters in which the intention to abolish nuclear weapons was a prominent concern.

In 1963, negotiations led to the first limited test ban treaty prohibiting nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere, outer space and underwater, which was signed on August 5, 1963, by the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom. Six weeks later, on September 20, 1963, Kennedy manifested his pride and hope before the United Nations: "Two years ago I told this body that the United States had proposed and was willing to sign a limited test ban treaty. Today that treaty has been signed. It will not put an end to war. It will not remove basic conflicts. It will not secure freedom for all. But it can be a lever, and Archimedes, in explaining the principles of the lever, was said to have declared to his friends: ’Give me a place where I can stand and I shall move the world.’ My fellow inhabitants of this planet, let us take our stand here in this Assembly of nations. And let us see if, in our own time, we can move the world to a just and lasting peace [8]." In his last letter to Kennedy, handed to U.S. Ambassador Roy Kohler but which was never forwarded to the addressee, Khrushchev also took pride in this first historic treaty that "has injected a fresh spirit into the international atmosphere." He formulated other proposals, borrowing Kennedy’s words: "Their implementation would clear the road to general and complete disarmament and, consequently, to the delivering of the peoples from the threat of war [9].”


For Kennedy, the nuclear weapon was the negation of all historical efforts to civilize war by sparing civilians. He said to his friend and assistant Kenneth O’Donnell during his campaign for the Test Ban Treaty, "I keep thinking of the children, not my kids or yours, but the children all over the world.” In his televised speech on July 26, 1963, he reiterated: "This treaty is for all of us. It is particularly for our children and our grandchildren, and they have no lobby here in Washington [10].”

In the sixties, nuclear disarmament was a realistic goal. Only four countries had a nuclear weapon. There was a historic opportunity to be seized, and Kennedy was determined not to pass it up. "I am haunted by the feeling that by 1970, unless we are successful, there may be ten nuclear powers instead of four, and by 1975, fifteen or twenty [11]," he uttered prophetically during his press conference of March 21, 1963. While all NATO member states and countries of the communist bloc were following the example of the USA and the USSR and taking a first step towards nuclear disarmament, Israel was acting secretly on its own, and Kennedy was determined to prevent it.

Kennedy’s death a few months later eased the pressure on Israel. Johnson chose to turn a blind eye on the activities at Dimona. John McCone, the CIA director appointed by Kennedy, resigned in 1965, complaining of Johnson’s lack of interest in the subject. Israel acquired its first bomb around 1967, without ever admitting it. Nixon was just as unconcerned as Johnson, while his National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger privately expressed his satisfaction at the idea of having friendly Israel as a nuclear ally. Nixon, who ushered the “deep state” into the White House so to speak, played a double game: at the same time as he publicly supported the 1968 Non-Proliferation Treaty (which was not a U.S. initiative), he sent a contradictory top-secret National Security Decision Memorandum (NSDM-6) saying: "There should be no efforts by the United States government to pressure other nations [...] to follow suit. The government, in its public posture, should reflect a tone of optimism that other countries will sign or ratify, while clearly disassociating from any plan to bring pressure on these countries to sign or ratify [12]."

According to 2011 figures from SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute), there are today across the world about 20,000 nuclear bombs with an average power 30 times that of Hiroshima, which equals 600,000 times Hiroshima. Of these, 1,800 nuclear warheads are on alert, i.e. ready to be launched in only a few minutes. With less than 8 million people, Israel is the world’s sixth nuclear power.


If the President had his way, there would be a nuclear war each week [13],” Kissinger was reported to have said. In the 1950s, Nixon had recommended to Eisenhower the use of the atomic bomb in Indochina and Korea.


It was not until 1986, with the publication in the Sunday Times of photographs taken by Israeli technician Mordechai Vanunu inside Dimona, that the world discovered that Israel had secretly developed the atomic bomb. After being kidnapped by the Israeli secret services, Vanunu was convicted of the charge of "betraying state secrets." He spent 18 years in prison, including 11 in complete isolation. Since his release in 2004, he is prohibited from leaving Israel and communicating with foreign countries.

Johnson and the USS Liberty
Kennedy would not be remembered in Tel Aviv as a friend of Israel. In addition to his attacks against the outrageous lobbying activities of Israel and its nuclear power ambitions, Kennedy defended the right of return of the 800,000 Palestinian refugees expelled from their neighborhoods and villages in 1947-48. On November 20, 1963, his delegation to the United Nations called for the implementation of Resolution 194 crafted for this purpose. Kennedy probably never got the chance to read Israel’s hysterical reactions in the newspapers: two days later, he was dead. Johnson’s rise to power was greeted with relief in Israel: "There is no doubt that, with the accession of Lyndon Johnson, we shall have more opportunity to approach the President directly if we should feel that U.S. policy militates against our vital interests," considered Israeli newspaper Yedio Ahoronot. Far from reproaching Israel for its ethnic cleansing, Johnson fully embraced the myth of "a land without people for a people without a land", even going so far as to compare in front of a Jewish audience, "Jewish pioneers building a house the desert" with his own ancestors colonizing the New World - which, in fact, unintentionally underscored the equivalence between Israel’s denial of its ethnic cleansing of Palestine, and the denial by the Americans of their own genocide history.

While Kennedy had cut down aid to Israel, Johnson increased it from 40 million to 71 million and to 130 million the following year. While the Kennedy administration had authorized the sale of a limited number of defensive missile batteries to Israel, under Johnson more than 70% of the aid was earmarked for military equipment, including 250 tanks and 48 Sykhawk offensive aircraft. Military aid to Israel reached 92 million in 1966, more than the total of all previous years combined. Conversely, by denying them U.S. aid, Johnson forced Egypt and Algeria to turn to the Soviet Union to maintain and upgrade their defense systems. In June 1967, Johnson gave Israel a "yellow light" for its so-called "preventive" war against Egypt, by a letter dated 3 June, when he assured Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol of his determination to "protect the territorial integrity of Israel [...] and provide as effective American support as possible to preserve the peace and freedom of your nation and the area."

Kennedy’s death deeply affected the Arab world, where his portrait graced many homes. "Now, De Gaulle is the only Western head of state on whose friendship the Arabs can rely," said Gamal Abdul Nasser. While reducing aid to Israel, Kennedy had generously provided grain to Egypt as part of the Food for Peace program. For that country, the short-lived presidency of John F. Kennedy will have been an enchanted interlude, a dream shattered all too soon. In 1954, under Eisenhower, Egypt had been the target of false flag terrorist acts perpetrated by Israel in order to "break the West’s confidence in the existing Egyptian regime [and] to prevent economic and military aim from the West to Egypt [14]," according to the very words of the head of military Intelligence (Aman) Benjamin Givli in a secret, today declassified, telegram. The accidental ignition of an explosive device led to the exposure of the conspiracy, sparking the scandal which became known as the “Lavon Affair" after defense minister Pinhas Lavon, a scandal which was quickly stifled by Israel and the United States. Prime Minister Moshe Sharett, who advocated a moderate brand of Zionism, respectful of international rules, acknowledged at that time (but only in private) the irresistible rise of extremists, among which he included future President Shimon Peres, who "wants to frighten the West into supporting Israel’s aims"and that "raises terrorism to the level of a sacred principle [15].”

Kennedy’s death gave free rein to this Machiavellian terrorism which Israel has developed into an art form. Two days before the end of the Six Day War, the Israeli army launched against the USS Liberty the most famous and disastrous of its false flag attacks. On the sunny day of June 8, 1967, three unmarked Mirage bombers and three torpedo boats flying an Israeli flag bombed, strafed and torpedoed for 75 minutes this NSA (National Security Agency) ship -unarmed, floating in international waters and easily recognizable - with the obvious intention of leaving no survivors, machine-gunning even the lifeboats. They only stopped at the approach of a Soviet ship, after killing 34 crew members, mostly engineers, technicians and translators. It is assumed that if they had succeeded in sinking the ship without witnesses, the Israelis would have attributed the crime to Egypt, so as to drag the United States into war on the side of Israel.

According to Peter Hounam, author of Operation Cyanide: Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III (2003), the attack on the Liberty was secretly authorized by the White House as part of the project labeled Frontlet 615, "a secret political arrangement in 1966 by which Israel and the U.S. had vowed to destroy (Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser)." The orders issued by the White House that day, which delayed the rescue mission by several hours, suggest that Johnson not only covered up the Israelis post-facto, but also conspired with them. Oliver Kirby, the NSA Director for Operations at the time, reported to journalist John Crewdson of the Chicago Tribune (October 2, 2007) that the communications transcripts from the Israeli planes intercepted by the NSA and sent to Washington immediately, left no doubt as to the identity of the attackers, and about the fact that they were aware it was a U.S. target before the attack: "I’m willing to swear on a stack of Bibles that we knew they knew [that it was a U.S. ship]." Unmasked, Israel claimed it was a case of mistaken identity and offered its apology, which Lyndon Johnson meekly accepted on the grounds that "I will not embarrass our ally." When, in January 1968, Johnson received Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol to Washington and then invited him to his Texas ranch, relations were cozy.

Israel will have drawn a lesson of impunity whose influence on its future behavior should not be underestimated: the price for failure in a false-flag operation against the United States is zero. In fact, failure is impossible, since the Americans will themselves step in to cover up Israel’s crimes. Better yet, Johnson rewarded Israel by lifting any restriction on military equipment: weapons and U.S. aircraft immediately flocked to Tel Aviv, soon turning Israel into the top customer of the U.S. military industry.

Laurent Guyénot
Gaia Edwards

[1] The Senate Foreign Relations Committee Investigates the Israel Lobby.

[2] Declassified Preliminary Report: Senate Investigates Foreign Agents – 1961 – 1963.

[3] Quoted by Gore Vidal in his foreword to Israel Shahak’s book Jewish History, Jewish Religion,1994.

[4] Quoted by Seymour M. Hersh in The Samson Option.

[5] Quoted by Seymour M. Hersh, op.cit.

[6] Quoted by James Douglass in JFK and the Unspeakable.

[7] Quoted by James Douglass, op.cit.

[8] Quoted by James Douglass, op.cit.

[9] Quoted by James Douglass, op.cit.

[10] Quoted by James Douglass, op.cit.

[11] Quoted by James Douglass, op.cit.

[12] Quoted by Seymour M. Hersh, op.cit.

[13] Quoted by Anthony Summers in The Arrogance of Power.

[14] Quoted by Livia Rokach, Israel’s Sacred Terrorism, 1980.

[15] Quoted by Livia Rokach, op.cit.

Now the whole truth is much rather that America's deep state and its mafiosi oligarchy were not only involved in assisting the terrorist zionist entity in obtaining nuclear weapons, but one of the reasons (among others) they had their own president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy assassinated, is because he opposed just that.

More garbage propaganda from neighborhood tin foil hat guy. Everyone is a Zionist and now Kennedy was assassinated because he didn’t want Israel to have a nuclear weapon....what a joke.

It is sad to see Iranians on this board see Zionist shadow over everything similar to Pakistani members obsession that India is everywhere and secretly on forums spreading propaganda against Pakistan.

Both schools of thought suffer from mental instability of the individual who has been subject to self-brainwashing and suffers from paranoia and desire to see complex patterns/explanations for simple binary events.

This type of thinking in fact serves the Zionist entity as it destroys credibility of people trying to shine light on the actual problem. Much like the US/ western government disinformation campaign against UFOs in the 50’s-90’s served to reticule those who sought to expose the truth.
More garbage propaganda from neighborhood tin foil hat guy. Everyone is a Zionist and now Kennedy was assassinated because he didn’t want Israel to have a nuclear weapon....what a joke.

It is sad to see Iranians on this board see Zionist shadow over everything similar to Pakistani members obsession that India is everywhere and secretly on forums spreading propaganda against Pakistan.

Both schools of thought suffer from mental instability of the individual who has been subject to self-brainwashing and suffers from paranoia and desire to see complex patterns/explanations for simple binary events.

This type of thinking in fact serves the Zionist entity as it destroys credibility of people trying to shine light on the actual problem. Much like the US/ western government disinformation campaign against UFOs in the 50’s-90’s served to reticule those who sought to expose the truth.

Of course, trying to have Iranians ridicule and demean their own armed forces and lose faith in their political system does "not" serve zionist interests, but exposing zionist crimes does...! Welcome to the world of psychological projection and accusatory inversion made in Zionistan.

As far "mental instability", that would rather apply to the foul mouthed hoaxter whose openly declared goal it is to "lessen the morale of Iranians" on this board, who has a habit of resorting to unprovoked family insults against his interlocutors, and who keeps contradicting his previous statement in every second post, as we have exposed and will keep exposing, much to the dismay of in-house pilpul artists.

By the way, focusing on zionist crimes - a badly needed effort as for every ten insults directed at Iranian mothers or Iran's armed forces, you barely encounter a single quality exposure of zionist mischief here, despite the fact that the zionist entity is Iran's main enemy, the same zionist entity which, according to our local clown himself, "controls America", does not equal "seeing the zionist shadow over everything". Until further notice, I am far from having commented on "everything" so far, so the laughable accusation falls flat. What a cheap way of trying to absolve one's masters of their crimes.


Then, just pay attention to how the subject is trying to amalgamate a serious, rational work of research relying on a rich bibliography, which he did not even begin to read, with questionable individual reportings of "UFO"s, those clearly being on an entirely different level of scientific soundness and seriousness. Anyone comparing these two bodies of work is either profoundly dishonest or needs to have his brains checked.

Last but not least, notice how the subject has completely ignored the first part of my comment, namely the US think tank source I provided, which disproves his improvised fairy tale about the US regime not being in the know about Tel Aviv's nuclear weapons development. His entire, hollow rant is solely motivated by the desire to cover up my unquestionable exposure of the blatant disinformation he carried out to fool our Iranian brothers.


Hahaha I’m looking forward to Immortals response to this.

And so, did you enjoy? For my part, I was rather disappointed by such a weak reply. As far as the insults are concerned, no surprises there. It's just part and parcel of their modus operandi.

Amazing though how they proceed to confirming what I was explaining right before about that nasty habit of projection as a systematically resorted to mechanism, isn't it? Me a "zionist" and them "anti-zionists"... Ha ha ha. Sure.
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Of course, trying to have Iranians ridicule and demean their own armed forces and lose faith in their political system does "not" serve zionist interests, but exposing zionist crimes does...! Welcome to the world of psychological projection and accusatory inversion made in Zionistan.

As far "mental instability", that would rather apply to the foul mouthed hoaxter whose openly declared goal it is to "lessen the morale of Iranians" on this board, who has a habit of resorting to unprovoked family insults against his interlocutors, and who keeps contradicting his previous statement in every second post, as we have exposed and will keep exposing, much to the dismay of in-house pilpul artists.

By the way, focusing on zionist crimes - a badly needed effort as for every ten insults directed at Iranian mothers or Iran's armed forces, you barely encounter a single quality exposure of zionist mischief here, despite the fact that the zionist entity is Iran's main enemy, the same zionist entity which, according to our local clown himself, "controls America", does not equal "seeing the zionist shadow over everything". Until further notice, I am far from having commented on "everything" so far, so the laughable accusation falls flat. What a cheap way of trying to absolve one's masters of their crimes.

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Then, just pay attention to how the subject is trying to amalgamate a serious, rational work of research relying on a rich bibliography, which he did not even begin to read, with questionable individual reportings of "UFO"s, those clearly being on an entirely different level of scientific soundness and seriousness. Anyone comparing these two bodies of work is either profoundly dishonest or needs to have his brains checked.

Last but not least, notice how the subject has completely ignored the first part of my comment, namely the US think tank source I provided, which disproves his improvised fairy tale about the US regime not being in the know about Tel Aviv nuclear weapons development. His entire, hollow rant is motivated by a desire to cover up my unquestionable exposure of the disinformation he carried out.

And so, did you enjoy? Me, it got me rather disappointed. As far as the insults are concerned, no surprises there. It's just part and parcel of their modus operandi.

Amazing how they proceed to confirming what I was explaining right before about that nasty habit of projection as a systematically resorted to mechanism, isn't it? Me a "zionist" and them "anti-zionists"... Ha ha ha. Sure.

When I tell you these people and psychological projection are bound together by a long history.

Israel controlling America via powerful lobbyist groups like APAIC =/= Israel being able to assassinate a US president.

Your absurd claims have no basis in reality. And you merely parrot the same tired lines. You even quote US Think Tanks when the matter suites you, but denounce similar think tanks as being Western propaganda or Zionist disinformation campaigns. It’s very strange that some of you on here use Western journalism to support your arguments when it is convient then when it goes against your beliefs you brush it of as propaganda.

Also my general point was the the lack of US intelligence in detecting the nuclear weapons program progress of nuclear powers prior to denotation (NK, China, India, Pakistan etc) meaning that the intelligence communities UNDERESTIMATED the progress of such countries. Apparently you seem to think underestimation means lack of any knowledge, but again your obsession with Israel led you to ignore the general meaning and direction of my post.

You didn’t “expose” anything about me. I have more connections in Iran, family members that served in the war, and much more that I do not have to divulge. No need to defend myself from absurd claims. Which is why I am honestly laughing when I read your posts. I can only imagine you sitting behind a computer thinking you are so smart. As the last part of your post clearly states that you think you have proven something. It’s sad really.

But I will continue to post and my posts will continue to get likes by members of this board who don’t believe your delusional claims.

I admit I make mistakes, I may say wrong things from time to time like all humans, I might be an asshole at times, I might use foul language, all that is true.

That is all true, but the accusations you levy against me are not true and are borderline delusional. It’s a shame because it sounds like you are an intelligent person from the vocabulary you use, just with an obsession and delusional of grandeur of seeing Zionists everywhere in everything.

So continue on your futile crusade as I won’t be responding to you any longer as you are a troll.
Fire breaks out at Iranian nuclear facility, no damage occurred, say officials

Nuclear site operating as usual, says Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation spokesperson, AEO is investigating incident
July 02, 2020

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Photo: File
DUBAI: A fire broke out at Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility but there were no casualties and the site is operating as usual, Iranian officials said on Thursday.

The Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP) is one of several Iranian facilities monitored by the United Nations nuclear watchdog.

Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisation initially reported that “an incident” had occurred at the facility in the central province of Isfahan.

“There were no casualties or damages and the nuclear site is operating as usual,” the organisation’s spokesman, Behrouz Kamalvandi, was quoted as saying by Tasnim news agency.

The governor of Natanz city, Ramazanali Ferdosi, later said the incident was caused by fire, adding that firefighters had been sent to the site. He gave no further details about the cause of the blaze, Tasnim reported.

A team of experts from the Atomic Energy Organisation is investigating the cause of the incident.

“There is no concern about the possibility of contamination as one of the sheds which was inactive and under construction was damaged and not the facility itself,” Kamalvandi told state news agency IRNA.

Some experts did not rule out possibility of sabotage given the importance of the Natanz nuclear site.

“Considering that this so-called incident happened just a few days after the explosion near the Parchin military base, the possibility of a sabotage cannot be ruled out,” a former Iranian nuclear official told Reuters.

“Also Natanz enrichment facility has been targeted in the past by a computer virus,” he said, referring to an attack in 2010 by the Stuxnet computer virus that damaged centrifuges at the site and is widely believed to have been developed by the United States and Israel.

Last Friday an explosion occurred east of Tehran near a sensitive military complex which the authorities said was caused by a tank leak in a gas storage facility in a public area.

Western security services believe Tehran carried out tests relevant to nuclear bomb detonations more than a decade ago at the Parchin military and weapons development base. Iran has denied it carried out such tests.

Iran agreed to curb its nuclear program in exchange for the removal of most international sanctions in a deal reached between Tehran and six world powers in 2015.

But Tehran has gradually reduced its commitments to the accord since US President Donald Trump’s administration withdrew from the agreement in 2018 and reimposed and intensified sanctions that have battered Iran’s economy.

The deal only lets Iran accumulate enriched uranium with just over 5,000 of its first-generation IR-1 centrifuges at Natanz. It lets Iran use small numbers of more advanced models for research, without producing enriched uranium.

Israel has backed Trump’s “maximum pressure” policy on Tehran aimed at forcing it to agree a new deal that puts stricter limits on its nuclear work, curbs its ballistic missile program and ends its regional proxy wars.

Iran says it will not negotiate as long as sanctions remain in place.

There was no immediate comment from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna.
"No damage occured"
Israel controlling America via powerful lobbyist groups like APAIC =/= Israel being able to assassinate a US president.

This is nowhere an indispensable and necessary inference.

"Control" can manifest itself in a spate of ways, including getting rid of an undesirable element at the helm of the US regimes' outer institutional facade of power - for as we all know, real power in the genocidal cesspit known as "United States of America" is not vested in the hands of the president, Congress and so forth, but behind the scenes in those of a tiny few higher level secret society members along with mafiosi corporate interest groups, cut-throat bankster abominations and of course and above all, international zionist creatures.

As if murdering the president of Amerdica was something as extraordinary as the subject is trying to imply. If a group controls America, it is not beyond that group's reach to go after the regime's puppet president. It's not as if the US didn't have an abundant record of president killings: Lincoln, Garfield, McKenzie and good old Kennedy - no less than four erasures in a history of merely 243 accursed years, with no regime change occurring in between... And a whopping eight when unsuccesful attempts at presidents' lives are added to the list. Now find me another place with that sort of a hair-raising record!

And no, usually these murders weren't carried out by some "mentally unstable" patsy as the regime is trying to make gullible morons believe (as if the totalitarian US regime and its surveillance apparatus left any room for so many random nuts to approach and kill presidents, as if they went out on a pigeon shooting), but by ignorant goons manipulated by deep state and intelligence service elements linked to the occult oligarchy.

In other terms, those who control America are the ones who got rid of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The subject said it himself: zionists controls America. I let everyone draw the inevitable conclusion from this.

Your absurd claims have no basis in reality.

Not my claim, but that of serious authors who actually spent time researching the subject instead of contenting themselves with simple one liners.

You even quote US Think Tanks when the matter suites you, but denounce similar think tanks as being Western propaganda or Zionist disinformation campaigns.

Of course I will do that.

Because contrary to the subject's poor attempts at discrediting me, I am neither "obsessed" with any particular country nor is my view on things an entirely black-and-white one. When once in a while some US think tank publishes information I deem credible, I will qualify it as such. Likewise when they spew garbage, I will call it out for what it is.

The subject doesn't even realize how this remark of his, decisively contradicts and invalidates his previous desperate rants about my humble self supposedly exhibiting an excessively undifferentiated, categorical outlook.

Also my general point was the the lack of US intelligence in detecting the nuclear weapons program progress of nuclear powers prior to denotation (NK, China, India, Pakistan etc) meaning that the intelligence communities UNDERESTIMATED the progress of such countries. Apparently you seem to think underestimation means lack of any knowledge, but again your obsession with Israel led you to ignore the general meaning and direction of my post.

And yet another hit-and-miss.

This type imagines everyone will capitulate to his antics.

Well, let's have a careful look at what it was the subject was actually replying to...:

There is no evidence of a parallel covert nuclear program and the nature of nuclear activities makes them extremely difficult to hide for a long time

In other words the point which the subject was addressing, had strictly nothing to do with "the lack of US intelligence in detecting the nuclear weapons program progress of nuclear powers prior to denotation", but it had everything to do with detection per se of an Iranian parallel covert nuclear weapons program, irregardless of its level of progress.

So either the subject is being dishonest, or he is indirectly admitting that his post was ignoring the actual meaning of the comment it was intended to counter.

Nice try though.

I have more connections in Iran, family members that served in the war, and much more that I do not have to divulge.

Yeah, sure, and I'm Santa and have the Brooklyn Bridge to sell.

"More" connections than whom, exactly? Why so defensive all of a sudden? Just chill out, relax. I'm not denouncing anyone to authorities.

But I will continue to post and my posts will continue to get likes by members of this board who don’t believe your delusional claims.

Ha ha, this sentence shows two things:

1) The subject truly conceives of his participation here as a mission he likes to invest himself in.

What this mission is about, he already anounced in past postings: to dent the morale of Iranians, to make sure their confidence in and support for their armed forces and political system is brought into question and relativized. The subject has an issue with Iranians being "too" patriotic.

In order to achieve this, the subject chooses to apply infiltration tactics: not too frontal, not too obvious, act under the pretense of being "part of the group" and "longing for the same goals", i. e. "what is best for Iran".

No other nationality on this website hosts a member assigning himself a mission to restrain the patriotic enthusiasm and passion of his fellows. Other communities have open antagonists, but not people claiming to be on their side while calling their mothers prostitutes, ridiculing their armed forces, labelling their nation a "mafia society" and when commenting on supposed cultural traits characteristic of their nation, never mentioning anything positive but things like "incompetence" instead.

Iranians are the only community with such an element in their midst. Ask yourselves why.

I invite readers to have a look at the signature of one of the notorious pilpul trolls operating in a bare-faced manner on this website, who has been unusually active in the Iranian section these days, polluting this very thread among others...:
Throw me to the wolves...
And I'll return leading the pack

That's what the charade is all about (and by wolves, these supremacist extremists mean you, my Iranian brothers, and more broadly, us Muslims and goys in general).

2) Notwithstanding their previous remarks, the subject perceives my posts as a challenge. Good.

And yes, many an average Iranian will continue to get fooled on the internet and by watching satellite TV, nonetheless the days of the Habibollah Elghaanians and Hojabr Yazdaanis calling the shots are revolved for good and will never come back. Zionist rule over Iran is history, and people should get used to it.

So continue on your futile crusade as I won’t be responding to you any longer as you are a troll.

Of course they will. I'm the rain that comes splashing down on their parade.
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