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Fire breaks out at Iranian nuclear facility, no damage occurred, say officials

When the enemy strikes you at your own home, you HAVE to strike back. No if's and buts its a MUST. Atleast do something, directly or indirectly, this inaction is literally killing us. What you are saying is to give signal to the enemy that they can strike us many times as they wish without any retaliation. This is totally unacceptable.

Your argument could be applied to bombing of Iranian assets and personel in Syria but not at our own home. They are striking inside Iran and with this mindset will just encourage the enemy to continue. The government must draw a red line.
the proportional response would be the same, attack them in their own country. with the same method they used: sabotage with internal elements or an amphibious raid with and small group to their assets in beach.
the proportional response would be the same, attack them in their own country. with the same method they used: sabotage with internal elements or an amphibious raid with and small group to their assets in beach.

Not from a country that says marg bar esrail, marg bar amrika 24/7.
People need to become more level headed when they think about these matters. Focus on the pragmatic approaches rather than knee jerk reflex responses based on emotions. Here is the reality, Iran is not a superpower, but it is not only against a superpower but all of their allies too. Iran today is under so many pressures, economically, socially due to the Covid-19 virus and so on, however, it is still on its way up, thus it must not give the enemies what they want, i.e being dragged in a potential conflict and destroy its inevitable long term position as a great power. Iran is like a lion, being a mighty power is in its DNA, however during its period of infancy, even a house cat could stand up to it, but once it is ready, you know what to expect. Iran today is not ready to go toe to toe with all its adversaries.

These shadowy games of hiring people to plant bombs etc will be done by all side if they can find an opening. What's important is finding out how such a thing could have happened and prevent it happening again. I was not in any way surprised that what happened in Natazan could be attempted, however from my perspective, I put the blame on the lax in the passive and active security measures that would allow such a thing to come to pass, especially at such a facility that contained many bottleneck technologies.

Iran will respond in one way or another. We do not really know who was behind it. People automatically point the finger at Israel alone, however Trump's regime would gain equally if not more from this, especially given Iran would use its advanced centrifuge production as a leverage in the future. Thus the Americans could be complicit in this attack too.

The Americans and the Israelis would not muster the courage to attack Iran directly at this time, however, for as long as they can sabotage such sensitive facilities, they will try. Deterrence must still be established, to do nothing would be as equally unacceptable as doing a disproportionate response. Thus whatever response done must be calculated and proportionate. Ideally the response should come in the form of covert attack on the Israelis.

But I will say this again, such an outcome on sensitive facilities is to be blamed on the inadequate defensive measures to protect such facilities. As the great Poet Khosrow once said: "از ماست که بر ماست"
this hard times are defining moments. we should not fight among ourselves and accuse each other. no struggle is lost untill you believe you're lost.
we should be creative and cautious, Israel possibly wants to show the world that if iran gain superior weapons will be a threat to world. so before any retaliation we should make it clear for the world that israel attacked us while we were in complaint with JCPOA. this will change the narrative. we can say the world we need weapons to defend ourselves against Israel aggression. we should make sure that anyone in the world knows Israel attacked us and they should sympathize with us. then we should acknowledge that we reserve the right to respond.
after the arms sanctions removed we can respond to them in many ways, in region or in their home.
this hard times are defining moments. we should not fight among ourselves and accuse each other. no struggle is lost untill you believe you're lost.
we should be creative and cautious, Israel possibly wants to show the world that if iran gain superior weapons will be a threat to world. so before any retaliation we should make it clear for the world that israel attacked us while we were in complaint with JCPOA. this will change the narrative. we can say the world we need weapons to defend ourselves against Israel aggression. we should make sure that anyone in the world knows Israel attacked us and they should sympathize with us. then we should acknowledge that we reserve the right to respond.
after the arms sanctions removed we can respond to them in many ways, in region or in their home.
bro even if the arms embargo is lifted i doubt the chinese or russians sell iran any weapons soon. perhaps takes 4,5 years more before we see any weapons coming in.
also the zionist pressure on both russia and china is huge, they wont sell anything to iran. trust me. iran should just go for local production and fk israel.
bro even if the arms embargo is lifted i doubt the chinese or russians sell iran any weapons soon. perhaps takes 4,5 years more before we see any weapons coming in.
also the zionist pressure on both russia and china is huge, they wont sell anything to iran. trust me. iran should just go for local production and fk israel.
hopefully we will see sophisticated weapons with TOT but in the worst case we can make A2A missile carrier drones like loyal wigman alongside AWACS as an stopgap for air force need.
Dariush...man mikham ye chizi begam, vaghe'an nemidoonam aghe harfam rusteh ya na vali migam chunkeh ru fekram boot.

Shomah fekr mikooni Iran az Esrael tarseedeh?

Go ahead say it..don't be shy:lol:
Go ahead say it..don't be shy:lol:

What I said was for Dariush not you.

Also judging by the apparent snarky tone of your post you don't come off as wanting to be cordial or genuinely care for what's going on here.

Seemingly poking fun at a serious issue that is intrinsically not funny won't get you anywhere with me as I don't view this topic to be a joke. So kindly leave me be, I have nothing for you at all nor do I want to communicate with you.
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According to intelligence sources in the Middle East and the West quoted in The New York Times, the explosion in Natanz was not the result of a cyberattack, but a bomb that was smuggled into the facility.

Assuming there are key cards to gain entrance into these facilities (who knows with Iranian incompetence the doors could be unlocked) the culprit will likely be found, but I imagine they have long left Iran by now.

This was likely not the first time attempting this operation as UN Nuclear Inspector was detected with “bomb making” material but ran into the bathroom and flushed it if I remember correctly.

It appears the Iranian nuclear program has been set back up 24 months.
Tired of repeating myself here
They want push Iran out of NPT and destroy Iran before November or bring defeated Iran behind table.
However always third way exist.
God be with Iran.
This is the direct result of two events

1) Iran not doing anything significant regarding attacks on military operations in Syria by Israel

2) Iran not responding strongly enough to the assassination of Solemani

When you act soft then everyone will try to throw a punch.

Israel has already gone on record saying if Hezbollah starts a war they will level South Lebanon. That is how you create deterrence by saying you will destroy everything.

Iran’s pragmatic approach can only work when there is a level deterrence established. Right now the enemy has found out Iran is not willing to respond to external attacks on its assets or even its most prized personnel (Solemani and heads of Iraqi militias).

The bluff has been called, Iran is acting like Saddam circa 2003, Ghaddafi circa 2010, and Assad circa 2018.
According to intelligence sources in the Middle East and the West quoted in The New York Times, the explosion in Natanz was not the result of a cyberattack, but a bomb that was smuggled into the facility.

Assuming there are key cards to gain entrance into these facilities (who knows with Iranian incompetence the doors could be unlocked) the culprit will likely be found, but I imagine they have long left Iran by now.

This was likely not the first time attempting this operation as UN Nuclear Inspector was detected with “bomb making” material but ran into the bathroom and flushed it if I remember correctly.

It appears the Iranian nuclear program has been set back up 24 months.

Bro a shed was destroyed that wasn't even inaugurated yet. Where is this dumb 2 year timeline extension come from?
This isn’t some shed in your mom’s backyard. It was a decent size building and someone knew Iran was Keeping machines that it had limited amount representing a major bottleneck if destroyed.

You will stop involving your interlocutors' mothers/relatives in your replies, do you understand me? We have zero tolerance, in our Islamic culture, for inuendos or outright insults against mothers. I have no idea why my Iranian brothers are turning a blind eye to such semantics, that's their problem, but as long as people like me will be around, no free pass will be granted to gutter antics.
You will stop involving your interlocutors' mothers/relatives in your replies, do you understand me? We have zero tolerance, in our Islamic culture, for inuendos or outright insults against mothers. I have no idea why my Iranian brothers are turning a blind eye to such semantics, that's their problem, but as long as people like me will be around, no free pass will be granted to gutter antics.
Probably mad at whats happening bro. These are bad times for the region.
Looks like another case of Iranian incompetence and delusions of grandeur

Problem with your way of thinking is you put the enemy on a pedestal as if they are the Gods of Athens. When you assume your inferior to the enemy it starts trickling down into the entire organization.

The blatant contradiction is separated by merely 9 postings...

Why are my Iranian brothers letting themselves get played in such an obvious manner?

Probably mad at whats happening bro. These are bad times for the region.

No brother, they are not "mad" at "what's happening". I can post many screenshots which will prove beyond a doubt that they do not talk nor behave like a patriot loving their country would. When challenged, they counter by arguing that theirs is a "constructive" type of "criticism", meant to heighten their "compatriots'" realism and thus efficiency. However, you do not, on this sort of interactive platform, pursue that kind of a goal. The goal here is to support your side no matter what, and to minimize your perception of any shortcomings, factual or fictive. That's what everyone else does, so why would our Iranian brothers of all people feel an urge to self-flagellate and lower their own morale, under the guidance of a dubious member with two American flags under their username, who refers to Netanyahu by the affectionate diminutive "Bibi" and, when intending to provide an example of an unsuspected case of mass murder, cites the "Holocaust" instead of the genocide of 10 million Iranians at the hands of the zionist-/Rothschild-/Sassoon-controlled British Empire during WWI?

Furthermore, there are certain semantic red lines a actual patriot would never cross, no matter how disappointed or alienated.

Your understanding of patriotism must be rather bizarre if you consider a person who regularly pokes fun and ridicule at your country's armed forces and at individual soldiers as a well-meaning, passionate enthusiast of the homeland. Again, the tone gives it away. Constructive criticism is one thing, ridicule and deriding those who put their lives on the line to defend your borders a totally different one. When your reaction to the picture of a special forces unit of your country is to laugh and claim the person is "skinnier" than your average "Iranian girl", no amount of word twisting will fool an alert observer as to your true feelings.

If you are a patriot and wish to criticize certain aspects of social life prevalent amongst specific sectors of your nation, say, a perceivedly unjustified sense of grandeur that may appear unproductive, will you then blatantly and brazenly resort to the generic adjective relating to your nation's name in order to qualify said perception? In other terms, what Iranian "patriot" would even talk of an "Iranian delusion of grandeur", and, by adding the preposition "another case of", go on to portray this as an inherent, typical and undesirable trait characteristic of his country? A globalist or an antifa / ultra-liberal Iranian may resort such semantics. Or a foreigner filled with more or less dissimulated resentment for Iran would talk that way. Not an Iranian patriot in the actual sense of the word.

This is only one example. I have many more in store.
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