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Fire breaks out at Iranian nuclear facility, no damage occurred, say officials


Israel dont have nuclear weapons.

Earthquakes in Israel due to nuclear tests in whole Israel history: ZERO.

Vanunu is a history MADE IN ISRAEL. Btw, Vanunu is sephardim, that means.. if Mossad ashkenazim racists had to choose to someone to make that stupid movie of Israel Nuclear Weapons, they had to choose a Sephardim. The strange thing is that they dont choose a black mizraim jew from Africa, because they are racists dumbsh*t scumbags.

The main enemy of Israel today is Israel itself s*cking d*cks to their master USA, not iran.

Israel people should protest due to their idi*tic government and military intelligence service.

They CAN'T defend itself from a Iran retaliation, so they should stop their stupids actions against Iran. They are suiciding in a slow motion.


Remember that.
Israel dont have nuclear weapons.

Earthquakes in Israel due to nuclear tests in whole Israel history: ZERO.

Vanunu is a history MADE IN ISRAEL. Btw, Vanunu is sephardim, that means.. if Mossad ashkenazim racists had to choose to someone to make that stupid movie of Israel Nuclear Weapons, they had to choose a Sephardim. The strange thing is that they dont choose a black mizraim jew from Africa, because they are racists dumbsh*t scumbags.

The main enemy of Israel today is Israel itself s*cking d*cks to their master USA, not iran.

Israel people should protest due to their idi*tic government and military intelligence service.

They CAN'T defend itself from a Iran retaliation, so they should stop their stupids actions against Iran. They are suiciding in a slow motion.


Remember that.

Wow, another con artist, claiming to be sympathetic to Iran while spelling the name with a lower case i (as opposed to the zionist regime's official designation, where he uses capital letters), who pops out of nowhere focusing his first ever contribution to the Iranian section on deriding my comments as "BS" and "blablabla". Wonder who called you to help out.

The zionist entity is suspected of having tested its nuclear devices in conjunction with the other modern apartheid regime of South Africa in the 70's.

And yeah, let's pretend that the zionist regime is hardly a threat to Iran, because it's "not" as if the zionist lobby in the US pushed for the destructions of Iraq and Syria, and in fact the zionist regime is merely a "puppet" to the US, not the other way around... Sure, buddy.

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Israel dont have nuclear weapons.

Earthquakes in Israel due to nuclear tests in whole Israel history: ZERO.

Vanunu is a history MADE IN ISRAEL. Btw, Vanunu is sephardim, that means.. if Mossad ashkenazim racists had to choose to someone to make that stupid movie of Israel Nuclear Weapons, they had to choose a Sephardim. The strange thing is that they dont choose a black mizraim jew from Africa, because they are racists dumbsh*t scumbags.

The main enemy of Israel today is Israel itself s*cking d*cks to their master USA, not iran.

Israel people should protest due to their idi*tic government and military intelligence service.

They CAN'T defend itself from a Iran retaliation, so they should stop their stupids actions against Iran. They are suiciding in a slow motion.


Remember that.
Are you retarded?
When Israeli dumbsh*t politicians (starting by Bibi) goes to USA, they feel this way:

But the reality is...


USA soul engineers a decade ago started to sow the idea in mainstream USA entertainment industry that it links Israel to the idea of trigger a big war, in the context of Hormuz Strait tensions.


e.g. This famous videoclip of USA pop music industry. Ambiented in the context of a war, with images of looting, etc...

See second 00:30 of that videoclip, do you recognise the symbol in the left?:lol:

Israel is not a USA interest no more, since Obama. Israel is the Gavrilo Princip of USA, the d*mbass to trigger a big war in ME with a butterfly effect.

Are you retarded?

The retardeds are you, your government and your military.

You idi*ts almost triggered a world war a decade ago, and you dont learn.

In 21st January 2012 a civilian Iranian boat sank in Hormuz strait due to a "storm", when the zone was crowded by western warships (two USA aircraft carriers, warships from UK, France..).

Thanks God, Iran dont retaliate.

But I guess Iran patience it's not infinity.
This is nowhere an indispensable and necessary inference.

"Control" can manifest itself in a spate of ways, including getting rid of an undesirable element at the helm of the US regimes' outer institutional facade of power - for as we all know, real power in the genocidal cesspit known as "United States of America" is not vested in the hands of the president, Congress and so forth, but behind the scenes in those of a tiny few higher level secret society members along with mafiosi corporate interest groups, cut-throat bankster abominations and of course and above all, international zionist creatures.

As if murdering the president of Amerdica was something as extraordinary as the subject is trying to imply. It's not as if the US didn't have an abundant record of president killings: Lincoln, Garfield, McKenzie and good old Kennedy - no less than four erasures in a history of merely 243 accursed years, with no regime change occurring in between... And a whopping eight when unsuccesful attempts at presidents' lives are added to the list. Now find me another place with that sort of a hair-raising record!

And no, usually these murders weren't carried out by some "mentally unstable" patsy as the regime is trying to make gullible morons believe (as if the totalitarian US regime and its surveillance apparatus left any room for so many random nuts to approach and kill presidents, as if they went out on a pigeon shooting), but by ignorant goons manipulated by deep state and intelligence service elements linked to the occult oligarchy.

In other terms, those who control America are the ones who got rid of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The subject said it himself: zionists controls America. I let everyone draw the inevitable conclusion from this.

Not my claim, but that of serious authors who actually spent time researching the subject instead of contenting themselves with simple one liners.

Of course I will do that.

Because contrary to the subject's poor attempts at discrediting me, I am neither "obsessed" with any particular country nor is my view on things an entirely black-and-white one. When once in a while some US think tank publishes information I deem credible, I will qualify it as such. Likewise when they spew garbage, I will call it out for what it is.

The subject doesn't even realize how this remark of his, decisively contradicts and invalidates his previous desperate rants about my humble self supposedly exhibiting an excessively undifferentiated, categorical outlook.

And yet another hit-and-miss.

This type imagines everyone will capitulate to his antics.

Well, let's have a careful look at what it was the subject was actually replying to...:

In other words the point which the subject was addressing, had strictly nothing to do with "the lack of US intelligence in detecting the nuclear weapons program progress of nuclear powers prior to denotation", but it had everything to do with detection per se of an Iranian parallel covert nuclear weapons program, irregardless of its level of progress.

So either the subject is being dishonest, or he is indirectly admitting that his post was ignoring the actual meaning of the comment it was intended to counter.

Nice try though.

Yeah, sure, and I'm Santa and have the Brooklyn Bridge to sell.

"More" connections than whom, exactly? Why so defensive all of a sudden? Just chill out, relax. I'm not denouncing anyone to authorities.

Ha ha, this sentence shows two things:

1) The subject truly conceives of his participation here as a mission he likes to invest himself in.

What this mission is about, he already anounced in past postings: to dent the morale of Iranians, to make sure their confidence in and support for their armed forces and political system is brought into question and relativized. The subject has an issue with Iranians being "too" patriotic.

In order to achieve this, the subject chooses to apply infiltration tactics: not too frontal, not too obvious, act under the pretense of being "part of the group" and "longing for the same goals", i. e. "what is best for Iran".

No other nationality on this website hosts a member assigning himself a mission to restrain the patriotic enthusiasm and passion of his fellows. Other communities have open antagonists, but not people claiming to be on their side while calling their mothers prostitutes, ridiculing their armed forces, labelling their nation a "mafia society" and when commenting on supposed cultural traits characteristic of their nation, never mentioning anything positive but things like "incompetence" instead.

Iranians are the only community with such an element in their midst. Ask yourselves why.

I invite readers to have a look at the signature of one of the notorious pilpul trolls operating in a bare-faced manner on this website, who has been unusually active in the Iranian section these days, polluting this very thread among others...:

That's what the charade is all about (and by wolves, these supremacist extremists mean you, my Iranian brothers, and more broadly, us Muslims and goys in general).

2) Notwithstanding their previous remarks, the subject perceives my posts as a challenge. Good.

And yes, many an average Iranian will continue to get fooled on the internet and by watching satellite TV, nonetheless the days of the Habibollah Elghaanians and Hojabr Yazdaanis calling the shots are revolved for good and will never come back. Zionist rule over Iran is history, and people should get used to it.

Of course they will. I'm the rain that comes splashing down on their parade.

I didn’t read most of this. No incentive to read it so I just skimmed over it but it’s largely more of the same obsession stalking behavior and nitpicking.

What I find strange though is you joined in 2019 yet prior to about a week ago you posted only 5 times.

Now you have a total of 22 posts or so and probably 50-75% of them are about you chasing me around trying to prove an absurd theory.

I been around here under this screen name for a long time and before that on IMF under a similar screen name. You on the other hand showed up out of the blue using a second fake account or you were permabanned on your original account. Doesn’t matter just an observation.

I’m laughing because someone who takes so much time to write massive responses about his elaborate theory and genuinely believes in his heart that he is right could be so off base.

“Yeah, sure, and I'm Santa and have the Brooklyn Bridge to sell.”

Like I said that is why I’m laughing. My ties to Iran are significant. Hence why I talk the way I do. But a public forum is no place to divulge private information. Again like I said believe what you will, you are nobody on the internet. It’s a fanboy forum about military news, there is nothing to “win” or “lose” here on a forum full of strangers. There is no incentive. So whatever information you hope to glean from me won’t come out. Nice try tho, amazing effort.

Relax, but continue your false crusade. I enjoy seeing you spin your wheels.

See you around.
I didn’t read most of this. No incentive to read it so I just skimmed over it but it’s largely more of the same obsession stalking behavior and nitpicking.

When I say I am familiar with these types' psyche, I am hardly bluffing: as predicted, they will keep replying contrary to their anouncements, because they know plain well how their scheming is increasingly getting compromised with each and every one of my contributions. And they are not really men of their word.

Two or three postings exposing their game is all it takes to rattle them.

My ties to Iran are significant. Hence why I talk the way I do. But a public forum is no place to divulge private information.

See my Iranian brothers, now the subject is openly suggesting that he is abusing supposed private "ties" to influential persons inside Iran as a free pass to deride Iran's armed forces, to insult Iranian mothers and to wage a propaganda campaign aimed at lowering your self-confidence and morale.

Behold, my Iranian brothers.

The subject is trying to add injury to insult by pretending your authorities are corrupt and your country a banana republic to the point where someone who enjoys high level contacts, can easily rely on and take shelter behind said contacts in order to arrogantly spit in your faces by disparaging you and your nation, and by setting out to harm your interests.

What a resounding confession. They should keep it up by all means, since I'm positive this will achieve to wake more and more Iranian forum users up from their slumber when it comes to this subject.

It makes me smile, because all this does is to underscore the fictive and illusory nature of someone who believes Iran is still stuck in pre-revolutionary times, when, as the great Imam Khomeini famously said, US soldiers could, by virtue of the capitulation treaty signed by the traitorous shah, murder Iranian citizens on Iranian soil without facing any consequences while an Iranian killing an American dog would be charged for it.

The sad delusions of someone who thinks we still live in times when zionist Israel-firster oligarchs like Hojabr Yazdaani could insult Iranians on national TV with impunity, claiming his diamond ring is worth more than the entire real estate of the Iranian city he had settled in, while millions of your compatriots were struggling to survive in abject living conditions.

What the subject means to say is, "we" still make the rules in Iran, "we" can still abuse you and get away with it. Let him dwell in that delusion. His ilk never recovered from the heavy blow the 1979 Revolution dealt them, hence their wounded resentment and profound rage against anything Iranian, which they hardly manage to dissimulate even when they try.

Again like I said believe what you will, you are nobody on the internet.

Is it not amusing and oh-so telling how the subject feels compelled to drag the discussion into this direction?

"Meeeh, you might tell yourself that you are cornering me on here, but in real life I'm the boss, I travel to Iran periodically and then I come here to insult your naamus because I have mighty contacts who give me carte blanche to do whatever I want".

Ha ha ha, what a spectacle!

It’s a fanboy forum about military news, there is nothing to “win” or “lose” here on a forum full of strangers. There is no incentive. So whatever information you hope to glean from me won’t come out. Nice try tho, amazing effort.

Has anyone seen me try to "glean" a word out of the subject? If anything, it was them, not me, who brought up their fictitious stories about enjoying big "contacts" in Iran - either as an unwarranted defence mechanism (though I can understand one will be cautious at some point when engaging in the behaviour they engage in), or in order to indirectly threaten me "mafia style" (not that I'm impressed by this, nor that I plan to visit Iran, nor that I'm buying their tales in the first place).

خودش میگه و خودش میخنده

, as our Iranian brothers would say.

They talk of attempts to glean personal information, yet it is them who write up several paragraphs "wondering" about my person, my sign up date at this forum etc, possibly hoping to make me react and reveal more about myself.

At least we're making some progress. The subject is addressing me in a reasonably well mannered way. They know I am not one to take family insults and keep mute, unlike some of my Iraani baraadars here.

Enough exposing done for today.

I rest assured their follow up reply will contain more telling aspects to highlight and bring to the attention of my Iranian brothers.
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it seems that there is uprising and mutiny inside iran which is causing such attacks by involvement of their own military and certain elements who have declared rebellion against regime
it seems that there is uprising and mutiny inside iran which is causing such attacks by involvement of their own military and certain elements who have declared rebellion against regime
Naa, just a few saboteurs. When a traitor is offered 500.000 dollars they would do everything.
Naa, just a few saboteurs. When a traitor is offered 500.000 dollars they would do everything.

It's crazy dangerous just how much access a few people on the inside can give to outsiders who want to destroy national assets. All it takes is a select number of men in key positions to facilitate the transfer of agents and equipment in order to enable an attack. Very insidious, very scary...

I was talking with Amir the other day though and he said that Iran has been unusually quiet about the whole incident. Which begs the question, what are they up to, if anything?

I'd imagine there is a growing chorus of people in Iran wanting answers and action from the IRGC as well as those in charge of the Nuclear program in response to the attack on Natanz. So we should see (maybe) some changes in security and how clearances are conducted for sensitive sites all over Iran. We could also possibly see an increase in Nuclear output/construction related to the program as well but I feel that's less likely happen. And if there are moles running about Iranian, whether they're Israeli, CIA or whomever, they need to be caught interrogated and locked up or killed.

But this silence from Iran on the issue has got me equal parts hopeful and worried...
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It's crazy dangerous just how much access a few people on the inside can give to outsiders who want to destroy national assets.

All it takes is a select number of men in key positions to facilitate the transfer of agents and equipment in order to enact the attack. Very insidious, very scary...

I was talking to Amir the other day though and he said that Iran has been unusually quiet about the whole incident. Which begs the question, what are they up to, if anything?

I'd imagine there is a growing chorus of people in Iran wanting answers and action from the IRGC as well as those in charge of the Nuclear program in response to the attack on Natanz. So we should see (maybe) some changes in security and how clearances are conducted for sensitive sites all over Iran. And if there are moles running about Iranian, whether they're Israeli, CIA or whomever, they need to be caught interrogated and locked up or killed.

But this silence from Iran on the issue has got be equal parts hopeful and worried...
The silence is indeed strange, usually they are very quick with putting blame. I do not know what is happening and if someone says they know then they are lying.

We have to wait it out.

The US ship is burning for no known reason. Largest incidental burning of a US ship in decades.

Also a few airports and refineries are burning in KSA after Yemenis drone and BM attack.

Falcon is burning more than the ship now.
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The real question is why you would put such advanced machinery above ground and then remove adequate air defense systems that can specifically target low flying suicide drones similar to what Iran did on Saudi Arabia.

If a bomb was placed then the question becomes how did the authorize person get into a “shed”. I mean why is this stuff in a workshop shed anyway? You don’t put expensive hard to replace machinery in a shed with limited protection and wide access.

Continuing Iranian incompetence, almost like a child it has to learn its lessons the hard way.

Hurts Iran’s attempts at leverage in negotiations starting in 2021 other than that it’s a mute point since Iran didn’t have the balls to advance its nuclear program by much the last couple years.
I have not checked myself yet but as I read it's been a part of deal that any new future assembly faculty must be build in Natanz and not underground ...


The US ship is burning for no known reason. Largest incidental burning of a US ship in decades.

Also a few airports and refineries are burning in KSA after Yemenis drone and BM attack.

Falcon is burning more than the ship now.
Hope the rest of fleet see the same fate .... sobs ..
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