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Fire breaks out at Iranian nuclear facility, no damage occurred, say officials

Israeli documentary claims that the bomb was planted during construction of the centrifuge facility and was detonated later on at the appropriate time.

Take it with a grain of salt. But something to keep in mind as a possibility.
yes Iran already said a bomb was planted into the wall by head of the construction company that built that silo and he has been arrested too.
لازم به ذکر است آیت الله طباطبایی نژاد امام جمعه اصفهان در خطبه های نمازجمعه این شهر با اشاره به جزئیاتی از حادثه نطنز، دخالت پیمانکار در کارگذاشتن بمب در سالن سنجش سانتریفیوژها را تایید کرده بود.

لازم به ذکر است آیت الله طباطبایی نژاد امام جمعه اصفهان در خطبه های نمازجمعه این شهر با اشاره به جزئیاتی از حادثه نطنز، دخالت پیمانکار در کارگذاشتن بمب در سالن سنجش سانتریفیوژها را تایید کرده بود.

Any indication or rumours why this contractor decided to go rouge!..was it ideological or was he forced by outside forces.Worst case will be if he did it for material gains.. A contractor for such a sensitive site must be a person who is well off and be able to to know that they will find out the cause so why would he do it...I can not wrap my head around this one!!!..
Any indication or rumours why this contractor decided to go rouge!..was it ideological or was he forced by outside forces.Worst case will be if he did it for material gains.. A contractor for such a sensitive site must be a person who is well off and be able to to know that they will find out the cause so why would he do it...I can not wrap my head around this one!!!..

Money and promises. Vendetta against the government. List goes on.

But to your point, if he did it then I doubt he would sit in Iran. He would be on the first flight out. He would have to be incredibly naive to believe Iran wouldn’t eventually connect the dots.
Contractors whom Ahmadinejad chose were either martyred by terrorists or fired by Rouhani, contractors whom Rouhani chose planted the bombs.

Filthy breath of Rouhani can be traced in all of his treasons.
لازم به ذکر است آیت الله طباطبایی نژاد امام جمعه اصفهان در خطبه های نمازجمعه این شهر با اشاره به جزئیاتی از حادثه نطنز، دخالت پیمانکار در کارگذاشتن بمب در سالن سنجش سانتریفیوژها را تایید کرده بود.

This doesn't confirm the Israelis details.
This doesn't confirm the Israelis details.
this news came out of Iran well before Israel analysts so they could have very well just said what Iran has said as the reason behind the explosion
Contractors whom Ahmadinejad chose were either martyred by terrorists or fired by Rouhani, contractors whom Rouhani chose planted the bombs.

Filthy breath of Rouhani can be traced in all of his treasons.

You should seek a doctor. You got serious issues.
Contractors whom Ahmadinejad chose were either martyred by terrorists or fired by Rouhani, contractors whom Rouhani chose planted the bombs.

Filthy breath of Rouhani can be traced in all of his treasons.

Great comment reflecting the facts on the ground (and driving zionists mad).
Any indication or rumours why this contractor decided to go rouge!..was it ideological or was he forced by outside forces.Worst case will be if he did it for material gains.. A contractor for such a sensitive site must be a person who is well off and be able to to know that they will find out the cause so why would he do it...I can not wrap my head around this one!!!..

I don’t know if most contractors have any agenda other than making money. I don’t think they did it for ideological purposes. I think it was a combination of blackmail and greed that did the job for that traitor (If proven). This shud be investigated thoroughly Nd if it turns out as the rumours suggest then the traitors shud be whipped to death.
Contractors whom Ahmadinejad chose were either martyred by terrorists or fired by Rouhani, contractors whom Rouhani chose planted the bombs.

Filthy breath of Rouhani can be traced in all of his treasons.

This Rouhani guy with his snowflake ideology has cost us so much. This guy is a guy without a backbone. REFORMIST? worst president in the history of IRAN. Everything he did screwed us up. I wish the Supreme leader himself summoned him and slapped his cheekbones off or send the irgc to do it. Disgrace

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