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Fire breaks out at Iranian nuclear facility, no damage occurred, say officials


Meanwhile the explosion looks certainly too intense for a planted explosive.


Sure it was a good move for the Israelis and they exploited a miscalculation by Iran.

However its a dirty measure that allows Iran to retaliate.
In a good strategic situation you don't resort to such action.

Iran screwed put but Israel used a high cost measure.

In some ways similar to Shahid Soleymanis assassination.

High cost measure? I disagree probably a low cost measure.

Solemani assassination was a amazing trade off for the West. They had a damaged base that wasn’t even theirs (it was an Iraqi base), but took the most important general off the board for Iran.

This too will be a great deal for the west because Iran will do nothing that is of significance just like the Al Assad base.

Iran has been bombed hundreds of times if not thousands of times in Syria and is still chugging along. Thus US having some damaged equipment at Al Assad is an amazing trade off. Iran gets to gloat it attacked the US via BMs, but Saddam already did that in Persian Gulf War I.

The list of “desperation” measures for Israel grows by the day. Let’s not forget General Allahdadi’s death by Israel as he was the most high ranking death prior To US strike on Solemani.
High cost measure? I disagree probably a low cost measure.

Solemani assassination was a amazing trade off for the West. They had a damaged base that wasn’t even theirs (it was an Iraqi base), but took the most important general off the board for Iran.

This too will be a great deal for the west because Iran will do nothing that is of significance just like the Al Assad base.

Iran has been bombed hundreds of times if not thousands of times in Syria and is still chugging along. Thus US having some damaged equipment at Al Assad is an amazing trade off. Iran gets to gloat it attacked the US via BMs, but Saddam already did that in Persian Gulf War I.

The list of “desperation” measures for Israel grows by the day. Let’s not forget General Allahdadi’s death by Israel as he was the most high ranking death prior To US strike on Solemani.

Your logic is flawed, no one believed that the U.S would simply take it and not respond except the few that knows about Iran deterrence.

The same here. However timing is for Iran to select.


Possible that it was a long range stealth CM that made it trough, but unlikely.

It should not contain critical technology, something simply smuggled and short range is more likely.
Spike, Hermes, Delilah... the list of Israeli gear capable to do it is long.
Your logic is flawed, no one believed that the U.S would simply take it and not respond except the few that knows about Iran deterrence.

The same here. However timing is for Iran to select.


Possible that it was a long range stealth CM that made it trough, but unlikely.

It should not contain critical technology, something simply smuggled and short range is more likely.
Spike, Hermes, Delilah... the list of Israeli gear capable to do it is long.

US didn’t “take” anything. You seem to not realize how Chess works. US went after a “red line” and was prepared to accept a limited amount of Iranian reaction. US knew exactly how the saving face game works.

Iran knew this as well and they picked a military base. They took forever to prepare, so enemy satellite images could pick it up. They let Iraq know hours in advance and aimed for areas away from bunkers and shelters.

Saddam Hussein fired SCUDs and killed US troops, so let’s not act like Iran attacking US is like man attacking God. Problem with your way of thinking is you put the enemy on a pedestal as if they are the Gods of Athens. When you assume your inferior to the enemy it starts trickling down into the entire organization.

If you think US taking out one of the most Important Generals in last 100 years and Iran’s response being to hit a military is adequate then fall in the same group that has allowed Iran to fall to these depths. US will take that deal 110 times out of 100.

This is the same country that killed over 250 US marines in 1980’s, but cannot defend its honor in 2020.
US didn’t “take” anything. You seem to not realize how Chess works. US went after a “red line” and was prepared to accept a limited amount of Iranian reaction. US knew exactly how the saving face game works.

Iran knew this as well and they picked a military base. They took forever to prepare, so enemy satellite images could pick it up. They let Iraq know hours in advance and aimed for areas away from bunkers and shelters.

Saddam Hussein fired SCUDs and killed US troops, so let’s not act like Iran attacking US is like man attacking God. Problem with your way of thinking is you put the enemy on a pedestal as if they are the Gods of Athens. When you assume your inferior to the enemy it starts trickling down into the entire organization.

If you think US taking out one of the most Important Generals in last 100 years and Iran’s response being to hit a military is adequate then fall in the same group that has allowed Iran to fall to these depths. US will take that deal 110 times out of 100.

This is the same country that killed over 250 US marines in 1980’s, but cannot defend its honor in 2020.

Agreed, Iran's retaliation was way too weak.

Iran should've went straight for Al-Udeid, targeted parked planes, helis, fuel depots, maintenance shelters etc. Upwards of 100 should've been lobbed from silos. No warning.

Then followed it up by arming proxies with MANPADS to shoot down US aircraft in Syria/Afghanistan. A repeat of the Extortion 17 event would've been a huge morale blow.

Iran has been stepping on its own d*ck for too long now. There is literally so many cards to play but Iran acts like it forgot poker and threw a napkin instead.
Saddam's scud strike killed 33 US soldiers in Al Dhafra Saudi Arabia

Islamic Republic of Iran can go eat a dick, they don't do anything apart from cause havoc in Arab countries.
Watch your mouth. Your useless militias couldn't do jack sh.it against foreign troops on your soil until we supplied you with IED and many other weapons to target the Americans.
@waz many Iran obsessed trolls hijack and flamebait Iran related threads.
Saddam's scud strike killed 33 US soldiers in Al Dhafra Saudi Arabia

Islamic Republic of Iran can go eat a dick, they don't do anything apart from cause havoc in Arab countries.

Barely lol, the missile didn't even hit. The debris from the SCUD fell down and crushed a barracks full of sleeping soldiers.
Even if suicide drones were smuggled INTO Iran. Radar and air defenses should have picked up objects coming straight towards Natanz within a 75-100KM radius.
There's a highway passing beside these installations like 4 or 5 kilometres away, They probably were launched from there.
@TheImmortal @TruthHurtz

There is no longer any denying just how woeful Iran's direct responses to covert and over attacks against its own soil and assets strewn about the region has been over the years. TheImmortal is absolutely vindicated when he brings up Soleimani's and Allahdadi's unjust killings and Iran's arguably limp-wristed "responses". Needless to say I wouldn't want to be an Iranian general outside the borders of Iran given just how easy it seems to be to killed when you're one

Furthermore, we can safely bet (imho) that this attack on Natanz is definitely a test to see what Iran will do and how much Iran is willing to endure before striking back, if they even strike back at all. Along with being an obvious opportunity for Israel (or whomever conducted it) to set-back/stymie Iran's nuclear progress since a window has opened up allowing for the operation to happen. So many new precedents have been set regard Iran's will to defend itself this past decade it's not even funny. We really need to take a second-look at what's going on and maybe begin in reassessing our own expectations.

What I fear (and presumably many others fear as well) is that Iran has feigned a great deal of their own military prowess for domestic PR purposes as well as trying to sell itself as stronger than it actually is and now we're seeing just how true/untrue that notion is.

I want to believe that Iran has thousands of missiles that can reach Israel or whatever but when attacks against our blood and soil happen so often and with relative impunity, with little retaliation, it does indeed call into question the honor, dignity and integrity of the Iranian state.

...Anyways, the Israelis have embedded themselves in Iran due to just how many dissidents Iran has and the anti-Iranian groups in Iran giving these Israelis free-reign to do whatever it is they please to Iran. This is something that needs to be tackled even harder than before.
On the topic at hand, In these images there's an impact crater visible on the road passing above the building, So this is likely an external explosion most likely caused by a cruise missile that hit that part of the road.

@TheImmortal @TruthHurtz

There is no longer any denying just how woeful Iran's direct responses to covert and over attacks against its own soil and assets strewn about the region has been over the years. TheImmortal is absolutely vindicated when he brings up Soleimani's and Allahdadi's unjust killings and Iran's arguably limp-wristed "responses". Needless to say I wouldn't want to be an Iranian general outside the borders of Iran given just how easy it seems to be to killed when you're one
Chand hafte pish esraeili ha be abu kamal dar suriye hamle kardan va gha'ani ham unja bud. Rusa behesh etelat dadan va zud sari dar raft az un mantaghe vagarna koshte mishod. yek aberoo rizi bozorgi mishod.
Saddam Hussein fired SCUDs and killed US troops, so let’s not act like Iran attacking US is like man attacking God. Problem with your way of thinking is you put the enemy on a pedestal as if they are the Gods of Athens. When you assume your inferior to the enemy it starts trickling down into the entire organization.

Sometimes you are inferior and have to realize it.
1980 Iran didn't become 2020 Iran by not seeing the realities and overestimating itself. It is a process that takes patience and wise decisions.

Still: Iran directly hit the most important areas of a U.S base and likely killed a VIP in a behind the scene act by downing that E-11A.
Gen. Hajizadeh said that U.S sent a message that they just need time to leave Iraq.

You want Iran to act disproportional. Yes I want it too. Some people also wanted it in the 80's, 90's 2000's, but if Iran had made a mistake back then it may would not be a country able to point-strike high value hardware in a U.S base in 2020.
Very few countries can afford to do this to the main superpower of the world, without disproportional response.

Maybe Irans response was too proportional but we are not aware of the grand strategic picture.

Iran may only answer the Natanz attack after the outcome of the U.S elections. Maybe it will go fully unnoticed by the public, behind the scenes.
Sometimes you are inferior and have to realize it.
1980 Iran didn't become 2020 Iran by not seeing the realities and overestimating itself. It is a process that takes patience and wise decisions.

Still: Iran directly hit the most important areas of a U.S base and likely killed a VIP in a behind the scene act by downing that E-11A.
Gen. Hajizadeh said that U.S sent a message that they just need time to leave Iraq.

You want Iran to act disproportional. Yes I want it too. Some people also wanted it in the 80's, 90's 2000's, but if Iran had made a mistake back then it may would not be a country able to point-strike high value hardware in a U.S base in 2020.
Very few countries can afford to do this to the main superpower of the world, without disproportional response.

Maybe Irans response was too proportional but we are not aware of the grand strategic picture.

Iran may only answer the Natanz attack after the outcome of the U.S elections. Maybe it will go fully unnoticed by the public, behind the scenes.
When the enemy strikes you at your own home, you HAVE to strike back. No if's and buts its a MUST. Atleast do something, directly or indirectly, this inaction is literally killing us. What you are saying is to give signal to the enemy that they can strike us many times as they wish without any retaliation. This is totally unacceptable.

Your argument could be applied to bombing of Iranian assets and personel in Syria but not at our own home. They are striking inside Iran and with this mindset will just encourage the enemy to continue. The government must draw a red line.
Barely lol, the missile didn't even hit. The debris from the SCUD fell down and crushed a barracks full of sleeping soldiers.

Of course the missile was shit compared to Iran's missiles when speaking from an engineering perspective. The point is Iran fires to miss intentionally, Saddam fired to hit.

Watch your mouth. Your useless militias couldn't do jack sh.it against foreign troops on your soil until we supplied you with IED and many other weapons to target the Americans.
@waz many Iran obsessed trolls hijack and flamebait Iran related threads.

That's in 2004-2009 during the time of the legendary Ahmedinejad, today you are a cuck.
Your logic is flawed, no one believed that the U.S would simply take it and not respond except the few that knows about Iran deterrence.

The same here. However timing is for Iran to select.


Possible that it was a long range stealth CM that made it trough, but unlikely.

It should not contain critical technology, something simply smuggled and short range is more likely.
Spike, Hermes, Delilah... the list of Israeli gear capable to do it is long.

They didn't need to respond.. They hit us so hard, and our response was so laughable that they didn't even bother acting like they were upset with it. Do you think US gives a f*ck about some destroyed empty building? They killed our most important military commander, probably since Nader Shah. We wont see another Soleimani, not at least in our lifetime. How many hours do you think it took the US to rebuild their base? We cant rebuild Soleimani, can we?
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