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Fire breaks out at Iranian nuclear facility, no damage occurred, say officials

so you are saying Israel is better then iran at terrorism? no dispute. your entire existence depends on genocide and sheer state sponsored terrorism putting the local palestinians under a boot.

Your entire entity is based on terrorism.

however unfortunately for you, geopoltics is king here. and you are surrounded.

Hezbollah alone on your north can cripple your country. beyond anything you could imagine in 2006. with pinpoint missiles strategically picking off targets like ben gurion airport, downtown tel aviv, water desalination plants, ports, power stations and generally send the zionist hoardes back into stone age living.

Next up you have the syrian state. whom you could not defeat despite confidently predicting assad had 'weeks to months" in 2012 (LOL!!!!!)

Meanwhile there are 10s of thousands of uniformed and plainclothes QODS force/ IRGC/ Intel Forces of Irans army openly operating and setting up more and more death traps for you .....

in the meantime the zionists havent been able to raise a goat herder in the open opposing Irans border. let alone any armies...... you concentrate and spend billions with american intelligence to exploit a weakspot somehere to commit some act of terror in sheer desperation.

and you come in here with a straight face and talk big as if your pathetic zionists accomplished anything besides a terror attack that will be met with a fist.

your days are numbered. Every single day Iran is strenghtening the strategic noose around your tiny entity.
Iran can easily destroy Israel, it doesn't even take much to do it. But destruction of Israel would mean western countries will rush to Israel to prevent Iran from occupying that land. It is here the challenge lies, Iran does not have the power to fight a multifront war in Israel, against the entire world. Not to mention the backlash Iran would receive from the international community, and the fact that we would probably be attacked by US and NATO, prevents us from taking such action. On the other hand, responding to Israeli aggression by attacking it, not invading and occupying it, does not give the international community a casus belli. Irans lack of retaliation is an entirely political decision, based on that we don't have anything (politically speaking) to gain from attacking you.
Only Iranians can get humiliated on a weekly basis and then claim you can win:rofl:

where the safety of their populace was at the discretion of Iranian hackers (they could have increased the chlorine levels).
You wish lol
Correct but we have to distinguish between the two militaries here

on one hand we have the IRGC, which is a very political organization and with alot of power. Their decisions regarding retaliation are extremely political of nature.

on the other hand we have the army, a honest national fighting force tasked with defending the country's borders. It is the duty of the army to respond to israeli attacks and in any other country they would have done so but due to IRGC's extreme tight grip they are unable to.

And then we have the secret services :

The national intelligence ministry
The IRGC secret services
Internal secret services
External secret services

all of the above have the capability to respond effectively but again, the IRGC is holding them back.

Conclusion : Political and financial interests are holding us back from responding.

Retaliation should have well started with assassination of our scientists. For every scientist killed there should have been 2 Israeli scientists or politicians blown up. Lack of retaliation encouraged the enemy from exactly this point until now.
Exactly the americunts day if we killed martyr soleimani then why can we kill imam Khamenei since Iran didn’t do anything
History disagrees with your false claims.

Nearly every intelligence report incorrectly predicted the progress of the nuclear weapons programs of Israel, Pakistan, India, China, North Korea.

In the case of Israel their nuclear weapons program was UNDERneath their nuclear reactor. Yet US intelligence didn’t detect it.

It is quite easy to hide a small centrifuge hall using advanced centrifuges in a country the size of Iran.

As for Iranian nuclear weapons program, my personal opinion is that the program is not shuttered and merely spliced and scattered among various organizations.
Man! Let us be realistic it was obliged by Uncle Sam's blessing. I give complete marks to Israelis but to say Uncle Sam didnt knew is sheer lie and laughable.

The time is not ripe yet. People familiar with Iran know how it operates so need to have alot of patience. Iran is not reactionary or suicidal. Iranians are masters in chess.
I agree Iranians are great in subversive tactics. They will wait, however your operations in Pakistan doesnt make sense. Anyways back to the topic. This subversive tactics is only good at those nations who are run unprofessionally like Pakistan. Against Israel or USA it will FAIL sooner or later. Uncle Sam & Israelis have full grasp of Iranian vulnerability. They will strike until Iranian regime changes i.e. the Mullah Mafia.
Iranians have to look into their conduct. There is a bent of mind created by Mullah that you can take on world with a dream of Persian empire through covet and asymmetrical warfare. Guess what it wont work!! Sooner you realise the better.
Man! Let us be realistic it was obliged by Uncle Sam's blessing. I give complete marks to Israelis but to say Uncle Sam didnt knew is sheer lie and laughable.

I agree Iranians are great in subversive tactics. They will wait, however your operations in Pakistan doesnt make sense. Anyways back to the topic. This subversive tactics is only good at those nations who are run unprofessionally like Pakistan. Against Israel or USA it will FAIL sooner or later. Uncle Sam & Israelis have full grasp of Iranian vulnerability. They will strike until Iranian regime changes i.e. the Mullah Mafia.
Iranians have to look into their conduct. There is a bent of mind created by Mullah that you can take on world with a dream of Persian empire through covet and asymmetrical warfare. Guess what it wont work!! Sooner you realise the better.

Pakistan has acted like real Cowards in confronting America. Pakistan will happily bend over for mighty US as it has done in the past. They just come in an violate the **** airspace and bomb pakis and their villages. Don’t give sense to others. Tell your own military and countrymen to grow sum balls first. There’s no integrity in bending over like Pakistan does. It’s better to lose but still to give the bully a bloody nose rather than be on the knees like Pakistan loves.
@PeeD @Philosopher @Sina-1 @TheImmortal

You guys also see two distinct explosions? One to the left of the building?


If you zoom in you can make out what appears to be two distinct explosions.
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I believe several small guided missiles or drones could have been responsible.
Small because they must have been smuggled in.

A secret Spike NLOS variant comes to my mind.
Even if suicide drones were smuggled INTO Iran. Radar and air defenses should have picked up objects coming straight towards Natanz within a 75-100KM radius.

It literally should have been one of the most secure installations and guarded in Iran.

Looks like another case of Iranian incompetence and delusions of grandeur
Much shorter range. More like a pickup parked and abandoned in some village 10-20km around Natanz.

We talk about a novel terrain masking system not yet unveiled, small and hard for the few Tors to detect.

Iran removed all, and I mean ALL of the AAA systems with optical systems which covered every gap of Natanz.
And that since years, because they underestimated the threat.
They underestimated Trump becoming so fragile that Israel makes option of direct hidden attack.

Israel cant afford Trump to loose, it needs action to create a conflict that unites Americans.
It made its hands dirty and now Iran has a reason to retaliate. It was a desperate measure.
Much shorter range. More like a pickup parked and abandoned in some village 10-20km around Natanz.

We talk about a novel terrain masking system not yet unveiled, small and hard for the few Tors to detect.

Iran removed all, and I mean ALL of the AAA systems with optical systems which covered every gap of Natanz.
And that since years, because they underestimated the threat.
They underestimated Trump becoming so fragile that Israel makes option of direct hidden attack.

Israel cant afford Trump to loose, it needs action to create a conflict that unites Americans.
It made its hands dirty and now Iran has a reason to retaliate. It was a desperate measure.

Realistically Iran can retaliate and has ample reason to but probably shouldn't as this attack hasn't really set things back all that much and any retaliation would complicate things even further?
I believe several small guided missiles or drones could have been responsible.
Small because they must have been smuggled in.

A secret Spike NLOS variant comes to my mind.

Comparing the before/after it looks like 1 large explosion to me. I don't think a Spike or even a Harpy-type loitering munition could cause this kind of damage.


Given how the debris was spread, and how far it was spread, my theory is an explosive device planted inside the building, somewhere in the corner that we can see is the epicentre. I don't know what kind of explosive materials are used in that building, so I'm not sure if a cyberattack would be the culprit.


It made its hands dirty and now Iran has a reason to retaliate. It was a desperate measure.

Big question is in what form this retaliation would come.

Remember when this was a thing? Good times.
Much shorter range. More like a pickup parked and abandoned in some village 10-20km around Natanz.

We talk about a novel terrain masking system not yet unveiled, small and hard for the few Tors to detect.

Iran removed all, and I mean ALL of the AAA systems with optical systems which covered every gap of Natanz.
And that since years, because they underestimated the threat.
They underestimated Trump becoming so fragile that Israel makes option of direct hidden attack.

Israel cant afford Trump to loose, it needs action to create a conflict that unites Americans.
It made its hands dirty and now Iran has a reason to retaliate. It was a desperate measure.

Not a desperate measure by any means but a very smart Chess move.

They found a incompetently guarded nuclear site housing very important machines that are hard to produce and procure and would set the program back months possibly years. Also it reduces Iranian leverage to breakout for nuclear bomb and future negotiations thus getting less demands in future negotiations.

To me it is not a desperate move, but a shrewd Chess move by a highly competent actor.

Not to mention the embarrassment of attacking Iran’s most precious Nuclear facility.

Meanwhile the explosion looks certainly too intense for a planted explosive.


Sure it was a good move for the Israelis and they exploited a miscalculation by Iran.

However its a dirty measure that allows Iran to retaliate.
In a good strategic situation you don't resort to such action.

Iran screwed put but Israel used a high cost measure.

In some ways similar to Shahid Soleymanis assassination.

This is probably a dumb question but could the method of attack used have been some sort if new missile or bomb that neither the Americans or Israelis have shown off publicly before?

Possibly some sort of long range small form factor "stealth" missile with higher than normal payload?
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