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Fire breaks out at Iranian nuclear facility, no damage occurred, say officials

these attacks will continue unless iran not launch counter strikes on israeli facilities but I think iran is not ready for confronting israel
Tweet from Patarames, worthy of a look. Amir also commented it.

How is that the likely conclusion?

One was a gas tank and the other was a shack that had just gotten built. Neither significant attacks and more nuisance than anything.

If your a country that’s gonna risk an attack on Iran you would go big (think Armaco attack), you wouldn’t attack random easily fixable areas of massive military complexes. My point is the targets don’t make sense.

If this was sabatoge while Israel/US duo team is a likely culprit one cannot rule out Saudi Arabia as revenge for the cruise missile attack Iran did on Saudi Arabia oil facilities.

The missile facility doesn’t seem like sabatoge. The Nuclear facility could be sabatoge, but neither caused set backs to Iranian missile or nuclear program. So what was the point of the attacks?
So what was the point of the attacks?

If this indeed was some sort of a retaliatory attempt, then it was pathetically weak. What it will do however is highlight any methodology used in such attacks. You do not reveal your hands unless you really have to. Who knows, maybe after the humiliating cyber attack on the Israelis by Iran, this is the best they could do.
You attack what you are able to attack without getting catched to be able to plausibly deny.

Israel fears that Trump may loose elections, they need to do something, otherwise Iran will just sit it out until November.
these attacks will continue unless iran not launch counter strikes on israeli facilities but I think iran is not ready for confronting israel
The time is not ripe yet. People familiar with Iran know how it operates so need to have alot of patience. Iran is not reactionary or suicidal. Iranians are masters in chess.
You attack what you are able to attack without getting catched to be able to plausibly deny.

Israel fears that Trump may loose elections, they need to do something, otherwise Iran will just sit it out until November.

In your opinion PeeD, what do you think Iran should do in response to these attacks?


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In your opinion PeeD, what do you think Iran should do in response to these attacks?

Covert action, enemies have to feel it, otherwise it will continue.
Could be cyber or direct sabotage.

But if it is too much Trump has a reason to move away from his internal quagmire.
If this is sabatoge then that means the Tehrani Moghadam death was an assassination and not a static discharge chain reaction event like we assume.

Nonetheless, I don’t see Iran responding in any meaningful way. Trump is going to lose this election and Israel knows it. Trumps polar personality aside, No president has been re-elected under tough economic conditions. Thus with Trump headed out of office and Biden wanting to return to his best friend Obama’s “signature foreign policy achievement” Iran is sitting on their hands till Nov.

Israel had 3 years of a honeymoon, reality is returning soon. Future US administrations will be too focused on the Rising China to bother with policing the Middle East.

After the withdrawal of Afghanistan and the eventual end of the Yemen and Syrian proxy conflicts, US will wipe its hands with the Middle East. It’s got bigger fish to fry.
One thing should be clear: Israel has more such hidden assets in Iran it can activate.

You can't defend against it everywhere.

The only way is creating equal assets against Israeli objects. When both sides know about it, neither side will simply use it.
Israels use is rather a sign of desperation. They now know Iran will activate proportional retaliation assets at some point in time.

Just a reminder what exists in Irans secret weapon arsenal



Just need to find an appropriate weakspot, like with Aramco.
Elsewhere in the interview, Kamalvandi noted that the damaged shed housed measuring equipment and precision tools, part of which was destroyed in the incident and another part was damaged.

The damaged equipment cannot be used anymore in view of the work they do, even if the incident had taken place on a smaller scale, the official said.

The AEOI spokesman emphasized that the incident has caused no stoppage in Iran's enrichment work, adding, however, that it may slow down development and manufacture of advanced machines in the medium term.:tsk:

"However, we would make up for this slowdown, God willing, through round-the-clock work and diligent efforts of our colleagues at the organization," Kamalvandi said.

Full article
Elsewhere in the interview, Kamalvandi noted that the damaged shed housed measuring equipment and precision tools, part of which was destroyed in the incident and another part was damaged.

The damaged equipment cannot be used anymore in view of the work they do, even if the incident had taken place on a smaller scale, the official said.

The AEOI spokesman emphasized that the incident has caused no stoppage in Iran's enrichment work, adding, however, that it may slow down development and manufacture of advanced machines in the medium term.:tsk:

"However, we would make up for this slowdown, God willing, through round-the-clock work and diligent efforts of our colleagues at the organization," Kamalvandi said.

Full article

So they did not keep a backup stock of such equipment in case they would need them? Moreover, when it comes to such bottleneck dual use equipments that can be sanctioned, you always make sure you can produce them yourself even if not economical. Whatever "khar" is in charge of such a thing obviously needs to be placed.
Elsewhere in the interview, Kamalvandi noted that the damaged shed housed measuring equipment and precision tools, part of which was destroyed in the incident and another part was damaged.

The damaged equipment cannot be used anymore in view of the work they do, even if the incident had taken place on a smaller scale, the official said.

The AEOI spokesman emphasized that the incident has caused no stoppage in Iran's enrichment work, adding, however, that it may slow down development and manufacture of advanced machines in the medium term.:tsk:

"However, we would make up for this slowdown, God willing, through round-the-clock work and diligent efforts of our colleagues at the organization," Kamalvandi said.

Full article

Only an idiot would believe that Iran is developing its most advanced centrifuges in a tiny shack on spy infested nuclear site.

I will just say this since it’s already been revealed. Before iran unveiled It’s “underground cities and missiles bases”, way back in 1998 I had learned of a nuclear program as well as underground missiles bases built with assistance from NK/China.

Also underneath Tehran there is a massive C & C Underground city and center for important heads of the military and government where they can survive for months if not years.

So if you guys want to believe that Iran is carrying its most secretive nuclear work ABOVE ground and in WIDELY monitored nuclear site, then believe what you may.

The goal here is to remove incentive for Iran to publicly reach Advanced level (versus secretly reach) and then use that as leverage in the nuclear standoff by feeding uranium into them and enriching to above 20%.

But you have to separate the dual programs, the public government lead nuclear development program and the IRGC led nuclear development program led by the father of Iranian nuclear weapons program.
This workshop only assembles the final parts, which themselves are already assembled, do balancing and testrun.
If it is ok it goes out to either Natanz itself or trucked to Fordow.
The important capability is manufacture, and thats not done there.

Now they must replace it fast if they want pre-accident leverage in negotiations.

Critical R&D is also done above ground, but this creates a immediate bottleneck
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