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Filipino Maids/Nannies working in Pakistan! What do you think?

Yes, they are. But what Muslim sends his daughter or wife to another country to work in another household?

Philipino maids are a status symbol and known for their hard work (they are literally everywhere, as truck driveres in Russia, as crew members of a ship, nurses in the USA...). They are mostly nice people but unfortunately they often have a subservient attitude towards Whites.

With respect bro..middle east is full of Muslim ladies working as house maids
This right here is the crux of the problem with Pakistani labour generally. It's untrained. There is limited sense of professionalism and most of them seem to think the world owes them a living and are working reluctantly like hostages to their own financial situation.

There is a huge business opportunity here that the Pakistani "Tajar" community are missing out own. Training and development. Take this example - you make a company providing nanny services or cleaning services, or maids, drivers etc. Clients get assigned an individual who is on a salary paid by the company. Clients pay the company for the services directly. If your driver is off, the company is responsible for providing an alternative. If your cleaner leaves, the next day another one arrives knowing full well the rota, requirements and having the same skill set.

Clients are confident in getting a professional, continual service, as well as having someone to complain to. Employees know full well they will get a salary every month, they will get training etc. The company takes 20% off the top after all expenses for their own profits. Yes they are more expensive than local maids, but they are providing a world class service.

Now that you have mentioned this, couple of years back there was a company service like this in Lahore. A family relative got the number and hired the company to provide a cook and house cleaner. One month great, they paid for services (for a period of time) to the company. You can imagine what happened next. The staff did not show up and the company service did not pick up. And this happened to alot of the families who hired them.

pakistanis are con artists and scammers, please stop expecting professionalism and honesty.
Now that you have mentioned this, couple of years back there was a company service like this in Lahore. A family relative got the number and hired the company to provide a cook and house cleaner. One month great, they paid for services (for a period of time) to the company. You can imagine what happened next. The staff did not show up and the company service did not pick up. And this happened to alot of the families who hired them.

pakistanis are con artists and scammers, please stop expecting professionalism and honesty.

This is the problem with people who have a taste for haram, halal does not satisfy them anymore.
People work for money. This is a fact. No one works because they enjoy it.
Now advertise for a local nanny for $400, I guarantee you you will get excellent candidates who will work hard learn and will want to keep their job and ensure the family are happy with them. Our mindset is wrong. We treat servant like rubbish. We had servant at home and they ate what we ate. My mother was so kind to them. Even after my mother passed away her servants who had moved on still visit us and we see them as an extention of our family. Call the khala etc.

nobody said people work because they enjoy, everybody talk money.
how many will you find perfect local nannies for 400 bucks? it is not like that, since demand for such nannies is too low, people with demand ask for best.

mind set is wrong on both sides. yes there are or were people who keep their servants for years and servants were loyal to them too.

gone are the days, hardly found such people. on the other side people are not so fair to the servants too that is a fact i agree to.

we have such examples in our family. a servant from the time of partition serving my mothers family, we still have contacts for the good with that family.
when nobody home uncle will turn into jekyll hyde and attack maid, he make sure that 400 dollar a month will be of value after taking flesh of maid. condom safety? forget it. oil?? expensive. 400 dollar is more than enuff expenditure, uncle bitterly say to himself.
Plus Pakistani use the Filipinos as a symbol of pride and success.

That's it. Latest way to show off your PKR-- Newly rich property dealers have ruined things for the "real rich"--land cruisers, 2 kanal houses, Dubai trips are too mainstream now. Every other property dealer now roams around with a land cruiser and a daala with 2 guards. So imported nanny is the logical next step.

trust me even gay men are being imported and working in Pakistan.

..wait what?? Pakistan is IMPORTAING gays now? As if the trade deficit wasn't already wide enough? Where we importing from? China? Or are they smuggled along the Iran border with the rest of imported goods you find in Shaheen, Imtiaz and Dwatson. Thank you for tjhe laugh man.
Pakistan will eradicate poverty from the Philippines by 2023
This must be one of the Scandinavian model of austere government.

I wonder if first signs of warming Pak Russia ties would be the mail in brides on olx.

I bet OP is Tiger
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Now that you have mentioned this, couple of years back there was a company service like this in Lahore. A family relative got the number and hired the company to provide a cook and house cleaner. One month great, they paid for services (for a period of time) to the company. You can imagine what happened next. The staff did not show up and the company service did not pick up. And this happened to alot of the families who hired them.

pakistanis are con artists and scammers, please stop expecting professionalism and honesty.
Sadly this is the defeatist attitude that prevents progress.
Now what will happen is you will pass this negative mindset to your children and the vicious cycle continues. Pakistan is no different to any country. Look at the west. The gangs of Newyork or London. The corruption the thieves all existed until they educated and trained their people and professionalism was introduced.

Does anyone train their home help in Pakistan? People expect a village girl to start in the city and know everything from designer labels to internet when the poor girl has never seen a microwave. So you see its the fault of people like you for not educating your staff and then blaming them. Let's fix ourselves 1st and then blame the less fortunate
That's it. Latest way to show off your PKR-- Newly rich property dealers have ruined things for the "real rich"--land cruisers, 2 kanal houses, Dubai trips are too mainstream now. Every other property dealer now roams around with a land cruiser and a daala with 2 guards. So imported nanny is the logical next step.

..wait what?? Pakistan is IMPORTAING gays now? As if the trade deficit wasn't already wide enough? Where we importing from? China? Or are they smuggled along the Iran border with the rest of imported goods you find in Shaheen, Imtiaz and Dwatson. Thank you for tjhe laugh man.
You don't belive me? Go to Islamabad like centaurs where the Filipinos hang out on Saturday. Their day off. You will see the gays sitting amongst the Filipino ladies in the food court. As I said I know families who have these improved staff...so I am not waffling this is a fact.
If you choose to bury your head in the sand that's your choice
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That's it. Latest way to show off your PKR-- Newly rich property dealers have ruined things for the "real rich"--land cruisers, 2 kanal houses, Dubai trips are too mainstream now. Every other property dealer now roams around with a land cruiser and a daala with 2 guards. So imported nanny is the logical next step.

..wait what?? Pakistan is IMPORTAING gays now? As if the trade deficit wasn't already wide enough? Where we importing from? China? Or are they smuggled along the Iran border with the rest of imported goods you find in Shaheen, Imtiaz and Dwatson. Thank you for tjhe laugh man.
joh.... has it got down this bad....
F*** unbleieveable that visa are being givem to those people
Even USA wount allow this visa

Then when govt makes electricity or cheese expensive the super rich and middle class cryies

The poor mostly dont care 20% of pakistanis dont have electricity

80% dont have pipe gas..70% use LNG which is so exepensive that it is used to subsidize pipe gas
-Its a growing phenomenon that has grown in the last 10 years
-Middle class and Upper classes preferring Filipino maids and nannies
-salary is around $400 per month (Approx. 62,000 PKR)
-people are apparently hiring them because they speak English with kids
-Now at least workers are legally working in Pakistan on Work Permits!
-Can we train local maids/nannies so we can save foreign exchange?
-Some are eventually settling in Pakistan for good!
-Philippine embassy is also regulating work

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This is something affluent Pakistanis have learned from the middle east.

PS, kabayan maids are more professional.
This is absolutely necessary for both Filipino Nannies & Pakistani families, nannies working for Pakistani families. In middle East these nannies have super good reputation, in cleaning, in speaking good English, skills etc.
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