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Filipino Maids/Nannies working in Pakistan! What do you think?

get used to seeing 70 year old Pakistani men marrying 30 or 40 year old Filipinos woman (nanny), but they are very good at their work. Sometime I wonder what do Filipino men do or are there any?
F*** unbleieveable that visa are being givem to those people
Even USA wount allow this visa

Then when govt makes electricity or cheese expensive the super rich and middle class cryies

The poor mostly dont care 20% of pakistanis dont have electricity

80% dont have pipe gas..70% use LNG which is so exepensive that it is used to subsidize pipe gas

this is 1 percent population news. people who have deep pockets.

its a good money laundering gig.

federal shariah court should ensure their rights. civil courts ain't gonna help these trafficked women
Most middleclass families have maids in Lahore, maids are simply a status symbol in Lahore.
get used to seeing 70 year old Pakistani men marrying 30 or 40 year old Filipinos woman (nanny), but they are very good at their work. Sometime I wonder what do Filipino men do or are there any?
they are lazy slobs and want to be served but will run off with three or four other women.
$400 salary Nanny LMAO no middle class family is hiring these people
That's what came in my mind. No way a middle class pakistani family can afford to pay $400 to a maid. That's not even possible in many developed countries. OP must give me the number of his dealer so I can also try the shit he is smoking these days.
That's what came in my mind. No way a middle class pakistani family can afford to pay $400 to a maid. That's not even possible in many developed countries. OP must give me the number of his dealer so I can also try the shit he is smoking these days.

Ignoring the truth does not make it go away. Its all over the internet.(youtube/facebook)

That's what came in my mind. No way a middle class pakistani family can afford to pay $400 to a maid. That's not even possible in many developed countries. OP must give me the number of his dealer so I can also try the shit he is smoking these days.

Apparently around 1500 to 2000 of these workers are in Pakistan. So, Do you think only super rich hire them? or do you mean Pakistan has a lot of Super rich people who can afford to pay $400?
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Apparently around 1500 to 2000 of these workers are in Pakistan. So, Do you think only super rich hire them? or do you mean Pakistan has a lot of Super rich people who can afford to pay $400?
When an average salary here is around $400 or between 50,000 to 70,000 these days in cities. How is it possible to pay $400 for a maid and survive on eating grass the whole month.
Yes only the super rich or atleast upper class can afford that.
They are amongst the hardest working people ever but my God their propensity for gossip rivals desi aunties.


I guess worker traffic is flowing in the opposite direction....!
Yes i join others in saying that workers (house help / nannies / nurses / secretaries ...etc.) from the Philippines are very hard workers , loyal , caring ...etc.

But i cannot see how Pakistan will attract them when in the GCC , they are paid 800 US$ per month and upward. They have their own room/toilet , all toiletries for free , medical care for free , food and water for free , mobile phone bill and internet for free ....

I personally pay my house maid 1000 US$ per month. She is great ! been with us for 7 years now ....
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