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Fence Pak-Afghan Border

There have been many enemy attacks from outside and within Pakistan, can you elaborate why those nukes were not used? and what's the bravery in nuclear bombing of unarmed civilians?

the attacks that have been happening in Pakistan have not be militarily that significant that they could change our geogrpahy and no state , niether india nor afghanistan has owned up to those attacks , things would be very different if say the Afghan Army , as incompoentent as it is , tried to take control of Swat or Dir
Question in my mind from past many years. Why not Pakistan properly fence Pak-Afghan Border ?

What are the hurdles btw ? Govt and Military spends millions/billions on roads highways etc etc. Why not fence Pak-Afghan border to stop illegal refuges and illegal immigrants from Afghanistan? is there any plan exists or under consideration ?

Technically Afghan refuges burden on Pakistan and Pakistani people. In fact half of these Afghanis control trade particularly automobiles, parts and now construction in Pakistan. Today, hard to send them back but at least take some steps to control future. Powers and neighbors use them against us, against Pakistanis.
The Same reason we are unable to build Kala Bagh Dam .. People putting their interest ahead of their countries .

Any idea what would be the cost in dollar terms of fencing ~2500~ km border?
but but but afghan=pashtun no ?
how can a tajik be an afghan ?
are you saying that hazaras are pashtuns too ?

You are shooting on your foot, does that mean all Pashtuns in Pakistan are Afghan not Pakistani? :lol:
You are one deviant little fellow ! :lol:

Itniii si ummer mein itneiii bareiii plans ! :o:

Every country worth it's salt is thinking big.
China is claiming the whole of South China Sea and more.
Russia is claiming all historical Russian and Soviet states as it's own.
Even India absorbed Sikkim and is claiming parts of Pakistan.

Now tell me brother why shall Pakistan always stay as a small fish which is on the menu of other larger fish. Why shouldn't we start eating ourselves.
This kind of thinking give Malang like people more excuses. Let them handle their shit, even if Pakistan don't build the fence there should be strong security. Just like Pakistan sealed the border for Afghan election going on. Terrorists or other crimnals shouldnt just be able to cross when ever they want.
The border cant be sealed indefinitely without a fence, it has to open sooner or later, plus even during the elections there were probably many loop holes in the cordon, trying to make Afghanistan atleast somewhat stable is in the best interest of Pakistan and it will be achieved through a proxy government installed by the ISI, this is the inconvenient truth but is the truth none the less.....
You are shooting on your foot, does that mean all Pashtuns in Pakistan are Afghan not Pakistani? :lol:
Call them Pashtun, Pakhtoon, Afghan, Punjabi, Hazara, Baloch. or whatever else. they are all Pakistanis.
You need to understand Pakistan is not based on an ethnicity but on an ideology.
In Pakistan ethnicity is secondary to the national ideology.
Every country worth it's salt is thinking big.
China is claiming the whole of South China Sea and more.
Russia is claiming all historical Russian and Soviet states as it's own.
Even India absorbed Sikkim and is claiming parts of Pakistan.

Now tell me brother why shall Pakistan always stay as a small fish which is on the menu of other larger fish. Why shouldn't we start eating ourselves.

Because wrrora, Afghanistan & Afghans have been creating problems for us long before Mullah Omar even found a mention, because Afghan Nationalism has Anti-Pakistanism embedded within it since '48 & because Afghanistan is an extremely under-developed country who's History has involved either banding together to fight foreign invaders or to later fight amongst themselves to the terrible ruin of each other - Why....oh Why would I want such a 'fish' on the menu ? :unsure:

I would give everything for Pakistani Pukhtoons but I owe nothing to Afghan Pukhtoons nor do I want anything to do with them or their country - God knows I'd be a happy man if there was an impregnable wall between Pakistan & Afghanistan !

I wish the Afghans all the best but I don't want them in my country nor do I want anything to do with them !

Pakistani Pukhtoons are my own flesh & blood....bonded with me with an unbreakable bond whereby we - the People - decided in 1947 that we'd leave aside our ethnic & linguistic differences & go back to the purity of Islam where whatever else we maybe...whoever else we are....we are first Muslims & that is the bond that must Unite us as One People !

Pakistanis believe in that....others don't hence Pakistanis - irrespective of their ethnic or linguistic identities - are my Brothers & Sisters....others are Not !
We will run the country covertly, no matter what happens, A-stan will be run by the ISI in the future, nothing can change that.....

And who is advocating sending in the regulars (they are kept there for India).
All Pakistan need to do is support the militia that is most favorable and we can first run the country as a client, and when all the mineral resources finally come online. Take over the whole country and declare greater Pakistan.
It will benefit both the Pakistani and Afghan population.
I guess that rules out the requirement for any kind of fencing then..
You are shooting on your foot, does that mean all Pashtuns in Pakistan are Afghan not Pakistani? :lol:

Im quoting what most afghans claim which is that afghan=pashtun , afghanistan's name is a problem for other non-pashtun ethnicities , you know that very well
so answer my question that the hazara called moshu khor , accused of chiragh koshi and raqs e murda , is he afghan then ?
Because wrrora, Afghanistan & Afghans have been creating problems for us long before Mullah Omar even found a mention, because Afghan Nationalism has Anti-Pakistanism embedded within it since '48 & because Afghanistan is an extremely under-developed country who's History has involved either banding together to fight foreign invaders or to later fight amongst themselves to the terrible ruin of each other - Why....oh Why would I want such a 'fish' on the menu ? :unsure:

I would give everything for Pakistani Pukhtoons but I owe nothing to Afghan Pukhtoons nor do I want anything to do with them or their country - God knows I'd be a happy man if there was an impregnable wall between Pakistan & Afghanistan !

I wish the Afghans all the best but I don't want them in my country nor do I want anything to do with them !

Pakistani Pukhtoons are my own flesh & blood....bonded with me with an unbreakable bond whereby we - the People - decided in 1947 that we'd leave aside our ethnic & linguistic differences & go back to the purity of Islam where whatever else we maybe...whoever else we are....we are first Muslims & that is the bond that must Unite us as One People !

Pakistanis believe in that....others don't hence Pakistanis - irrespective of their ethnic or linguistic identities - are my Brothers & Sisters....others are Not !

Brother if you get a chance study the history of Russia. They were thinking the same about Mongols the way you are talking about Afghanistan. Eventually not only they assimilated the Mongols in to Russia (turned them to Russians) they also took a huge swath of area, and today area wise Russia is the biggest country in the world.
Afghanistan will always remain a problem for Pakistan as long as we stay scared of them, if we take the initiative and assimilate Afghanistan slowly into Pakistan we will reap the rewards.
India is a huge neighbor and powerfull neighbor. and although culturally, religiously and geographically the whole of Kashmir should have been a part of Pakistan, it isnt, majority of it occupied by India. On top of that they claim not only Pakistani part of Kashmir but also Gilgit/Baltistan.
That means that we will have an eternal enemy state on our eastern border. So we need to look in other directions for expansion and opportunities.
That brings me to Afghanistan, now we call wish that Afghanistan was developed and peaceful country which was friendly with Pakistan and we can trade together and live happily as neighbors. But unfortunately it isn't. So what's the alternative.
The alternative is make the best out of a bad situation. If Afghanistan is weak and underdeveloped, don't take it as a bad thing but as an opportunity.
See, when the Europeans went to Africa, America and Asia in the previous centuries, they didn't go there to check the development levels of those continents. But to get natural resources and to enrich and strengthen their empires.
So Pakistan also has a huge historical opportunity either to be open, welcoming and expanding country of new ideas and greater prosperity, or to become a closed inward looking scared state same as North Korea with fences on two sides and sea on the other.
I for one will chose expansion and bravery, you can decide for yourself what future you prefer.
@Spring Onion @Luftwaffe @ghilzai @Hyperion
this guy thinks you all are not Pakistanis but Afghanistanis
could you please correct his misconceptions

He's not worth my time a delusional afghani who had been fed and raised in Pakistan and sleeps with hindustanis, a no body so I don't care what he spews, I went to FATA twice and chanted Pakistan zindabad no arsehole likes of them popped up.
No need for fence , we move in Army into Afghanistan and take over land

> Afghania Province , the new province of Pakistan
> Take the permanent Afgan residents of Pakistan and give them incentive to go back to new province and invest there

Cost 40,000 Troops , 3 Squadrons of Mirage , 2 Squadron of Bell Helicopters , 200 Tanks ,
Permenent Integration, 10,000 Police Force units

"The only solution"

That region needs a regional force , like Pakistani Army to stabalize it , and then we can train the new generation of Army extension


Afgania Province
Azad Kashmire

Pakistan Army will "CLEANUP" that region
happy Wet dream...super powers can not conquer Afghanistan let alone a third world country like pakistan. Establish your writ on your FATA first then dream about conquering afghanistan.
Wrrora I don't need any assurances....I've got plenty of them as friends & family to know that they are very patriotic !

In fact I remember in one of our heated discussions a friend of mine from Dara Adamkhel said to me 'Tum Punjabi shaiddd Pakistani ko chorrr dou par Pukhtoon kabhiii nahin choreiii gaaa.....iss Pakistan keh liyeee hamareiii buzorgoon nei Kashmiri seh leh kar aaaj kal kii isss jung tukkk bohat qurbaniyaan deiiin heiii uss ko hum kiya raingaa kareinn geii - You Punjabis may leave Pakistan one day but us Pukhtoons never will because after all our ancestors have given sacrifices for this country from Kashmir to the present conflict....would we forget all of that ?'

I just wanted to know whether you are man enough to go to the Tribal Areas alone ? :P
You people call it "ilaqa e ghair" i.e the land of foriegners. It speaks about the perception of pakistani people about tribal pashtoons...it is surprising that pakistan has still imposed colonial FCR on tribals which was invented by british to punish them.
Any how i agree with you, tribals are very loyal and patriotic people even though you people insult them, call them stone aged jahils, smugglers, kidnappers, terrorists, savages, akhroats etc. You people are manipulating them in the name of islam....once literacy rate in FATA jumps up, it wont be easy to fool them. FATA people are dangerous, there are videos on youtube in which students from FATA are shouting slogans against pak army in cities on mir ali incidents. An educated yet fearless tribesman is dangerous, better keep them jahil and bigot for safety of punjab.
@Sher Malang
But actually they do , they come to Peshawar for alot of different things and you can interact with them.

The northern Pakhtun areas i.e Swat , Dir etc are extremely Pro-Pakistan and a Pakistani as any other. This perception is entirely false on your part.
what @Sher Malang is saying, is right. Tribals, in mindset and traditions, are very different from settled folk of KPK. They are loyal to pakistan but are not exactly jeevay jeevay type. Economic interests are the main incentives for them to stick with pakistan. Historically they never were in the control of either kabul or delhi. Sikhs couldnt capture a single territory of FATA. When people have such history, they are hard to be controlled. Look at the mess in FATA, pak army tried to prove the writ of state of pakistan in 2004 and it turned into an ugly war.
You might not accept this but pakistanis in general are sick of tribals, even though taliban are mistakes of pakistan army. Pakistanis wont admit it but pashtuns in general and tribals in particular are dangerous people. They are fearless ,armed and restless. They are only people in the region who are prone to revolutions...whether it was communist revolution or now taliban. They are switching one party after another in kpk, they are restless and want change....they are like pressure cooker
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