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farmer commit suicide in AAP ralley live on TV


17 pages, no time to read through alll of them.

But we are all adults, seasoned Indians, and something just does not smell right here.

This was no ordinary poor hungry farmer. He was in fact somewhat of a celebrity. Am sure you guys saw his house on TV.
Industries and farming are indeed mutually exclusive. People can't do farming and work in industry at the same time. Agri products are out of free market purview. So how much EU or US are giving in subsidy doesn't matter. About every EU farmer getting 8 lakh (that is more like 7 now), how much did Indian farmer get? what was total subsidy burden of NAREGA itself? including free power, free this, free that?? Conversion of farm land to industry has nothing to do with free "market".. if one can't farm, they can sell it to one who can. And who said farm land can't be turned into industry? there are certain procedure to do that which needs to be followed, which happens all the time. Even industries have land use restrictions and can't be converted to other type without going through bureaucracy.. In the same way if you want to convert housing land to commercial... so every one has some restriction and farmers aren't unduly burdened. "access to capital", they already have. that is why they took loan (hence loan-waiver scheme). Now what happens if they don't pay back? Heck, we as farmers get 1 lakh per year at 4% flat interest. I mean, who else can get that much low interest rate? "provide good price"? what is good price? who decides that? already the MSP being given is way about market price.. "fair price" can go only lower. Current farmers can now only become daily wagers because they do not have any skills and industrial type work is not enough, why? because there are no infrastructural investment by the govt due to all subsidies being given (not only to farmers, but to middle class people as well) and on the top of it over taxation on the meager tax payers to rise that subsidy. Now it is chicken and egg situation. Only solution is to gradually reduce subsidies and simultaneously invest in infra, edu and industries... rising subsidy is not an option at all...

You are speaking from ignorance.

1. Farmers CANNOT sell their land for Non agricultural use. The procedure is LONG, Tedious, Expensive and full of Arbitrary red tape and BRIBE that makes it impossible to execute except for politicians.

2. NAREGA was an employment scheme. NOTHING to do with farmers. Show some integrity while debating.

3. India has 1.2 BILLION people, labour shortage is not an issue. Enough for both agri and industry. Don't give such illogical replies.

4. Not even 5% of the farmers gets loan at 4% :lol: ........ those who did got 20% of that taken away as commission from agents and bank employees.

5. Providing farmers with money ensure that they will spend it and thus raise the economic potential of the nation. Especially in rural India. Money is more efficiently spent by the farmer than by the government.

The farmers do not need subsidy, they need a GOOD price for their crop. Money they can Then spend on education, food, taxes, etc.

17 pages, no time to read through alll of them.

But we are all adults, seasoned Indians, and something just does not smell right here.

This was no ordinary poor hungry farmer. He was in fact somewhat of a celebrity. Am sure you guys saw his house on TV.

The media doesn't care for facts, they have the premise for the narrative they want to drive and I see again Modi government failing to counter perception based on lies and half-truths.
while immediately, rajasthan government is responsible, the political/bureaucratic system there is no different to that of anywhere in india, especially the other farmer-suciding states like andhra, karnataka and maharastra.

this is a india-wide problem which can be only resolved by replacing the entire british-style fake-democracy political system of the last 68 years to a socialist direct-democracy system where money and resources are spent on the welfare of the people and not on buying foreign weaponary.
The immediate solution to this persistent problem is Co-operative and Collective farming.The state and the Central Govt. must ensure that all marginal farmers are brought under this system as this is the only viable solution left to stop the rising farmer suicides throughout the country!!Plus the Central Govt. should waiver all the existing farmer loans in order to provide them with some relief:coffee:.
The immediate solution to this persistent problem is Co-operative and Collective farming.The state and the Central Govt. must ensure that all marginal farmers are brought under this system as this is the only viable solution left to stop the rising farmer suicides throughout the country!!Plus the Central Govt. should waiver all the existing farmer loans in order to provide them with some relief:coffee:.

all good points. :tup:
You are speaking from ignorance.

1. Farmers CANNOT sell their land for Non agricultural use. The procedure is LONG, Tedious, Expensive and full of Arbitrary red tape and BRIBE that makes it impossible to execute except for politicians.

2. NAREGA was an employment scheme. NOTHING to do with farmers. Show some integrity while debating.

3. India has 1.2 BILLION people, labour shortage is not an issue. Enough for both agri and industry. Don't give such illogical replies.

4. Not even 5% of the farmers gets loan at 4% :lol: ........ those who did got 20% of that taken away as commission from agents and bank employees.

5. Providing farmers with money ensure that they will spend it and thus raise the economic potential of the nation. Especially in rural India. Money is more efficiently spent by the farmer than by the government.

The farmers do not need subsidy, they need a GOOD price for their crop. Money they can Then spend on education, food, taxes, etc.
1. They can (second part of your reply says so, ain't it?). I agree with procedural delays and red tape, which is same for any one, not only for formers
2. NAREGA was primarily for farmer/agri laborers who fall in "50% of Indian population" category. I mean, who else lives in a rural setting without employment?
3. You realize all 1.2 billion people can't work (like, aged, children etc)? You also realize industry requires "skill" level far exceeding agriculture? You also realize it needs people who are willing to look for it? don't be absurd....
4. Govt rule states that they should get it. If they don't try (if you default once, you are never going to get that loan again), who is to blame? not a single paisa was given as bribe. Bank employees can NEVER get any bribe, no agent allowed. Sorry, but you have very unrealistic view of the world. How do I know? well, my father is a banker and he does farming as a hobby. FYI, govt has created agri co-op societies for this scheme, not the banks although banks have targets. The major problem comes when farmers willingly not pay the loan back. When govt waives the loan, it doesn't reimburse the banks so banks have to take a hit and managers who gave the loan are informally taken to task for causing the loss!! how can you blame them if they refuse to give loan next time to the same people who defaulted and will default again? to be fair, write-offs in business sector is way too high than agri sector (corruption is also major issue, business itself is riskier). But due to high profitability, overall business loan sector is doing quite well compared to agri sector.
5. Are you kidding? Un-educated farmer can spend money wisely than govt? why not take a simpleton and make him finance minister then? Do you know the list of bad habits they have? Also, you are assuming one (wrong) thing. 50% people (employed in agri sector) have land. Not true. only 7% own ANY land. Rest 43% are landless laborers. So, all farm subsidy that is being given is going to that 7% people.

The immediate solution to this persistent problem is Co-operative and Collective farming.The state and the Central Govt. must ensure that all marginal farmers are brought under this system as this is the only viable solution left to stop the rising farmer suicides throughout the country!!Plus the Central Govt. should waiver all the existing farmer loans in order to provide them with some relief:coffee:.
Collective farming doesn't work. Loan waiver doesn't work (do you think farmers who have to commit suicide when a single crop fails can get loans from govt?). Targeting subsidy reduction (targeted delivery, exclusion of rich farmers etc), increase in training, more industries (with a little push for farmers to move to industries when farming is un-viable) is only way, IMHO
Yes Delhi Police is under Central government. Get your facts right then come back and talk. And stop bring Pakistan here....This is internal India;s debate....

Delhi Police under Modi. Water is under Modi, Electricity is under Modi, Good governance is under Modi... Farmer Suicide is under Modi...

News coming "This Guy is rich farmer with 10 Acre land 4,48,00,00 Sq feet" He was not a farmer rather he was a politician,. Currently he joined AAP. He came and met Manish Shishodia. May they made the plan of suicide drama at Manish home, who knows...

The Suicide drama went wrong and AAP left him to die.. Some one said "The AAP members pushed him so that he die quickly"...
Delhi Police under Modi. Water is under Modi, Electricity is under Modi, Good governance is under Modi... Farmer Suicide is under Modi...

News coming "This Guy is rich farmer with 10 Acre land 4,48,00,00 Sq feet" He was not a farmer rather he was a politician,. Currently he joined AAP. He came and met Manish Shishodia. May they made the plan of suicide drama at Manish home, who knows...

The Suicide drama went wrong and AAP left him to die.. Some one said "The AAP members pushed him so that he die quickly"...
well these are conspiracy theories....let's wait...at the end of the day a person with 3 kids died...so we as a nation should be sensitive to it....Let the investigation finish...if there is any AAP hand it is quiet logical for BJP to even work harder to bring out the truth..no??
North Korea has the lowest suicide rate in the world. That does not make NK a great place to live.

suicide is one of the symptom. There are many others. Question is given a choice, who how many would choose to be a farmer ? its the last choice for those without any real choices. Just above becoming a landless labourer and working in a construction site of a brick klink.

I for one wanted to be a farmer. So I do not think it is the last choice. If someone does not want to be a farmer, he can always sell his land and move to the city. In any case, majority of the farmers are also educated and have supplementary business or jobs to do. Farmers are in a much better position than any other category of the general population.

No, we have mastered the art of storing food for rats and rot while having the largest number of malnourished children in the world. Largest number of people who eat once or twice a day.

Let all Indians eat 3 meals a day and let all children go to school and have enough nourishment. Then let us calculate how much surplus food we have.

That is another bogey created by the 5 star activists. Indians are not malnourished except some and most of it is due to our food choices. Even children in rich families can be malnourished and that has nothing to do with not having food to eat. India also has 96% and above enrollment in schools and a robust mid day meal scheme going on, so all this cry that our children are not being fed is BS.

That is a best case scenario.
That is the worst case scenario. When food inflation rages, do you think other commodity inflation will be far off? It will just make food unaffordable for the already wretched urban poor. Farmers never go hungry because they produce enough for themselves and only any surplus they have is sold. Urban poor have no such option.
@ all AAP bashers, How many of you have complained about farmer suicides to political entities of the state that the farmland belonged to?

How is Arvind answerable in this case if the farmer hails from rajhasthan? which is a BJP ruled state?

Thats really unfortunate of you to blame bjp for this particular incidents when facts are out in the open .

The guy was also a financially sound businessman with political ambitions ,his crops were only mildly damaged moreover his family hadn't even applied for compensation from state government.

ps :- i also heard the name in suicide note was spelt 'upendra' first then striken off and corrected as 'gajendra'

that system was started in libya in 1969 and over the decades became a big success... part of it is being adopted in venezuela.

and why do we forget other socialist societies like ussr and cuba??

Libya has oil. That made it feasible for them to do so. It was a complete and upper failure in USSR. Cuba toned down on socialism in the 1990s and is now awaiting western investment to kickstart their virtually dead economy. Venezuela isn't exactly the benchmark of a successful economy. Then again, as I mentioned earlier, Zimbabwe went down that route and is now dependant on the Chinese, Indian and South African investors to keep their head afloat
Another shock: Gajendra's family saya that sucide note is not his hand writing. @Janja Weed
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