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farmer commit suicide in AAP ralley live on TV

So we are going to brush the whole issue under this incident? That is a one off case and doesn't matter? Why would a man want to put up such a stunt at a political rally, in the Indian Capital?
Most polluted
Most rapists
Most suicides on tv......
what is next?
I will not but then I am sticking to this particular incident as thread suggest rather then taking cheap shots on someone else's problems. Sure we have many problems in our country but then we know it and trying to solve it rather than preaching someone else ignoring own.
Your rant is laughable to say the least, labeling others and generalizing is ok as long as you do it, but the moment fingers point towards you all he'll breaks loose and a lecture in dignity and common sense ensues. Bollocks.

Hard to make sense of your ramblings and I am too lazy right now to bother, maybe some other time.
When did I blame him for not stopping the suicide? I am blaming him for playing cheap politics over this unfortunate death. As if the Delhi police was under the Delhi government, Arvind Kejriwal would have somehow magically stopped the man from committing suicide!
In General apart from this issue, you really think the Police should be under central govt for delhi?

Thats really unfortunate of you to blame bjp for this particular incidents when facts are out in the open .

The guy was also a financially sound businessman with political ambitions ,his crops were only mildly damaged moreover his family hadn't even applied for compensation from state government.

ps :- i also heard the name in suicide note was spelt 'upendra' first then striken off and corrected as 'gajendra'

I haven't blamed anyone, but I don't see how this is arvinds fault.
Is the 10L paid to the victims family by AAP HUSH MONEY?
In General apart from this issue, you really think the Police should be under central govt for delhi?

Yes it should be under the central government, given the diplomatic enclaves, international movements and other important government operations in Delhi.

If people think that putting Delhi police under the control of the state government would somehow improve the policing at the grassroots level, then they couldn't be more wrong. I mean how effective are the police forces in the rest of the states where they take orders from the state government?
Stunt gone wrong. We have seen many such "suicide attempts" by communists in their sabhas. Very useful in whipping up emotions of poor people. This seems to be another such attempt to highlight "Modi's tyranny". Backfired and now AAP leaders will have to answer very troubling questions.
Coudnt a joint session have been called earlier and the land bill cleared ? I mean BJP is just giving cannon fodder to Cong & AAP by delaying the joint session if that is their plan
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I haven't blamed anyone, but I don't see how this is arvinds fault.

When SheilaD was CN and a rape happened, it was not the police's job. When he was climbing electric poles to restore connections, that was his job.

But when someone is attempting suicide at his rally, how can that be his job?

With respect, if to you, this is acceptable behavior from a leader, I don't have much to add.

All this of course aside from the facts about the deceased and his connections to AAP that are surfacing, but we can wait for an investigation to get into that.
Coulndt the joint session have been called earlier and the land bill cleared ? I mean BJP is just giving cannon fodder to Cong & AAP by delaying the joint session if that is theri plan
It has to be tabled before the Rajya sabha first and once they reject, I think it goes to a committee for 6 months and then only to joint session. The opposition is trying to not have the bill presented in the Upper house at all, if it is not rejected, then PM cannot call for a joint session. Hence one drama after the other.
@ all AAP bashers, How many of you have complained about farmer suicides to political entities of the state that the farmland belonged to?

How is Arvind answerable in this case if the farmer hails from rajhasthan? which is a BJP ruled state?

First of all we all are humans irrespective of our background so any loss of human life is unfortunate incident .. Whatever happened yesterday was immensely disturbing n beyond shocking to see that a person was abetted to suicide by crowds with round of clapping, there was none in that crowd to stop him while that fellow was climbing up the tree n finally fell to death infront of a chief minister who was witnessing entire drama n ended up criticizing others ...... Ask yourself buddy what you would have done as human or chief minister or leader of a political party or a ordinary activist if the same scene had ever happened in front you.... ? At least he would have requested his personal security guards to bring that fellow down sadly .....
Yesterday entire episode shows how insensitive we ppl are as human nothing else... RIP...
If I were rajnath singh place I would have suspended entire police battalion which was in charge during that accident spot second would have ordered to file fir against that party or person who were organizing such agitation...... Or cancel the political party licence which recklessly promotes such anarchy......
This sad incident again has brought the farmers issues at centre stage while Vidharbha still suffering from such shameful suicide of farmers n no concrete action been drawn by local bjp gov....
Save your tears for some other day.

He is not poor (his family has 50 Bigha land), not just a farmer (He had Safa tying business too with dedicated website), and a political worker of AAP.

His death is more of a political stunt gone wrong.

I didn't have all that information you just provided. But just to let you know having money doesn't make you rich.
So we are going to brush the whole issue under this incident? That is a one off case and doesn't matter? Why would a man want to put up such a stunt at a political rally, in the Indian Capital?
Most polluted
Most rapists

Most suicides on tv......
what is next?

I know it is hard to resist the temptation, every time such an opportunity presents itself like this to bash a 'bad' neighbor, but can you please stay on topic and not go on tangent?
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