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Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft


First of all---let me thank you for your approach---I hope the commander of the air base at srinagar has the same gameplan as you do.

If sams were that good---then pak would have invested heavily in them.

The problem is that the sam sites are the first casualty in the war---specially with all these anti-radiation missiles---.

Yes you are right about the engine spooling. But you have to remember the Phalcons and radar systems can see right through the Pakistani airspace and can start scrambling the MiGs stationed all over the north-western India. And you also know that we can afford to lose 10 Su 30 and still get back at you.
Old aircrafts in Egyptian airforce.

Chinese J7-53
Mirage V- 60
F-16 A/B- 40
Mig-21- 60

These 213 aircrafts are very old and they are not BVR capable.
Better replace them with 80 BVR capable multirole JF-17s and 60 Rafale/SU-35 its well within their budget. ;)

Mig-29 and SU-30s they are nothing in front of Israeli F-16I. If Egypt really want kick *** jets than go for Rafale along with JF-17/French package. :tup:

so according to u jf-17 > mig29 and su30 :lol:

this is what happens when people get too patriotic :agree:

You are absolutely correct in your post---there is no substitue for air dominanc fighters---they are bred and programmed to rule the skies and that is what they will do---they are the pit bulls---they are the bull mastiffs of the skies.

Trust me, if pakistan had the money and the resource---they would have had a fleet of F 15 strike eagles---with a mix of F 16's---. But we don't have any money--and we got these little birdies---.

People keep talking about the RCS of su 30---they have no clue what the war doctrine of the russian air force is---as a matter of fact---they have no clue as to what a war doctrine is---why is it designed the way it is.

Rest assured the SU 30 will rule the skies---the only problem is that you have stationed too many of them so close to our border---your su 30 engine would not have the time to spool up by the time they get the warning of our little birdies on the bombing run at strinagar air base.

You have given us the oppurtunity to take them down right at srinagar air base---right on the ground---1/2 of your su 30 fleet.

People say that the indians have awacs---and that is well and good---the thing is that the engine spool up time for the JF 17 is very short as compared to the su 30---with both the paf and iaf air bases so close to each other---the flight / strike time is also minimal---flight take off time to strike time---5/6 minutes---and that is the warning time the iaf will get with its airworthy awacs---ie---the moment the awacs sees the jf 17's takeoff---.

Five to 6 minutes is not enough time for the su 30 pilot to run to the aircraft---start it up and be in the air in a defencive position---by that time the jf 17 will have already struck or be on the final approach---.

The biggest concern for pak would the su 30's that are already in flight and circling around looking for prey.


since when has IAF kept mki's in pak border? i thought they are on chinese border.

last year, mig29s were kept on pak border and there was a huge ruckus in PDF.

since when has IAF kept mki's in pak border? i thought they are on chinese border.

last year, mig29s were kept on pak border and there was a huge ruckus in PDF.


You need to do your homework regarding the su 30's disposition.

Why should there be a ruckus on pdf if india places the frontline fighters close to pak border---.

We are extremely happy that you did---assigned the mig 29 close to the border. Technically---that is where we have a better oppurtunity of taklinbg them out---farther from the border, bigger problems for us---. You are doing us a big favour.

Satishkumar quote:

Yes you are right about the engine spooling. But you have to remember the Phalcons and radar systems can see right through the Pakistani airspace and can start scrambling the MiGs stationed all over the north-western India. And you also know that we can afford to lose 10 Su 30 and still get back at you".

My goodman,

My answer to your comments about awacs is in my post---it is simple physics---from take off time to the point of impact time---specially with standoff weapons---it is hardly 5 minutes---.

BTW, This is Ironic ...
The thread is about JF17's SALE prospects and Indians are on the thread ARGUING !.

Leaving aside all comparison, did u read carefully again?..I had said JFT would be the perfect for replacing Egypt's aging big numbers of near obsolete fighters other than F16s..
That answer of yours remind me of "Two Minutes over Baghdad.":tup:

You have given us the oppurtunity to take them down right at srinagar air base---right on the ground---1/2 of your su 30 fleet.

People say that the indians have awacs---and that is well and good---the thing is that the engine spool up time for the JF 17 is very short as compared to the su 30---with both the paf and iaf air bases so close to each other---the flight / strike time is also minimal---flight take off time to strike time---5/6 minutes---and that is the warning time the iaf will get with its airworthy awacs---ie---the moment the awacs sees the jf 17's takeoff---.

Five to 6 minutes is not enough time for the su 30 pilot to run to the aircraft---start it up and be in the air in a defencive position---by that time the jf 17 will have already struck or be on the final approach---.

The biggest concern for pak would the su 30's that are already in flight and circling around looking for prey.

Sir a good post. My take is that IAF planning to put MKIs little behind than other fighters.In a war time scenario as u mentioned JFTs has to enage with different types fighters including mkis already in the sky. And awacs is just one of the 4 to 5 different types of powerful radar networks, will be monitoring the sky.Even a flight journey is 5-6 mins, JFTs have to cross that path uninterruptedly.And then they have to engage with SAMs. All these will give enough time for many more fighters airborne again.
If can not quit thinking like an indian only, why do you venture on an international forum ?

Did you ever try to equate the fact that Egypt will get better ToT from Pakistan then from Russia ?

Did you consider Egypt may even get a production line for jf17 ?

Did you consider Egypt will be inclined to go for a Muslim country instead of others ?

Are you aware that Egypt assembles / produces K-8 already ?

Are you aware that plenty of PAF officers have been instructors at Egypt ? and other Muslim air forces ?

It is not to say that Pakistan has a definite jf-17 sale, but your arguments were shallow and based on your hate and lack of knowledge.

Are you even aware of the MMRCA ? or did you organs other than the brain to think this one out ?

Do you think Gripen ? or Rafale or F-16in or EF-2000 is a heavy / bigger air frame air craft by the same definition as a Sukhoi or a Mig is ?

or you are trying to suggest IAF is evaluating then for fun ?

Come on, we are here for analysing and discussing, not for verbal bashing, pls do not make it always IAF vs PAF stuff. Stick to the topics, we are talking about JFT export prospects.

You are absolutely correct in your post---there is no substitue for air dominanc fighters---they are bred and programmed to rule the skies and that is what they will do---they are the pit bulls---they are the bull mastiffs of the skies.

Trust me, if pakistan had the money and the resource---they would have had a fleet of F 15 strike eagles---with a mix of F 16's---. But we don't have any money--and we got these little birdies---.

People keep talking about the RCS of su 30---they have no clue what the war doctrine of the russian air force is---as a matter of fact---they have no clue as to what a war doctrine is---why is it designed the way it is.

Rest assured the SU 30 will rule the skies---the only problem is that you have stationed too many of them so close to our border---your su 30 engine would not have the time to spool up by the time they get the warning of our little birdies on the bombing run at strinagar air base.

You have given us the oppurtunity to take them down right at srinagar air base---right on the ground---1/2 of your su 30 fleet.

People say that the indians have awacs---and that is well and good---the thing is that the engine spool up time for the JF 17 is very short as compared to the su 30---with both the paf and iaf air bases so close to each other---the flight / strike time is also minimal---flight take off time to strike time---5/6 minutes---and that is the warning time the iaf will get with its airworthy awacs---ie---the moment the awacs sees the jf 17's takeoff---.

Five to 6 minutes is not enough time for the su 30 pilot to run to the aircraft---start it up and be in the air in a defencive position---by that time the jf 17 will have already struck or be on the final approach---.

The biggest concern for pak would the su 30's that are already in flight and circling around looking for prey.

Hi Mastan Khan,

It is always very informative to read your posts, keep it up.

-Few points to make,

Most of the Su-30 bases are deep inside, like Barelly. They will move to forward bases but will be in constant alert in case of war.

Bombing missions will be first encounter AAA and SAMs, most Indian SAM batteries are mobile, like Aakash.

Interceptors like Mig-21 Bisons will always be in air once the war clouds arrive as combat petrol.

First strike won't be bombing mission on enemy air bases in case of a war but precision cruise/ballistic missile strikes as that is too fast and stealthy than bombing.

Nobody can achieve surprises like IsAF got in 6 day war as on date as are all well advanced, in case of strategy and technology.


You need to do your homework regarding the su 30's disposition.

Why should there be a ruckus on pdf if india places the frontline fighters close to pak border---.

We are extremely happy that you did---assigned the mig 29 close to the border. Technically---that is where we have a better oppurtunity of taklinbg them out---farther from the border, bigger problems for us---. You are doing us a big favour.

Satishkumar quote:

Yes you are right about the engine spooling. But you have to remember the Phalcons and radar systems can see right through the Pakistani airspace and can start scrambling the MiGs stationed all over the north-western India. And you also know that we can afford to lose 10 Su 30 and still get back at you".

My goodman,

My answer to your comments about awacs is in my post---it is simple physics---from take off time to the point of impact time---specially with standoff weapons---it is hardly 5 minutes---.

SU 30 is not based in Srinagar It is based in Tezpur, Bareiley, Halwara and Lohegaon(Pune). MiG 21 Bisons are based in Srinagar....These are well inside the Indian territory.

We are going off topic and so lets get back to it.
so according to u jf-17 > mig29 and su30 :lol:

this is what happens when people get too patriotic :agree:

I din said JF-17>mIG-29>SU-30 think before you speak.:flame:

JF-17 is best contender for the replacement of their old single engine fighter jets. They can't replace 200 old aircrafts with 200 SU-30s. For air superiority role they need fighter jets like SU-35/Rafale why waste money on old junkies mig-29 and su-30s.:hang2:
I din said JF-17>mIG-29>SU-30 think before you speak.:flame:

JF-17 is best contender for the replacement of their old single engine fighter jets. They can't replace 200 old aircrafts with 200 SU-30s. For air superiority role they need fighter jets like SU-35/Rafale why waste money on old junkies mig-29 and su-30s.:hang2:

looks like u r new to this stuff.

1. Su30 are junky :rofl: ever heard of SU30MKI? probably not. read this:
Raptor Shies from a Fight | Danger Room | Wired.com
su30,35s are both derivatives of su27

2.Mig 29 a junky? I think u r a junkie :lol: smoking weed eh?
read this:
Navy's MiG-29K superior to IAF's SU-30MKI

3.jf17 cost to benefit ratio is good. but here is a neutral assesment
Tempered Insanity: The FC-1 -or- A Tale Of An Inferior Fighter Plane (Part 1)
looks like u r new to this stuff.

1. Su30 are junky :rofl: ever heard of SU30MKI? probably not. read this:
Raptor Shies from a Fight | Danger Room | Wired.com
su30,35s are both derivatives of su27

2.Mig 29 a junky? I think u r a junkie :lol: smoking weed eh?
read this:
Navy's MiG-29K superior to IAF's SU-30MKI

3.jf17. here is a neutral assesment
Tempered Insanity: The FC-1 -or- A Tale Of An Inferior Fighter Plane (Part 1)
Whatever floats your boat.......

Anyway the source is blogspot :lol:

You need to do your homework regarding the su 30's disposition.

Why should there be a ruckus on pdf if india places the frontline fighters close to pak border---.

We are extremely happy that you did---assigned the mig 29 close to the border. Technically---that is where we have a better oppurtunity of taklinbg them out---farther from the border, bigger problems for us---. You are doing us a big favour.

Satishkumar quote:

Yes you are right about the engine spooling. But you have to remember the Phalcon

s and radar systems can see right through the Pakistani airspace and can start scrambling the MiGs stationed all over the north-western India. And you also know that we can afford to lose 10 Su 30 and still get back at you".

My goodman,

My answer to your comments about awacs is in my post---it is simple physics---from take off time to the point of impact time---specially with standoff weapons---it is hardly 5 minutes---.

as rockstar said, mki's are not near the pak border so its u who dint do the homework, rit?

We are extremely happy that you did---assigned the mig 29 close to the border. Technically---that is where we have a better oppurtunity of taklinbg them out---farther from the border, bigger problems for us---. You are doing us a big favour.

i'll let the iaf know about this. obviously they dint think of that :lol:
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