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Ex-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Calls For An End To The Iran🇮🇷-Saudi Arabia🇸🇦 Rivalry

That doesn't make sense - Pakistan shares a direct border with China and has had the Karakoram highway linking the two countries (with another highway being proposed further south I believe).

Pakistan does not need Afghanistan to connect with China, but to have a shorter connection to the Central Asian Republics.

And with respect to Pakistan's military engagement with the Saudis - Pakistan refused to be drawn into Yemen for precisely the reason that it did not want to get involved in the Saudi/UAE-Iranian conflict and take sides. Any engagement that Pakistan has had with the Saudis, Emiratis and Iranians over Yemen has been to encourage all sides to talk and find a negotiated solution.

As such, I would expect any Iranian engagement with India over Afghanistan to be limited to ending support for terrorist groups in Afghanistan (that have implications for Iran's Sistan insurgency as well) and using whatever influence they have over the Kabul regime and the NDS to support the peace process, along with discussions over transit trade. Any Iranian engagement with India over Afghanistan outside of those parameters does not make much sense and would be a concern to Pakistan.
Good, I didn't know that. I admit it was my ignorance that I didn't know Pakistan had a direct border with China.

Why is Pakistan interested in Afghanistan? Besides Pashtuns and access to Central Asia and probably Turkmenistan's gas.

The Saudi Army has hired many Pakistanis over the years. Your involvement in Yemen was different from the number of Pakistani pilots and other soldiers that have been employed by the Saudis and the Emiratis over the years. Don't you agree?
Ahmedinijad was a good leader. Don't know why the mullahs took him out. İranians should referendum for a presidential system under İslamic laws.
They didn't take him out. Under the Iranian law, each president can serve only two consecutive terms (each lasting 4 years). His second term ended in 2013 and his popularity wasn't really high when his second term ended.
Ahmedinijad was a good leader. Don't know why the mullahs took him out. İranians should referendum for a presidential system under İslamic laws.
and exactly what is great about a self obsessed person who lie to parliament and lie to high clerics in Qom and lie and lie and like a child made tantarum when some one dare to say no to him. and his advisers , just let not talk about them
Ex-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Calls For An End To The Iran🇮🇷-Saudi Arabia🇸🇦 Rivalry
28 sty 2021

The former President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calls for and end to hostilities between Shi'a Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia, saying friendship between the two would bring peace to the region.

He is a good man and a great leader, who fell out of favor and influence right before sectarian wars plagued the ME. It is clear all this was not in anyone's interest in the region.

I wish moderate and pragmatic leadership comes back in Iran.
India has no role in the Afghan peace process, unless you're arguing that the Kabul regime and/or the NDS is essentially a proxy of India.

India is not really impacted by whatever occurs in Afghanistan, since it is isolated from it geographically by Pakistan. Unlike the US/NATO, India has no major military deployments that give it any kind of major stake in Afghanistan - you might as well argue that Somalia has a 'stake in Afghanistan'.

The ONLY stake India has in Afghanistan is to damage Pakistan via terrorism in Balochistan and FATA and play spoiler to the peace process so that conflict continues in Afghanistan and Pakistan's Western border continues to be unstable, and if Iran does not recognize that or chooses to engage with India on Afghanistan (outside of having tea and cookies while issuing banal non-committal statements on cooperation) then Iran is not a friend of Pakistan.

Great post brother, couldn't have put it better myself.
yes, he was a true believer --loved by over 60% of the people
Where did you get this figure from?

Just mentioning his presidential election was most controversial in mulla history. Public was 90% in favor of Mossovi and they were expecting the results accordingly.
Where did you get this figure from?

Just mentioning his presidential election was most controversial in mulla history. Public was 90% in favor of Mossovi and they were expecting the results accordingly.
There were 4 polls conducted from outside of Iran by well known international polling firms( New American foundation, Globe Scan, University of Maryland and World public opinion) 1 before the 2009 Presidential elections and 3 after and they all showed support for Ahmadinejad was between 55% to 61%. The highest that Mousavi polled was 35%. The final result of the elections was Ahmadinejad winning the election by 62.6% of the vote and Mousavi getting 33.75%. The Majority of the Polls conducted in Iran showed Ahmadinejad in the lead and only a very few showed Mousavi with a lead including surprise surprise a poll taken by Ghalamnews, Mousavi's official website!
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He is a good man and a great leader, who fell out of favor and influence right before sectarian wars plagued the ME. It is clear all this was not in anyone's interest in the region.

Wars and instability are in England's and US interest. Best way to make Eurasia safe and prosperious are by ending English and US influence especially they millitary bases.
AFAIK there are no foreign millitary bases in Iran but there still are foreign (US) millitary bases in some other gulf states.
Where did you get this figure from?

Just mentioning his presidential election was most controversial in mulla history. Public was 90% in favor of Mossovi and they were expecting the results accordingly.
As a person whom voted in that election and not to Ahmadinejad it was clear for me he was gonna win ... Mossavi had public in north of Tehran and mid and upper class but Ahmadinejad traveled to all Iranian cities and villages 2 times in his first term and had their support for sure.
Besides Mosavi was in darkness for 20 years after his position as Iran last prime minister and many didn't know him except elders.
Having 90% public support is one of thing that I have just heard .. even I doubt Mr Mousavi know it .. where did you get that?
As a person whom voted in that election and not to Ahmadinejad it was clear for me he was gonna win ... Mossavi had public in north of Tehran and mid and upper class but Ahmadinejad traveled to all Iranian cities and villages 2 times in his first term and had their support for sure.
Besides Mosavi was in darkness for 20 years after his position as Iran last prime minister and many didn't know him except elders.
Having 90% public support is one of thing that I have just heard .. even I doubt Mr Mousavi know it .. where did you get that?
beside don't understimate the power of bags of potato on people . as we saw the same effect about purple neck scarf .
People here think that our problem with this Middle eastern country has sectarian roots or something racial. Its not something like that. The other side might consider us racially or religiously their enemy but we don't.

Main problem with Arabian peninsula in Iranian perspective is the leadership of this country that represents only One specific family, follows Western instructions. However we have similar Groups inside Iran that have similar way of thought in their relations with West but the difference is, they don't represent all Iranians especially the leadership of Iran.

Besides the Al-Saud family has Jewish roots, their pretending of being Khademein of Haramein Sharifein is their hypocrisy. Point is, they don't put a difference between Shias and Sunnis when it comes to their agenda. They are prepared to starve Qatari Sunnis to death during the holy month of Ramadan, they consider Shias the absolute Kuffar and the people other than Arabs the Majoosis who are inferior humans. They put a Shia group Hezbollah on their terrorist list beside a Sunni group Hamas and Islamic Jihad of Palestine.

Historically, after collapse of Ottomans, Jews created two states as the bases of their activities in middle east. Two twins, one had to occupy Quds, the other one had to occupy Mecca and Madina. Sauds were successful in their mission, they invaded Hijaz with the help of British army and then occupied both Mecca and Madina. Destroying most of Islamic heritage in Hijaz. One thing for sure, collapse of Ottomans was an absolute disaster for all Muslims world wide. This was a recorded historic event.

MBS himself confesses that his dayah (baby sitter) was a Jewish woman. She milked him, raised him and here we are. He is killing Yemeni people in cold blood. He says that our spread of Wahabism was done at request of west. What else people need to get to know this family? How else could they stab Muslims in the back?

Maybe Ahmadinejad is talking about people to people relations, that i'd agree with him wholeheartedly. And i hope one day people of this peninsula peacefuly Manage a Revolution and Take the control of our most sacred Places in Hijaz. Otherwise its a wet dream to think that Al-Saud family has anything to do with Islam and Muslims.
Saudis have destroyed Yemenis, and you Iranians have destroyed the Syrians so your both fcKing awful murdering psychopaths
that’s right. Your poster boy image general says it all about your innocence
But it was not us who supported terrorist group like Isis and Al-Nusra front. We are by invitation there and only as advisers .
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