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EU Plans To Sell Eurofighter (Typhoon) To Pakistan Through Turkey

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Why do People start rediculous threads like Pakistan buying Typhoon thru Turkey

Wat nonsesnse is this.

Prehaps the indians should start one Saying india buying F22 Raptor thru Israel

Just wasting bandwidth with pie in the sky dreams

Look who is talking and advising. :bounce:

Did you cared to read the first post of the thread before going on the troll expedition ?? Read it and then you may come to know who is saying what.
Look who is talking and advising. :bounce:

Did you cared to read the first post of the thread before going on the troll expedition ?? Read it and then you may come to know who is saying what.
relax, we all know for what he'z famous for ;)....dont take away his reason for being here :lol:
Jas-39 is still a candidate for future acquisation.
We're already buying the Erieye from Sweden, the door is open for more. :)

In August 1994 the PAF was offered the Saab JAS-39 Gripen by Sweden, but again the sale did not occur because 20% of the Gripen's components were from the U.S. and Pakistan was still under U.S. sanctions.
it costs too much and even if we had the money to buy it, would we need it?

We have f-16/52s, JF-17 with Block II on it's way and we have already ordered FC-20.

It is a great plane no doubt but, how will we afford it???
Will we have to cut down on our JF and J-10 numbers?
1 Typhoon for $100m each


3 fc20 for same money

This is what you people need to ask.

Will one sqd of 15 Typhoons be better than 3 qds of FC20...

Do you trust the chinease to give you people the ACE IN THE PACK.
I don't know if it's been said yet but this whole scenario depends on India and their MMRCA. If the EFT is picked then India will become the fifth partner and Turkey's along with Pakistan's plans are over in regards to the EFT, not only will India bring more to the table in terms of finances ($11 BILLION initially with the strong possibility of $6-8 bn with follow on orders) but also strategically and politically as one of the up and coming powers in the world the EADS/EFT consortium would pick India as their fith partner over anyone else. If India choses to not go with EFT then Turkey possibly has a chance but Pakistan?? No way let's not forget this article is now five years old, when this was written Pakistan's economy wasn't doing so bad but the last thing it should/could be doing in 2011 is buying a $100 mil fighter. It is NOT India and the sooner it realises this instead of constantly trying (and failing) to play catchup with it's neighbour then it could sort it's own affairs out instead of bankrupting it's economy buying weapons it doesn't need.
....the best platform that pakistan can get its hands on is j10 and once the w.o.t ends and economy stabilizes get ur sight on expensive toyz
PAf wont be looking that eagerly into a deep strike AC,they wud be happy to get pt defence fighters and AS fighters.
The budget being the reason.

The 200 odd JF 17 and 30 odd J 10 and the AWACS wud be all they can afford right now.

i would put it this way:
The 200 odd JF 17 and 30 odd J 10 and the AWACS wud be all they need right now.
Now, that seems bold;)
PAF currently have at least $12-$14 Bln in their bank. For us thinking that our F-16, Jf-17 and FC-20, Mirages may be enough for them. No way!!! we need to have at least 40-60 EF or RF in our side too.
PAF currently have at least $12-$14 Bln in their bank. For us thinking that our F-16, Jf-17 and FC-20, Mirages may be enough for them. No way!!! we need to have at least 40-60 EF or RF in our side too.

f-16, jf-17 and j-10 aren't enough!?

F-16- 75
JF-17- 250
J-10- 36 initial (number likely to rise significantly)
surely the next step is to go for 5th gen

PAFs goal in previous wars has been to deny a much bigger enemy air superiority. EFs cost close to 100 mill each, we cannot afford that and thanks to J-10 and JF-17 future blocks there would be no need for EFT, also i would like to add that EFT costs almost as much as 5th gen planes, why not wait for a 5th gen plane from China? why put our future at risk of sanctions and embargoes? :wave:
I don't know if it's been said yet but this whole scenario depends on India and their MMRCA. If the EFT is picked then India will become the fifth partner and Turkey's along with Pakistan's plans are over in regards to the EFT, not only will India bring more to the table in terms of finances ($11 BILLION initially with the strong possibility of $6-8 bn with follow on orders) but also strategically and politically as one of the up and coming powers in the world the EADS/EFT consortium would pick India as their fith partner over anyone else. If India choses to not go with EFT then Turkey possibly has a chance but Pakistan?? No way let's not forget this article is now five years old, when this was written Pakistan's economy wasn't doing so bad but the last thing it should/could be doing in 2011 is buying a $100 mil fighter. It is NOT India and the sooner it realises this instead of constantly trying (and failing) to play catchup with it's neighbour then it could sort it's own affairs out instead of bankrupting it's economy buying weapons it doesn't need.
why do you guys start posting illiterate posts. Pakistan has gone FC-20 and Turkey has gone JSF. There is No!point for going typhoon at least for Pakistan Regardless of MMRCA contest!!!! Let this thread die out.....I hate it when people start pulling out dead threads just for posting such stupidity
WHy not Pakistan EuroFighter hardware? For example and engine, perhaphs a better radar and weapons, France cancelled it for India why don't we take the chance to go to the MMRCA losers and buy their hardware. I know this country doesn't have a lot of money right now but maybe in a few months if things get better?
WHy not Pakistan EuroFighter hardware? For example and engine, perhaphs a better radar and weapons, France cancelled it for India why don't we take the chance to go to the MMRCA losers and buy their hardware. I know this country doesn't have a lot of money right now but maybe in a few months if things get better?

Are you Drunk?.... France manufactures Rafale, not typhoon. Mods! plz do the needful
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