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EU Plans To Sell Eurofighter (Typhoon) To Pakistan Through Turkey

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In addition to the cost there is another big problem with eurofighter..The components are not made in one country instead the contracts are awarded to big and small companies all over Europe..For example The air Brakes are made in Lancashire England and the Hydraulic system for the air brakes is made somewhere in France or Germany..So if UK is alright with Pakistan and Germany is angry for some reason,the Air brakes wont work....Then the electronics are partially made all over Europe..Engine components are the same..The idea was to involve all Europe in Euro fighter..
Even if somehow Pakistan manages to buy Eurofighter,it will be diplomatic nightmare to keep good relations with all those countries so that the components remain available...
Another issue is that with the dwindling numbers of Eurofighters and countries set to abandon this plane either due to economic reason or due to upcoming F-35 will put many small partners out of business as they will not be getting enough orders to remain afloat..Then Eurofighter consortium will have to source some other company to manufacture that component and prices will fluctuate wildly....That will further complicate spare parts problem for Pakistan....
We have had a spare parts nightmare for our F-16s after the nuclear blast of 90s and our pilots were flying without a working ejection seat,and all F-16 parts had to be bought from black market for almost 10 times the original price...
Same or even worse situation can arise with Eurofighters...so in my opinion..Not a good idea..
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So it where has the deal come..
when will turkey sell Euro-fighter to Pakistan?
and how much worth is the deal..?
i think ur negotiating from 2005
No problem we ll import from our big bro russia which has more than 5000 active powerful nukes which yields mega tons along with su35 and mig 35, Brahmos and IRBM's.
Then dont u think the same. Ur nukes are harmful to u. Missiles are not accurate so it is dangerous for u it may blast in ur place or it may get dismantled due to collission when it falls on our place due to wrong timing. Our ac's are accurate there is no chance of wrong timing. No problem brother.

Thats why u bought f-16's???

lol u are saying like russian have made a winter sale for u indians :rofl: if u have big bro russia than we have russia's dad china :rofl:
No problem we ll import from our big bro russia which has more than 5000 active powerful nukes which yields mega tons along with su35 and mig 35, Brahmos and IRBM's.
Then dont u think the same. Ur nukes are harmful to u. Missiles are not accurate so it is dangerous for u it may blast in ur place or it may get dismantled due to collission when it falls on our place due to wrong timing. Our ac's are accurate there is no chance of wrong timing. No problem brother.

Thats why u bought f-16's???

You are giving me an impression of a genius from bharat rakshak.:what:

Its honor to have you but sir we can't bear your talent :undecided:
There is only one reason WHY PAF has not and probably never will acquire both the Typhoon & the Rafael.

MONEY $$$ With each plane fully kitted costing $100m+++ they are completely out of reach for PAF.

PAF has acquired JFT for $15m each
PAF will buy J10/FC20 $35M each.
F16/52 with partialgrant aid.

PAF works with a very modest budget.

This will not change in the future.

PAF will use cheaper alternative defense systems for improved air warefare capability versis india. ie Awacs and sams systems
There is only one reason WHY PAF has not and probably never will acquire both the Typhoon & the Rafael.

MONEY $$$ With each plane fully kitted costing $100m+++ they are completely out of reach for PAF.

PAF has acquired JFT for $15m each
PAF will buy J10/FC20 $35M each.
F16/52 with partialgrant aid.

PAF works with a very modest budget.

This will not change in the future.

PAF will use cheaper alternative defense systems for improved air warefare capability versis india. ie Awacs and sams systems

Listen my friend you have been told a million times and more about the f-16 blk 52 issues even i have told you several times and its been told to you in many post... the new vipers are from no damn AID get it through your head and mouth we have paid from them from our own pockets i don't know what it is with you but you seem to really show off your hate for Pakistan as far as thread is in motion i never wanted to comment further on this thread because i know its rubish and will never happen clearly a fan boy wet dream . Paf knows what its doing and is damn good at it and everyone will see its change in to a even more modern and effective force in years to come and so help us GOD.Every country as there budget to use so we have ours your country as it more so then good for you no need to bash flame or write mis informed info which you don't know the facts about right get them right.:coffee:
PAF is doing what it is doing because it has no choice.

Better choice of words would be

PAF is doing what it is doing because it has no choice.

Better choice of words would be


It clearly has showed that it has choices and has utlize them smart .... stop your damn hate i have noticed you in so many other post with your hateful comments don't ever think that it will be tolrated by any means you make no damn sense nor have any knowledge of what you speak off within limits could be said about any force int he world doesn't mean you sit there and bash it with hate watch your self around here if you want to share knowledge about something then share it otherwise keep it shut.........:angry::tdown:
PAF is doing what it is doing because it has no choice.

Better choice of words would be


And you have access to every confidential file in the PAF and its finances,program schedule and details and ASR's.
barely 1/10th of you 1300 or so posts make any logical point or sense.
Please.. if you arent that good in a subject.. ask somebody..
there are plenty of non-Pakistani members around to give you a better insight into aerial warfare, the PAF's apparent strategy and other important factors.
googling everything....and picking ideas that mimic posts in a certain forum.. isnt quality posting.
Top Gun..

So far you have referred to this thread has been a Rubbish Thread started by a Fan Boy. You claim you don,t want to comment.

I am sharing my knowledge and bringing a dose of reality to the thread.

There is no foul language, or hatred, or remarks about anybodys nationality religious beliefs etc.

THIS A MILITARY FORUM we have a discussion
There is only one reason WHY PAF has not and probably never will acquire both the Typhoon & the Rafael.

MONEY $$$ With each plane fully kitted costing $100m+++ they are completely out of reach for PAF.

PAF has acquired JFT for $15m each
PAF will buy J10/FC20 $35M each.
F16/52 with partialgrant aid.
PAF works with a very modest budget.

This will not change in the future.

PAF will use cheaper alternative defense systems for improved air warefare capability versis india. ie Awacs and sams systems

F-16s with AID ,future,cheap alternatives?Do u even think before posting retarded crap ???
Top Gun..

So far you have referred to this thread has been a Rubbish Thread started by a Fan Boy. You claim you don,t want to comment.

I am sharing my knowledge and bringing a dose of reality to the thread.

There is no foul language, or hatred, or remarks about anybodys nationality religious beliefs etc.

THIS A MILITARY FORUM we have a discussion

The problem is, what you call knowledge i call it horse sh**.

I am yet to see a post from you that is actually backed up by a proper source and reflects logic. Each and everyone of your posts are exactly identical to each other. I would say that i have matured on this board after reading posts of other knowledgable members and have seen other members mature, your posts have always been extremely childish and i am yet to see maturity in them. Just like a fanboy, you take everything by its face value but don't bother researching and understanding the dynamics behind it.

Sorry if i am being blunt but i think you needed a dose of reality.
Thanks for the Advice Guys.

I have clearly rattled a few feathers here. With my post comment Regarding Financial Constraints.

Maybe i need to re read some of the threads again before posting my Horse as notoruius so aptly suggested
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