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Erdogan: Turkey will not recognise Al-Sisi if elected president

read post number #10, I hate repeating myself... and it is funny you comparing powers like Russia and US to AKP...

and in the 90's a war almost broke out, true... but Syria was the big player and avoided the war with NATO :angel:...

again AKP has no right to choose others' countries leaders... Egypt is for Egyptians only and Syria is for Syrians only...

You must be kidding. AKP doesn't 'choose' the leaders abroad. They are merely expressing their opinion. For the same matter you cannot force the AKP or other parties abroad to accept things they do not agree with. Anyway, my point was that other countries are directly determining Syria's fate (West - Russia), that's the sad part, no matter how much 'Syria is for Syrians' you say.
I see Saudi members on this forum have either bullied you or brainwashed you. :cheesy:

the difference is erdogan is a Zionist puppet and Putin is not.

I think once Morsi is freed from jail he should go to turkey and become minister of cultural affairs and make every Turk wear a burka, as punishment for supporting al Qaeda rebels in Syria. :mamba::butcher:
Being 'zionist' is bad, but being at mercy of Putin is not bad? You're just a new pawn, client and 'ally' for Putin as long as they see fit. Funny of you accusing others of being a pawn while you're also at the mercy and pawn of the other camp. Big game is only US/Israel - Russia/China inthe end.
That depends on how you define "win".
To TRULY win a war against Syria (regime change, in Turkey's case), you need to go in and occupy it.
I can tell you that Syrians are a nationalistic people that have an extreme ability to endure pain. Syrians remind me a lot of the Algerians, in that respect.
They would fight you in any way they can. Be it in a war of atrrition, or something else.
They would fight you to the last man, and I know for a fact that Turkey would withdraw LOOOONG before that ever happened.
Besides, ErDOGan is just a paper tiger and big mouth.

You can not "win" in Syria, just like the US could not win against the Viatnamese, or the French could not win against the Algerians.
You completely miss the point that Turkey doesnt need to occupy any land. Just strike key targets out with planes, artillery, missiles and let the rebels do the rest. Reason why Turkey didnt invade, has nothing to do with its own military capacity. Otherwise the US and EU would have invaded Syria long before. It's about the bigger picture and what is at stake.
And you are the same as Sun Piwa, aka Elis, aka Fukupukupikachu.

Btw why do you have the flag of a zionist jew country? Are you ashamed of your origin?
I speak the truth regardless of country, truth is the truth, governments and politicians are corrupt all over the world I just point out the truth, unlike you.
I speak the truth regardless of country, truth is the truth, governments and politicians are corrupt all over the world I just point out the truth, unlike you.
Why dont you answer my question?
You completely miss the point that Turkey doesnt need to occupy any land. Just strike key targets out with planes, artillery, missiles and let the rebels do the rest. Reason why Turkey didnt invade, has nothing to do with its own military capacity. Otherwise the US and EU would have invaded Syria long before. It's about the bigger picture and what is at stake.

You cant, no clear targets either.
Mohamed Ali is the founder of modern Egypt. He was born in Greece to Albanian parents and his family ruled Egypt from 1805 until 1952. Egyptians upraised against the Ottoman Wali(Khorshed) and they put Mohamed Ali in power. The Caliphate only accepted this after Al Azhar clerics along with the mad crowds insisted in putting him in power. Up until now Egyptians view him in a very positive way because he is the first Egyptian ruler since Cleopatra and the early Fatimids period to worry about the development of Egypt not work for the benefit of some empire or Caliphate. He is one of very few people mentioned in the introduction of the Egyptian Constitution and the only person who wasn't born in Egypt to be mentioned there. His family and ancestors were Egyptianized due to intermarriage, ect... I think calling him a traitor is not fair. He worked for Egypt's benefits, and his personal dreams for a strong empire.

@agentny17 this might interest you. Al-Arabiya recently published a few interesting articles/reports about the late King Farouk, his life, rule and Egypt back then.

King Farouk: the forgotten memoirs - Al Arabiya News
this is good i wish erdogan keep his word lets see who will back down at the end if he thinks himself in the ottman era then he must remeber muhamed ali pasha and what the Egyptian army did

I don't understand why you guys(Syrians, Iraqis, Egyptians,etc...) always include Ottomans into your arguments. Ottoman Era has long gone, focus on today.
You must be kidding. AKP doesn't 'choose' the leaders abroad. They are merely expressing their opinion. For the same matter you cannot force the AKP or other parties abroad to accept things they do not agree with. Anyway, my point was that other countries are directly determining Syria's fate (West - Russia), that's the sad part, no matter how much 'Syria is for Syrians' you say.
Can't deny that right now AKP is trying to change the regime by 'force' in Syria though. I think it's much more than simply 'expressing opinions', sending thousands of rebels and arms to Syria through Turkish border. :)
Can't deny that right now AKP is trying to change the regime by 'force' in Syria though. I think it's much more than simply 'expressing opinions', sending thousands of rebels and arms to Syria through Turkish border. :)
Isn't Iran doing the same by sending Iranian advisors or whatever to Syria, but then to protect Assad? What's the difference? Both Iran and Turkey are trying to influence the situation in Syria, as far as the media is right :)
Care to share your sources?
Sure dear :)

MIDEAST - Documents show Turkey sent guns to Syrian rebels


Turkey: 47 Tons of Weapons to Syria 'For Sports' - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Turkey exported Weapons for USD 500.976.441 to Syria in 2012 |
nsnbc international


Revealed: CIA secretly operates on Syrian border, supplies arms to rebels — RT News

Isn't Iran doing the same by sending Iranian advisers or whatever to Syria, but then to protect Assad? What's the difference? Both Iran and Turkey are trying to influence the situation in Syria, as far as the media is right :)

First of all dear, I have never denied that Iran is sending military advisers to Syria and it's not even a breaking news. Iran and Syria are allies and they are trading military advisers/equipment/experience since 80s, it's nothing new. But I wanted to counter your argument that AKP is just 'expressing' its opinion and doesn't want to force a regime change. Maybe that's the case for Egypt, but not in Syria.
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