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Erdogan: Turkey will not recognise Al-Sisi if elected president

btw Muhammed Ali Pasha (aka Kavalali Mehmet Ali Pasha ) was an Ottoman commander who assigned as wali (governor) for Ottoman province egypt and he self-declared himself viceroy... shortly it's an inner problem of the empire and he's a traitor.. he's not even egyptian, was born to albanian parents in today's greece in the borders of the Ottoman empire... find yourself a better figure... how pathetic
Mohamed Ali is the founder of modern Egypt. He was born in Greece to Albanian parents and his family ruled Egypt from 1805 until 1952. Egyptians upraised against the Ottoman Wali(Khorshed) and they put Mohamed Ali in power. The Caliphate only accepted this after Al Azhar clerics along with the mad crowds insisted in putting him in power. Up until now Egyptians view him in a very positive way because he is the first Egyptian ruler since Cleopatra and the early Fatimids period to worry about the development of Egypt not work for the benefit of some empire or Caliphate. He is one of very few people mentioned in the introduction of the Egyptian Constitution and the only person who wasn't born in Egypt to be mentioned there. His family and ancestors were Egyptianized due to intermarriage, ect... I think calling him a traitor is not fair. He worked for Egypt's benefits, and his personal dreams for a strong empire.
Turkey should try to sell guns instead of fighting with sisi...
Turkey should try to sell guns instead of fighting with sisi...
A russian backed coup in Egypt shouldnt be accepted , Russia used instability of egypt very well, and brought the coup its clearly seen how its done and now Putin keeps supporting sisi
We,as Turkey,enough suffered of those coup 4 times all are done because single minded military chief being someone's employer
Guy look at the point logically, rather than saying "oh erdogan,or turkey doesnt accept,so lets accept it "
Wherever russia goes, they destroys all religious thing look at the circassian, midasia .

Egypt not to be considered along with syria or iraq , in syria there is a conflict ,both side getting ridilicous and killing innocent people , more than killing each other.
In egypt whole people got morsi down right? And look now sisi saves six of morsi :) he almost got freed .
Muslim brotherhood wasnt appreciated by israel everybody knows, so russia a well partner of israel just helped it for mutual profit.
Now look at sis even cooperatively did a operation with israel on peninsula , getting warm to israel . Also russia gets a new partner to sell weapons ,getting dominance of east mediterranean.
Its not my study about politics or etc, i am just an engineer but if you drawn whole picture really on a piece of paper, you will see whole :)
Syria issue intentionally kept warm by russia,so syria will buy weapons( can you imagine, russia will vote negative for humanitarian help to syria ) , also long range missiles will be disposed so six of israel saved , other possible enemy of israel, egypt is down to hands of russia .
So we are talking about a country who even doesnt consider to help innocent people in syria while supporting one side. Who is human now ?

And as well as other country, we have right to recognize or not. We even may not recognize a country ?
As egypt didnt recognize North Cyprus ?or whole world didnt do that . So thats clear every country has its own right.
And everyone knows, elections in egypt will be like elections in iraq :) 99% sis will be elected . If he is not elected, he will do coup again ,it works in this way .
who gave AKP the right to recognize others' leaders? Egypt doesn't not care what erDOGan says, just like Syrians don't care what erDOGan says... who is he or who gave him the right to choose the leaders of other nations?
The irony, you dont like it when Erdogan says something about another country, but you don't mind Putin doing the same about your country? Your country is being shaped directly by the influence of the big players (US, Russia, EU, China) in the world, go hate them.

Remember Tansu Ciller threatening Syria with war if the Assad family didnt stop supporting the pkk in the 90s? Seems father Assad was caring enough and a good listener :)
The irony, you dont like it when Erdogan says something about another country, but you don't mind Putin doing the same about your country? Your country is being shaped directly by the influence of the big players (US, Russia, EU, China) in the world, go hate them.

Remember Tansu Ciller threatening Syria with war if the Assad family didnt stop supporting the pkk in the 90s? Seems father Assad was caring enough and a good listener :)

read post number #10, I hate repeating myself... and it is funny you comparing powers like Russia and US to AKP...

and in the 90's a war almost broke out, true... but Syria was the big player and avoided the war with NATO :angel:...

again AKP has no right to choose others' countries leaders... Egypt is for Egyptians only and Syria is for Syrians only...
but Syria was the big player and avoided the war with NATO
Syria was never a big player dont be ridiculous...

And Nato wouldnt interfere if Turkey would declare a war, Nato only helps in defensive issues, Turkey had and still has the capability to win a war against Syria on its own, thats why Hafez Al Assad chickened back.
Syria was never a big player dont be ridiculous...

And Nato wouldnt interfere if Turkey would declare a war, Nato only helps in defensive issues, Turkey had and still has the capability to win a war against Syria on its own, thats why Hafez Al Assad chickened back.

That depends on how you define "win".
To TRULY win a war against Syria (regime change, in Turkey's case), you need to go in and occupy it.
I can tell you that Syrians are a nationalistic people that have an extreme ability to endure pain. Syrians remind me a lot of the Algerians, in that respect.
They would fight you in any way they can. Be it in a war of atrrition, or something else.
They would fight you to the last man, and I know for a fact that Turkey would withdraw LOOOONG before that ever happened.
Besides, ErDOGan is just a paper tiger and big mouth.

You can not "win" in Syria, just like the US could not win against the Viatnamese, or the French could not win against the Algerians.
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That depends on how you define "win".
To TRULY win a war against Syria (regime change, in Turkey's case), you need to go in and occupy it.
I can tell you that Syrians are a nationalistic people that have an extreme ability to endure pain. Syrians remind me a lot of the Algerians, in that respect.
They would fight you in any way they can. Be it in a war of atrrition, or something else.
They would fight you to the last man, and I know for a fact that Turkey would withdraw LOOOONG before that ever happened.
Besides, ErDOGan is just a paper tiger and big mouth.

You can not "win" in Syria, just like the US could not win against the Viatnamese, or the French could not win against the Algerians.
Well, Hafez al Assad chickened back so...

I can tell you that Syrians are a nationalistic people that have an extreme ability to endure pain.
It wouldnt be a problem if even a bunch of terrorists can occupy the half of the country.
I think its not important. The EU will recognize al Sisi.

german foreign minister:

Italian foreign minister:

EU foreign representent:


The EU is quite happy about al Sisi and we are glad that Morsi Monkey is out of business.

Morsi was an insult for egypt as a cultural society...he had no manners nor intellectual abilities:


As far as i know Morsi only had one buddy...


Turkey did bet on the wrong horse, thats the problem they have now.
Syria was never a big player dont be ridiculous...

And Nato wouldnt interfere if Turkey would declare a war, Nato only helps in defensive issues, Turkey had and still has the capability to win a war against Syria on its own, thats why Hafez Al Assad chickened back.

yeah that explains why erDOGon now chickened out and never attacked Syria... he has been calling NATO for years to go with him and attack Syria, he even called for NATO meetings just for attacking Syria, yet he failed to get NATO to attack him.. so now tell me who is the chicken? AKP afraid of attacking a war torn county or not even attacking, just creating a no fly zone? of Hafez not attacking NATO??

let that sink in... AKP couldn't even attack a country that is already at war...
Don't be so naive, what's happened from the start to only is benefitting Israel and not Syrian regime, Hezbollah nor the Syria people nor Iran.

Maybe benefitting Iran a couple ways though. The point is about that anymore, the point is the people are protesting a oppressor and want him gone. Fighting with the oppressor is wrong in Islam.

Hezbollah knows this, they and Hasan nasrallah refused at first to send their members there until Iranian high leadership ordered them to do so.
I see Saudi members on this forum have either bullied you or brainwashed you. :cheesy:

The irony, you dont like it when Erdogan says something about another country, but you don't mind Putin doing the same about your country? Your country is being shaped directly by the influence of the big players (US, Russia, EU, China) in the world, go hate them.

Remember Tansu Ciller threatening Syria with war if the Assad family didnt stop supporting the pkk in the 90s? Seems father Assad was caring enough and a good listener :)
the difference is erdogan is a Zionist puppet and Putin is not.

I think once Morsi is freed from jail he should go to turkey and become minister of cultural affairs and make every Turk wear a burka, as punishment for supporting al Qaeda rebels in Syria. :mamba::butcher:
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Well, Hafez al Assad chickened back so...

It wouldnt be a problem if even a bunch of terrorists can occupy the half of the country.

Fight against terrorism in etremely hard, just look at how long US has been in Afghanistan. It only 2-3 months before Gaddafi fell to NATO-backed insurgents. In Syria it has taken 3 years, and Syria is still standing!
Besides, the SAA has control of the major power-centers like Damascus, Homs, Hama, the coast and they are making good inroad to Aleppo as well.

It is Turkey that chickened out.
Every time it looked like the US was about to attack or get more involved, Turkey was openly announcing their enthusiasm. Especially Davotglu, he was running around like a happy little puppy.
When US backed out of military action, Turkey and ErDOGan stayed quiet and were left rather embarassed.
Fight against terrorism in etremely hard, just look at how long US has been in Afghanistan. It only 2-3 months before Gaddafi fell to NATO-backed insurgents. In Syria it has taken 3 years, and Syria is still standing!
Besides, the SAA has control of the major power-centers like Damascus, Homs, Hama, the coast and they are making good inroad to Aleppo as well.

It is Turkey that chickened out.
Every time it looked like the US was about to attack or get more involved, Turkey was openly announcing their enthusiasm. Especially Davotglu, he was running around like a happy little puppy.
When US backed out of military action, Turkey and ErDOGan stayed quiet and were left rather embarassed.
There is no reason for Turkey to go into a war with Syria now, but in the 90s it almost happened and Hafez chickned back, it has nothing to do with NATO since they only interfere when Turkey would have been attacked.

Syria is no treat for Turkey, not even close, its their ally Russia, it was even Russia that downed our jet.

Report: Russians Told Syrians To Shoot Down Turkish Jet, Kill Pilots

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