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Erdogan: Turkey may attack Syria's Idlib if situation remains unresolved

Sry dude I have no idea what ulema and whatever are but let's not get religious about it because according to my religion you're a devil worshipper and your soul is forever damned to burn in the fire pitts of hell because of your pagan beliefs......Of course....we shouldn't base our discussion on religious grounds, it's not ethical and.,I believe.,against forum rules,so....drop it pls

Stick to your religion, which you know about.

Leave what constitutes Islam to Muslims who practice the faith. This is all I am saying.
Albanians are some of the best Muslims I have seen in the states. Some of the biggest names in the Islamic scholarly world are Albanians or Kosovars.

Great people. They are a great friend and ally to Pakistan.


Jummah in the Heart of Europe :smitten:
haha, you are insane man.
haha, you are insane man.
If you tell him that the sun rises from Morning and go down at night he still deny no point of wasting time on this delusional loser I know his kind they like to live in fantasy that makes them happy instead of face the harsh reality.
Yeah just go and ask them about what they feel about Islam and ottoman invaders and see if you can make it home:lol:. And this is the big difference between you and them unlike you and don’t glorify the people who taped their Hindu ancestors like you do with your Persian-turkomongol rulers:lol:
I wonder if he knows that Skanderbeg is the national hero?

Tip......he was no pasha
haha, you are insane man.

All Sunnis are insane to you, no problem.

I agree....Still.,the discussion started about Iran in Bosnia...that was the topic

Actually that was not my original statement. I said Iran betrayed Bosnia, Kosovo, Turks, and others by establishing ties with Serbia, while to most Muslims Serbia is still a pariah state for its rabid Islamophobia and glorification of murder, rape, and ethnic cleansing of Muslims.

I wonder if he knows that Skanderbeg is the national hero?

Tip......he was no pasha

I know about Albanian history, but you should know that Albanians are not anti-Turkish, Communism is gone since the era of Partizans defeated them. Nowadays Albanians get alot well with Turks, Pakistanis, Arabs, and other Muslims.

He is delunal Islamist terrorist who live in his own fantasies he doesn’t know who is skanderbeg or how Albanians are more atheists than China and more nationalists than Nazi germany and they don’t give a fk about his religion and they drink and eat pork and have sex without marriage they are basically just Europeans as anyone else also they say they converted only to avoid the taxes of the ottomans and not because they believe in so called the religion of the Turk:lol:

Reported, again. You really want to get banned don't you.

You call any Muslim who disagrees with you a terrorist?

You admit your Islamophobic hate in the open yet again.

Yeah just go and ask them about what they feel about Islam and ottoman invaders and see if you can make it home:lol:. And this is the big difference between you and them unlike you and don’t glorify the people who taped their Hindu ancestors like you do with your Persian-turkomongol rulers:lol:

Reported for this Hindutva rape fetish pseudohistory. Dont talk about Pakistani history, if you dont know anything.
Your barking and lies doesn’t make sense many Muslims have natural relationship with Serbia. Also most of Albanians don’t give a fk about you or Turkey.

You need to work on your obsession over Pakistanis and Turks. What is an anti-Muslim troll like you doing here anyways?

I have a great friendship with the Albanian community in the US, some of my best friends are Albanians, I know many of the Albanian Islamic scholars and personalities here as well.

They rightfully admire Turkey and Pakistan as fellow Muslim countries. You guys are living in some 80s era where communists still rule Albania. It is a Muslim country and Islam is resurgent there, just like how it is in Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, Dagestan, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, and Tataristan.
You need to work on your obsession over Pakistanis and Turks. What is an anti-Muslim troll like you doing here anyways?

I have a great friendship with the Albanian community in the US, some of my best friends are Albanians, I know many of the Albanian Islamic scholars and personalities here as well.

They rightfully admire Turkey and Pakistan as fellow Muslim countries. You guys are living in some 80s era where communists still rule Albania. It is a Muslim country and Islam is resurgent there, just like how it is in Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, Dagestan, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, and Tataristan.
Yeah yeah do you have more lies and bullshit you turk obsessed loser?!:lol:
Yeah yeah do you have more lies and bullshit you turk obsessed loser?!:lol:

Whatever man. Why are you so peeved of my closeness to Turks and Turkish culture?

It is an internet forum, go find a better hobby.

I won't insult your religion or political views because I respect minorities who live in Muslim majority countries.

Probably you are part-Turkish too, if you scratch the surface.
Whatever man. Why are you so peeved of my closeness to Turks and Turkish culture?

It is an internet forum, go find a better hobby.

I won't insult your religion or political views because I respect minorities who live in Muslim majority countries.

Probably you are part-Turkish too, if you scratch the surface.
Sorry but you have very little in common with the Turks no matter how you try you better stick with your afghan and south Asian brothers and stop act like wannabe anatolians.
Sorry but you have very little in common with the Turks no matter how you try you better stick with your afghan and south Asian brothers and stop act like wannabe anatolians.

What is it to you?

Do I have to take DNA tests and post my shajarat al nasab for you?

You have absolutely zero idea of my family history, my genetics, or my culture.

Pakistanis on average are 10% Turkic origin, mostly from Southern Ozbekistan, namely Ferghana valley. Some of us, like my royal lineage, have higher ratio of Turk or Mongol blood as well.

We are mostly Iranic and IVC makeup. Why are you so concerned with Pakistanis?

Our close ties with Turks/Turkics are a result of the intellectual, spiritual and literary history which we both share as scions of two of the most important Muslim civilizations in history, namely Seljuks/Ottomans and Dilli Sultanat/Ghaznavi/Ghouri/Mughals/Durranis.

If he feels he has a connection with us then this is fine and none of ur business, sand nigger. You have to understand that arabs are inferior beings, no matter how hard you try to twist this fact.

It is a historical friendship which we share with Turks, we fought on Gallipolli, even ditching our British overlords, and we gave all our women's jewelry in the cause of defense of Turkey. All Turks will remember the sacrifices Pakistanis gave to the cause of the Republic of Turkey, Sultan AbdulHamid, and Atatürk.

We wear that distinction with pride. We did not betray our fellow Muslims like Arab rebels did.
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It is a historical friendship which we share with Turks, we fought on Gallipolli, even ditching our British overlords, and we gave all our women's jewelry in the cause of defense of Turkey. All Turks will remember the sacrifices Pakistanis gave to the cause of the Republic of Turkey, Sultan AbdulHamid, and Atatürk.

We wear that distinction with pride. We did not betray our fellow Muslims like Arab rebels did.

Sure, in case that subhuman tries to shit on you again, quote me in so I remind where he and his inferior folks stand. I rekt that bastard already a couple of times :)
Sure, in case that subhuman tries to shit on you again, quote me in so I remind where he and his inferior folks stand. I rekt that bastard already a couple of times :)

Thanks brother.

I have already reported him a few times but Mods have yet to act. Let us see if something happens.
If he feels he has a connection with us then this is fine and none of ur business, sand nigger. You have to understand that arabs are inferior beings, no matter how hard you try to twist this fact.

Why do you keep using that word? You're as much of a 'sand nigger' as dani is

unbelievable...seeing anyone outside of western europe or north america try to act like a straight up racist white weeb has to be the cringiest thing ever
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