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Erdogan: Turkey may attack Syria's Idlib if situation remains unresolved

Turky, biggest threat to sectarianism, and peace in the region.

That awards goes to Iran number 1, and second, third to KSA, UAE.

Turkey has been unequivocal about pursuing a Non-sectarian agenda based on mutual sovereignty of neighboring states. This is why Turkey's strongest ally is Shia Azerbaijan.

I think in this whole region, only Turkey and Pakistan are Non-sectarian, all other states are feeding the internecine mayhem.
Not long ago, Sulemani was threatening Pakistani borders to make India happy, along with buddies in Afghan NDS, and to spread Pak forces thinly to cover India's failed stunt in Balakot.

This is not surprising. When the syrian civil war ends never ever allow those pakistani shia militias to come back.

If they do they will be the next ttp and will be sowing chaos in Pakistan to Benefit Iran and India.
Shia iran who actually backstabbed their shia Azerbaijani brothers in the Karabag war.

Iran feels sorrow for Armenians and supports Serbs, but doesn't give two cents for Azeris of Nagorno-Karabakh and Bosnian, Kosovo victims of genocide.

They play the same game with Pakistan in Kashmir, supporting India. Then in Afghanistan, they team up with ex-communist and NA to prevent peace and national reconciliation.

What hypocrites.

This is not surprising. When the syrian civil war ends never ever allow those pakistani shia militias to come back.

If they do they will be the next ttp and will be sowing chaos in Pakistan to Benefit Iran and India.

They tried to kill Mufti Taqi Usmani, because he met with Taliban and furthered Pakistan's geopolitical concerns.
Iran feels sorrow for Armenians and supports Serbs, but doesn't give two cents for Azeris of Nagorno-Karabakh and Bosnian, Kosovo victims of genocide.

They play the same game with Pakistan in Kashmir, supporting India. Then in Afghanistan, they team up with ex-communist and NA to prevent peace and national reconciliation.

What hypocrites.

They tried to kill Mufti Taqi Usmani, because he met with Taliban and furthered Pakistan's geopolitical concerns.
Please change your username to pan sectarian pakistani

Iran, a predominantly Shia country, was one of the first Muslim countries to provide support for the Bosnian Muslims (Bosniaks, who are mainly Sunni Muslim) in the war. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) sent more than five (5,000 to 14,000 tons from May 1994 to January 1996 alone[1]) thousand tonnes of arms to the Bosnian Muslims.[2] IRGC also supplied trainers and advisers for the Bosnian military and intelligence service.[2] Several dozen Iranian intelligence experts joined the Bosnian Muslim intelligence agency.[3] The Iranian Ministry of Intelligence-supported mujahideen units trained selected Bosnian army units.[4] The Hezbollah (Lebanese Shia), supported by Iran, also sent fighters to the war.[5] In 1992, Iran with the help of Turkey smuggled arms to the Bosnian Muslims.[6] Reports of "hundreds of tons of weapons" shipped from Iran over a period of months appeared in the media in early 1995.[7] Iranian arms were shipped through Croatia.[8] Robert Baer, a CIA agent stationed in Sarajevo during the war, later claimed that "In Sarajevo, the Bosnian Muslim government is a client of the Iranians . . . If it's a choice between the CIA and the Iranians, they'll take the Iranians any day." By the war's end, public opinion polls showed some 86% of the Bosnian Muslim population expressed a positive attitude toward Iran.[9] According to the scholar Cees Wiebes, during the war “Turkey and Saudi Arabia were very willing to deliver weapons and to lure Alija Izetbegović away from Iran, but the orientation of the Bosnian government was far more towards Iran.”[10]

I have never seen a factual comment from you, only sectarian BS
Ok bro, no problem, come and i will apply it for you :-)

And btw. Irans main objective in Syria was to:

1. Make sure Assad stays in power.

We succesfully reached that goal.

Turkeys main goal in Syria was:

1. Make proxies in Arab land by supporting ISIS, Al Nusrah, Hayat Tahrir al Sham and other terrorist groups.

2. Erdogan wanted to bcome a Sultan, similar to GCC sheikhs. And rule M.E together with Turkeys friends and allies back then, UAE, KSA, and Qatar

3. Erdogan: "Assad must go"

In contrast, what did Turkey achieve?

1. Instead of making proxies, it became enemies with all the terrorist groups it supported.

2. Became enemies with KSA and UAE.

3. Pissed off Russia,

4. Pissed off USA.

5. Pissed of EU

6. Shut up about "Assad must go" and now instead negotiate with Iran and Russia.

7. Now they have to fight PKK terrorists in Syria a result of how stupid Turkey is.

Iran did achieve its goal. Turkey achieved 0 of its goals and created a bigger mess for itself.

Did you Google that as well?

Not long ago, Sulemani was threatening Pakistani borders to make India happy, along with buddies in Afghan NDS, and to spread Pak forces thinly to cover India's failed stunt in Balakot.
Soleimani was barely a primary school graduate. So, such bullshit is expected.
That awards goes to Iran number 1, and second, third to KSA, UAE.

Turkey has been unequivocal about pursuing a Non-sectarian agenda based on mutual sovereignty of neighboring states. This is why Turkey's strongest ally is Shia Azerbaijan.

I think in this whole region, only Turkey and Pakistan are Non-sectarian, all other states are feeding the internecine mayhem.
This is so true. Beyond all doubt.

Pakistan and Turkey have nationalistic interests like any other nation state. The countries you mentioned have (to varying degrees) this bizarre obsession with reliving historical sectarian conflicts through their warped lenses. As if history hasn't taught us enough already regarding this nonsense. Leaders like MBS and the mullahs seem to have perpetual vendettas against one another.

Please change your username to pan sectarian pakistani

Iran, a predominantly Shia country, was one of the first Muslim countries to provide support for the Bosnian Muslims (Bosniaks, who are mainly Sunni Muslim) in the war. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) sent more than five (5,000 to 14,000 tons from May 1994 to January 1996 alone[1]) thousand tonnes of arms to the Bosnian Muslims.[2] IRGC also supplied trainers and advisers for the Bosnian military and intelligence service.[2] Several dozen Iranian intelligence experts joined the Bosnian Muslim intelligence agency.[3] The Iranian Ministry of Intelligence-supported mujahideen units trained selected Bosnian army units.[4] The Hezbollah (Lebanese Shia), supported by Iran, also sent fighters to the war.[5] In 1992, Iran with the help of Turkey smuggled arms to the Bosnian Muslims.[6] Reports of "hundreds of tons of weapons" shipped from Iran over a period of months appeared in the media in early 1995.[7] Iranian arms were shipped through Croatia.[8] Robert Baer, a CIA agent stationed in Sarajevo during the war, later claimed that "In Sarajevo, the Bosnian Muslim government is a client of the Iranians . . . If it's a choice between the CIA and the Iranians, they'll take the Iranians any day." By the war's end, public opinion polls showed some 86% of the Bosnian Muslim population expressed a positive attitude toward Iran.[9] According to the scholar Cees Wiebes, during the war “Turkey and Saudi Arabia were very willing to deliver weapons and to lure Alija Izetbegović away from Iran, but the orientation of the Bosnian government was far more towards Iran.”[10]

I have never seen a factual comment from you, only sectarian BS
Iran is admittedly significantly less maligned by sectarianism than GCC but that doesn't absolve it of guilt. It is established fact that Iran works happily with unsavoury anti-Sunni characters across the region to further its interests.
Don’t lie you scumbag Iranians never supported the Serbs while your erdogan is doing business with them lol.

I reported you for resurrecting a dead thread just to utter your abuse.

Iran sent weapons to Bosnian Muslims...to be historically accurate

What did Iran do when Kosova got freedom?

In September 2011, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran, Mohammed Akondzadeh, visited Serbia during the annual NAM council held in Belgrade that year, and claimed that Iran doesn't recognize Kosovo as a sovereign nation, and that he hoped friendly relations between Serbia and Iran would progress further.
I reported you for resurrecting a dead thread just to utter your abuse.

What did Iran do when Kosova got freedom?

In September 2011, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran, Mohammed Akondzadeh, visited Serbia during the annual NAM council held in Belgrade that year, and claimed that Iran doesn't recognize Kosovo as a sovereign nation, and that he hoped friendly relations between Serbia and Iran would progress further.

To be honest, a lot of nations, didn't recognise that cesspool masquerading as a country....including mine. But, let's be honest.,even today that so called nation builds its economy with human and drug traffic...they're not actually a viable country per say...but.,Iran did help the Bosnians
I reported you for resurrecting a dead thread just to utter your abuse.

What did Iran do when Kosova got freedom?

In September 2011, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran, Mohammed Akondzadeh, visited Serbia during the annual NAM council held in Belgrade that year, and claimed that Iran doesn't recognize Kosovo as a sovereign nation, and that he hoped friendly relations between Serbia and Iran would progress further.
That’s because Kosovo and Albanians in general are western bitches who have nothing to do with Islam and they always side with the west so why the fk Iran would recognize them. Also you piece of shit said Iran support Serbia prove it.
That’s because Kosovo and Albanians in general are western bitches who have nothing to do with Islam and they always side with the west so why the fk Iran would recognize them. Also you piece of shit said Iran support Serbia prove it.
I'd like to ask the guy if it's ok to bomb Serbia to create a safe heaven for drug smugglers...aka Kosovo today....on the same reasoning, Turkey should do the same...as in create a Kurd state...no?

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan it's basically the same situation
That’s because Kosovo and Albanians in general are western bitches who have nothing to do with Islam and they always side with the west so why the fk Iran would recognize them. Also you piece of shit said Iran support Serbia prove it.

Non-Muslims don't have the right to declare any Muslims as having nothing to do with Islam.

Know your place.
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