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Erdogan says Turkey interested in improving relations with Israel

give glory to these peoples who openly colluded with our enemies, and themselves were invaded by them. now 50 years later they still honour and ruled by Hindus that’s very honourable state

1971, Pakistans small army units did what they could there. where betrayal was happening all round them with these peoples.

and yep, Pakistan hasn’t been gobbled up by neighbours thanks to god for Pakistan army. Martial race !!! yes thank you we Pashtuns are that in Pakistan unlike other weaklings groups ..,,
Who needs to gobble up Pakistan when Yahya Khan, Bhutto and his boys himself caused Pakistan to break? The eastern wing would not have broken and there could have been a confederation or a loose union if they had not declared fcking Operation Searchlight.

Anyone with an ounce worth of military knowledge knows that a war 2000 miles away with an enemy in between is going to end up in defeat. Many people were advising against it.

The Pakistani people never asked for an operation on our eastern wing. The "martial race" dictator and his cabal decided to take that action on his own when many others were advising against him. So don't act like you were defending Pakistan. You were attacking and eventually cutting our eastern wing off due to your own foolish policies.
give glory to these peoples who openly colluded with our enemies, and themselves were invaded by them. now 50 years later they still honour and ruled by Hindus that’s very honourable state
Also, ruled by Hindus? Lol. Bangladesh is not ruled by Hindus. It's thriving economically. In fact it's overtaken Pakistan when it was much below us initially. And had you guys in your martial race arrogance not declared war and maybe treated them equally, we together with East Pakistan would have been a much stronger country economically. There's more to life than being hurr durr warrior races like you always love to boast. Tell me how well the warrior raced-ness of your brothers across the Durand Line is going? Occupied by foreign powers since the 1980s lol. Aya bara defender of Pakistan. As if no other people contribute to the army or economy of Pakistan.
I can understand Pakistan elite dilemma on this, we are simply protecting our Kashmiris UN resolution by not talking to Israel or recognising it.

You can not recognise Israeli state who breaks UN resolutions, by illegal settlement , and land theft. and your then expecting others to respect ours on Kashmir It doesn’t work like this

so we will be the only Muslim state not do this. so we sit tight all is ok. And fight on alhamdulliah
Also, ruled by Hindus? Lol. Bangladesh is not ruled by Hindus. It's thriving economically. In fact it's overtaken Pakistan when it was much below us initially. And had you guys in your martial race arrogance not declared war and maybe treated them equally, we together with East Pakistan would have been a much stronger country economically. There's more to life than being hurr durr warrior races like you always love to boast. Tell me how well the warrior raced-ness of your brothers across the Durand Line is going? Occupied by foreign powers since the 1980s lol. Aya bara defender of Pakistan. As if no other people contribute to the army or economy of Pakistan.

Jesus Christ ...... lol

just go on to YouTube see the mega projects of new Pakistan town and cities and motorways infrastructure being built from scratch. it’s happening all over in the country. you think Pakistan is sleeping and standing still . and you people are doing it.

Let’s just agree, on cultures, language dress and our appearance is not the same. as each other.
@The Eagle @BHarwana
Guys, i didn't know that Pakistan is One of Iranian colonies.

You can export cheap Iranian oil to Pakistan without paying duties.

You can export COVID to Pakistan like it's your backyard trash bin.

You can send Kulbhoshan Yadeve to Pakistan but we still blame our selves.

We fight with US to lift sanctions on Iran but we never said Iran to lift sanctions on US.

Our people come and fight your anti Arab wars:

If you need more evidence let me know....
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You can export cheap Iranian oil to Pakistan without paying duties.

You can export COVID to Pakistan like it's your backyard trash bin.

You can send Kulbhoshan Yadeve to Pakistan but we still blame our selves.

We fight with US to lift sanctions on Iran but we never said Iran to lift sanctions on US.

Our people come and fight your anti Arab wars:

If you need more evidence let me know....
If you call these craps the evidence then you must be a school kid boy. Look kid, the whole World is engaged with this pandemic not only Middle East or South Asia. China has cordial relations with Pk hence that was obvious sooner or later corona wouldve appeared in Pakistan.

And thanks for Pakistan's non existent help. Pakistan is under a 30 years contract with US led Qatari companies. You cannot complain of the price you cannot change the price id call it modern colonizing of a sovereign country, but when it comes to Iran things becomes different. Pakistan has to pay a high price for its 'Yes Sir' policy towards USA. Pay it and be proud of it, count on my 2 cents.
Pakistan is under a 30 years contract with US led Qatari companies.
and you have evidence for it?
Pakistan has to pay a high price for its 'Yes Sir' policy towards USA.
Its not policy... but our policy should of what ever serves Pakistan's economical interest best.

BTW, state sponsored Iranian oil is no joke... come to Pakistan, simply walk to any gas station of your choice. take a sample and if local refineries accept it as their own produce, i will be ready to accept any punishment any one suggest for me.

As far i remember, there's daily /monthly quota for individuals to buy oil. See i'm not demanding any action from Iranian regime, but only from Imran Khan.
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Its not policy... but our policy should of what ever serves Pakistan's economical interest best.
As per you shit's quote, Pakistan was an Iranian colony.
BTW, state sponsored Iranian oil is no joke... come to Pakistan, simply walk to any gas station of your choice. take a sample and if local refineries accept it as their own produce, i will be ready to accept any punishment any one suggest for me.
It will end don't worry.
As far i remember, there's daily /monthly quota for individuals to buy oil. See i'm not demanding any action from Iranian regime, but only from Imran Khan.
You are a Wahabi garbage who has to deny his own existence. MBS spilled the beans, wahabis don't even exist as per his QUOTE when he said we spread wahabism at request of West. Go find some where dry, Cool, calm and die. Your master denied you.
Turkey is actually one of the most dangerous members of NATO. Because they are a wolf in sheeps clothing.

they will pretend to be advancing islamic causes, and instead recruit stupid jihadis to actually fight for NATO+Israel against any anti-Israel, anti - western hegomonic world order. we saw this in Syria, and we saw this in Azerbaijan.

Erdogan has been playing this hot and cold game with Israel for a decade now. people really need to open their eyes and start actually listening to the Zionists themselves.

The zionists are obssessed and terrified of Iran to no end. while having 0 fear of turkey. there is a very good reason for that.
Turkey hopes for better relations with Israel, Erdoğan says

Turkey has not fully cut off its relations with Israel and continues to cooperate with the country in the intelligence field, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Friday.

"The main problem right now is about individuals at the top," Erdoğan told reporters following Friday prayers.

"The Palestine policy is our red line. It is impossible for us to accept Israel's Palestine policies. Their merciless acts there are unacceptable," Erdoğan said.

"If there were no issues at the top level, our ties could have been very different," he added.

However, the president noted that Turkey hopes to improve its relations with the country. "We would like to bring our ties to a better point," he said.

Meanwhile, recent reports claimed that Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has been trying to mend relations between the two countries.

Azerbaijan, which recently liberated its territories from Armenian occupation in Nagorno-Karabakh, used drones and other defense systems from Turkey and Israel, which helped it gain superiority. According to the Israeli website Walla!, Aliyev called Erdoğan earlier this week and made several suggestions about ways to improve diplomatic ties with Israel.

Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov also reportedly called his Israeli counterpart Gabi Ashkenazi last week to bring up the same issue and noted that Baku would be interested in improving ties between both of its allies.

Relations between Turkey and Israel drastically declined in 2010 following an Israeli naval raid on a Turkish aid ship, the Mavi Marmara, en route to deliver humanitarian aid to the blockaded Gaza Strip. The raid killed 10 activists.

The event caused an unprecedented crisis in the decadeslong peaceful Turkish-Israeli relations. Both countries even recalled their diplomatic envoys following the massacre.

In 2013, with Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu's apology to Turkey and the payment of $20 million (about TL 38 million at the time) in compensation to the Mavi Marmara victims, Turkish-Israeli relations entered a period of normalization.

In December 2016, both countries reappointed ambassadors as part of the reconciliation deal and reiterated several times the necessity of further improvements in bilateral relations.

Turkish officials continue to criticize Israel’s policies targeting Palestinians, however, including illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem and the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Turkish citizens have also been complaining about Israel’s arbitrary restrictions on visits. However, Israel's informal policy of deportation, visa rejection, arbitrary detention and delay of Turkish nationals for no reason at airports has failed to discourage hundreds of visitors each year.

Known for its unbreakable solidarity with the Palestinians, Turkey has been voicing support for the Palestinian cause in the international realm for decades. Turkish authorities emphasize that the only way to achieve lasting peace and stability in the Middle East is through a fair and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue within the framework of international law and United Nations resolutions.

Israel occupied east Jerusalem during the 1967 Six-Day War. In 1980, in a move never recognized by the international community, Israel annexed the entire city, claiming it as the self-proclaimed Jewish state's "eternal and undivided" capital. Last year, the U.N. called the Israeli occupation in Palestine "the longest occupation" in the world.

Jerusalem remains at the heart of the Middle East conflict, with Palestinians hoping that east Jerusalem, occupied by Israel since 1967, might eventually serve as the capital of an independent Palestinian state.

In January, U.S. President Donald Trump announced a so-called peace plan for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, dubbing it the "Deal of the Century," although it had already been roundly rejected by the Palestinians.

Netanyahu was with Trump at the White House for the announcement, but no Palestinian officials were present. In a news conference, Trump said Jerusalem will remain Israel's "undivided capital."

Turkey rejected the plan, saying it would not support any plan that is not accepted by the Palestinian authorities, adding that peace in the Middle East would not be obtained if the policies based on occupation continued.

Trump's so-called peace plan unilaterally annuls previous U.N. resolutions on the Palestinian issue and suggests giving Israel almost everything it has been demanding

Why are people so sour about this news? Is there anything im missing? Erdogan said Turkey wants even better relations with Israel(they still have relations/ties and trade for a long time now) . So having better relations is a welcome move. I don't see what's wrong here.
Why are people so sour about this news? Is there anything im missing? Erdogan said Turkey wants even better relations with Israel(they still have relations/ties and trade for a long time now) . So having better relations is a welcome move. I don't see what's wrong here.
That is a double headed snake move. One end claiming to new caplihate. Champion for muslim clause. Other end trying to be best friend of Israel who still haven't give palestine their state and great support of Indian in Kashmir clause. Everybody know Israel is acting like a tyrant against Muslim countries and has no regards for international law by attacking Muslim countries like Syria, Iraq and Iran. Assassin anybody that they don't like nobody business.

You think Israel will treat Pakistan ties more important than India if ties formalised between Israel and Pakistan? More like Israel will pass secret of Pakistan to India if ties have formalised.

Israel is just another America. They treat Pakistan as dirt while treasure India like precious stone. Please do not hold any illusion of Zion.
China has good relations and full diplomatic/trade ties with the Zionist state. Why are you forbidding Pakistan from doing the same? lol Dont worry Pakistan wont collapse because they set up diplomatic relations with Israel like Turkey did long ago. lol
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