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Erdoan demands Hollande explain meeting with killed terrorist

well isn't PKK labeled as terrorists by NATO?? and Khomeini wasn't labeled as a terrorist......

Simple, they don't have the morality... They don't give a sh.t about the suffering PKK has caused. They couldn't care less as long as it doesn't affect them.
You seem to know somethings about history but not all of it. You probably forgot the days when Turkics were mowing you over Turkic people were smaller group but managed to conquer almighty China, how is that possible if we are inferior? Chini people can only be copycat but you can only be so far. Today's China is built upon Gengkis Khan's d1ck with his Turkic warriors. China is desperately trying to hold on to what Gengkis Khan has built but it will be all in vain. Chinese will never be Turks. Once Chinese authoritarian Iron hand loose its grip, it will be all over. This is the faith of all tyrannic goverments. Japanese, Uighur, Tibet and other victims of Chini unhumanity will celebrate.

This guy forgets alot man. Let's leave him to suffer under the inferiority of cengiz, Japanese and maunchu. Not to forget USA rescue them.
For some terrorist for others freedom fighters, cant freedom fighter adopt terrorism as tactics? they can be the same.
Assad has been supporting PKK for years. This is also counts for other neighbors such as Iraq and Iran. Maybe you know the old saying: what comes around go's around. Everybody who supported PKK will pay the price.

I hope I answered your question.

thanks for your reply and clarification

as for Iran - wouldnt it be foolish of them to support PKK? They are also dealing with Kurdish separatist problem. These Kurdish nationalists want land from Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran :lol:
For some terrorist for others freedom fighters, cant freedom fighter adopt terrorism as tactics? they can be the same.

So you're saying the Hamas & Hizbollah are fighting for freedom? seems legit.
Simple, they don't have the morality... They don't give a sh.t about the suffering PKK has caused. They couldn't care less as long as it doesn't affect them.

Well that's NATO... which is the Turkish Government is taking orders from.... no offense...
Well that's NATO... which is the Turkish Government is taking orders from.... no offense...
Nope.. that's france.

taking orders.. giving orders.. perceive however you like
as for Iran - wouldnt it be foolish of them to support PKK? They are also dealing with Kurdish separatist problem. These Kurdish nationalists want land from Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran :lol:
point me one non-foolish thing iranian regime did since the 1979... There's a reason why they are without friends
So you're saying the Hamas & Hizbollah are fighting for freedom? seems legit.

Of course they are, i just happen to disagree with their cause, and they are using terror tactics.
Turkey is making a fool out itself with such hypocrisy. Erdoğan demands Hollande explain meeting with killed terrorist while his country is hosting and training Free Syrian Army. Hypocrisy at its best!
Is the FSA listed as a terrorist organisation by the UN or the EU?
The PKK is.
For some terrorist for others freedom fighters, cant freedom fighter adopt terrorism as tactics? they can be the same.
What freedom dont the kurds have in Turkey?
So Hamas are freedomfighters to?
this guy has a nerve lol.

What freedom dont the kurds have in Turkey?
So Hamas are freedomfighters to?

I dont know, you should as Kurds which freedom they are fighting for.
Yes, hamas fight for Jew free Israel, from Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea.
So you think its legitimate that Hamas fights and kills Israelis?
I know I made the comparison, but in retrospect it was a dumb one, because they are not comparable. While (methods aside) one has a real reason, that I can understand, to fight the other one does not. The PKK has no place in Turkey, the only reason they keep doing what they're doing is because drug trafficing is highly profitable.
this guy has a nerve lol.


Erdogan is confused. He supports Palestine separatists, Kurdish separatists, Azeri separatists, he wastes Turkish tax payers money in Somalia, Myammar. He has a vision to be champion of African. He attacks Alevis, Iran, Russia. He was abandoned by Europe. His foreign minister turned zero problem foreign policy to zero friend policy. This group revised Islam, abandoned the prophecy of Muhammed as instructed by the overseas powers.
What freedom dont the kurds have in Turkey?

Are...are you serious? Kurds didn't even have the right to speak their own language in Turkey until recently. In fact, the whole pretext for these negotiations are that PKK will lay down arms and Kurdish people will get more minority rights.
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