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Erdoan demands Hollande explain meeting with killed terrorist

Hurriat articles blame NATO, PKK.


Todays zaman generally blames Iran, accuses MHP of being pro-Iranian. Is MHP really pro-Iranian?

1) Totally blames Iran:
What will Iran do?

2)Paris assassinations and the
Considers Iran as a possibility (after EU and Israel) (Huseyin Gulerce is a really good geostrategist, in my opinion)

3)The PKK bookkeeper and cover-up
Considers Iran as a possibility

In my opinion, no matter who did it, blaming it on Iran would be a wise policy for both France and Turkey. It would mean further isolation of Iran, it would reinforce the peace talks, it would also draw the attention of PKK and its sympathiseres from Turkey towards Iran.
A lot of groups have reasons to do this:
PKK, France, EU, Iran, Armenia, Greece, Israel, Turkish groups

The worst part is you can not trust the French police reports. It may be only made up to put turkey in a new problem.

Yes, but the question is which of those countries has the expertise to conduct such operation. From that list, only Iran and Israel, as non-Turkish/Kurdish groups, are capable of handling such operation.
In my opinion, no matter who did it, blaming it on Iran would be a wise policy for both France and Turkey. It would mean further isolation of Iran, it would reinforce the peace talks, it would also draw the attention of PKK and its sympathiseres from Turkey towards Iran.
Yes, that is what I was thinking.

If they did it or not. Iran is known for doing such things. It is very probable that Iran did it this time.

And to say the truth, everybody is preparing an attack on Iran. Allies need propaganda, whether it is true or false doesn't matter, only if it meets its end. Iran is guilty in this matter any way.
In my opinion, no matter who did it, blaming it on Iran would be a wise policy for both France and Turkey. It would mean further isolation of Iran, it would reinforce the peace talks, it would also draw the attention of PKK and its sympathiseres from Turkey towards Iran.

Erdogan has already blamed the PKK, and that surprised me, considering the current relations between Iran and Turkey. Even if Iran is behind it; I don't think Erdogan would make that public.
as non-Turkish/Kurdish groups, are capable of handling such operation.

It is not really about capability, it is simply not the favorite method of Turkish Intelligence since it would cost us dearly to assassinate someone in EU.

Erdogan has already blamed the PKK, and that surprised me, considering the current relations between Iran and Turkey. Even if Iran is behind it; I don't think Erdogan would make that public.

As far as i know, he said "it might be the job of some groups within PKK but we don't know much yet"

So he hasn't blamed anyone yet.
It is not really about capability, it is simply not the favorite method of Turkish Intelligence since it would cost us dearly to assassinate someone in EU.

Besides that; Turkey and the PKK had made agreements of not targeting each others officials in Europe.
In my opinion, no matter who did it, blaming it on Iran would be a wise policy for both France and Turkey. It would mean further isolation of Iran, it would reinforce the peace talks, it would also draw the attention of PKK and its sympathiseres from Turkey towards Iran.
lol @ Tur
Remember our discussion from a few days back Tur? How you claimed that you always report Ottoman Turk's posts and how you're not like him? Remember that I told you that you're full of it. Thanks for proving my points
lol @ Tur
Remember our discussion from a few days back Tur? How you claimed that you always report Ottoman Turk's posts and how you're not like him? Remember that I told you that you're full of it. Thanks for proving my points

"let's blame Iran even though Iran wasn't involved"

Ottoman Turk disease is spreading
If you look at the whole picture, Iran is the only candidate who would do such a thing. If you look at IRanian histoyr, they are known for it. That is why he said, it is justified to blame Iran.
If you look at the whole picture, Iran is the only candidate who would do such a thing. If you look at IRanian histoyr, they are known for it. That is why he said, it is justified to blame Iran.

It isn't justified to blame Iran; it is, on the other hand, not wrong to name Iran as one of the candidates. To be honest; my initial suspicion was Iran too. Simply because of its history with these kind of assassinations and its interest to see this conflict continuing. If I was in the position to make these kind of decisions, and I would have a interest in seeing this Turkish-Kurdish conflict continuing, I would have done something similar too. Don't underestimate the mullahs.
"let's blame Iran even though Iran wasn't involved"

Ottoman Turk disease is spreading

Unlike OT, i didn't say it out of my hate, but because in my opinion it is the logical thing to do.

Doesn't really matter if Iran involved in this incident or not, it is a proven fact that Iran is in favor of this conflict and did everything it can do to prolong it. This is just one of the many ways to make Iran pay.
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